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精品范文模板 可修改删除撰写人:_日 期:_论坛演讲稿4篇师德师风所包含的内容,自古就是“教书育人,为人师表。”一年来,我能坚持学习,努力提高自身的思想政治素质,学习教育法、教师法,按照中小学教师职业道德规范严格要求自己,奉公守法,遵守社会公德,把忠诚于人民的教育事业,看成是最高美德。在工作上我勤勤恳恳,兢兢业业,服从领导,不打折扣,认真完成学校领导交给的各项工作任务,严格执行师德规范,用高度的事业心、责任心对待学生,正确处理与学生家长的关系,赢得了广大学生家长的普遍赞许。在平时我经常进行自我反省,时时处处对自己严格要求,查找不足,努力营造一个好教师的形象。精通教学业务是教师之所以成为教师的关键。只有精通业务,才能将科学文化知识准确地传授给学生,而不至于误人子弟。如果学生提出的问题教师总是不能准确地解答,教师在学生心中的威信就会逐步丧失,学生对教师也没有信心可言,对教师任教的学科也不可能有学习兴趣,当然也不可能学好这门课程,提高教育教学质量也将成为一句空话。因此,我不断加强自身修养的提高,让自己的知识处于不断更新的状态,跟上时代发展趋势,不断更新教育观念,改革教学方法,力求很好地去解学生之“惑”,传为人之“道”。十年树木,百年树人”,踏上三尺讲台,也就意味着踏上了艰巨而漫长的育人之旅。教师面对的不是冷冰冰的产品,而是一个个有着鲜活生命,正在茁壮成长的孩子每个人都有自己的自尊,是有自己思想和行动自由的独立个体,被平等对待是一大愿望,能得到老师的尊重对学生是极大的精神激励。从尊重学生出发,建立新型的现代师生关系,教师要进行必要的角色转换,学会倾听,学会理解,学会宽容,学会欣赏,懂得赞美,善于交流,成为学生成长的伙伴,成为学生成长的引导者和鼓励者,而高尚且富有魅力的师德就是一部教科书,就是一股强大的精神力量,对学生的影响是耳濡目染的、潜移默化的、受益终生的。平时我注意尊重学生的人格,了解学生的个性,相信学生,关心学生。对学生既严格要求又注意他们的个性差异,区别对待,对程度、水平不同的学生,采取不同的教育方法,特别是差生,给予更多的关心,不让一个学生掉队,尽最大的努力使他们健康成长。但在教学教学实践中有时还放不开手脚,畏首畏尾,对学生的心理动态了解把握的还不够好,因此解决学生的思想上的问题和应急问题的措施常常不能得心应手。今后我要进一步以中小学教师职业道德规范严格要求自己,提高自己的工作责任心,培养高尚的道德品质,对学生要有慈母般的爱心,做家长认可、学生喜欢、学校放心的“三满意”教师。最新班主任论坛演讲稿论坛演讲稿(2) 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返回目录各位班主任老师们,大家好。瞧,咱们有两种身份。首先我们是一名教师,再者,我们是教师中与学生接触最为密切的班主任。有人说:老师像红烛,老师像园丁,老师像春雨,老师像一把金钥匙,老师像知心朋友,老师像我们的妈妈对于老师的赞美实在是太多太多了,我们坐拥着这些赞美,也应做到身为教师兼班主任应尽的责任来符合这些赞美,不是吗?今天,能站在这里与大家交流班主任工作心得,我感到非常荣幸。因为在将近3年的班主任工作中,我没有轰轰烈烈的先进事迹,也没有催人泪下的感人故事,我只是一名平凡、普通的班主任。所以,我也只能讲一讲在班主任工作的这些日子里的小事、通过这些小事,我自己总结得出的一些小小心得。在当班主任的那天开始,我就知道身为一个班主任每天、每个学期应该做的事,即使是不知道,慢慢地,随着工作的进展你自然会知道。小学班主任工作职责、班主任工作的任务这些书里的条条框框都对班主任工作的责任做了详细的说明。然而,我也只是那么简单的、那么机械的在做着我的班主任工作。直到有一天我读到赏识你的学生这本书,开篇就有一位母亲写的信,其中有一段是这样写的:“我不曾迁移户口,我们不要越区就读,我们让孩子读本区的国民小学而不是某些私立明星小学,我努力去信任教育当局,而且,是以自己的儿女为赌注来信任的但是,学校啊,当我把我的孩子交给你,你保证给他怎样的教育?今天早晨,我交给你一个欢欣诚实又颖悟的小男孩,多年以后,你将还我一个怎样的青年?”这段话,我反复读了很多次,诚然,一个孩子的成才与否责任不全在学校,不全在教师,不全在班主任,但一天之中每个学生在校时间长达7个小时,这不得不让我们这些班主任老师引起重视。将心比心,设身处地,我们也是有子女的人,试问哪个做父母的不希望自己的孩子碰到好老师,好班主任呢?换个角度,换种身份,我倍感班主任这个职责重大的责任。责任,在词典中的解释是指分内应做的事,而我们分内应做的事是什么呢?当我们的家长也给我们写那样一封信时,我们又该如何回复呢?也许我们的学生无法成为豪杰、义士或者伟人,但是我们可以大声地告诉所有把孩子交给我们的家长:请您放心,我会还您一个健康、快乐、自信的孩子!我想这就够了,这就是我们分内之事,只要我们努力些、热情些、勤劳些、耐心些,是能够做的到的。曾经看过著名教育家魏书生先生的演讲,给我印象最深的,是这位教育大师说起自己学生的故事,信手拈来,如数家珍,亲切自然,就像说自己的家里人。我知道,这是魏书生先生教育功夫用在平时每一个细节之处的体现。曾经听过一位教育专家说过这样的话:一个教师不在于他教了多少年书,而在于他用心教了多少年书。对于班主任工作而言,是不是也可以这样说一个班主任不在于他当了多少年班主任,而在于他用心当了多少年班主任。任何教育活动都是由一个一个的细节构成的。细节虽小,却能透射出教育的大理念、大智慧。我们常说的“细节决定成败”绝非虚言,要把学生的思想工作做到实处,必须从大处着眼,小处着手,关注细节,一个成功的班主任,一定是一个善于利用细节去感染、教育、管理学生的人。一、把握细节,关注学生身心健康的培养学生是涌动着活力的生命体,也是学校永久的教育主体,关注学生身心健康,促进学校健康教育的开展,加强学生心理健康教育是实施素质教育的现实需要。一次去家访,对象是一个让所有老师都伤透脑筋的孩子,他聪明但非常懒惰,他思维敏捷,可上课多动且没规矩。这天下午放学后,我跟着他一路走到了他家,进门后没有看见他妈妈,于是这个孩子首先跟我道了歉:“老师,对不起,我妈妈不在家,不知道去哪儿了?”然后他就从里屋拿出了一张小板凳说道:“老师,您先坐,给我妈妈打个电话吧!”我有些呆,他似乎跟在学校里判若两人。说着,他就到旁边的桌子上写起了作业且不说,我之后跟他说了什么,家访后他在学校是否有所改进。最起码,我认定这个孩子本性是懂事、善良、有礼貌的,他如今在学校的调皮捣蛋一定跟某些原因有关,我想这需要我更耐心、细心地引导、开解。通过这件事,我感到我们班主任老师只有多一点爱,多关注一些细节,学生的身心才能得到更加完好的发展。找学生谈话时,先请他们坐下;学生说话时,一定要倾听,用眼睛注视他;不要对学生以分数轮英雄;尊重学生个体差异,不要歧视任何一个学生;不要对学生说“你真笨”,要经常说“你真棒”;学生无意过失时,要宽容地原谅他;学生失意难过时,要真诚地安慰他;学生犯错误时,要相信他有改正的愿望;学生出现问题时,先要调查原因,多方沟通,再做处理;学生之间发生矛盾冲突,要设法化解矛盾;可以批评学生“不够努力”,但不能说“你能力太差”二、注重细节,关注班级日常制度的管理欧洲有一个故事:一匹马的马掌上由于少了一颗铁钉而失去了马掌;这匹马由于失去了马掌而在奔跑中摔倒;由于这匹马的摔倒而使得骑在马上的将军被摔死;由于将军的阵亡,这个兵团打了败仗;由于这场败仗而失去了一座城池;由于一座城池的失陷而亡掉了一个国家。这就是著名的墨菲定律。它揭示了这样一个道理:一个不起眼的细节可能导致灾难性的后果。有了这样的认识,我们想班级日常的管理真应该从小着手,从细抓起。每个班级都有班干部,早自习、眼保健操、广播体操、午自习、红领巾校徽、值日卫生甚至到迟到早退每天都有不同的班干部管理,我不知道大家是不是这样,我们班级里是一直这样做的。可,日子长了,我发现班干部的热情并不高,来来回回做的都一个样。于是,我就想了一个办法。我每天都到大队部门口班级三项竞赛打分表上抄下我们班各项的分数,比如眼保健操10分,早自习读书情况10分,红领巾校徽佩戴情况10分,值日情况20分。我就根据这些分数给相对应管理这项的班干部打分,并且把每天的打分表都张贴在教室里,一个星期再根据任务完成情况评选最负责任的班干部若干名。这样一来,大家有了一个意识:分配到的任务并非完成的好坏都一个样,只有认真完成任务的人才配当班干部,同学们的榜样。果然,这样的方法很奏效,至今为止,我们班级三项竞赛总星得数是全校第一。三、着手细节,关注学生行为习惯的养成俗话说:“播种思想,收获行为;播种行为,收获习惯;播种习惯,收获性格;播种性格,收获命运。”可见,行为习惯对人的一生有着重要的影响。良好的行为习惯会使人受益匪浅,相反,恶劣的行为习惯则会让人受害终生。从一件小事说起,前段时间经常下雨,有时,一连下一个星期。下雨天,教室里就显得特别的脏乱,我注意到学生的雨伞摆放得十分凌乱,教室里到处都挂满了花花绿绿的雨伞,有的平放在桌上,有的扔在地方,甚至在讲台上都放着好几把雨伞。我想抓住这个细节,对学生进行一番教育。于是,我找到了摆放整齐的雨伞说道:“孩子们,你们看,在这么多的雨伞中,这把伞最乖!因为,它知道要在合适的位置摆放整齐,我想这把伞的主人肯定也是位整洁、懂事的孩子。在生活中也好,学习上也好,一定要把自己的东西摆放整齐,这是个好习惯。愿意向他学习的孩子,请下课后也行动起来!”果然,当我再走到教室里时,雨伞已经摆放得整整齐齐的了,并且他们还统一地挂在了教室的一个角落里。之后的每个下雨天,孩子们都能做到这点,并且,我惊喜地发现,他们的书包、文具、上课用到的书本都能摆放得很整齐,我从心底感到高兴。见到地上有纸屑、垃圾时,主动捡起;见到老师有礼貌地问好;平时穿戴整洁,讲文明话;团结友爱,关心同学;诚实勇敢,知错能改这些良好的行为习惯真的需要我们班主任老师平日里的细心引导。今天这个社会和这个时代,我们需要的是一种什么样的教育?就是,有着快乐心态的老师引领着学生奔向快乐幸福的终点。希望每一个老师能够在今后的班主任工作中,创造出快乐和谐的教育来,让我们每一个学生真正在他的学生时代感受到人生最大的幸福,谢谢大家!印度总理莫迪在中国与印度经贸论坛上英语演讲稿论坛演讲稿(3) | 返回目录friends!i am really happy to be here with you. before coming to this forum, i had very detaileddiscussion with the ceos of major chinese companies. i am sure our interactions today will leadto benefits to the people and businesses of the two countries.along with me, a number of officials and prominent indian ceos, are also present here.as you know, china and india are two great and old civilisations of the world. they haveprovided many lights of knowledge on the entire human society. today, we together, representmore than one third of the global population.india and china have a common history of five thousand years and a common boundary ofover three thousand and four hundred kilometers.two thousand years ago, at the invitation of the chinese emperor ming, two indian monkscame to china. they brought many sanskrit scriptures on two white horses. they translatedmany buddhist classics and scriptures into chinese language.it is believed that they introduced buddhism in china. the king built a temple in honour of thisevent. the temple is popularly known as white horse temple. the temple then increased inimportance as buddhism grew within china, and spread to korea, japan and vietnam.the serenity of buddhism in asian countries is the seed of their success. i strongly believe thatthis century belongs to asia. and buddhism will be a further unifying and catalysing forceamong the asian countries.your famous scholars like fa hien and hiuen tsang have taught many secrets of chinesewisdom to indians. in addition, they discovered many secrets within india itself. hiuen tsanghad visited my own home town in gujarat. from his works, we know today that there was abuddhist monastery there. when hiuen tsang returned to china he brought with him sanskritscriptures and books of wisdom. the traditional systems of medicine of the two countriesbased on natural elements also have a lot in common.in recent times too, this stream of knowledge is flowing across our borders. prof. ji xianlin ofpeking university was a great sanskrit scholar. he spent most part of his life in translatingvalmiki’s ramayan into chinese. indian government has honoured him by bestowing aprestigious award in XX.more recently, prof. jin ding han has translated tulasi ramayan into chinese. translations ofbhagwad gita and mahabharat are also popular with the chinese people. i thank these chinesescholars for introducing indian culture to the chinese people.friends! india has always been a knowledge society. whereas, you have been an innovatingsociety. ancient china was highly advanced in science and technology. like indians, chinesetoo sailed to americas and distant corners of the world in their ships. they had the mariners’compass and gun powder.but i must add that during this time, indian astronomy and mathematics were quite popularin china. indian astronomers were appointed on the official boards set up to prepare calendars. the indian concept of zero and that of nine planets have been helpful in discoveries in china.so, our ideas had a role to play in your innovations.thus, we have a lot in common and we can do a lot together. as we helped each other growingspiritually, we have to help each other growing economically. there are instances of sucheconomic exchanges in the past. it is believed that china gave silk and paper to india. we bothhave potentials of growth and problems of poverty which we can tackle together. i ampersonally committed to take the co-operative process forward.that is why even as chief minister of gujarat, i visited china. as prime minister too i amconvinced and committed for exchange and co-operation for socio-economic development ofthe two countries.i have lot of hope from the relationship which i and president xi are trying to build. during hisvisit to india in september XX, chinese investments worth 20 billion us dollars (rs. 12 lakh-crore) were committed. we signed 12 agreements covering industrial parks, railways, creditand leasing, with cumulative amount of investments of 13 billion us dollars.we are very keen to develop the sectors where china is strong. we need your involvement.the scope and potential, the breadth and length of infrastructure and related developmentsis very huge in india. just to give you some examples:– we have planned to build 50 million houses by 2022. in addition, we are going to developsmart cities and mega industrial corridors;– for this purpose, we have refined our fdi policy in construction. we are also coming upwith a regulatory framework for this sector;– we have targeted 175 giga watts of renewable energy in next few years. in addition togeneration, the issues of transmission and distribution of electricity are equally important forus;– we are modernizing our railway systems including signals, engines and railway stations. weare planning metro rail in fifty cities and high speed trains in various corridors;– similar is the case with highways which we want to build in faster way;– we are putting up new ports and modernizing the old ones through an ambitious plan calledsagarmala;– similar focus is on upgrading the existing airports and putting up regional airports toenhance connectivity to places of economic and tourist importance;– in financial services too, we are moving towards a more inclusive and faster delivery offinancial products including bank loans and insurance;– for this purpose we opened 140 million bank accounts; increased fdi in insurance up to49% and have set up mudra bank to fund the micro-businesses;– recently, i have launched innovative schemes for insurance and pension to enhancesocial security of our citizens.in march this year, i had a discussion with jack ma of alibaba in delhi about possible co-operation for strengthening this micro-credit sector of india.as you have successfully done, we also want to promote manufacturing in a big wayparticularly to create jobs for our youth who form 65% of our population. hence, we want to make things in india. for this purpose, we have launched a campaign called“make in india”. it is also the effort of my government to encourage innovation, r&dand entrepreneurship in the country. in this year’s budget, we have set up some innovativeinstitutional mechanisms for that purpose.we have to learn from you about the development of labor-intensive industries, creatingconditions for sustainable foreign direct investment, skill development, infrastructure creationand export-led development model.all this is a historic opportunity for the chinese companies. you would already be knowing thedirection of my government and the steps we are taking. we have committed ourselves forcreating and improving the business environment. i can assure you that once you decide tobe in india, we are confident to make you more and more comfortable.many chinese companies have the possibility of investing in india to take advantage of india’spotentials. the potential lies in manufacturing, processing as well as in infrastructure.i am here to assure you that india’s economic environment has changed. our regulatoryregime is much more transparent, responsive and stable. we are taking a long-term andfuturistic view on the issues. lot of efforts have been made and are still underway to improvethe ‘ease of doing business’. we do believe that fdi is important and it will not come in thecountry without a globally competitive business environment. therefore, we have rationalizeda number of issues which were bothering the investors.in particular,– we are making the taxation system transparent, stable and predictable.– we have removed lot of regressive taxation regimes. in our very first budget, we said we willnot resort to retrospective taxation.– we are reducing the complicated procedures, making them available at one platform,preferably online;– simplifying the forms and formats has been taken up on war footing.– definite mechanisms for hand holding have been set up in the form of hub and spoke model.invest india is the nodal agency for this purpose.– in this year’s budget, we allowed tax pass through for aifs, rationalization of capital gainsof reits, modification in pe norms and deferring the implementation of gaar for two years.– we have fast tracked approvals in industry and infrastructure. this includes environmentalclearances, extending the industrial licences, delicencing of defence items, and simplification ofcross-border trade.– within a very short time, we introduced gst bill in parliament.similarly, for infrastructure development, we have taken some far reaching steps.– first of all we have made an all-time high allocation for roads and railways sectors.– in addition, we are setting up india infrastructure investment fund.– we have also allowed tax free bonds in the infrastructure sector including roads and railways.we know that a lot more has to be done. but we are committed to take this process forward.we are constantly working to improve the business environment further.however, our initial measures have helped in building up an enhanced investor confidence.the sentiments for private investment and inflow of foreign investment are positive. fdi inflowshave gone up by 39% during april-XX and february-XX against the same period inprevious year;our growth rate is above 7%. most of the international financial institutions including the worldbank, imf, oecd and others are predicting even faster growth and even better in the comingyears. moody’s have recently upgraded the rating of india as positive on account of ourconcrete steps in various economic fields. friends! india-chinese partnership should and will flourish. i expect very good outcome fromthis coming together. we have complemented each other in the past. we can complement inthe present and future too. as two major economies in asia, the harmonious partnershipbetween india and china is essential for economic development and political stability of thecontinent. you are the ‘factory of the world’. whereas, we are the ‘back office of the world’. yougive thrust on production of hardware, while india focuses on software and services.similarly, indian component manufacturers have been masters in high-quality precision andthe chinese players have mastered the art of mass production. the component designexpertise of indian engineers and low cost mass production by china can cater to the globalmarkets in a better way. this industrial partnership of china and india can bring about greaterinvestment, employment and satisfaction of our people.friends! let us work together in mutual interest and for progress and prosperity of our greatcountries.i would conclude by saying that now india is ready for business. you must be sensing thewinds of change in india. i only advise to you to come and feel the same.i assure you of my personal attention for your success.thank you, very much.青年论坛领导演讲稿范文论坛演讲稿(4) | 返回目录非常高兴来参加第八届海峡青年论坛,与两岸四地的青年朋友们一起研讨交流。首先,我谨代表中华全国青年联合会向前来参加本次论坛的李钟桂博士和各位青年朋友表示热烈的欢迎!向长期以来关心、支持青年工作并给予本次论坛大力支持的中共福建省委、福建省人民政府和社会各界表示衷心的感谢!大家知道,自xx年以来,从榕城福州到鹭岛厦门,从研讨创业到共话发展,在各界的热情关心和鼎力支持下,海峡青年论坛在两岸四地青年沟通交流中充分发挥了窗口效应和平台作用,并以其前瞻性、专业性、开放性等特点在众多两岸交流项目中脱颖而出,具备了鲜明的比较优势和可持续发展能力,被誉为“跨越海峡的青春握手”。本届海峡青年论坛是在两岸关系持续发生重大积极变化的背景下举行的。最近一年来,两岸经济合作进一步深化,文化交流进一步发展,各界交往进一步扩大。特别是在应对国际金融危机冲击、抗击台风和地震灾害、共襄上海世博盛会等过程中,两岸同胞体现出了同舟共济的合作精神和血浓于水的骨肉亲情。正如xx所讲,当前“两岸往来之便捷,交流之活跃,合作之深入,可以说是60多年来从未有过的。”因此,我认为,本届海峡青年论坛的议题从传统的、偏经济的“青年创业”拓展为综合性更强的“青年发展”,也可以说是两岸关系发展的一个具体体现。朋友们,人类发展的历史进程表明,青年发展与社会发展之间总是呈现出一种双向性甚至是多向性互动的辩证关系。因此,在“和谐社会”成为两岸同胞共同发展愿景的形势下,如何把握青年发展与社会发展之间的互动关系,更好地促进青年发展,应当成为我们两岸四地青年工作者认真思考的问题。下面,我就这一问题提几点建议,与大家交流。第一,促进青年发展,就要充分尊重青年的主体意识“青年发展”是一个全社会都很关注的议题,也是一个多方力量参与、推动的系统过程。我认为,实现青年的和谐发展,关键是要尊重青年的主体意识,发挥他们的能动作用。当前,我们正在从传统的“前喻时代”进入“互喻时代”甚至是“后喻时代”。所谓“前喻时代”是指,在知识来源单一的传统社会中,长辈具有绝对的权威,是正确性的唯一来源。而所谓“互喻时代”或“后喻时代”,则是指随着信息爆炸和互联网的普及,晚辈与长辈、后辈与前辈之间互相传授知识和信息,甚至是晚辈向长辈、后辈向前辈传授知识和信息。可以说,在“互喻时代”或“后喻时代”的背景下,尊重青年的主体意识,引导青年理性有序地参与社会生活并发展事业、发挥作用是时代的要求。全国青联进行的一项调查发现,70%的受访青年认为自身是实现个人发展的决定性因素。近年来,全国青联在开展活动、联系动员青年时,注重尊重青年的主体意识,坚持走进青年、贴近青年,注重运用青年喜爱的沟通、交流、聚集和联络方式,注重运用青年熟悉的语言风格、接受方式和身边榜样,取得了良好效果。第二,促进青年发展,就要重视实现青年的经济参与联合国千年宣言指出,有效的经济参与是青年发展最为重要的内涵。作为青年经济参与的主渠道,青年就业不仅关系着其基本生活状况,关系着其长远职业发展,还关系着其正常的社会化进程,具有综合性的效应。换句话说,青年失业,不仅会损害其现实生存条件,也会在一定程度上对其未来职业生涯造成长期损害,还会对其代际关系和融入社会生活带来不利影响。因此,就业已经成为青年最迫切最现实最具体的需求。近年来,全国青联将促进青年就业创业作为服务青年的重中之重,通过建立“青年就业创业见习基地”、组织开展青年职业技能培训、实施青年创业小额贷款项目、成立青年创业就业基金会、深化中国青年创业国际计划(ybc)等途径,促进青年就业创业,帮助青年实现有效的经济参与。我们还针对青年人思维敏捷、创造能力较强、比较容易成长为创新型人才等特点,大力开发青年人力资源,积极鼓励支持青年立足岗位,开展创造性劳动,努力成长为创新型青年人才。第三,促进青年发展,就要注重加强青年的权益保护合法权益受到尊重和保护,是青年在社会中立足和发展的前提性条件。因此,维护青年合法权益可以说是青年发展的基石。当前,青年对公共参与、职业发展等对其社会化进程有支撑作用的发展型权益日益关注,青年利益需求的群体差、时间差、地域差显著增强。近年来,全国青联针对青少年维权工作对象、领域、路径和模式等方面的新情况、新挑战,注重发展型维权、普遍性维权、程序性维权和制度性维权,围绕就业创业、网络保护等青少年普遍性权益诉求发出集中呼吁,努力在全社会营造关心、重视青年成长发展的良好环境。我们还探索建立了与人大代表、政协委员的沟通交流制度,在全国、省和地市“两会”期间,广泛开展与人大代表、政协委员“面对面”活动,努力完善“听”和“说”的机制,重视倾听青年反映发展中的困惑和问题,通过组织化平台组织人大代表、政协委员就青年普遍关心的问题形成提案、议案,在国家权力机关、参政议政机构的层面上搭建了维护青少年合法权益的制度化平台。第四,促进青年发展,就要努力培育青年的文化认同青年发展,不仅反映在青年与社会的互动关系上,也体现为青年在价值文化层面上的内在协调上。大家知道,“和谐社会”的理念有着深厚的中华传统文化底蕴。在和谐社会背景下促进青年发展,除了帮助他们解决具体的实际困难外,还应以优秀的传统文化为养分,帮助青年解决其内心的困惑,构筑其精神文化支柱。我们应当清醒地认识到,当代青年要成为和谐社会的合格成员,不能仅靠写在纸面上的法律、法规、典章、制度等外在调控,还必须依托以文化体认为根基的“公共道德理性”的内在支撑。去年我曾说过,两岸青年有着天然的文化联系纽带,在文化上有“三同”,即一是“同祖”,浓浓的血缘,深深的眷念,生生不息的亲情文化联结着两岸青少年;二是“同根”,千年的文明,浩瀚的典籍,源远流长的历史文化联结着两岸青少年;三是“同龄”,相通的兴趣爱好,相近的审美习惯,同步流行的时尚文化联结着两岸青少年。因此,在培育青年社会“文化认同”方面,我们两岸青年工作者可以有所作为,也一定会大有可为。朋友们,第二届海峡论坛明天就要开幕了。我们非常高兴地看到,在亮点频出的海峡论坛框架中,海峡青年论坛以其独有的特色而引人瞩目、广受关注。我衷心祝愿论坛取得圆满成功!谢谢大家!第 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