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2022年ACCA英国注册会计师考试密押卷带答案1. 简答题 What does an adverse variable overhead efficiency variance indicate and what might be the cause?考点 Chapter20Standardcosting解析 Variable overheadIt indicates that the work completed took longer than it should have done. It could be caused by employing semi-skilled workers instead of skilled workers who will take longer to complete the job.2. 论述题 Are variable production overhead variances based on hours paid or hours worked?考点 Chapter11Varianceanalysis解析 Variable production overhead variances are based on hours worked.3. 单选题 What is the minimum period of notice that an employee with ten years of continuous service is entitled to?A One weekB Two weeksC Ten weeks考点 Chapter9Dismissalandredundancy解析 Employees with between two and ten years of continuous service are entitled to one weeks notice forevery year of employment.4. 单选题 Which of the following are the goals of macroeconomic policy? 1 Encouraging economic growth 2 Low unemployment 3 Achievement of a balance between exports and imports 4 Achieving zero inflation A 1 and 2B 2 and 3C 2, 3 and 4D 1, 2 and 3考点 Chapter3Themacroeconomicenvironment解析 Rationale: The four main objectives of macroeconomic policy relate to economic growth, stable (not zero) inflation,unemployment and the balance of payments (balance between exports and imports)5. 单选题 P & Co maintain a receivables ledger control account within the nominal ledger. At 30 November 20X0, the total of the list of individual balances extracted from the receivables ledger was $15,800, which did not agree with the balance on the receivables ledger control account. An examination of the books revealed the following information, which can be used to reconcile the receivables ledger and the receivables ledger control account. 1The credit balance of $420 in Ahmeds payables ledger account had been set off against his account in the receivables ledger, but no entries had been made in the receivables and payables ledger control accounts. 2The personal account of Mahmood was undercast by $90. 3Yasmins balance of (debit) $780 had been omitted from the list of balances. 4Thomas personal account balance of $240 had been removed from the receivablesledger asabad debt, but no entry had been made in the receivables ledger control account. 5The January total of $8,900 in the sales daybook had been posted as $9,800. 6A credit note to Charles for $1,000, plus sales tax of $300, had been posted tothereceivablesledger control account as $1,300 and to Charles personal account as $1,000. 7The total on the credit side of Edwards personal account had been overcast by $125. What is the revised total of the balances in the receivables ledger after the errors have been corrected? A $15,105B $16,195C $16,495D $16,915考点 Chapter14Controlaccounts解析 $15,80069516,4956. 单选题 A control system that reacts to historical changes in the business environment, usually tomaintain a desired state of operations, is known as:A Feedback controlB Feedforward controlC A rolling budgetD Top-down control考点 Chapter8Budgetarysystems解析 The correct answer is: Feedback control.An example of feedforward control is using the information from a forecast, rather than ahistorical result, to decide on appropriate control measures. Feedback is where past actualfigures have been compared to a plan and this has necessitated making corrective actiongoing forward. A rolling budget is a budget model that is regularly updated to take accountof a changing environment. Top down is a form of control where the budget is imposedupon the lower levels of the organisation from those above.7. 单选题 Clementine Co has owned 21% of the ordinary shares of Tangerine Co for several years. Clementine Co does not have any investments in any other companies. How should the investment in Tangerine Co be reflected in the financial statements of Clementine Co? A The revenues and costs and assets and liabilities of Tangerine Co are added to the revenues and costs and assets and liabilities of Clementine Co on a line by line basis. B An amount is shown in the statement of financial position for investment in associate being the original cost paid for the investment plus Clementine Cos share of the profit after tax of Tangerine Co. 21% of the profit after tax of Tangerine Co should be added to Clementine Cos profit before tax in the statement of profit or loss each year. C An amount is shown in the statement of financial position under investments being the original cost paid for the investment, this amount does not change. Dividends received from Tangerine are recognised in the statement of profit or loss of Clementine Co. D An amount is shown in the statement of financial position under investments being the original cost paid for the investment, this amount does not change. 21% of the profit after tax of Tangerine Co should be added to Clementine Cos profit after tax in the statement of profit or loss each year 考点 Chapter23Introductiontoconsolidatedfinancialstatements解析 Tangerine is an associate of Clementine, however because Clementine has no other investments in other companies, it willnot produce consolidated financial statements. Therefore the investment will appear in the single company financialstatements of Clementine as a simple investment. The statement of financial position will show an investment at cost and the statement of profit or loss will show dividends received from Tangerine. If Clementine instead did produce consolidatedfinancial statements, Tangerine would be accounted for using the equity method and B would instead be correct.8. 材料题 材料全屏 Cost and selling price details for product Z are as follows. $per unit Direct materials6.00 Direct labour 7.50 Variable overhead 2.50 Fixed overhead absorption rate5.00 21.00 Profit 9.00 Selling price 30.00 Budgeted production for the month was 5,000 units although the company managed to produce 5,800 units, selling 5,200 of them and incurring fixed overhead costs of $27,400. 48 【单项选择题】 What is the marginal costing profit for the month? A $45,400B $46,800C $53,800D $72,800考点 考点:Chapter9AbsorptionandmarginalCosting解析 Contribution per unit = $30 - $(6.00 + 7.50 + 2.50)=$14Contribution for month = $14 x 5,200 units =$72,800Less fixed costs incurred = $27,400 Marginal costing profit = $45,4009. 单选题 Suppose that, in a certain advanced industrialised country, the government has applied price controls over rents of both public and private rented accommodation for a number of years, and a serious problem of widespread homelessness has built up. Just recently, the rent price controls have been eased. Which of the following consequences should now occur? 1 An increase in homelessness 2 In the longer term, an increase in new building work 3 The provision of more rented accommodation 4 Fewer owner-occupied dwellings A Consequences 1and2B Consequences 2 and 3C Consequences 3and4D Consequences 1 and4考点 Chapter4Microeconomicfactors解析 Rationale: When rent controls are eased, the effect is similar to raising or removing minimum prices in the rented housingmarket. We should expect higher rents, more supply of housing, and a closing of the gap between demand for rented housing and supply of rented accommodation. Changes 2 and 3 should therefore occur. The reverse of Change 1 should happen, and homelessness should decrease. Given widespread homelessness, it is unlikely that the easing of rent controls will have anyeffect on demand for owner-occupied dwellings10. 单选题 Which of the following is an example of positive discrimination rather than positive action on equal opportunities?A Selecting a certain number of people from ethnic minorities for jobs, regardless of job-relevant selection criteria B Using ethnic languages in job advertisementsC Setting targets for the number of people from ethnic minorities that the organisation would like to see in managerial positions考点 Chapter13Diversityandequalopportunities解析 Rationale: Positive discrimination (treating a minority group unfairly well) is not permitted,except in relation to training provision. Quotas are positive discrimination, because selection decisions cannot be justified on non-discriminatory grounds: targets (as in option C) are positive action - because they lead organisations to encourage under-represented groups to apply for jobs, and make non-discrimination a performance measure for selectors.11. 单选题 Which of the following statements regarding market penetration as a pricing strategyis/are correct? (1) It is useful if significant economies of scale can be achieved. (2) It is useful if demand for a product is highly elastic. A (1) onlyB (2) onlyC Neither (1) nor (2)D Both (1) and (2)考点 Chapter5Pricingdecisions解析 Penetration pricing involves setting a low price when a product is first launched in orderto obtain strong demand.It is particularly useful if significant economies of scale can be achieved from a highvolume of output and if demand is highly elastic and so would respond well to low prices.12. 单选题 Selection tests such as IQ tests and personality tests may not be effective in getting the right person for the job for several reasons. Which of the following criticisms of the tests is not justified however? A Test results can be influenced by practice and coaching rather than genuine abilityB Subjects are able to deliberately falsify resultsC Tests do not completely eliminate bias and subjectivityD Tests are generally less accurate predictors of success than interviews考点 Chapter12Recruitmentandselection解析 Rationale: All the other criticisms about the reliability of selection tests are valid - and yet testsare still more reliable than interviews at predicting performance in the job! 13. 单选题 Which of the following is true regarding the content of model articles of association?A The content of model articles of association is the same for all types of companyB The content of model articles of association includes clauses relating to the remuneration ofemployeesC The content of model articles of association includes clauses relating to the ethical treatment ofsuppliersD The content of model articles of association includes clauses relating to communication withmembers考点 Chapter14Constitutionofacompany解析 Communication with members is covered by model articles of association. Model articles differdepending on the type of company. They do not contain clauses on remuneration of employees orethical treatment of suppliers.14. 材料题 材料全屏 Zri operates a business as a designer of internet web pages for a variety of business clients. Unfortunately hehas had some difficulty in recovering his full fees from a number of clients as follows: Ad, a self-employed car mechanic, without contacting Zri, simply sent him a cheque for half of his feesstating that he could not pay any more and that the cheque was in full settlement of his outstanding debt. Zrirang Ad about this and reluctantly agreed to waive half the fees. Bi, a newly qualified accountant, told Zri that although she could only raise the cash to pay half of theoutstanding fees she would, as an alternative to paying the other half, do all of Zris accountancy work forthe coming year. Zri reluctantly agreed to this proposal. Cas, a self-employed musician, told Zri that she could not pay any of the money she owed him. However, herfather offered to pay Zri, but could only manage half of the total amount owed. Once again Zri reluctantlyagreed to accept the fathers payment of the reduced sum. 28 【论述题】 Explain whether Zri can claim his outstanding fees from Ad 考点 考点:Chapter4FormationofcontractII解析 agreement to accept only half of the debt is unsupported by consideration from Ad and therefore he may still claim the remaining amount. Ad may try to claim he cannot do so because of his promise to waive the fees and therefore the doctrine of promissory estoppel applies. However, it does not appear from the scenario that Ad relied on the promise so the doctrine would not apply and Zri should be able to recover the remaining debt from him.15. 单选题 Which type of dividend is paid by the issue of additional shares?A Scrip dividendsB Capital dividendsC Equity dividends考点 Chapter17Capitalmaintenanceanddividendlaw解析 Scrip dividends are paid by issuing additional shares.16. 单选题 When an unlimited liability partnership is terminated, which of the following is paid off last out of fundsrealised from the partnership assets?A Partners share of partnership profitsB Partners capital contributionC Partnership loansD External debts考点 Chapter11Partnerships解析 Any surplus profit after all the other debts are repaid is distributed to the partners in the profit sharing ratio.17. 材料题 材料全屏 The following is a proforma operating statement for Wick Co, a company manufacturing candles. $ Budgeted profit Sales volume variance Standard profit on actual sales Sales price variance Favourable ($) Adverse ($) Cost variances Materials price Materials usage Labour rate Labour efficiency Variable overhead rate Variable overhead efficiency Fixed overhead expenditure Fixed overhead capacity Fixed overhead efficiency Total Actual profit 34 【不定项选择题】 Which of the following THREE statements are correct? A Wick Co uses standard profit per unit to calculate the sales volume variance.B The fixed overhead expenditure variance is the same figure as the over or under absorption of fixed overheadsC Wick Co absorbs fixed overheads on an hourly basis.D The efficiency variances will all either be favourable or adverse考点 考点:Chapter20Standardcosting解析 Wick Co uses standard profit per unit to calculate the sales volume variance. Wick Co absorbs fixed overheads on an hourly basis. The efficiency variances will all either be favourable or adverse18. 单选题 Which type of dividend is paid by the issue of additional shares?A Scrip dividendsB Equity dividendsC Capital dividends考点 Chapter17Capitalmaintenanceanddividendlaw解析 Scrip dividends are paid by issuing additional shares.19. 单选题 Which of the following is true concerning late registration of a company charge?A A charge may not be registered lateB A charge may be registered late, but only if the permission of the Registrar of Companies is obtainedC A charge may be registered late if it does not prejudice the creditors or shareholders of the company考点 Chapter16Loancapital解析 A charge may be registered late but only if it does not prejudice the creditors or shareholders of thecompany.20. 单选题 Product GX consists of a mix of three materials, J, K and L. The standard material cost of aunit of GX is as follows: $ Material J 5 kg at $4 per kg 20 Material K 2 kg at $12 per kg 24 Material L 3 kg at $8 per kg 24 During March, 3,000 units of GX were produced, and actual usage was: Material J 13,200 kg Material K 6,500 kg Material L 9,300 kg What was the materials yield variance for March? A $6,800 favourableB $6,800 adverseC $1,000 favourableD $1,000 adverse考点 Chapter11Varianceanalysis解析 3,000 units should use 10 kg each (3,000 10) = 30,000 kg 3,000 units did use = 29,000 kgDifference = 1,000 kg favourableValued at $6.80 per kg ($68/10 kg)Variance = $6,800 favourable21. 单选题 Are the following statements true or false? 1 Frictional unemployment will be short term 2 Governments can encourage labour mobility if they want to reduce unemployment A Both statements are true.B Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.C Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true.D Both statements are false.考点 Chapter3Themacroeconomicenvironment解析 Rationale: Frictional unemployment occurs when there is difficulty in matching workers quickly with jobs. This means thatfrictional unemployment is temporary and short term and so statement 1 is true. A government can encourage labourmobility by offering individuals financial assistance with relocation expenses and by improving the flow of information onvacancies. This means that statement 2 is true.22. 单选题 A company values its inventory using the first in, first out (FIFO) method. At 1 May 20X2 the company had 700 engines in inventory, valued at $190 each.During the year ended 30 April 20X3 the following transactions took place:20X2July Purchased 500 engines at $220 each1 November Sold 400 engines for $160,00020X31 February Purchased 300 engines at $230 each15 April Sold 250 engines for $125,000 What is the value of the companys closing inventory of engines at 30 April 20X3? A $188,500B $195,500C $166,000D None of these figures考点 Chapter7Inventory解析 50 $190 $9,500500 $220 $110,000300 $230 $69,000/188,500 23. 单选题 What is the economic batch quantity used to establish?A Optimal reorder quantityB Optimal reorder levelC Maximum inventory levelsD Optimal quantity to be manufactured考点 Chapter6Accountingformaterials解析 The economic batch quantity determines the batch size for products manufactured internally. The EBQ is the batch size which minimises the total of inventory holding costs and batch set-up costs.24. 单选题 Which of the following is not a conflict of interest?A AnACCA memberisin direct competition with a client on a contractB AnACCA memberismarried to a director of the clientC AnACCA memberisan officer of the client company but does not dealD AnACCA memberispart of a joint venture with a competitor of the client考点 Chapter19Ethicalconsiderations解析 Rationale: The fact that the ACCA member does not deal with the clients affairs is a safeguard against a conflict of interest.25. 单选题 A policy of internal promotion, as opposed to external r


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