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2022年考博英语-中共中央党校考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题As the clerk ( ) prepared my milk shake, I wondered how long she had been working there, ( ) making ice cream treats in a set order of steps.问题1选项A.logically. incautiouslyB.methodically. mindlesslyC.systematically. carefullyD.synthetically. casually【答案】B【解析】副词词义辨析。logically “合乎逻辑”;incautiously “鲁莽地”; methodically “有条理地”;mindlessly “不费心思地”; systematically “有系统地”;carefully “小心地”;synthetically “综合地”;casually “随意 地”。句意:当店员有条不紊地为我准备奶昔时,我想知道她已经在那里工作多久了,她不费心思地按一定的步骤制作冰淇淋。选项B符合题意。2. 单选题Although politicians tended to ( ) acknowledging this aspect-of policy too publicly, in their more candid moments they admitted that this cure for inflation went hand in glove with a rise in unemployment above NAIRU.问题1选项A.steer clear toB.steer clearing toC.steer clear ofD.steer clearing of【答案】C【解析】固定搭配。根据固定搭配steer clear to “避开”,句意:尽管政客们尽量避免过于公开认证这方面的政策。不存在选项A、B、D搭配。选项C符合题意。3. 单选题Major exams are the bane of many a students life. They represent a one-off chance to scribble months or years of learning onto paper, and can make or break future career prospects. The trouble is that taking an exam at a time rigidly set by the academic calendar has never been an ideal way to determine competencethey may come at the right time for some lucky students, but not for many others.Perhaps it doesnt have to be that way. As teaching begins to move online, we no longer need to wait until the end of a course to perform assessments. Instead, computer software can assess understanding during the learning process itself by analyzing a students every mouse click and keystroke. So could we finally be able to get rid of the dreaded final exam?A better option is a system that allows students to advance at their own pace when they have mastered the material, says Julia Freeland, an education researcher. This is called competency-based learning, and it requires tailoring the educational program in a different way for each student. This is clearly something that teachers in a busy classroom may struggle to do. If course material is offered online, though, with the students input analyzed automatically by computer software, students can be assessed individuallyeven to the point that the software can identify when a given student is likely to perform to their full potential on an exam.Competency-based learning software is now being used both in high schools and in colleges across the US, says Freeland. The Virtual Learning Academy Charter School in the state of New Hampshire is one prominent high school example.The idea behind the software is relatively straightforward. It takes information about the students activity on course websitethe pages they have visited and whether the student has verified that they have read a passage of text or watched a video, for instanceand combines it with data on the students performance on informal tests and quizzes to establish in real time how well the student understands a concept. When that understanding reaches a predetermined level, the student is challenged with new concepts, or offered the opportunity to take a formal exam. Since this form of competency-based learning approach was introduced in some classes at Arizona State University, pass rates have reportedly increased. And Philip Regier, the dean of the universitys online arm, says there are now plans for doing “an entire degree adaptively”.Some firms push the technology further. Their artificial intelligence software analyses the data collected to constantly tweak the way it presents new information to the individual. Within a few weeks, claim their makers, these algorithms can even identify what time of the day a student is most receptive to lessons in a given subject.1.It can be learned from Paragraph 1 that ( ).2.Which of the following is TRUE about “competency-based learning”?3.The Virtual Learning Academy Charter School is mentioned in the passage to ( ).4.What is “the idea behind the software” in Paragraph 5?5.To which of the following statements would the author most likely agree?问题1选项A.taking exams makes most students nervous and stressfulB.sometimes major exams can determine peoples future career prospectsC.taking an exam at a time rigidly set by the academic calendar is a fair way to determine competenceD.many students pass the exams because of their good luck问题2选项A.It is a system that allows students to improve their competency all by themselves.B.It would make teachers very busy in the classroom.C.It requires students to attend class online, and thus they need not go to classroom any more.D.It requires making the educational program in a different way for each student.问题3选项A.show that the competency-based learning software is now being used both in high schools and in colleges across the USB.illustrate how a good high school performs in competency-based learning and testingC.show how the competency-based learning software is designed by high schools and colleges across the USD.illustrate that the competency-based learning software is very important both in high schools and in colleges across the US问题4选项A.It takes information about the students activity on course websites to help to assess his competence.B.It more emphasizes informal tests and quizzes to know how well the student understands a concept.C.The student will not be offered the opportunity to take a formal exam unless he manages to understand all the concepts in the textbook.D.Teachers must require students to read texts and watch videos on course websites.问题5选项A.We must get rid of the dreaded exams with the help of computer software.B.Since course materials are offered online, teachers need not care about students performance in the classroom.C.Since the competency-based learning approach was proved successful in some cases, we should try to adopt it in more schools.D.We should try to develop new artificial intelligence software to collect the private information of teachers and students.【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:B第4题:A第5题:C【解析】1.推断题。根据文章第一段,“They represent a one-off chance to scribble months or years of learning onto paper, and can make or break future career prospects.”,可知大考代表着一个一次性机会,将几个月或者几年学到的知识草草地写到纸上,可能会毁掉或者成就一个人未来的职业前景。可推断出一些考试确实能决定一个人的职业前景。选项B符合题意。2.细节理解题。根据文章第三段,“This is called competency-based learning, and it requires tailoring the educational program in a different way for each student.”,可知这种能力本位学习要求为每个学生定制不同的教育计划。选项D符合题意。3.推断题。根据文章第五段,“the Virtual Learning Academy Charter School in the state of New Hampshire is one prominent high school example.”,可知在基于能力的学习软件的应用方面,虚拟学习学院特许学校是一个突出的高中学校例子,可推断出举这个例子主要是为了描述以能力为基础的学习和测试在好的高中学校的表现。选项B符合题意。4.推断题。根据文章第五段第二句,“It takes information about the students activity on course websitethe pages they have visited and whether the student has verified thatto establish in real time how well the student understands a concept.”,她获取学生在课程网站上的活动信息,他们访问过的页面等,实时确定学生对概念的理解程度。可推断出这个软件是通过学生的活动信息来判断他们的能力。选项A符合题意。5.作者态度题。根据文章第五段倒数第二句,“Since this form of competency-based learning approach was introduced in some classes at Arizona State University, pass rates have reportedly increased.”,可知自从这种基于能力的学习方法引入到亚利桑那州立大学的一些课程中,通过率提升了。所以可推断出作者会赞同这种基于能力的学习方式应该得到更多学校的采用。学习C符合题意。4. 单选题Examine the data over time, and youll find irrefutable evidence of progress: the decline of war, the increase in life span; ( ) of literacy, democracy, and equal rights; ( ) of privilege based on race, gender, heredity and beliefs.问题1选项A.the spread . the waningB.the spreading . the waneC.the spreads . the wanesD.the spreading . the waning【答案】A【解析】语法题。介词of前面应该用名词,所以第一个空格用名词spread,第二个空将动词wan后加-ing变成动名词形式waning,句意:随着时间的推移,研究这些数据,你会发现无可辩驳的证据证明社会的进步:战争的减少,寿命的延长;文化程度、民主和平等权利的传播;基于宗族、性别、地位和信仰的特权衰退和减少。选项A符合题意。5. 单选题The question of ethics in the legal profession is one that has plagued the industry since its inception. The common image of an attorney is one who will resort to any unethical trick to(1)the laws to fit his purposes. In the more specific industry of criminal law, defense attorneys are often criticized for advocating(2) defendants who are “obviously guilty,” thus becoming roadblocks on the path to(3). Much to the contrary, (4), defense attorneys provide a valuable service that should earn them praise, not scorn. While it is true that every lawyer will do everything (5) to interpret the laws in the manner most beneficial to his client, such a characterization is (6) limited to defense attorneys. The prosecutor will do the same thing, employing all his legal knowledge and know-how to establish the guilt of the defendant.(7 ), the vague nature of the law is highlighted, and it becomes a virtual necessity for each side to use every tool (8), on the assumption that the other side will also use every tool at his. The net result emerges as a positive, (9) the tricks of the opposing attorney cancel one another out, leaving only the truth, clearer and (10)manipulation,(11)the jurys consideration. Further, the defense attorney is a vital element of the American judicial system, (12)without him the defendant would stand no chance whatsoever. Under the constitution, even the most “obvious guilty” defendants (13)the right to a fair trial, involving someone able and willing to advocate on his behalf. Of course, there are bad apples in the industry who are (14)and care nothing for actual justice, and (15) only concerns are their wallets. Generally speaking, however, without (16), the system would crumble into a mere machine in which defendants are assumed guilty, without a chance to argue or prove (17), and many innocent people(18) with crimes would be severely punished for transgressions that they didnt commit. It is a basic fact that the adversarial system of justice in the United States is necessary in order to ensure(19)and most unbiased presentation and evaluation of the facts possible. Without defense attorneys, that system cannot be carried out, and (20)a loss of the civil liberties that the nation enjoys and treasures. To that end, all of those who make that process a reality, including defense attorneys, deserve our support and admiration, not our suspicion and disdain. 问题1选项A.obeyB.breakC.twistD.adopt问题2选项A.at behalf ofB.at the behalf ofC.on behalf ofD.on the behalf of问题3选项A.civil libertiesB.justiceC.transgressionD.ethics问题4选项A.thusB.furthermoreC.moreoverD.however问题5选项A.beyond his powerB.in powerC.at his powerD.within his power问题6选项A.by no meansB.by any meansC.by all meansD.by what means问题7选项A.In one respectB.In this respectC.In some respectsD.In no respect问题8选项A.at their disposalB.at their disposalsC.at his disposalD.at his disposals问题9选项A.at whichB.on whichC.in whichD.for which问题10选项A.full ofB.full withC.devoid ofD.devoid from问题11选项A.presenting forB.presented forC.presenting toD.presented to问题12选项A.in thatB.for thatC.in whichD.for which问题13选项A.will guaranteeB.guaranteeC.will be guaranteedD.are guaranteed问题14选项A.ethicalB.unethicalC.guiltyD.unbiased问题15选项A.whatB.whoC.whoseD.where问题16选项A.defense attorneysB.prosecutorsC.the constitutionD.defendants问题17选项A.furtherB.neverthelessC.otherwiseD.though问题18选项A.are falsely chargedB.were falsely chargedC.being falsely chargedD.falsely charged问题19选项A.a fairB.a fairerC.the fairestD.the fair问题20选项A.will result inB.would result inC.will result atD.would result at【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:B第4题:D第5题:D第6题:A第7题:B第8题:A第9题:C第10题:C第11题:B第12题:A第13题:D第14题:B第15题:C第16题:A第17题:C第18题:D第19题:C第20题:B【解析】(1)动词词义辨析。obey “服从”;break “打破”;twist “扭曲”;adopt “采取”。句意:律师给人的普遍印象是,不惜使用任何不道德违背法律的手段去达到自己的目的。选项C符合题意。(2)固定搭配。on behalf of “代表,为了”,为固定搭配。没有A、C、D搭配,可排除。句意:辩护律师经常因为代表“明显有罪”的被告进行辩护而受到批评。选项C符合题意。(3)逻辑关系。civil liberties “公民自由”;justice “公平,正义”;transgression “海侵,犯罪”;ethics“伦理学”。通过关键词“thus becoming roadblocks”,可知律师这样的做法在公平正义的道路上成为了一种障碍,所以空格中应该填入正义。选项B符合题意。(4)逻辑关系。thus “因此”;furthermore “此外,而且”;moreover “而且” ;however “然而”。根据空格前的to the contrary可知,下文提到的内容将与前文相反,构成转折关系,所以用转折连词however,选项D符合题意。(5)固定搭配。beyond his power “超出其权力”;in power “执政,掌权”;没有at his power这种搭配,选项C可排除。within his power “在权力范围之内”。句意:然而,事实是每个律师都会尽一切努力在自己的权力范围内以对他的当事人最有利的方式来阐述法律。选项D符合题意。(6)固定搭配。by no means “决不”;by any means “无论如何”;by all means “尽一切办法”;by what means “用什么办法”。句意:这样的特征决不仅限于辩护律师,而是符合所有律师。选项A符合题意。(7)固定搭配。In one respect “在某个方面”;In this respect “在这方面”;In some respects “在一些方面”;In no respect “毫不,完全不”。句意:检察官也会这样做,利用自己所知道的法律知识来判定被告有罪。在这个方面,法律的不明确性得到了强调。选项B符合题意。(8)语法题。根据上文“and it becomes a virtual necessity for each side to use every tool”,可知每一方都必须使用每一种工具。所以是指公诉人和律师两方,应该用复数their。根据固定搭配at ones disposal “由支配”,可知disposal用单数。选项A符合题意。(9)语法题。根据题意,空格引导的句子为非限制性定语从句,因为in this result “在这种结果下”,所以用in which引导,在定语从句中作状语。句意:在这种结果下,对方律师的诡计互相抵消,只留下真相。选项C符合题意。(10)固定搭配。full of “充满”; devoid of “缺乏”,没有B和D项搭配,可排除。句意:只留下真相,更清晰并且不可操控。选项C符合题意。(11)固定搭配和语法。present for “递交给”;present to “赠送,给予”。根据文章the jurys consideration,最终结果要求陪审团共同考虑,所以证据要被递交给陪审团考虑,要用动词的-ed分词,选项B符合题意。(12)逻辑关系。空格前一句提到被告辩护人是美国司法体系最重要的一个部分,空格后提到没有被告辩护人,被告就没有任何机会。所以后一句是前一句的原因解释。in that后接原因,选项A符合题意。(13)逻辑关系和语法。根据句意:即使是最明显的被告也被保证有权得到公正的审判。所以应该用被动语态,选项A和B可排除。这里是对宪法保证公平审判的事实,不需要用将来时态。选项D符合题意。(14)形容词词义辨析。ethical “伦理的,道德的”;unethical “不道德的”;guilty “有罪的,内疚的”;unbiased “公正的”。句意:这个行业里面有些害群之马,这些人没有职业道德,并且不关心实际的公正。选项B符合题意。(15)语法题。根据文章意思,空格引导的句子应该是一个非限制性定语从句,用来修饰上文提到的那些害群之马,根据名词concerns可知,关系代词应该用whose在定语从句中作定语。句意:那些人的关注点只在他们的钱包上。选项C符合题意。(16)逻辑关系。根据上下文,可知这里是指没有被告辩护律师,这一体系将崩溃为一个简单的机器,在这个机器里,被告被假定有罪。选项A符合题意。(17)逻辑关系。further “而且,更远地”;nevertheless “然而,不过”;otherwise “另外,否则”;though “虽然,尽管”。句意:否则,被告将无机会去辩论或证明。选项C符合题意。(18)语法题。根据空格前的people可知,空格应该作后置定语修饰people,因为无辜的人们是被指控的,所以存在被动关系,用动词的-ed分词作后置定语。选项D符合题意。(19)语法题。根据空格后most unbiased用到了最高级,可知and前的空格也相应地要用最高级。选项C符合题意。(20)语法题。根据文章,“Without defense attorneys, that system cannot be carried out”,可知没有辩护律师,这一制度将无法实施。所以是做出了没有辩护律师的假定,可推断下文空格会用到虚拟语气。would do表示对现在的虚拟,句意:将会导致丧失国家享有和珍视的公民自由。又根据固定搭配result in “导致”,选项B符合题意。6. 单选题Many people who are otherwise committed to low-carbon life-styles will ( ) from participating in an action that might involve significant levels of police harassment or even violence.问题1选项A.take offB.be taken offC.put offD.be put off【答案】A【解析】固定搭配和语法题。take off “离开,起飞”;put off “脱下”。句意:许多坚持低碳生活的人将拒绝参加那些大量警察干预甚至暴力的行动。所以是主动从这些活动中离开,不参加。选项A符合题意。7. 单选题If the police ( )when they did there would have been serious violence.问题1选项A.had not stepped inB.did not stepped inC.had not stepped downD.did not stepped down【答案】A【解析】语法题。考查虚拟语气,主句结构为would have done,表示对过去事情的虚拟,if引导的从句应该用had done过去完成,选项B和D可排除。step in “介入,干预”;step down “辞职,走下”。句意:如果警方没有介入的话,严重的暴力行为可能已经发生了。选项A符合题意。8. 单选题That the material in the ads may not be pertinent to the real issues the candidate will be addressing once in office or what they might do on the real issues they might face is ( ).问题1选项A.at all pointsB.beside the pointC.up to a pointD.to the point【答案】B【解析】固定搭配。at all points “在各方面”;beside the point “不中肯, 离题”;up to a point “在一定程度上”;to the point “中肯”。句意:广告中的内容可能与候选人在正式会议上要讨论的真正问题无关,或者与在他们可能面临的真正问题所处理的事情也不相关。选项B符合题意。9. 单选题Many an institution has been set up to try and make sense of the inscrutable nature of us human beings, and although ( ), it is only instrumental in showing how little we really understand.问题1选项A.an inroad has been set upB.the inroad has been set upC.an inroad has been madeD.inroads have been made【答案】C【解析】固定搭配和语法题。根据后面主句中的it可判断although引导的让步状语从句中主语应该为名词单数,所以选项D可排除。又根据固定搭配make an inroad “取得进展”。选项C符合题意。10. 单选题At other times, however, reason can correct the appearances of sense; from the waxing and waning of the moon, according to how it is illuminated by the sun, we can ( )that it is a globe, and not the flat disc it appears to be.问题1选项A.reduceB.reciteC.deduceD.decide【答案】C【解析】动词词义辨析。reduce “减少,降低”;recite “背诵,列举”;deduce “推论,推断”;decide “决定,判决”。句意:然而,在其他时候,理性可以改正感觉的表象;从月亮的盈亏来看,根据太阳的照射方式,我们可以推断它是一个球体,而不是像看上去的那样,是一个扁平的圆盘。选项C符合题意。11. 单选题Five years ago, that couple bought the house ( )_ making a quick profit out of it.问题1选项A.with eyes open toB.in good eyes atC.with an eye toD.by an eye at【答案】C【解析】词组辨析。with an eye to “着眼于,指望着”为固定搭配。没有A、B和D项的搭配,可排除。句意:五年前,那对夫妇买下这所房子,希望能很快从中获利。选项C符合题意。12. 单选题Around the world, rumbles of complaint about globalization are growing louder. In East Asia, the financial crisis of 1997 left a jaundiced sense of what globalization entails, though robust economic recovery has tempered that. Globalizations standing has also been badly damaged in Latin America by the meltdown of the Argentine economy in 2000 and financial crises in Brazil in 1999 and 2001. New fears about globalization are surfacing in Europe too. In France and Germany, working people link globalization with pressures to dismantle the social democratic state.These developments have raised concerns about the durability of globalization even among its supporters. In the final section of his new book Global Capitalism: Its Fail and Rise in the 20th Century,the Harvard professor Jeffry Friedenwho is in favor of globalizationruminates on the possibility that todays globalization, like that of the 19th century, might falter.It can be highly instructive to look back at what some historians call “the first globalization”. When people do so, however, they often tend to identify its end as the beginning of World War I in 1914. This is wrong, and leads to misunderstandings about todays globalization.The first globalization ended with the Wall Street crash of 1929 and the ensuing Great Depression. The worlds response to the crash, however, was profoundly affected by the political conditions that World War I had created. In the United States, Britain and France, the war created political and social conditions that fostered a turn to social democracy. In Germany, the onerous economic burdens of the 1919 Treaty of Versailles fostered a turn to Nazism.This history has enormous significance for understanding todays predicament. The first lesson is that the economic crisis of 1929not politicsbrought down the first globalization, suggesting that an economic crisis, and not politics, will bring down todays globalization.The second lesson is that while political developments before 1929 did not cause the crash, they mattered enormously for the international response. After World War I, governments substantially recreated the prewar economic system, but the reconstructed system distributed prosperity extremely unevenly. In the United States, wealth and income inequality grew during the Roaring Twenties. In Britain, the industrial midlands and the north suffered from persistent stagnation because of an overvalued exchange rate. And prosperity simply bypassed Germany.Additionally, there was a popular turn to isolationism in response to the carnage wrought by the war. The global economic system was therefore unpopular, and consequently it had few defenders when the crash came. That lesson holds for the current globalization, which is also unpopular and feared.After the first globalization crashed because of inherent financial fragility, the ensuing Ne


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