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同义词词汇总结aloud, loud, loudly三者作为副词,都有 “ 大声地,响亮地“的意思。aloud 常与read, think 连用表示“出声”。如:The teacher asked me to read the poem aloud.老师让我大声朗读这首诗。loud 作副词时,可与loudly 通用, 表示 “ 大声 ,响亮”之意, loud常用于talk, speak, shout, laugh 等动词之后,在口语中代替loudly, 它有比较级的形式。如:Could you speak a little louder?你能大点声说吗?Someone knocked loudly at the door.有人在响亮地敲门。loudly 侧重于“高声地”, 但更多地含有“喧闹”的意思。此外,loud 也可作为形容词,如: loud music. (响亮的音乐)argue, discuss, debate, argue with, quarrel with以上词都有“争论”之意, 但在具体场合仍有区别。argue (v.)争论,争辩,;论述,常用于argue with sb. about sth.结构。如:Theyre always arguing about money.他们总是争论钱的问题。discuss(v.)讨论,议论 (with) 如:She discussed her plan with her mother.她和她的妈妈讨论她的计划。debate (v.)进行辩论,讨论,考虑,盘算 如:They debated for over an hour on the merits of different system.他们就几种不同体制的优点辩论了一个多小时。quarrel (v.)争吵,常指不愉快的争吵。如:They were quarreling furiously (with each other) about whose turn it was to cook the dinner.他们正就该轮到谁做晚饭而激烈地争吵着。quarrel with sb. 同某人争吵ashamed, shy二者都可作为形容词。ashamed “羞耻的, 内疚的,惭愧的。如:You ought to be ashamed of your behavior.你应为你自己的行为感到羞耻。shy 侧重指“羞怯的,腼腆的,缺乏自信的”。He is shy of women. 他见到女人就害羞。astonish, surprise, shock, amaze(v.)astonishing, surprising, shocking, amazing(adj.)astonished, surprised, shocked, amazed(adj.)以上三者表示“感到吃惊”的意思,有强弱之别。astonish指对突然发生的事感到“惊异,惊骇”,相当于very surprise。如:We were all astonished by the news.听到这个消息,我们都感到十分惊讶。surprise 指 “意外” ”出乎所料”。如:We were surprised to learn that he was French.获知他是法国人,我们都感到惊讶。shock 指“大为震惊“, 语气最强。以ing 结尾的形容词主要用于事物的描述,以-ed 结尾的形容词主要用于对人的描述。如:A shocked silence greeted the announcement.这个通知得到的反应是一片惊愕的沉默。amazed指“大为吃惊”。如:I was amazed at his calmness.我对他的镇定感到大为吃惊。at sea, on the sea, by sea, by the sea, in the sea以上几组词都含有sea 但与不同的介词连用,有不同的含义。at sea 指“在海上航行”如:Were now been at sea three days.我们在海上航行已经三天了。on the sea 指“在海上”如:There were some boats sailing on the sea.在海上航行的船只。by sea 指“乘船”如:He traveled by air, but sent his heavy luggage by sea.by the sea 指“在海边” 如:She lives in a little cottage by the sea.她在海边的一所小屋里。in the sea 指“在海里”如:She enjoys swimming in the sea. 她喜欢在海里游泳。affect , effectaffect为动词, effect 为名词affect 多指不好的“影响”。如:Smoking affects health.吸烟影响健康。effect 作为名词常用于have an effect onGovernment policy will not have any effect on us.政府的政策不会对我们有任何影响。affair, business, incident, accident, matter以上几者都有“事情,事物”的意思, 但仍有差别。affair 指国家外交方面的事件,常用于复数形式。如:The minister is busy with important affairs of state.部长忙于重要国务。business 指“关心的事,职责,本分”,“业务,事务”。如:Lets get down to the main business of the meeting.我们来认真研究一下这次会议的主要议题。incident 多指较小的事件,小插曲或人生中所碰到的平凡事情,也可指外交,政治方面的重大事件。如:On my way home he told me of an incident that took place in his class.在回家路上, 他给我讲了在课上发生的一件事。accident 指“意外事件,偶发事件”,一般指不幸的事情。如:He was killed in a car accident.他在一起车祸中丧生。matter 指大家关注的事情或麻烦事。如:There are several important matters we must discuss.有几个重要问题我们必须讨论。above all , after all , at all , in all尽管四者不是十分相似的词组,但经常在同一道题中出现,所以必须弄清其含义。above all “首先,首要,最重要的是”如:Never waste anything, but above all never waste time.after all 意为(尽管)到底,毕竟,不管怎么说” 用来说明事物的结果,使用时不受否定,疑问词的限制。如:So you see I was right after all!你看,我毕竟还是对了嘛!at all (1)根本(不)(用于否定句)(2) 究竟,到底(用于疑问句)(3) 既然,就(用于条件句)如:I dont agree at all. 我根本不同意。in all “总共”如:There are 12 girls in all in our class. 我们班共有十二名女生。anyway, any way二者读音相同 , 但写法和意义二者均有区别。 anyway 用作副词,在句中充当状语,意思为“无论如何,不管怎样”。如:Its too late now anyway.不管怎样现在太迟了。any way 是一个词组,在句中充当主语, 宾语,与介词连用,意思是“任何方面”等。如:Can I help you in any way?also, either, too, as well as, as well以上几词 都有“也”的意思, 但在实际运用中仍有不同。also 用于肯定句,比较正式,通常位于be 动词,助动词或情态动词之后,行为动词之前。如:You know the answer and I also know it . 你知道答案,我也知道。either 用于否定句,而且只能放在句末。如:I cant speak French and cant write it ,either.我不会讲法语,也不会写法语。too 一般放在句末,或作为插入语入在句中, 只能用在肯定句中。口语中通常与also通用。如:He studies hard and I study hard, too.as well as 作为连词,含义为“不仅而且;即又”,连接两个并列结构,它所强调的重点是前者,并且谓语动词与前者保持一致。如:The girl is lively as well as healthy.这个女孩既健康又活泼。as well 作为副词,只能放在句尾,与too位置相同。如:He speaks English as well. 他也说英语。attend, join, join in , take part in ,go in for, be present at它们都可表示“参加”的意思,但用法不同。attend (vt.)是正式语,指参加会议或仪式,婚礼,典礼,上课,上学,听报告等,强调的是发生这一动作的本身,而不强调参加者在活动中 起的作用。如:Will you be attending the meeting ?你会去参加会议吗?join 指加入某组织团体,成为其中成员。如参军,入团,入党。如:He joined the army last year.他去年参了军。join in 指参加比赛或活动等,常用于口语,并且指加入已在进行的动作。如:We all joined in the singing.我们一起唱起了歌。take part in 指参加会议或群众性活动等,重在说明句子主语参加该活动并在活动中发挥的作用。如:Well take part in some social activities during the summer vacation.我们将在暑假期间参加社会活动。go in for 指参加等项比赛,考试,另外go in for 还有“爱好”的意思。如:He went in for a reading competition.他参加了朗读比赛。He goes in for sports.他参加了朗读比赛。be present at 表示出席会议或仪式。如:He was present at the meeting yesterday.他昨天出席了会议。at birth, by birth二者都与birth 连用,但含义不同。at birth 表示“出生,诞生”。如:The baby weighed seven join at birth.这个婴儿生下来有十斤重。by birth 表示“在血统上;生来;天生地”如:He is British by birth although he was born in France.他虽然生在法国,但父母英国人。a second ,the second 二者都有“第二次”的含义,但用法不同。a second 当second ,first 等序数词与定冠词a 连用,指“再一次的,又一次的”不强调“第几次”的概念。如:Do it a second time. 再做一次。the second 当second 等序数词与定冠词the 连用时指先后的顺序, 意思是“第几次”。如:He was the second to arrive.他是第二个到达的。avenue, street二者都可表示“大街”。avenue 主要指城市中的“大街,林阴道”,尤指通向房子的两旁有树的小路, 还可指“方法,途径”。如:They explored every avenue(=tried every method) but could not find a solution.他们探索过各种途径,但是没有找到解决的办法。street 则指“街道,马路”。如:101 Oxford Street, London伦敦,牛津街101号alone, lonely, lone三者都表示“孤独”,但词性、用法都不同。alone adj./adv. 只表示“单独的(地),带有感情色彩。如:She lives alone.她独居。lonely adj. 则带有感情色彩,表示“孤寂的,寂寞的”。含有哀伤的意义,也可指地方“荒僻的,人烟稀少的”。如:He has been very lonely since his wife left him.处从妻子离开他之后,他一直非常孤寂。lone 指“独立的”指物时,表示“只有一个”。如:a lone tree in the garden.园子里唯一的一棵树。act, action两个名词都表示“行为”,但仍有不同。act 一般指较简单的、短暂的、具体的“行为”。如:This despicable act will not go unpunished. 这种卑劣的行径不会不受到惩处。action 则较 act抽象,一般指复杂的、长期的“行为、活动”,包括不同的步骤,强调做某事的方法或过程,说明某事正在进行。如:Actions speak louder than words.行动比言语更重要。advice , idea, view, opinion, suggestion这几个词分别有“意见”之意,但用法有所不同。advice 是不可数名词,表示对某人提出“劝告”“意见”等。如:a piece of advice 一条意见Acting on her advice, I decided to give up smoking.遵守她的意见,我决定戒烟。 suggestion 可以是不可数名词,也可以是可数名词。表示对某人提出主观性的建议。如:Your suggestion are unworkable.你的那些建议行不通的。view 是可数名词,表示某人的主观性看法、主张与opinion用法相同,但opinion 可用做不可数名词。如:What are your views on free university education?你对免费提供大学教育有什么看法?In my opinion, youre wrong.依我看,你错了。idea 是可数名词,表示“主意、念头”。如:What a good idea!多好的主意!tip 是可数名词,表示告诫某人做某事。如:The manual is full of useful tips.这本手册里有很多实用的小建议。a sheet of, a piece of, an article of 这三组词都可与不可数名词连用,但所接的词义不同。a piece of 常指“一张、一件、一首”。如:a piece of paper 一张纸a piece of furniture 一件家具a sheet of 侧重指“一片、一层、一团”,有时可以与a piece of 通用。如:a sheet of newspaper一张报纸an article of 表示“一件”常接衣物等词。如:an article of clothing一件衣服a mass of , masses of 这是两个量词词组,两者后面可接可数或不可数名词,但用法不同。a mass of 表示“一堆”。如:a mass of sand 一堆沙子masses of 表示“一堆堆,成堆”之意。如:masses of ice 大块大块的浮冰at the point of , on the point of , be about to do sth.这三组词组都可表示“即将”,但在不同语境中,以及后面接的词也不同。at the point of 表示“正要之际,就要之时”,后面常接动名词或名词,与on the point of 用法相同。如:I was on the point of leaving when the phone rang.我正要走时,电话铃响了。be about to do sth“刚要,行将”,后面接不定式,表示最近的将来,不和具体的时间或短语连用。如:We are (just) about to leave.我们(刚刚)正准备离开。around, round, about 这三个词都可用作副词或介词,表示“在周围、环绕、大约”,但用法不同。around多与状态动词连用。如:We sat around the table.我们围着桌子坐。round 多与动态动词连用。在美国英语中常用around 代替round。如:The Earth turns round once in 24 hours.地球小时处转一圈。about 它的概念比较模糊,英国有时用round代替about。如:Is there anybody about?附近有人吗?bring, take , fetch, carry四个词都可表示“拿”,但在用法和意义上有所不同。bring 表示把人或物从别处带到说话人所在的地方,强调方向。如:Bring your friend to the party.带你的朋友来参加聚会。take 指把人或物从说话人的地方带到别的地方去。表示“带走,拿走”。如:Dont forget to take your bag when you go.走的时候别忘了拿上你的袋子。fetch 表示到某处去把某人找到并带来,或把某物找到并取来,相当于go and bring。如:Could you fetch me a clean shirt from my bedroom?你能替我从寝室里拿一件干净的衬衫来吗?carry 不表示动作的方向,一般指把重的东西搬走或随身携带某物。表示“扛、背、运”等。如:I carried the books in a story paper bag.我把这些书放在厚纸袋里提着。be content to do sth., be content with sth., be satisfied with sth.以上三个词组都含有“对感到满意“的意思,但仍有不同。be content to do sth.指“满足于做,甘心地做,知足于做.”如:John seems content to sit in front of the television all night.看来约翰整晚坐在电视机前已感心满意足。be content with sth. 表示没有什么特别值得一提的牢骚和不满的事情,“满足的,甘心的”。如:Are you content with your work?你对你的工作满意吗?be satisfied with 表示欲望获得满足的状态,“对感到满意”。如:He was not satisfied with the result.他对那个结果感到不满意。be afraid of sth./sb., be afraid to do sth. , be afraid of doing sth., be afraid for sth.afraid 作为形容词表示“害怕”之意,但由于所接的词及其结构不同,含义也不同。be afraid of sth/sb. 表示“害怕某人或某物”。如:Dont be afraid of the dog.不要怕那只狗。be afraid to do sth. 侧重表示“不敢做某事”。如:I was afraid to go out fo the house at night.我怕夜间到屋外去。be afraid of doing sth.侧重指主语因担心可能发生的后果而害怕做某事。如:I didnt tell her because /was afraid of upsetting her.我不敢告诉好,是怕她听了心烦。be afraid for sth. 表示“替担心”。如:He was afraid for his job.他怕丢了那份工作。be worried about sth./sb., worry about sth./sb.二者都表示“担心,担忧”之意,但有所不同。be worried about sth./sb. 是一个形容词词组,必须与be 动词,系动词连用。如:She seems very worried about something.她像是在为什么事犯愁。worry about sth./sb.是一个动词词组,无须在与be 动词连用。如:You dont have to worry about that.你不必为那事操心。break down , break up二者均有“分解”,“分开”“衰弱”之意,当二者表示“拆散”解时,可以通用。如:The old cars were broken down /up for their parts.拆掉旧汽车,以取得零部件。break down 除了有以上含义之外,还有破坏,停止运转; 坏掉之意; 另外也可指人身体出毛病。 如:The police broke the door down.警察把门砸开了。The car broke down. 汽车坏了。Your health will break down if you work too hard.你工作过度会损害健康。break up 除了有以上的含义之外,更侧重指“(关系)破坏”;“结束”,另外也可指精神上的颓丧,垮下去。如:Their marriage broke up.他们的婚姻破裂了。The police broke up the fight.警察制止了斗殴。The death of her pet cat broke her up.她心爱的猫咪死去,使她精神颓丧。be to , be about to , be going to 以上三者均表示“即将”“就要发生”但在具体语境中仍有不同。be to do sth. 表示人的“意志,计划,安排”等。如:He is to meet his father at the station.他将要在车站接他的父亲。(含有事先安排或双方事先约好的意思)be about to do 指最近的将来, 常译为“即将”“就要”表示动作“马上就要发生”,后面不能接时间状语。另外, 它常用于be about to do when结构中。如:He is about to leave.他就要离开了。不能说: He is about to go tomorrow. 应把tomorrow 去掉。如:He was just about to leave when the telephone rang.他正要离开时,电话铃声响了。be going to 表示将要做某事时,指主语“按计划,打算,安排做的事”,这时,主语只能是人。如:She is going to get married newt month.他打算下个月结婚。另外,主语是事物时,它表示说话人根据某种迹象重现推测可能发生的事。如:The wind went down toward sunset.太阳下山时风停了,看来明天是好天气。be in love with ,fall in love with二者无有“恋爱”之意,但仍有不同。be in love with 表示恋爱的状态。The young pair are in love with each other 这对年轻人在恋爱。fall in love with 表示恋爱的动作。They fell in love at once 他们很快就相爱了。be seated, seat oneself /sb ,be sitting, sit以上词汇均有“就座”之意,但含义仍有区别。seat (v ) 表示“使座,帮助 坐”,经常用于被动语态,做宾语补足语,即表示处于坐的状态,此时与sitting通用。如:He was seated 他坐着。I glanced at the man seated next to me (=I glanced at the man who was sitting next to me )我看了一下坐在我旁边的那男人。please be seated 请坐。另外,seat还可表示“容纳”,“坐得下人”,“使坐”。如:The hall seats 200 这大厅能容纳二百人。He seated himself at a desk 他在桌子边坐了下来。She seated a baby on her knees 她让孩子坐在膝上。sit指就坐的动作。如:He sat down 她坐了下来。beat, defeat, win三者都有“获胜、取胜”的意思,但所接的宾语不同。beat 它的宾语应是表示人的词。如:She beat me at tennis.她打网球赢了我。defeat 它的宾语也是表示人的词。如:After a long campaign, the Duke of Willingtons army defeated Napoleon.经过长长的战役,威灵顿公爵的军队战胜了拿破仑。win 它的宾语通常是比赛、辩论、战斗、奖品、钱等。如:He won the race.他在赛跑中获胜了。beat, hit , strike三者都有“打”的意思,但含义不同。beat指“连续地打击”。如:His father beat him for being disobedient.他父亲因他不听话而打他。hit指“打击一次”,“击中”。如:He hit me in the stomach.他打我的肚子。strike 与hit 同义,强调“打一下”,“击中”。如:She struck him with her hand.她用手打了他。be complete, be completed 二者均有“完成的”,“完整的”,“速成”的意思,但有所不同。be complete中的complete是形容词。如:Is this pack of cards complete?这副牌全吗?be completed 为被动语态“完成,建成”,“结束”。如:When will work be completed on the new road 新道路的工和何时完成?be done, get done二者均可表示被动语态,但具体含义有所不同。be done 表示被动语态时,强调动作的执行者是人。如:The cup was broken by the boy 这个杯子是补这个小男孩打碎的。get done构成的被动语态,常用于非正式文体,不与by sb连用,但可与by sth连用。如:The enemy got beaten 敌人挨了揍。He got caught in the rain 他挨雨浇了。be known as , be known by ,be known for , be known to 以上几个词组都包含known,意义很相近,但仍有不同。be known as意为“作为 知名”,“补称作是”后接“身份”名词。如:He was well known as a good doctor 大家公认他是一位好医生。类似的词组还有be famous as .。be known by意为“凭 而知”,by表示手段或标准。如:One can be known by his words and deeds 凭一个人的言行, 就可知此人。be known for 意为“因 而出名”,for表示原因。如:The city is known for its beautiful scenery 这个城市以风景优美而闻名。China is known for it long history 中国以其悠久的历史而著名。相似的词组还有be famous for 。be known to意为“为某人所熟知”, 介词to后的名词或代词表示为“谁”所知。如:Hes known to the police as a crime. 他是警察所熟知的罪犯。be late for, come late to , be late in , be late with以上词组均有“迟于,迟到做某事”的含义,但仍有不同。be late for是一个常用词语,表示“迟于规定的时间做某事”。如:We were late for the train 我们来晚了,未赶上火车。注:当be late for为此意时与come late to相似,但come late to强调来晚的动作。如:He came late to school 他上学迟到了。be late in常用于be late in doing的形式,表示“做某事迟到了或做迟了”。如:Mother was late with lunch So I wa late for school 妈妈做午饭晚了,所以我上学迟到了。be worth doing sth ,be worthy to be done, be worthy of sth 三者均有“值得”,但其结构有所不同。be worth doing sth中worth是一个表语形容词,其后可直接名词,代词或动词的v-ing形式,但当主语是物,常以v-ing的主动形式表被动意义。如:The book is well worth reading 这本书很值得一读。It isnt worth waiting for him 不值得等候他。be worthy to be done中worthy也常用作表语,在此结构中也表示“值得”。如:The plan is worthy to be considered 这个计划值得考虑。be worthy后面除了接不定式的被动结构外,还可按介词of,或be worthy of sth /be worthy of being done结构。如:We shall prove worthy of the Partys trust 我们将不辜负党对我们的信任。beat, defeat, win, gain二者均有“打败”“获胜”“羸得”之意,但用法有所有同。beat与defeat是一组同义词,beat侧重游戏,比赛;defeat尤指在战场上打败敌人。但它们经常补人们替换使用。但它们的宾语必须是“人”或一个集体,如:team, a class, a school等。例如:She beat me at tennis 她打网球赢了我。After a long campaign, the Duke of Wellingtons army defeated Napoleon 经过长时间的战役,威灵顿公爵的军队战胜了拿破仑。win和gain是一组同义词。Win表示在竞争中取得胜利,它常跟的宾语有:game ,match, battle, prize, war victory, election, fame等, 不能接 “人“做宾语。另外win也可作为不及物动词。如:They won the game 他赢得这场比赛。gain表示获得需要之物, 它常跟的宾语有:knowledge, attention, respect, admiration , time experience, strength等。在某些情况下, 可与win 互换。如:You shall gain experience through practice 你们将通过实践获得经验。Madam Curie gained /won a second Nobel prize for her research in 1911 居里夫人于1911年再次获得诺贝尔奖。because of ,owing to , thanks to 三者均为短语介词,后接单词或短语。because of 是介词短语。如:I came back because of rain.因为下雨,我回来了。owing to 是形容词短语。如:Our flight was delayed, owing to the bad weather.由于坏天气,我们的班机给耽搁了。thanks to 是名词短语,在句中均作状语。如:It was thanks to your stupidity that we last the game.我们输掉比赛是由于你的愚蠢。be struck by, be attracted by 二者均可表示“被吸引”,但后面接的词不一样。be struck by 侧重表示“被打动”,“被感染”。如:He was struck by her air of confidence.他被她那种信心十足的样子所感染。be attracted by 常表示“被吸引”(赞兴趣、感情等)。如:He was attracted by her smile.他为她的微笑所吸引。beat, hit, strike, tap四者都有“击打”之意, 但含义仍有所不同。beat着重指“连续地击打”,如殴打或体罚,也指有游戏,竞赛或战争中击败对方。另外也指心脏的“跳动”。如:His father beat him for being disobedient 他父亲因他不听话而打他。The rain was beating against the windows 雨正敲打着窗户。You can hear its heart beating 你能听见它心脏在跳动。hit指“打中”或“对准打”着重敲打或打击对方某一点。常用于口语。如:He hit me in the stomach 他打我的肚子。The ball hit the window 球打在窗子上。strike通常表示打一下,打若干等意思,不一定都是有意的,用法比较正式,并且尤指“敲钟”,“报时”。如:The ship struck a rock and started to sink 船撞在礁石上开始下沉。The clock struck five 时钟敲五点。tap一般指用手、脚轻轻拍打的意思,“轻敲”。如:She tapped her feet in time to the music 她用肢合着音乐轻轻地打拍子。The teacher tapped her fingers on the desk impatiently 女教师不耐烦地用手指轻敲着桌子。blame, be to blame blame (v )意为“责怪”,“怪罪”。如:Blame me if I do 我要是这样做,随你怎么办好了。be to blame意为“该受责备,应负责”是一个同固定短语,但在实际运用中, 很能多学生容易把它当或被动语态,那就错了。如:I am to blame 是我不好。The children were not to blame for the accident 那交事故怪不着孩子们。bored, boring 二者均为形容词,含义相似,但用法不同。 bored意为“厌烦的”,“不感兴趣的”,通常是指某人对某事感到厌烦。如:she is bored with her job 她对自己的工作不感兴趣。boring意为“无趣的、无聊的、令人生厌的”,通常指某件物或事情给人的感觉。如:The lecture was deadly boring 那讲座真是乏味极了。by day, by the day这两词都与day有关,但并不是同义词。by day意为“白天”。如:He works in an office by day and drives a taxi by night 他白天在办公室工作,晚上开计程车。by the day意为“按天计算”如:She s paid by the day 她按日取酬。be likely, possible, probable三者均是形容词,表示“可能性”,但意思分寸有别。likely侧重从表面迹象看某人有可能做某事或某事有可能发生。既可用人也可用物做主语。常以be likely to do或者It is likely that 的形式出现。如:He is likely to arrive a bit late 他可能会晚一会到。(=It is likely that he will arrive a bit late )possible指客观上有可能性,但含有希望很小的意味, 不能用人做主语。常用于:It is possible to do sth , It is possible for sb to do sth , It is possible that 句型中。如:It is possible that doctor may want you to have an X-ray 医生也许会要求你做X光检查。Its possible for him to attend the meeting 他可能会参加会议。probable表示“很能可能, 大概“,比possible 可能性大,往往指有依据或逻辑上的合情合理的可能性。它也不能用人做主语。表示某人做某事只能用It is probable that ,也不能接不定式或不定式的复合结构。如:It is highly probable that there will be an election this year 非常可能今年要举行大选。day by day, day after day二者均表示“一天又一天”“天天”之意,但用法不同。day by day (from day to day) 表示动作的变化性。如:The situation changes day by day 形式每天都在变化。day after day (=day in day out) 表示动作的重复性。如:It went on raining day after day 雨一连下了好几天。but for , without , except forbut for表示“若不是, 要不是”之意,等 于if it were not for , if it hadnt been for 。用于句首,谓语动词多用虚拟语气。此时可与without互换。 如:But for /without the rain, we should have had a pleasant journey 要不是下雨, 我们会有一交愉快的旅行。We couldnt have done it without John 如果没有约翰,我们本来是办不成这事的。Except for one old lady, the bus was empty 除了一位老太太之外,公共汽车空无一人。( “bus”与“lady”非同类)catch, seize, get hold of , snatch四者均表示“捉”之意,但有区别。catch 是一般用语,表示“捉、捕”。如:The cat caught a mouse. 捕捉到了一只老鼠。seize 指突然地用强力抓住,或者说凭权力逮捕。如:He seized my hand, shook it ,and said how glad he was to see me.他抓住我的手握着,说他见到我有多高兴。get (take/ catch )hold of 指捉住、抓住事物不放手。如:I got hold of it in both hands and lifted onto the table.我两手抓住它,把它举到了桌子上。snatch 指“抢、强夺”如:The thief snatched her handbag and ran.盗贼抢了她的手提包就跑。connectwith, jointo ,unite, combine以上四词都有“结合,连结”之意。但人有不同。connect.with指两地或两物的具体“相连”,也可指时间,内容等到抽象概念的相互“銜接”。如:This flight connects with a flight for Paris. 这班飞机与去巴黎的收音机衔接。jointo “把和连接起来(直接地连接)如:Please join this wire to that one .请把这根线和那根线连接起来。unite 表示“团结或联合”之意。如:The two companies plan to unite.两家公司打算合并。combine 指“合并”,“混合”(不同之事物合为一)。如:The countries combined against their common enemy.这两个国家联合起来对抗共同的敌人。 climate, weather二者都用来表示天气。但不同。climate 指气候,指某个地方的平均气候。如:Im not used to the tropical climate.我不习惯热带气候。weather 指一天或一段时间具体的情况。What will the weather be like tomorrow?明天天气怎么样?country, nation, state三者都可译为“国家”,但含义不同。country 指国家时,侧重疆土或人口, 又作“乡下”讲。如:China is a socialist country.中国是一个社会主义国家。nation指国家时,侧重民族。如:The whole nation is /are rejoicing.举国欢腾。state 指国家时,侧重政体、政府,也可指组成国家的“州”。如:France is one of the member states of the ELL.法国是欧洲联盟成员国之一。create, invent, discover三者词相似,但具体用法不同。create 指“创造,制造”。如:It is labor that creates the world.是劳动创造了世界。invent 指“发明”,对于原先不存在的事物。如:Who invented the computer?是谁发明了计算机?discover 指“发现”早已存在而不为人所知的事物。如:They discovered oil in the North Sea.他们在北海发现了石油。character, nature, human beings, figure四者都可以表示“人”,但仍有不同。character 指“人物、性格、特征、角色”等,在非正式用语中也可表示“人”。如:She is a strange character.她是个怪人。nature 指(人的)本性。如:It is not in her nature to be rude, shes polite by nature.她生性并不粗野,倒是很有礼貌。human beings 指人(包括男人、女人、小孩)。如:Many people do not like the use of man to mean human beings in general.许多人一般不喜欢用men来指人。figure 指“人物”。如:He was one of the leading political figures of this century.他是本世纪主要的政治人物之一。 can /could have done, must have done, may have done,should have done, ought to have done, neednt have done以上词组均表示对过去发生事情的一种推测语气或本该做某事,但有很大区别。can /could have done在表示这一意义时,只能用于否定句或疑问句式,意为对过去的行为表示怀疑或不肯定。如:Can he have worked out the problem?他会解出这道题吗?He cant have gone to the bookstore 他不可能去过书店。must have done表示对过去发生行为的推测,意思是“一定”,“准是”,只用于肯定句中。如:The streets are wet ;


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