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2022年ACCA英国注册会计师考前密押冲刺卷1. 单选题 A members voluntary winding up is where the members decide to dissolve a healthy company.A TrueB False考点 Chapter21Insolvencyandadministration解析 Members can decide to wind up a healthy company.2. 单选题 Which one of the following statements is correct?A Data is held on computer in digital form whereas information is in a form that is readable to human beingsB Information is obtained by processing dataC Data and information mean the same thingD Data consists of numerical or statistical items of information考点 Chapter2Sourcesofdata解析 Information is processed data. The distinction is that data is unprocessed whereas information is processed.3. 单选题 Which of the following remedies for breach of contract involves the injured party claiming the value of thework they have done?A Quantum meruitB Action for the priceC Specific performanceD Rescission考点 Chapter6Breachofcontractandremedies解析 In a quantum meruit claim, the injured party claims the value of the work done. An action for theprice is an action to recover a specific amount, usually the price of goods supplied. Specificperformance involves the defendant performing the contract as agreed. Rescission involves reversingwhat has happened so all parties are returned to the pre-contract status quo.4. 单选题 What is the latest stage at which a new recruit to a company should first be issued with a copy of the companys health andsafety policy statement?A On accepting the position with the companyB As early as possible after employmentC After the first few weeks of employmentD During the final selection interview考点 Chapter2Thebusinessenvironment解析 Examiners comments: The examiner commented that only 20% of students chose the correct option. Options A and D are incorrect because there is no certainty that the job will be offered or accepted. Option C is incorrect because waiting a fewweeks leaves the employee open to risks in those weeks5. 单选题 In the theory of constraints and throughput accounting, which of the following methods may be used toelevate the performance of a binding constraint? (Method 1) Acquire more of the resource that is the binding constraint (Method 2) Improve the efficiency of usage of the resource that is the binding constraint A Method 1 onlyB Method 2 onlyC Method 1 and Method 2D Neither method would be effective考点 Chapter2aActivitybasedcosting解析 The aim should be to improve the output capacity of the binding constraint. This can be done byachieving more output per unit of binding resource (improving efficiency) or obtaining more of theresource that is the binding constraint.By increasing output through the binding constraint, a point will eventually be reached where itceases to be the binding constraint, and another resource becomes the binding constraint.6. 单选题 What term is given, in motivation theory, to the things people value and choose to pursue?A GoalsB Innate needsC Satisfaction考点 Chapter15Motivatingindividualsandgroups解析 Rationale: Goals are things people choose to pursue: each individual will have their own goals,which may vary with time,circumstances and other factors. The idea of innate (in-born, instinctive) needs is that they are biological or psychological imperatives, common to all people. (This is what makes it possible to have need theories with discussion of only a few innate needs.) Satisfaction arises when a goal is achieved. 7. 单选题 A product is in the stage of its life cycle which is typified by falling prices but good profit margins due to high sales volumes. What stage is it in?A GrowthB MaturityC IntroductionD Decline考点 Chapter13Alternativecostingprinciples解析 Maturity. During this period, prices tend to fall but profits remain high due to good sales volume.8. 单选题 Which leadership approach sees the leadership process in a context made up of three interrelated variables: task needs, the individual needs of group members and the needs of the group as a whole? A Action-centred leadershipB Contingency theoryC The managerial gridD Dispersed leadership考点 Chapter11Leadingandmanagingpeople解析 Rationale: This is a description of John Adairs action-centred leadership model. Contingency theory is more general: indeed, Adairs model is within the contingency school of thought. The managerial grid is based on two dimensions: concern for task and concern for people. Dispersed leadership (Heifetz) is the idea that individuals at all organisational levels can exert aleadership influence9. 单选题 Direct labour hours or direct machine hours are used to trace costs to products occurs with absorptioncosting, but not with ABC.A TrueB false考点 Chapter2aActivitybasedcosting解析 The use of volume-related cost drivers should be used for costs that do vary with productionvolume.10. 单选题 _ is the role at the interface between the operationalworkers) and management. Which word or phrase correctly completes this definition? A Middle lineB Junior managementC Supervision考点 Chapter11Leadingandmanagingpeople解析 Rationale: This is the key definition of the supervisory role: it is between non-managerial and managerial, acting as aninformation filter and overlap (since supervisors both do operational work and fulfil some managerial functions at a low level). Middle line and junior management are higher, since they are already managerial positions.11. 单选题 You have been provided with the following information relating to three products: Product X Product Y Product Z Demand (units) 1,000 2,000 3,000 Selling price $15 $20 $30 Profit per unit $2 $5 $2 Actual sales for the year showed the following results. Product X Product Y Product Z Units sold 1,100 2,050 2,800 Sales value $17,050 $38,950 $86,800 Profit $3,080 $10,455 $6,160 What is the sales quantity variance? A $150 adverseB $50 favourableC $1,208 adverseD $1,695 favourable考点 Chapter11Varianceanalysis解析 The sales quantity variance is the difference between the actual sales volume in thestandard mix and budgeted sales, valued at the standard profit per unit:12. 单选题 The financial statements of Overexposure Co for the year ended 31 December 20X1 are to be approved on 31 March 20X2. Before they are approved, the following events take place. 1On 14 February 20X2 the directors took the strategic decision to sell their investment in Quebec Co despite the fact that this investment generated material revenues. 2On 15 March 20X2, a fire occurred in the eastern branch factory which destroyed a material amount of inventory. It is estimated that it will cost $505,000 to repair the significant damage done to the factory. 3On 17 March 20X2, a customer of Overexposure Co went into liquidation. Overexposure has been advised that it is unlikely to receive payment for any of the outstanding balances owed by the customer at the year end. How should these events reflected in the financial statements at 31 December 20X1? Adjust Disclose Do nothing A 3 2, 3 1B 2, 31-C 3 1, 2 -D 2 3, 1考点 Chapter21Eventsafterthereportingperiod解析 IAS 10 requires the financial statements to be adjusted for events that reflect conditions thatexisted at the reporting date. Only event 3 is indicative of conditions at the reporting date - ie the recoverability of the receivable balance. Events 1 and 2 are non-adjusting events, however, they are material so they should be disclosed. 13. 单选题 Which term is used to describe the type of company that has its shares traded on a public stock exchange?A Listed companyB Public companyC Private companyD Unlimited company考点 Chapter12Corporationsandlegalpersonality解析 A public company does not have to have its shares traded on a public stock exchange. If it does so, then it becomes known as a listed (or quoted) company.14. 单选题 The following statements have been made about using external information: (1) External information is usually more reliable than internal information. (2) External information can be general and vague, and may not really help anorganisation with decision making. Which of the above statement is/are true? A (1) onlyB (2) onlyC Neither (1) nor (2)D Both (1) and (2)考点 Chapter15管理信息和管理报告的来源解析 (i) is not correct: Internal information is produced by the company itself, so managers areaware of limitations in its quality or reliability.15. 单选题 The following information relates to a bank reconciliation. (i) The bank balance in the cashbook before taking the items below into account was $8,970 overdrawn. (ii) Bank charges of $550 on the bank statement have not been entered in the cashbook. (iii) The bank has credited the account in error with $425 which belongs to another customer. (iv) Cheque payments totalling $3,275 have been entered in the cashbook but have not been presented for payment. (v) Cheques totalling $5,380 have been correctly entered on the debit side of the cashbook but have not been paid in at the bank. What was the balance as shown by the bank statement before taking the above items into account? A $9,520 overdrawnB $11,200 overdrawnC $9,520 in creditD $11,200 in credit考点 Chapter15Bankreconciliations解析 book $Bank statement $Balance (8,970)Balance b/f (bal fig) (11,200)Bank charges (550)Credit in error (425)Unpresented cheques (3,275)Outstanding deposits 5,380 (9,520)(9,520)16. 单选题 Which of the following statements regarding the adequacy and sufficiency of consideration is correct?A Consideration does not need to have a value to be sufficientB Consideration is sufficient if it has some economic valueC Consideration does not need to be sufficient but must be adequate考点 Chapter4FormationofcontractII解析 Consideration must be sufficient but not necessarily adequate. It must have some economic value tobe sufficient.17. 单选题 What would the budgeted profit be if a marginal costing system were used?A $22,500 lowerB $10,000 lowerC $10,000 higherD $22,500 higher考点 Chapter9AbsorptionandmarginalCosting解析 Production volume exceeded sales volume, so the profit with absorption costing is higher than the profit with marginal costing.Fixed overheads in inventory = $30,000/750 = $40 per unit, therefore total fixed overhead in closing inventory (absorption costing) = 250 units x $40 = $10,000. Profit with marginal costing is therefore lower by $10,000.18. 单选题 What is the name given to an approach to ethical decision-making which considers the right decision to be the one which results in the greatest good to the greatest number of people in a given situation? A UtilitarianismB DeontologyC Virtue ethics考点 Chapter19Ethicalconsiderations解析 Rationale: Utilitarianism is based on usefulness: the greatest good of the greatest number.Deontology is an alternative approach based on absolute moral principles (or categorical imperatives): what is morally right in a situation. Virtue ethics is a belief in pursuing positive moral qualities, which flow out into behaviour. 19. 材料题 Explain the rules relating to the variation of class rights and whether Kudos Ltd can prevent thereduction of the preference dividend考点 考点:Chapter15Sharecapital解析 Class rights may be varied providing a special resolution is passed by members of that class. For analteration to be valid the majority must honestly believe that it is in the interest of the company as a wholeand that it would be in the interests of a hypothetical individual member. A minority of members that hold atleast 15% of the shares of the class may apply to the court to have a variation cancelled.The reduction of dividends proposed by the directors of Lux Ltd is clearly a variation of a class right thatunder the statutory variation procedure requires a 75% majority by special or written resolution. Kudos Ltdis likely to want to prevent this variation but as it only holds 20% of the shares in the class it cannot preventthe variation by itself. However, Kudos Ltd does hold over 15% of the shares in the class so it could apply tothe court for the variation to be cancelled. As the effect on Kudos Ltd is relatively minor and as it affects allshareholders equally it is likely that the court would uphold the variation.20. 单选题 Which TWO of the following are most likely to be performance measures for a not for profitorganisation? (1) Efficient resource allocation. (2) Return on investment (ROI) and residual income (RI) (3) Minimising the cost of resources used. (4) Success measured against competition A 1 and 2B 2 and 3C 3 and 4D 1 and 3考点 Chapter18Furtheraspectsofperformancemanagement解析 Efficient resource allocation and minimising the cost of resources used.Not for profit organisations do not usually measure themselves against competition.However, sometimes they use benchmarking against similar departments or organisations.Not for profit organisations dont use ROI or RI.21. 简答题 Which of the following documents would be completed in each situation? Material Requisition Purchase Requisition Goods received note Goods returned note Material returned to stores from production Form completed by the stores department detailing inventory requirements Materials returned to supplier Materials Requisition Purchase Requisition Goods received note Goods returned note Form completed by stores on receipt of goods Form completed by production detailing inventory requirements. 考点 Chapter6Accountingformaterials解析 Material Purchase Goods received Goods returned RequisitionRequisitionnote noteMaterial returned to 对stores from productionForm completed by the 对stores department detailinginventory requirementsMaterials returned to supplier 对 Materials Purchase Goods received Goods returnedRequisitionRequisitionnote noteForm completed by 对stores on receipt of goodsForm completed by 对production detailing inventory requirements.22. 论述题 KP makes 2 products, the K and the P. K P $ $ Selling price 160 98 Mat C 20 0 Mat D 20 20 Labour 60 40 Fixed costs per unit 15 10 Labour is in short supply and KP have only 21,000 hours available per month. Labour is paid $20per hour. What is the maximum contribution they can earn in the month? 考点 Chapter4Limitingfactoranalysis解析 The correct answer is: $420,000 K P $ $Selling price 160 98Mat C 20 0Mat D 20 20Labour 60 40Contribution 60 38Labour hours 3 2Contribution per hour 20 19Rank 1 2Optimal production plan:We are not told that there is a maximum demand for either product, therefore assume the 21,000hours are used to manufacture Ks $20 per hour = $420,00023. 单选题 The term insider dealing relates to a number of potential criminal offences. Which TWO of the following are crimes in relation to insider dealing? (1) Encouraging someone to engage in insider dealing (2) Failing to report insider dealing (3) Concealing insider dealing (4) Passing on inside information A 1 and 2B 1 and 4C 2 and 3D 2 and 4考点 Chapter22Fraudulentandcriminalbehaviour解析 It is an insider dealing offence to encourage another to engage in insider dealing or pass on insideInformation. Failing to report is a money laundering offence.24. 单选题 Which of the following statements regarding parent companies is NOT correct?A A company is a parent company if it holds the majority of the voting rights in another companyB A company is a parent company if it has the right to exercise dominant influence over anothercompanyC A company is a parent company if it holds debentures in another com


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