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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 一般现在时一单项选择()1.What time does he go to school? _AOn weekends BIn the morning CFrom Monday to Friday DAt eight oclock()2. Her parents _ at eight in the morning.Aoften sing Bsings usually Csing often Dusually sings()3. She gets up early every day. So she is _ late for class. A. always B. often C. usually D. never ()4.My mother _ up at six oclock every day.Aget Bgets Cgetting Dis get()5.Do you often _ TV? Asee Bwatch Clook Dplay()6.When does Alice take a shower? She _ a shower at 8:00 pm. Atake Btakes Chave Ddo()7. When _ he usually _ school?Adoes; go to Bis; to go Ccan; to go to Ddoes; to go()8. He likes _ a walk after dinner. A. going B. go C. take D. taking()9.Linda _ her homework but _ on weekends. Adoesnt do; watch TV Bdoesnt do; watches TV Cdoesnt; watch TV Ddoesnt; watches TV()10.Do you need him _ you? No, thanks.Ahelps Bto helps Cto help Dhelping()11.The food _good, so many people come to buy it.Alook Btastes Cgets Dsounds()12.Whats the time? Its 12:00. Lets go for _. Abreakfast Blunch Csupper Ddinner()13.What do you do on weekends? I _ do my homework _ read books.Asometimes; but Boften; with Ceither; or Deither; and()14._ you _ exercise every day? Yes, we do. A. Do; need to B. Need; / C. Need; to D. Do; to need ()15.The fish _ good. I like it very much.Alook Bsees Cwatch Dtastes()16.He gets _ quickly and _ breakfast. Aup; has Bup; have Con; have Doff; has()17.Its too hot.Lets _. Atake a shower Bhave a shower Ctake the shower DA and B()18.The teacher often says vegetables are good _ us.Afor Bfrom Con Dwith()19.When do you usually get up every day? _ 6:00 am. AAt about BAbout CIn about DAbout for()20.Here _ her clothes. How beautiful! Aare Bis Chas Ddoes()21._ do you usually go to school? By bike.AWhen BHow CWhat DWhere()22.Bob_ school early every morning. Agets Bgets to Carrive Dreach()23.Do you walk to school every day? No, I_ the bus. Aget Bride Ctake Dby()24.It takes _ an hour _ his homework. Ahim; do Bhis; to do Chis; do Dhim; to do()25. The library is not far from here. We can _ our bikes there. Abuy Bride Ctake Ddrive()26. _ does Jane go to school every morning? She walks to school. A. When B. How far C. What D. How ()27. Yang Mei usually goes to school _.A. on bus B. by bus C. take a bus D. by a bus ()28.It takes me about half an hour _ to the bus stop. Aget Bto get Cgetting Dto getting()29.Do you walk to school or ride a bike to school?_AI walk to school BYes, I do CNo, I dont DYes, you do()30._ do you _ the service in that restaurant?Very good. AWhat; like BHow; think of CWhat; think of DHow; like of()31.It _ me fifteen minutes _ the park.Atakes; get to Btakes; to get to Ctake; to get to Dtake; get to()32.When do you _ your home every day? At seven twenty.Aget Bleave Chave Dcross()33.I hope my dream can _. Alook out Bcome in Ccome true Dlook like()34.The girl is afraid _ the bridge. Across Bcrossed Cto cross Dof cross()35.The students in the poor(贫穷的) village often go_ to cross the river to school.Atake a ropeway Bby a ropeway Cin a ropeway Don a ropeway()36._ do you _ the Chinese people? They are very nice.AWhat; like BHow; think of CWhat; think of DHow; think about()37.I think its boring _ computer games.Aplaying Bplay Cto play Dplays()38.It _ them about half an hour to get to school every day.Aspends Bcosts Cpays Dtakes()39.She usually _ to the library at 10:00 and _ at 11:45 on Saturday.Acome; leave Bcomes; leaves Ccome; leaves Dcomes; leave()40.Its my _ to be an English teacher.Adream Bexercise Chomework Dhabit()41.When it rains, I _ a taxi to the post office.Amake Btake Cbring Dwant()42.As long as all the Chinese people pull together,our China Dream will _Acome true Bcome out Ccome up Dcome down()43.How does she _ Shanghai?Areaches Barrives at Cget to Dgets( )44.Today I want to drive to work but my car doesnt _. Awork Bwalk Crun Dgo( )45.Does it often _ here? Yes, it is quite _. Arain; rain Brainy; rainy Crain; rainy Drainy; rain二用方框中所给词的适当形式填空1Mr. Li usually _(exercise) in the morning. 2Jim usually _ (do) his homework at school. 3. What time does he get _ (dress) every day? 4. My brother gets _ (dress) at 6:30 in the morning every day. 5. Lisa _ (brush) her teeth at 7:00 in the morning. 6. What time _ she _ (go) to school?7. Maria _ (usual) gets up early in the morning. 8My brother usually_ (锻炼) at six oclock. 9Mary always_ (看) TV before she goes to bed. 10It_ (be) six thirty in the morning now. The Smiths always_ (have) breakfast at this time. 11What_ Mary often_ (do) on Sunday morning?She often_ (clean) her room. 12.People love to take a walk after _ (eat)13Do you have time_(exercise) every morning? 14He often _ (ride)to school, but sometimes he _ (walk) to school. 15It usually takes me about half an hour_(walk) to school. 16My mother always_(get) to work by bus. 17The bus ride usually _(take) about 20 minutes. 18How_Lily _(get) to school?19It takes me about half an hour _(drive) my car to the new store.20My grandmother_(live) in a city not far from us. 21. _ Lucy _ (ride) a bike to school every day?22. She usually _ (have) a quick breakfast and then _ (go) to school. 23. What do you think of _ (play) soccer? Its difficult for me. 24. How do you get to school? On foot. I live near school. Its easy for me _ (get) to school. 25. I dont know where he _ (live). 26It takes him about twenty _ (drive)his car to the factory.27I like _ (live)in my grandpas home.28Do you think his dream can _ (come true)?29Lily usually _(have) breakfast at 7:00 in the morning.30How_Bob _(go) to school?31It takes them ten minutes_(walk) to the hotel every day.32What about_ (leave) for Beijing for vacation?33How _ your brother usually_(get) to school? He_ (ride) his bike. 34She is afraid of _ (go) out at night. 35Im new here. I need_ (buy) a map of the city. 36The bus ride_ (take) about 25_(minute). 37_it often_(rain) here in summer? 38The apples on the tree _ (grow) very well. They taste delicious. 三按要求完成下列各题1He works at_a_bus_station(对画线部分提问) _ _ he _? 2She goes to school at seven thirty. (改为否定句) She _ _ to school at seven thirty. 3I go to bed at_ten_oclock. (对画线部分提问) _ _ _ you go to bed? 4Julie takes a shower at 8:00. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ a shower at 8:00? 5I usually go to work at eight. (用he代替I改写句子)He usually _ _ _ at eight. 6They often go home at_5:15(对画线部分提问) _ _ do they often go home?7Jims father often has lunch in his office.(改为一般疑问句) _ Jims father often _ lunch in his office?8Its time for school.(改为同义句) Its time _ _ _ school.9She eats lots_of_fruit_and_vegetables for lunch.(对画线部分提问) _ _ she_ for lunch?10I usually go to bed at 9:00.(用Lucy代替I,改写句子) Lucy usually _ _ _ at 9:00.11I often go to school by bus. (改为同义句) I often _ a bus _ school. 12Jane goes to work by_train. (对画线部分提问) _ _ Jane_ to work?13. Most students take_trains to school in Japan. (对画线部分提问) _ _ most students _ to school in Japan?14. My sister is very_fine(对画线部分提问) _ is _ sister?15I usually listen_to_music when it rains. (对画线部分提问) _ _ you usually _ when it rains? 四完形填空 (A)Hello! This is my uncle. He has an interesting _1_. He _2_ at a radio station. His radio show is _3_ twelve oclock at night to six oclock in the morning. He gets up at eight thirty at night. Then he eats _4_ at nine. Do you think thats a funny _5_ for breakfast?_6_ he eats breakfast, he usually exercises at about ten twenty. He thinks exercising is good for his _7_. Then he goes to work at eleven oclock. He is _8_ late for work! He is very busy and he works very hard. I like to listen to his radio show. He can sing and dance _9_. He can play the guitar, too. He also likes _10_ stories. He is very funny. Do you like him? ()1. A. work B. teacher C. job D. student ()2. A. works B. goes C. gets D. exercises ()3. A. at B. from C. for D. in()4. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner D. supper ()5. A. day B. month C. time D. year()6. A. At B. After C. In D. Before ()7. A. work B. job C. health D. radio ()8. A. usually B. often C. never D. also()9. A. good B. well C. nice D. great()10. A. saying B. speaking C. telling D. spelling (B)Hello! My name is Tom. I love weekends. I always get up late on weekends. For breakfast, I only have fruit. Its usually a(n)_1_. But I have a big lunch. My mom makes it for me. It tastes _2_. I like to _3_ in the afternoon. I usually play soccer. _4_ I swim. In the evening, I either play computer games or _5_ TV. I always go to bed late. _6_ my best friend Tim doesnt like weekends. He has a parttime(兼职) job at a station. He does some cleaning at the station. He always _7_ on weekends. He never has time to play _8_ us. He usually _9_ home from work at 10:00. After taking a shower, he_10_. He falls asleep(入睡) quickly. ()1.A.milk Bapple Cegg Dvegetable()2.A.useful Bwell Cgood Dhappy()3.A.walk Bwork Cexercise Ddress()4.A.Only BAlways CNever DSometimes()5.A.see Bwatch Clook Dfind()6.A.And BBut CSo DBecause()7.A.writes Bworks Ccalls Dplays()8.A.about Bof Cfrom Dwith()9.A.gets Bcleans Ctakes Dplays()10.A.gets dressed Bgoes to work Cgoes to bed Ddoes sports (C)Mr. Brown is my uncle. He is 36 _1_old. He works in a sports club. His job is to_2_the students how to play basketball. He _3_ far from the club. He has a car, but he doesnt _4_ his car to work. Usually, he goes to work _5_ bike. He thinks it is good _6_ and he can get to the club early when many buses and cars are in the street. Every morning, Mr. Brown gets up at 6:30. Then he takes a shower and has _7_ good breakfast. At 7:40, he _8_ his bike to the club. The bike ride usually _9_ an hour. “I never feel tired(累的). I think the ride is_10_ and interesting,” says Mr. Brown.()1.A.days Bweeks Cmonths Dyears()2.A.ask Bjoin Cteach Dthink()3.A.lives Bgets Cmakes Dwatches()4.A.buy Bfind Cplay Ddrive()5.A.by Bon Cin Dwith()6.A.subject Bexercise Cfood Ddream ()7.A.a Ban Cthe D/()8.A.takes Bgets Crides Dsees()9.A.sells Bfinishes Cwants Dtakes()10.A.boring Brelaxing Cdifficult Dbusy (D)Chris is 12 years old. He _1_ in a village in England. The school in his village is not far _2_ his home, so Chris often goes to school on foot. Chris usually gets up at about 7:00 in the morning. It is not _3_. So he has a quick breakfast. He _4_ to school at about 7:50. It takes him about 10 minutes to _5_ to school. He gets to school at about _6_ oclock. Sometimes Chris rides his bike to school. School starts at 8:10. His favorite subject is math. He thinks numbers(数字) are _7_.Chris has a _8_. He hopes(希望) to go to a big city like London some day(某一天). So he can take the subway. “I _9_ take the subway. It must be a lot fun,” he says. Can his dream _10_? “Sure, it can,” says Chris. ()1. A. livesB. works C. teaches D. plays()2. A. on B. in C. from D. at()3. A. late B. early C. bad D. good()4. A. goes B. comes C. leaves D. gets()5. A. take B. ride C. meet D. walk()6. A. six B. eight C. nine D. ten()7. A. quick B. right(正确的) C. interesting(有趣的) D. free()8. A. habit B. bridge C. dream D. friend()9. A. never B. often C. usually D. always()10. A. have fun B. come true C. have time D. come in (E)How do you usually go to school? You can _1_ a bus, a subway or ride a bike to school. And many of us go to school on foot. But do you know _2_ to fly(飞) to school?Look at the students flying over(在上) the river. They are students _3_Bula Ethnic Primary School in Yunnan. There is a _4_ between their school and their homes. They _5_ it on a ropeway every day. It is very dangerous (危险的) for_6_. _7_they have to do the dangerous job every day.Now some _8_ are over the river. The students dont _9_ to fly to school. It takes the students about 10 minutes _10_ to school on foot. They are very happy because their dream comes true.()1.A.ride Btake Cwalk Ddrive()2.A.what Bwhere Chow Dwhy()3.A.on Bfrom Cwith Dto()4.A.bridge Bvillage Criver Dboat()5.A.cross Bgo Clive Dleave()6.A.their Btheirs Cthey Dthem()7.A.But BBecause COr DSo()8.A.schools Bboats Cbridges Ddreams()9.A.need Bwant Cgo Dlike()10. Aget Bto get Cgetting Dgets五翻译。1我父亲经常乘火车去天津。 My father often _ _ _ to Tianjin. 2我每天骑自行车去上学。 I _ _ _ to school every day.3步行去学校要花费我30分钟的时间。_ _ me 30 minutes _ _ to school. 4刘颖每周五坐公共汽车去她奶奶家。Liu Ying _ _ _ to her grandmothers home every Friday. 5他每天六点半起床。 He gets up _ _ _ every day. 6从家步行到学校要花25分钟。 _takes 25 minutes _ _ from home to school. 7琳达不喜欢坐地铁去上学。 Linda _ like_ the subway _ _. 8吉姆乘坐公共汽车到学校。 Jim _ the bus _ school. 六阅读理解。 (A)John lives in Shanghai. His home is not far from his school. So he usually goes to school by bike. Every day it takes him fifteen minutes to get there. He always gets to school on time.Susan is a teacher of a middle school in Beijing. Every day she goes to school by train. The train runs every twenty minutes. It only takes her about ten minutes to get to school.Sally works at a clothes store. Her home is in a small village in Changsha. It is far from the clothes store. She usually goes to the store by bus. It takes her an hour every day. She must get up early every morning. She always gets there early.()1.John goes to school _Aby bike Bby bus Cby car Dby subway()2.It takes Susan about _ minutes to get to school from her home by train.Afifteen Bten Cthirty Dtwenty()3.There are _ trains from the train station to Susans school every hour.Atwo Bthree Cfour Dfive()4.Sally goes to the clothes store by bus because _Ashe cant ride a bike Bshe doesnt like walking Cshe lives far from the clothes store Dthere is no car in her village()5.Which of the following is TRUE?ASally works in a middle school. BIt takes John fifteen minutes to get to school.CSally is always late for work. DThe train station is far from the clothes store. (B)I visit my uncle this week. I go to Shanghai by train, not by plane. I get off(下车) the train at Pudong Railway Station(火车站) on Monday morning. Then I take a bus to my uncles home. He is very happy to see me. The next day he takes me to the Huangpu River by bike. After that we go to the zoo and go shopping. I have a very good time with my uncle. I leave my uncles home on Saturday evening.()1.What does the writer do this week?AHe goes to Beijing. BHe visits his uncle. CHe travels by plane. DHe plays with his friends.()2.How does the writer get to his uncles home?ABy plane. BBy bus. CBy boat. DBy bike.()3.Which is not mentioned(提到) in the text? A BC D()4.What doesnt the writer do in Shanghai?AHe doesnt go to the zoo. BHe doesnt go swimming.CHe doesnt go to the Huangpu River. DHe doesnt go shopping.()5.How many days is the writer with his uncle?ATwo. BFour. CSix. DEight.七作文1. 根据实际情况写一篇 50 词左右的短文,介绍自己一天的活动情况。 _


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