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2022年ACCA英国注册会计师考试模拟卷含答案1. 论述题 Fill in the blanks. The material price variance is the difference between and The material usage variance is the difference between and 考点 Chapter11Varianceanalysis解析 The material price variance is the difference between what the material did cost and what it should havecost.The material usage variance is the difference between the standard cost of the material that should havebeen used and the standard cost of the material that was used.2. 单选题 A machine has an investment cost of $60,000 at time 0. The present values (at time 0) of the expected net cash inflows from the machine over its useful life are: Discount rate Present value of cash inflows 10% $64,600 15%$58,200 20% $52,100 What is the internal rate of return (IRR) of the machine investment? A Below 10%B Between 10% and 15%C Between 15% and 20%D Over 20%考点 Chapter19Methodsofprojectappraisal解析 $Investment (60,000)PV of cash inflow 64,600NPV 10%4,600$Investment (60,000)PV of cash inflow 58,200NPV 15% (1,800)The IRR of the machine investment is therefore between 10% and 15% because the NPV falls from $4,600 at 10% to -$1,800 at 15%. Therefore at some point between 10% and 15% the NPV = 0. When the NPV = 0, the internal rate of return is reached.3. 单选题 In the course of preparing a companys statement of cash flows, the following figures are to be included in the calculation of net cash from operating activities $ Depreciation charges 980,000 Profit on sale of non-current assets 40,000 Increase in inventories 130,000 Decrease in receivables 100,000 Increase in payables 80,000 What will the net effect of these items be in the statement of cash flows? A $AAddition to operating profit890,000B Subtraction from operating profit890,000C Addition to operating profit1,070,000D Addition to operating profit990,000考点 Chapter22Statementsofcashflows解析 $Add: depreciation charge 980.000 Less: profit on sale of assets (40,000) Less: increase in inventories (130,000) Add: decrease in receivables 100.000 Add: increase in payables 80,000 Addition to operating profit 990,0004. 材料题 材料全屏 The Chief Executive Officer of KL Ltd is Jeremy. Jeremy also runs his own business, FD Ltd, in his spare time. KL Ltd recently contracted to buy a significant amount of commercial goods from FD Ltd. Jeremy attended the KL Ltd board meeting that approved the contract and voted in favour of it, without revealing his association with FD Ltd.25 【论述题】 State what is meant by a directors fiduciary duties. 考点 考点:Chapter20Companymeetingsandresolutions解析 Since they make contracts as agents of the company and have control of its property, directors are said to be akin to trustees and therefore owe fiduciary duties to the company. A fiduciary duty is one based on common law principles of trust and honesty. Therefore a director must act bona fide and honestly and not seek any personal advantage when dealing with the company.5. 单选题 Are the following statements about debit entries true or false? 1 A debit entry in the cash book will increase an overdraft in the accounts. 2 A debit entry in the cash book will increase a bank balance in the accounts A Both trueB Both falseC 1 true and 2 falseD 1 false and 2 true考点 Chapter5Ledgeraccountsanddoubleentry解析 When cash is received by a business, a debit entry is made in the cashbook. A receipt of cash decreases an overdraft and increases a bank balance. 6. 材料题 State two examples of constructive dismissal考点 考点:Chapter9Dismissalandredundancy解析 Unilaterally imposing a complete change in the employees duties or reducing the employees pay have beenheld to be sufficiently serious to entitle the employee to claim breach of contract and claim for constructivedismissal.7. 论述题 How would the above decision change if Pawns, Rooks and Bishops were manufactured in differentdepartments, variable costs could be split down into the costs of direct materials, labour and overheads, andfixed costs could be analysed into the costs of administrative staff and equipment and premises costs?考点 Chapter6Short-termdecisions解析 The decision would not change at all unless perhaps activity-based analysis of overheads wasundertaken and unexpected cost patterns were revealed. The point of this exercise is to make you realisethat problems that look complicated are sometimes very simple in essence even if the amount ofcalculations seem daunting.8. 单选题 Jared is the leader of a virtual team which stays in contact via email. Team members send all messages to Jared, who forwards them to the rest of the network Which communication pattern is reflected in this situation? A The circleB The YC The wheelD The all-channel考点 Chapter18Personaleffectivenessandcommunication解析 Rationale: The wheel has a central figure who acts as a hub for all messages between members.The circle involves a message going from one person to another. The Y involves a message going from person to person up a chain, until it reaches someone who is in contact with more than one person. And all-channel involves everyone sendingmessages to everyone else.Ways in: If you can visualise the situation, it helps: you could then eliminate the circle and allchannel, at least.9. 论述题 Refer back to the information in the paragraph following Question: C/S ratio for multiple products. Suppose the organisation in question has fixed costs of $100,000, and wishes to earn total contribution of$200,000. Required What level of revenue must be achieved? 考点 Chapter3Costvolumeprofit(CVP)analysis解析 10. 单选题 The demand curve for a resource may shift because ofA A change in the demand for a good whose production is dependent on the resourceB Concerns about potential harmful pollution from the resourceC A change in the price of a substitute resourceD All of the above考点 Chapter4Microeconomicfactors解析 Rationale: All of the above11. 单选题 An administrator of a company has a number of powers that may or may not require the permission of thecourt to exercise. Which of the following is a power that usually requires court approval to exercise? A Appoint a directorB Call a meeting of membersC Make a payment to a preferential creditorD Make a payment to an unsecured creditor考点 Chapter21Insolvencyandadministration解析 An administrator usually requires court approval to make payments to unsecured creditors. The otheractions do not require court approval.12. 单选题 Banter Co purchased an office building on 1 January 20X1. The building cost was $1,600,000 and this was depreciated by the straight line method at 2% per year, assuming a 50-year life and nil residual value. The building was re-valued to $2,250,000 on 1 January 20X6. The useful life was not revised. The company!s financial year ends on 31 December. What is the balance on the revaluation surplus at 31 December 20X6? A $650,000B $792,000C $797,000D $810,000考点 Chapter8Tangiblenon-currentassets解析 the 5 years to 31 December 20X5, accumulated depreciation on the building is $1,600,000 x 2% x 5 years = $160,000.On revaluation on 1 January 20X6: Debit Credit $ $Building (2,250,000 - 1,600,000) 650,000Accumulated depreciation 160,000 Revaluation surplus 810,000The annual depreciation charge from 1 January 20X6 =$2,250,000/45 years remaining = $50,000. This is $18,000 more than the annual depreciation charge based on the historical cost of the asset.This excess depreciation charge is transferred each year from revaluation surplus to retained earnings, and the revaluation surplus at 31 December20X6 = $810,000 - $18,000 = $792,000.13. 单选题 Josh, Joanne, Ed, and Sue all work for D Co. Josh works in the finance department. Joanne works in the human resourcesdepartment. Ed is Sues line manager in the purchasing department. Which one of the staff members would be involved with payroll administration? A JoshB JoanneC EdD Sue考点 Chapter6Organisationalcultureandcommittees解析 Rationale: HR and line departments generally provide details of salary/wage rates, time sheets etc - but the financedepartment generally administers payroll, so Josh is likely to be responsible14. 单选题 Which one of the following statements does NOT explain why coding systems are used?A A codeismore precise than a description so reduces ambiguityB A code is briefer than a description so saves timeC A codeismore suited to communicating wider issues than a descriptionD The use of codes facilitates data processing考点 Chapter4Costclassification解析 Wider issues are more suited to communication through a free text description rather than the use of codes.15. 单选题 Which term is used to describe the type of company that has its shares traded on a public stock exchange?A Listed companyB Public companyC Private companyD Unlimited company考点 Chapter12Corporationsandlegalpersonality解析 A public company does not have to have its shares traded on a public stock exchange. If it does so, then it becomes known as a listed (or quoted) company.16. 论述题 What are the two principal ways by which members can control the activities of directors?考点 Chapter18Companydirectors解析 Appointing and removing directors in general meetingReallocating powers by altering the articles17. 单选题 A principal may, in certain circumstances, ratify the acts of the agent which has retrospective effect.A TrueB False考点 Chapter10Agencylaw解析 True. Principals may ratify retrospectively.18. 单选题 A manager is assessing the performance of her team members. In accordance with the appraisal system of the organisation, she has been given a list of characteristics and performance elements, with notes on how to interpret and apply the terms: integrity, punctuality and so on. She is required to comment on how each appraisee measures up in terms of each factor Which appraisal technique is this organisation using? A Overall assessmenB GradingC Behavioural incidentD Guided assessment考点 Chapter17Performanceappraisal解析 Rationale: Overall assessment is narrative comment without the guidance on how the termsshould be applied. Grading uses rating scales (definitions of performance on each characteristic from 1-5, say). Behavioural incident methods compare specific behaviours against typical behaviour in each job. 19. 单选题 The following information is available for the year ended 31 December 20X4 for a keep proper accounting records: Inventories at 1 January 20X4 Inventories at 31 December 20X4 Purchases Gross profit percentage on sales = 30% Based on this information, what was the traders sales figure for the year? A $900,000B $819,000C $920,000D $837,200考点 Chapter17Incompleterecords解析 $Cost of sales Opening inventory 38,000Purchases637.000Less: closing inventory(45,000)Sales 630,000 x 100/70 = $900,000630.00020. 单选题 Which of the following statements concerning a director that has acted outside their authority is correct?A The company many not subsequently ratify their actionsB The members may ratify their actions but an ordinary resolution is requiredC The members may ratify their actions but a special resolution is requiredD The board of directors can ratify their actions on behalf of the members考点 Chapter18Companydirectors解析 Members can ratify such actions but an ordinary resolution is required.21. 单选题 Which of the following statements regarding counter-offers is correct?A Counter-offers may be accepted by the original offerorB Counter-offers do not terminate the original offerC A statement that enquires whether alternative terms would be acceptable is a counter-offerD A counter-offer is made by the original offeror to the original offeree考点 Chapter3FormationofcontractI解析 Counter-offers have the effect of terminating the original offer, but may be accepted by the originalofferor. A statement that enquires whether alternative terms would be acceptable is a request forinformation, not a counter-offer. Counter-offers are made by the original offeree to the originalofferor.22. 单选题 Which of the following would not be an objective of stakeholder management in relation to major suppliers?A Continuity of supplyB Mutual dependencyC Information sharing考点 Chapter6Organisationalcultureandcommittees解析 Rationale: Dependency increases stakeholder power and creates risks and constraints. A buyer would not necessarily want a supplier to be dependent on its business (for ethical reasons), any more than it would want to be dependent on a supplier (for bargaining and supply risk reasons).Pitfalls: You may have hesitated over information-sharing, because of intellectual property and confidentiality issues - but it is necessary for high-interest, high-power key players23. 材料题 材料全屏 Each unit of product Zeta requires 3 kg of raw material and 4 direct labour hours. Material costs $2 per kg and the direct labour rate is $7 per hour. The production budget for Zeta for April to June is as follows. April May June Production units 7,800 8,400 8,200 83 【单项选择题】 Raw material opening inventories are budgeted as follows. April May June 3,800 kg 4,200kg4,100 kg The closing inventory budgeted for June is 3,900 kg. Material purchases are paid for in the month following purchase. What is the figure to be included in the cash budget for June in respect of payments for purchases? A $25,100B $48,800C $50,200D $50,600考点 考点:Chapter16Thebudgetaryprocess解析 Payments in June will be in respect of May purchases. MayProduction requirements (8,400 units x 3 kg) 25,200 kgClosing inventory 4,100 kg 29,300 kgLess opening inventory 4,200 kgPurchase budget 25,100 kgx $2 per kg = payment for purchases in June $50,200Option A is the figure for the quantity of material to be paid for, not its value. Option B is the value of June purchases, which will be paid for in July. If you selected option D your adjustments for opening and closing material inventories were the wrong way round.24. 材料题 An invoice of $15,000 for energy expenses for October 20X7 has not been received.考点 考点:Chapter18唯一交易商的财务报表编制解析 25. 单选题 Which of the following user groups of financial and accounting information are likely to need, and have access to, this information most? A Managers of the companyB Shareholders of the companyC Financial analysis advisers考点 Chapter8Theroleofaccounting解析 Rationale: Managers need most information, at a significant level of detail, to enable them to make planning and controldecisions. They have special access to information, because they can arrange to obtain the information they need through the accounting system. Shareholders are entitled to certain information, focused on particular areas of interest (mainly profits). Financial analysts may only have access to public information and reports.26. 单选题 In which of the following situations will an offer be terminated?A When a letter of revocation is postedB When a third party, who is sufficiently reliable, verbally notifies the offeree of the offerors revocationC When an offeree enquires whether the offeror will accept payment by credit card rather than cashD When an offeror dies, the offeree is unaware of the death and the contract is not of a personal nature考点 Chapter3FormationofcontractI解析 A third party who is sufficiently reliable may revoke an offer on behalf of the offeror. Letters ofrevocation are only effective when they are received by the offeree, not when they are posted.Enquiring whether another method of payment would be acceptable is a request for information thatdoes not terminate the original offer. The death of the offeror does not terminate the offer is theofferee is unaware of the death and the contract is not of a personal nature.27. 单选题 The total cost of production for two levels of activity is as follows: Level 1 Level 2 Production (units) 3,000 5,000 Total cost ($) 6,750 9,250 The variable production cost per unit and the total fixed production cost both remain constant in the range of activity shown. What is the level of fixed costs? A $2,000B $2,500C $3,000D $3,500考点 Chapter5Costbehaviour解析 Production Total cost Units $Level 2 5.000 9,250Level 1 3.000 6,750 2.000 2,500Variable cost per unit =$2,500/2,000 unit=$1.25 per unitFixed overhead = $9,250 - ($1.25 x 5,000) = $3,00028. 单选题 In which of the following circumstances will a director be personally liable for the debts of the company?A Where the companys Articles of Association state that they are liableB Where a creditor has told them they are liableC Where they hav


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