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2022年考博英语-宁夏大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题Unable to defend themselves, some Asian countries were once( )the mercy of the imperialist powers.问题1选项A.inB.onC.toD.at【答案】C【解析】考查介词辨析。A选项in“在里”;B选项on“在之上,向,朝”;C选项to“朝,位于”;D选项at“在”。句意:一些亚洲国家由于无法自卫,一度听凭帝国主义列强的摆布。这里考查的是固定搭配on the mercy of“任由摆布,听的指令”,因此C选项符合题意。2. 单选题Their refusal to compromise is a major( )that stands in the way of further peace talks.问题1选项A.obstacleB.complicationC.entityD.hazard【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项obstacle“障碍”;B选项complication“并发症,复杂”;C选项entity“实体,存在”;D选项hazard“危险,风险”。句意:他们拒绝妥协是进一步和谈的主要( )。既然他们拒绝妥协,那么应该就是进一步发展的“障碍”,因此A选项符合题意。3. 单选题Music comes in many forms; most countries have a style of their own.(1)the turn of the century when jazz was born, American had no prominent(2)of its own. No one knows exactly when jazz was(3), or by whom. But it began to be(4)in the early 1900s. Jazz is Americans contribution to(5)music. In contrast to classical music, which(6)formal European traditions, jazz is spontaneous and free-form. It bubbles with energy,(7)the moods, interests, and emotions of the people. In the 1920s jazz(8)like American. And(34)it does today.The(9)of this music are as interesting as the music(10). American Negroes, or blacks, as they are called today, were the jazz(11). They were brought to the Southern states(12)slaves. They were sold to plantation owners and forced to work long(13). When a Negro died, his friends and relatives(14)a procession to carry the body to the cemetery. In New Orleans, a band often accompanied the(15). On the way to the cemetery the band played slow, solemn music suited to the occasion.(16)on the way home the mood changed. Spirits lifted. Death had removed one of their(43), but the living were glad to be alive. The band played(17)music, improvising on both the harmony and the melody of the tunes(18)at the funeral. This music made everyone want to dance. It was an early form of jazz.问题1选项A.ByB.AtC.InD.On问题2选项A.musicB.songC.melodyD.style问题3选项A.discoveredB.actedC.inventedD.designed问题4选项A.noticedB.foundC.listenedD.heard问题5选项A.classicalB.sacredC.popularD.light问题6选项A.formsB.followsC.approachesD.introduces问题7选项A.expressingB.explainingC.exposingD.illustrating问题8选项A.appearedB.feltC.seemedD.sounded问题9选项A.asB.soC.eitherD.neither问题10选项A.originsB.originalsC.discoveriesD.resources问题11选项A.concernedB.itselfC.availableD.oneself问题12选项A.playersB.followersC.fansD.pioneers问题13选项A.forB.asC.withD.by问题14选项A.monthsB.weeksC.hoursD.times问题15选项A.demonstratedB.composedC.hostedD.formed问题16选项A.demonstrationB.processionC.bodyD.march问题17选项A.EvenB.ThereforeC.FurthermoreD.But问题18选项A.numberB.membersC.bodyD.relations问题19选项A.sadB.solemnC.happyD.funeral问题20选项A.whistledB.sungC.presentedD.showed【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:C第4题:D第5题:C第6题:B第7题:A第8题:D第9题:A第10题:A第11题:B第12题:D第13题:B第14题:C第15题:D第16题:B第17题:D第18题:D第19题:C第20题:C【解析】1.考查介词辨析。A选项By“由,通过”;B选项At“在,在时”;C选项In“在内,进里”;D选项 On“在之上,向”。句意:( )时,爵士乐诞生了。at the turn of the century表示的是“在本世纪初”这一具体时间,只有at可以表示一个具体时间,因此B选项正确。2.考查名词辨析。A选项music“音乐”;B选项song“歌曲”;C选项melody“旋律”;D选项style“风格”。句意:在世纪之交爵士乐诞生之时,美国还没有自己的( )。根据上文所说的大多数国家都有自己的音乐风格(style),而美国却没有自己突出的,后面也应该是风格,因此D选项正确。3.考查动词辨析。A选项discovered“发现,找到”;B选项acted“行动,表现,起作用”;C选项invented“发明,创造,虚构”;D选项designed“设计,构思”。句意:没有人确切知道爵士乐是什么时候( ),或者是由谁( )的。本句意为没有人知道爵士乐是什么时候发明的,由谁发明的。因此C选项正确。4.考查动词辨析。A选项noticed“注意到”;B选项found“找到”;C选项listened“听,倾听”;D选项heard“听,听到”。句意:但是它一开始被( )是在20世纪初。这里是说爵士乐被听到,所以用heard。listen的意思是“听”,而且句末需要接介词to,A和B两项意思不符。因此D选项正确。5.考查形容词辨析。A选项classical“古典的,经典的”;B选项sacred“神的,神圣的”;C选项popular“受欢迎的”;D选项light“轻的,浅的”。句意:爵士乐是美国人对( )音乐的贡献。popular music是指“流行音乐”,与classical music(古典音乐)相对。爵士乐(jazz)是流行音乐的一种,因此C选项符合题意。6.考查动词辨析。A选项forms“构成,组成”;B选项follows“跟随,遵循”;C选项approaches“走进,处理”;D选项introduces“介绍,引进”。句意:与( )正式的欧洲传统的古典音乐相比,爵士乐是自发的、自由的。此句意为古典音乐遵循正规的欧洲传统不同。因此B选项符合题意。7.考查动词辨析。A选项expressing“表达,快递”;B选项explaining“解释”;C选项exposing“揭露,揭发”;D选项illustrating“阐述,阐释”。句意:它充满了能量,( )人们的情绪、兴趣和情感。只有express可以与后面的宾语moods(情绪)、interests(兴趣)以及emotions(感情)相搭配,表示“表达某种情感”,因此A选项符合题意。8.考查动词辨析。A选项appeared“出现,展现出”;B选项felt“感觉”;C选项seemed“似乎,像是”;D选项sounded“发声,听起来”。句意:在20世纪20年代,爵士乐( )美国人。本句意要表达的是在20世纪20年代,爵士乐听起来像是美国风格。只有sound有“听起来”的意思。其他三个词都无此意。因此D选项符合题意。9.考查介词辨析。A选项as“作为,与一样”;B选项so“如此,这么”;C选项either“或者,要么,也”;D选项neither“也不,既不”。句意:在20世纪20年代,爵士乐听起来像美国音乐。而今天它( )。本句表达的含义是“就象爵士乐今天的样子”,as意为“正如,就像”,后面接一个句子。因此A选项符合题意。10.考查名词辨析。A选项origins“起源”;B选项originals“原件,原稿”;C选项discoveries“发现,被发现的食物”;D选项resources“资源,物力”。句意:这种音乐的( )和音乐本身一样有趣。此处想要表达的意思为“爵士乐的起源”。因此A选项符合题意。11.考查代词辨析。A选项concerned“有关的,关心的”;B选项itself“它自己,它本身”;C选项available“可获得的,可购得的”;D选项oneself“自己,亲自”。句意:这种音乐的起源和音乐( )一样有趣。这里想要表达的含义是“音乐的起源和音乐本身一样有趣。”因此B选项符合题意。12.考查名词辨析。A选项players“玩家”;B选项followers“追随者”;C选项fans“粉丝,爱好者”;D选项pioneers“先锋。先驱”。句意:美国的黑人,或者像他们今天所说的黑人,曾经是爵士的( )。根据后面的补充得知,这里想表达的意思是“黑人曾经是爵士的先驱”。因此D选项符合题意。13.考查介词辨析。A选项for“给,为了”;B选项as“正如,像一样”;C选项with“和在一起”;D选项by“由,被”。句意:他们( )奴隶被带到南方各州。这里表达的意思是“他们被作为奴隶”。因此B选项符合题意。14.考查名词辨析。A选项months“月”;B选项weeks“周”;C选项hours“小时”;D选项times“时间”。句意:他们被卖给种植园主,并被强迫长( )工作。long一般不与months和weeks搭配,hours指工作时间,times指次数或倍数,当一段时间讲时是不可数名词,这里表达的句意是“长时间地劳动”。因此C选项符合题意。15.考查动词辨析。A选项demonstrated“证明,展示”;B选项composed“构成,写作”;C选项hosted“主持,当主人”;D选项formed“构成,组成”。句意:当一个黑人死去时,他的朋友和亲戚会( )成列队把他的遗体抬到墓地。这里form与procession搭配,意为“形成队列”。因此D选项符合题意。16.考查名词辨析。A选项demonstration“示范,证明”;B选项procession“队伍,行列”;C选项body“主体,团体”;D选项march“行军,进行”。句意:在新奥尔良,经常有一支乐队为( )伴奏。上句提到形成队列,本句意为这样的队列经常有一支乐队伴奏。因此B选项符合题意。17.考查连词辨析。A选项Even“甚至是”;B选项Therefore“因此,因为”;C选项Furthermore“此外,而且”;D选项But“但是”。句意:在前往墓地的路上,乐队演奏着适合这种场合的缓慢而庄严的音乐。( )在回家的路上,气氛变了。根据两个句子之间明显的转折关系可以判断要选择but。因此D选项符合题意。18.考查名词辨析。A选项number“数字”;B选项members“成员”;C选项body“身体”;D选项relations“亲戚,亲人”。句意:死神带走了他们的一个( ),但活着的人很高兴自己还活着。由前文可知这些人都是死者的亲属,因此他们被夺走的是亲人。因此D选项符合题意。19.考查形容词辨析。A选项sad“悲伤的,难过的”;B选项solemn“庄严的,严肃的”;C选项happy“开心的,愉悦的”;D选项funeral“丧葬的,出殡的”。句意:乐队演奏了( )乐曲,在葬礼上即兴演奏了乐曲的和声和旋律。这里根据上文提到的the band played slow, solemn music(乐队演奏着缓慢而庄严的音乐),但是后面又说了情绪改变了,因此这里应该选择一个开心的,愉悦的词义。因此C选项符合题意。20.考查动词辨析。A选项whistled“吹口哨,鸣汽笛”;B选项sung“歌唱,唱”;C选项presented“体现,展现”;D选项showed“表现出”。句意:乐队演奏了快乐的乐曲,在葬礼上即兴( )乐曲的和声和旋律。只有presented才能和improvising相搭配,意为即兴演奏。因此C选项符合题意。4. 单选题The long-term fortunes of the modern economy depend in part on the strength and sustainability of the family, both in relation to fertility trends and to marriage trends. This basic, but often overlooked, principle is now at work in the current global economic crisis.The decline of marriage and fertility is one factor in the global economic crisis. That is, one reason that some of the, worlds leading economiesfrom Japan to Italy to Spain to the Euro zone as a wholeare facing fiscal challenges is that their fertility rates have been below replacement levels (2.1 children per woman) for decades. Persistent sub-replacement fertility eventually translates into fewer workers relative to retirees, which puts tremendous strains on public offers and the economy as a whole. Indeed, one recent study finds that almost half the recent run-up in public debt in the West can be attributed to rapid aging over the last decades.Even China may see its sky-high growth “come down to earth in the next few decades as its work force shrinks” because of its one-child policy, as Carlos Cavalle and I argues in a recent reportThe Sustainable Demographic Dividend. By contrast, a recent Rand study suggests that India will have more favorable demographics than China over the next few decades, insofar as its work force is poised to grow. In fact, the Rand study suggests that India may be able to use this demographic advantage to outpace Chinas economic growth rates by the end of the century. Finally, its not just fertility that matters, its also marriage. At least in the west, children are more likely to acquire the human and social capital they need to thrive in the modern economy when they are raised in an intact, married family. In the U.S., for instance, children are more likely to graduate from high school, complete college and be gainfully employed as young adults if they were raised in an intact, married family.And around the globe, men are more likely to give their work their fullest effort and attention when they are married; this is one reason men worldwide enjoy “marriage premium” in their income, ranging from about 14 percent (Mexico) to 19 percent (United States) to 35 percent (Russia). So, at least when it comes to men research suggests that marriage has important implications for worker productivity.The bottom-line message is that what happens in the home does not stay at home rather, the size of families, and their stability and quality, has important implication for the health of the global economy.1.The main idea of this passage is that( ).2.One reason that the worlds leading economies are facing fiscal challenges is that( ).3.“.its work force is poised to grow” (Para. 3) probably means( ).4.From the passage we know that( ).5.According to the passage, all the following can affect economy EXCEPT( ).问题1选项A.暂缺B.both marriage and fertility affect a countrys economyC.marriage has important implications for worker productivityD.India will outpace Chinas economic growth rate by the end of the century问题2选项A.there is a global economic crisis in recent yearsB.there are fewer babies, and consequently, people spend less on many commoditiesC.people in these countries have fewer children than needed to replace the population for many yearsD.there are tremendous strains on public coffers and the economy as a whole问题3选项A.its work force pauses to growB.its work force continues to grow fastC.its work force continues to grow steadilyD.its work force grows slowly问题4选项A.children from an intact, married family are more likely to have a better lifeB.the more people a country has, the stronger economy it will haveC.the health of the global economy depends entirely on individual familiesD.men are likely to work harder when they are going to have children问题5选项A.the size of familiesB.the stability of familiesC.the quality of familiesD.men and women ratio within the families【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:C第4题:A第5题:D【解析】1.主旨大意题。在第二段的第一句话The decline of marriage and fertility is one factor in the global economic crisis.(婚姻和生育率的下降是全球经济危机的一个因素。)之后的段落也是就这一点进行了具体阐释,因此B选项“婚姻和生育都会影响一个国家的经济”正确。C选项“婚姻对工人的生产力有重要的影响”,与原文不符;D选项“到本世纪末,印度的经济增长率将超过中国”,在原文的第三段In fact, the Rand study suggests that India may be able to use this demographic advantage to outpace Chinas economic growth rates by the end of the century. (事实上,兰德公司的研究表明,到本世纪末,印度可能会利用这一人口优势超过中国的经济增长速度。)确实有提到,但是并不是文章的主旨。2.推理判断题。根据题干定位到第二段That is, one reason that some of the, worlds leading economiesfrom Japan to Italy to Spain to the Euro zone as a wholeare facing fiscal challenges is that their fertility rates have been below replacement levels (2.1 children per woman) for decades. (世界主要经济体从日本到意大利,西班牙对欧元区作为一个整体所面临的财政挑战的是,他们的生育率已经低于人口更替水平(平均每个妇女生育2.1个孩子)几十年了。)因此C选项“这些国家的人生育的孩子比替换人口所需的要少的事情持续了多年”正确。A选项“近年来,全球出现了经济危机”,文章没有说这是原因之一;B选项“婴儿越来越少,因此,人们在许多商品上花的钱越来越少”,文章没有提出这个观点;D选项“国库和整个经济都承受着巨大的压力”这也不是财政面临问题的原因。3.语义推测题。首先定位到句子后面说By contrast, a recent Rand study suggests that India will have more favorable demographics than China over the next few decades, insofar as its work force is poised to grow.(相比之下,兰德公司(Rand)最近的一项研究表明,在未来几十年里,印度的人口结构将比中国更有利,因为它的劳动力将继续增长。)根据句子说印度的人口结构更加有利,可以知道他们的劳动力将会继续稳步上升,因此C选项“劳动力持续稳定增长”正确。A选项“它的劳动力暂停增长”不合题意;B选项“它的劳动力继续快速增长”快速是没有提到的;D选项“它的劳动力增长缓慢”与原文不符。4.判断推理题。定位到倒数第三段In the U.S., for instance, children are more likely to graduate from high school, complete college and be gainfully employed as young adults if they were raised in an intact, married family.(例如,在美国,如果孩子在一个完整的已婚家庭中长大,他们更有可能从高中毕业,完成大学学业,并在年轻时获得有收入的工作。)因此A选项“来自完整的已婚家庭的孩子更有可能拥有更好的生活”正确。B选项“一个国家的人口越多,它的经济就会越强”,不符合题意,是要人口结构更好,才会经济发展更快;C选项“全球经济的健康完全取决于单个家庭”,绝对化表达,并且不符合题意;D选项“男人在要孩子的时候可能会更努力工作”,与原文不符,原文是说的“婚后”,并不是“要孩子的时候”。5.判断推理题。根据题干和选项定位到最后一段The bottom-line message is that what happens in the home does not stay at home rather, the size of families, and their stability and quality, has important implication for the health of the global economy.(最重要的信息是,家庭的规模、家庭的稳定性和质量对全球经济的健康有着重要的影响。)因此只有D选项“家庭中的男女比例”是没有提及的。A选项“家庭的规模”;B选项“家庭的稳定性”;C选项“家庭的质量”都是原文提到了的。5. 单选题In( )times human be beings didnt travel for pleasure but to find a more favorable climate.问题1选项A.primeB.primitiveC.primaryD.preliminary【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项prime“最好的”;B选项primitive“原始的,远古的”;C选项primary“最初的”;D选项preliminary“初步的,开始的”。句意:在( )时代,人类旅行不是为了消遣,而是为了寻找更适宜的气候。这句话表达的含义是“在原始时代”,因此B选项符合题意。6. 单选题The tutor tells the undergraduate that one can acquire( )in a foreign language through more practice.问题1选项A.proficiencyB.efficiencyC.efficacyD.frequency【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项proficiency“精通,熟练”;B选项efficiency“效率,效能,功效”;C选项efficacy“功效,效力”;D选项frequency“频率,频繁”。句意:导师告诉本科生,通过多练习,可以_一门外语。这里表达的意思是“熟练地掌握一门外语”,因此A选项符合题意。7. 单选题The carpet looks beautiful but cannot( )the wear and tear of continual use.问题1选项A.stand up forB.stand up toC.stand well withD.stand up with【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项stand up for“支持,坚持”;B选项stand up to“经得起,抵抗,勇敢地面对”;C选项stand well with“得宠信;得某人好感,好评”;D选项stand up with“给当傧相,陪伴”。句意:地毯看起来很漂亮,但( )不断使用的磨损。这个句子要表达的意思是“但是经不起不断使用的磨损”,因此B选项符合题意。8. 单选题The gang derived their nickname from their dark clothing and blacked up faces for nocturnal raids in the forest.问题1选项A.illegalB.night-timeC.brutalD.abusive【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项“非法的,违法的”;B选项“夜间,夜晚”;C选项“残忍的,野蛮的”;D选项“辱骂的,滥用的”;题干nocturnal“夜的,夜间的”,句意:这伙人的绰号来源于他们夜间在森林里袭击时穿的深色衣服和涂黑的脸。因此B选项最符合题意。9. 单选题Contemporary office technology requires software or programs to carry out complicated information processing activities. References to software usually indicate a set of instructions. A broader application of the term includes any no hardware element of a computer system: programs, written documentation to accompany programs, flow charts, and user manuals, for example. The latter use of the term is rare.Software is now available from a variety of sources: hardware manufacturers and vendors, software houses (firms that develop and market software), and staff programmers (user developed software). Office supply houses, computer shops, and even bookstores market packaged software for the microcomputer market.Early computer users thought in terms of developing their own software or using software developed by computer manufactures to perform the information processing activities desired form the computer system. Users of medium to large scale computer system. Still rely heavily on programs developed, tested, and perfected by their own programmers.Large to medium scale computer manufacturers or vendors have traditionally included software with the system package, sometimes provide alterations necessary to customize the programs to user needs. These packages have represented significant portions of the purchases or lease price of systems.The microcomputer revolution in the early 1980s brought with it the concept of the commercial software publisher (software house). Companies were formed to engage in writing and marketing software for all types and sizes of computers, but those producing software for microcomputers were especially numerous. Major hardware manufacturers began to market software produced by these software specialists with the systems. The quality of the programs and instructional materials that accompanied them was frequently poor. Because of the ease with which users could duplicate software, software prices remained high. Yet, these high prices were frequently preferable to the cost of programs developed in house. Experience and competition have increased a quality of both programs and instructional materials.1.According to the passage, the most commonly used definition of software is( ).2.Which of the following statements is NOT true?3.Large to medium scale computer manufacturers( ).4.Since the microcomputer revolution in the early 1980s,( ).5.It is implied in the passage that( ).问题1选项A.complicated information processing activitiesB.any no hardware element of a computer systemC.a set of instructionsD.flow charts and user manuals问题2选项A.Now hardware manufacturers also develop and market software.B.Early computer users had no choice but to develop their own software.C.Software is now available for the microcomputer user even from bookstores.D.Early computer manufacturers also developed and marketed software.问题3选项A.rely heavily on software developed by their customersB.used to include software with the system packageC.can make changes for software to meet customer needsD.sell their system packages at very low prices问题4选项A.commercial software publishers have gradually disappearedB.major hardware manufacturer began to develop their own softwareC.many companies stopped the development of software for large computersD.there have been numerous choices of software for microcomputer users问题5选项A.it will cost a great deal more for computer users to develop their own software than buy itB.software prices remained high because it was not easy to develop any softwareC.it is very difficult for users to duplicate softwareD.software has long been of high quality due to experience and competition【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:B第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.事实细节题。根据题干关键词定位到第一段第二句References to software usually indicate a set of instructions.(对软件的引用通常表示一组指令。)因此可以看出最常见的定义就是一组指令,C选项“一组指令”正确。A选项“复杂的信息处理活动”,在第一段的第一句Contemporary office technology requires software or programs to carry out complicated information processing activities.(现代办公技术需要软件或程序来进行复杂的信息处理活动。)它并不是软件的定义;B选项“计算机系统的任何非硬件元素”和D选项“流程图和用户手册”,在第一段A broader application of the term includes.for example. The latter use of the term is rare.(这个术语的更广泛的应用包括计算机系统的任何硬件元素:例如程序、伴随程序的书面文档、流程图和用户手册。后一种用法很少见。)但是原文说了这一种用法很少见,因此错误。2.判断推理题。根据题干选项关键词定位到第三段第一句话Early computer users thought in terms of developing. form the computer system.(早期计算机用户的想法是开发自己的软件或使用计算机制造商开发的软件来执行所需的计算机系统信息处理活动。)因此B选项“早期的计算机用户别无选择,只能开发自己的软件”是不正确的。A选项“现在硬件制造商也开发和销售软件”,在第二段的第一句Software is now available from a variety of sources: hardware manufacturers and vendors, software houses (firms that develop and market software), and staff programmers (user developed software).软件现在可以从各种来源获得:硬件制造商和供应商、软件公司(开发和销售软件的公司)和职员程序员(用户开发软件)。A项正确;C选项“现在微机用户甚至可以从书店买到软件”,在第二段的第二句Office supply houses, computer shops, and even bookstores market packaged software for the microcomputer market.(办公用品店、电脑店,甚至书店都向微机市场出售打包的软件。)C选项正确;D选项“早期的计算机制造商也开发和销售软件”,在第三段的第一句Early computer users thought in terms of developing their own software or using software developed by computer manufactures to perform the information processing activities desired form the computer system.(早期计算机用户的想法是开发自己的软件或使用计算机制造商开发的软件来执行所需的计算机系统信息处理活动。)可见之前的制造商也开发并销售软件,D选项正确。3.事实细节题。根据题干和选项关键词定位到倒数第二段第一句话Large to medium scale computer manufacturers or vendors have traditionally included software with the system package, sometimes provide alterations necessary to customize the programs to user needs.(大型到中型计算机制造商或供应商传统上在系统包中包括软件,有时提供必要的修改,以定制程序,以满足用户的需要。)因此B选项“过去常常在系统包中包含软件”正确。A选项“严重依赖客户开发的软件”,在倒数第三段的最后一句话Still rely heavily on programs developed,


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