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北京语言大学21秋高级写作在线作业一答案参考1. In the second paragraph, the word track could best be replaced by which of the followingIn the second paragraph, the word track could best be replaced by which of the following?ABand.BRails.CPath.DSequence.正确答案:C解析:词汇理解题。Track指“路线,轨道”,只有path有此意,其他都不对。2. Under no _ will I go there again.A.circumstancesB.situationC.giantD.happen参考答案:A3. ( ) you work hard, you will certainly succeed.A.ThoughB.IfC.BecauseD.For参考答案:B4. The lecture _, he left his seat so quietly that no one complained that his leaving disturbed the speaker.A.beganB.beginningC.having begunD.being beginning参考答案:C5. Our national scenery Zhangjiajie is so charming that it is_description.AoutBbesideCOur national scenery Zhangjiajie is so charming that it is_description.AoutBbesideCoverDbeyond正确答案:D6. assure 选择能代替的选项( )A.acquireB.ensureC.assessD.associate参考答案:B7. The statistics _ that living standards in the area have improved drastically in recent times.A.provesB.is provingC.are provingD.prove参考答案:D8. The weather in Beijing is the same as the weather in New York.The weather in Beijing is the same as the weather in New York.参考答案北京跟纽约的天气一样。9. So involved with their computers _ that leaders at summer computer camps often have to force them to break for sports and games.A.became the childrenB.become the childrenC.had the children becomeD.do the children become参考答案:D10. There are some mistakes in this composition. If _, please correct them.A.findingB.having been foundC.foundD.find参考答案:D11. She might have been at the meeting, but nobody _ her there.A.lookedB.noticedC.remarkedD.commented参考答案:B12. My daughter has walked eight miles today. We never guessed that she could walk _ far.A./B.suchC.thatD.as参考答案:C13. Which sport has the most expenses _ training equipment, players personal equipment and uniforms?A.in place ofB.in terms ofC.by means ofD.by way of参考答案:B14. His speech _ the young people to continue their study.A.glancedB.delayedC.inspiredD.created参考答案:C15. Much to my surprise, I found Beijing completely _.A.changingB.to be changedC.changeD.changed参考答案:D16. If you can not (perform) your responsibilities, you can not continue to work here.选择能代替括号里的选项A.doB.carryC.fulfillD.work参考答案:C17. Yesterday was such a _ day we decided to go for a drive.A.gloriousB.dynamicalC.avenueD.invitation参考答案:A18. we tried our best to arrive 8 time.A.atB.inC.onD.bywe tried our best to arrive 8 time.A.atB.inC.onD.by正确答案:Contime准时到达。19. They didnt start the work _ their teacher came back.A.untilB.whileC.as soon asD.if参考答案:A20. ( ) that you have no objection, we will have the meeting in your room.A.IfB.To be providedC.ProvidedD.Except参考答案:C21. What did you ( ) my book? I cant find it.A.do aboutB.do withC.leaveD.put参考答案:B22. ( ) to take a walk with us now?A.Do you likeB.Would you likeC.Will you likeD.Have you liked参考答案:B23. People must be ( ) to the responsibility to their own nation.A.wokenB.realizedC.knownD.awkened参考答案:D24. A headache is an ( ) pain.A.insideB.internalC.externalD.inherent参考答案:B25. ( ) their luggage, they hurried to the railway station.A.PackingB.Finished packingC.Having packedD.Finished packing参考答案:C26. After a short holiday, he ( ) once more to his studies.A.engaged himselfB.applied himselfC.conduced himselfD.conduced himself参考答案:B27. The conditions can be well imagined when one small settlement is expected ( ) to 1,000 families.A.dwellB.houseC.resideD.inhabit参考答案:B28. I didnt know where to send this _ letter.A.registeredB.maidC.mailD.male参考答案:A29. The relationship between employers and employees has been studied _.A.originallyB.extremelyC.violentlyD.intensively参考答案:D30. It is not an easy job for the teacher to ( ) the books because there are 100 students in this class.A.distributeB.passC.sendD.disperse参考答案:A31. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! -_.A.You have some happy holidays, too, sirB.Thank you, sir. The same to youC.Thanks, sir. The best of luck to youD.Thats very kind of you to say so参考答案:B32. Jack London worked very hard and finally he _ success.A.madeB.foundC.soughtD.achieved参考答案:D33. He prefers ( ) as a businessman so as to avoid being recognized.A.to dressB.to be dressedC.to be dressed upD.dressing参考答案:C34. Excuse me, Madame. I wonder if this bus goes to the East Lake. -_. You should take a Bus No.521.A.Sure, it doesB.No, it isntC.Oh, sorry. Im afraid notD.What a pity! Its not true参考答案:C35. The Foreign Minister made an excellent _ on the current international situation.A.committeeB.commandC.commentD.commission参考答案:C36. The teacher insist ( ) the students arriving on time for their lessons.A.inB.atC.toD.on参考答案:D37. I had no_ in the decision; I had nothing to do with it.A.shareB.sharesC.sharingD.shared参考答案:A38. The boy _ to bed _ his mother came in.A.went not; untilB.didnt go; afterC.went; untilD.didnt go; until参考答案:D39. The _ left the ship after sixty hours of hard struggle.A.dashB.cellC.crewD.gay参考答案:C40. Hi, Tom, John sends his regards to your parents. -_.A.Thats kind of him.B.Thats kind of you.C.Of course.D.How are you?参考答案:A41. She is a _ observer of slight differences in accents.A.commonB.peculiarC.subtleD.plentiful参考答案:C42. I think, Im _of his memory than I was of _.A.fond, himB.fonder, himC.fond,itD.fonder,it参考答案:B43. The slogan _ to remind the candidate and the staff _ the campaign focused on the nations slow-moving economy.A.meant . of keepingB.was meaning . to keepC.was meant . to keepD.had meant . with keeping参考答案:C44. I _ him since I began to live in the city.A.knowB.have knownC.knewD.will know参考答案:B45. They _ so that we wouldn&39;t recognize them.A.disguisedB.disguisedC.were disguisingD.were disguised参考答案:D46. Directions: In the following text, the numbers 1115 in brackets refer to the underlined parts of the text that come after them, and to the questions below. Read the text first , and then answer the q11. Change this complex sentence into two simple sentences.12. Change this sentence into negative form. Follow the example.Examle: She likes music. She doesn t like music.13. Rewrite this sentence by adding an appropriate tag question. Follow the example.Example: She likes music. She likes music , doesnt she?14. Change this sentence from active voice into passive voice.15. Build one question about the underlined part in the sentence.参考答案:11. There lived a King in sunny southern Portugal. He married a rnbeautiful princess from Europe s coldest north.12. The King didn t grow angry.13. The King was stunned, wasnt he?14. His gardeners were immediately ordered to plant almond-trees.15. When do they bloom white?47. Do you think ( ) I should enter for the competition?A. whetherB.ifC.howD.that参考答案:D48. I asked my teachers _ on going to university.A.knowledgeB.informationC.experienceD.advice参考答案:D49. The ( ) between the rich and poor regions is being bridge.A.spaceB.distanceC.roomD.gap参考答案:D50. We offer four courses, each ( ) two weekly programmes.A.consisted ofB.made upC.consisting ofD.was made up of参考答案:C51. To ( ) a living a person must be able to convince the company that he can do the job required.A.getB.earnC.chaseD.create参考答案:B52. Wont you ( ) with me?A.goingB.goC.to goD.went参考答案:B53. She opened the door _ saw nothing _ darkness.A.but, butB.when, exceptC.but, andD.and, from参考答案:A54. It is possible for a beautiful lady to make a very good ( ) from modelling.A.lifeB.moneyC.fameD.living参考答案:D55. If Henry had not pull his cap low over his brow, he ( ) by the police.A.might be recognizedB.might have been recognizedC.would have recognizedD.was to have been recognized参考答案:B56. The reception was attended by _ members of the local community.A.excellentB.conspicuousC.prominentD.noticeable参考答案:C57. Today _ cold.A.it makesB.it isC.it doesD.is it参考答案:B58. Though we _ serious natural disasters, we are sure to overcome all difficulties.AundThough we _ serious natural disasters, we are sure to overcome all difficulties.Aundergo fromBsuffer fromCexperience withDput up with正确答案:B解析:B项意为“承受的痛苦”。该句意为“尽管我们承受着自然灾难带来的痛苦,但我们肯定能克服所有困难”。其他选项不符题意。59. The General Store sells clothing and many other things ( ) food.A.in additionB.except forC.apart fromD.beside参考答案:C60. My roommate is much more intelligent than I and he makes me feel _.A.superiorB.inferiorC.priorD.particular参考答案:B


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