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2022-2023年ACCA英国注册会计师试题库带答案1. 单选题 In a period, a company had opening inventory of 31,000 units and closing inventory of 34,000 units. Profits based on marginal costing were $850,500 and on absorption costing were $955,500. If the budgeted total fixed costs for the company was $1,837,500, what was the budgeted level ofA 32,500B 52,500C 65,000D 105,000考点 Chapter9AbsorptionandmarginalCosting解析 Inventory levels increased by 3,000 units and absorption costing profit is $105,000 higher ($955,500 - $850,500). Fixed production cost included in inventory increase:=$105,000/3,000=$35 per unit of inventoryBudgeted fixed costs/ Fixed cost per unit= $1,837,500/$35=52,500 units2. 单选题 Which of the following is true regarding privity of contract?A Third parties to a contract generally have enforceable rights under itB Only parties to a contract generally have enforceable rights under itC Privity of contract only relates to rights under a contract, not obligations考点 Chapter4FormationofcontractII解析 Privity of contract means that only parties to a contract have enforceable rights under it. The conceptapplies to both rights and obligations under a contract. Generally, third parties do not haveenforceable rights under a contract.3. 单选题 Baxter Co purchased an asset for $100,000 on 1.1.X1. It had an estimated useful life of 5 years and it was depreciated using he straight line method. On 1.1.X3 Baxter Co revised the remaining estimated useful life to 8 years. What is the carrying amount of the asset at 31.12.X3? A $40,000B $52,500C $50,000D $62,500考点 Chapter8Tangiblenon-currentassets解析 $52,500Carrying amount at 1.1.X3 = 100,000 - (100,000 x 2/5) = $60,000New depreciation charge = Carrying amounRevised useful life = $60,000/8 years = $7,500Carrying amount at 31.12.X3 = $60,000 - $7,500 = $52,5004. 材料题 During the year dividends paid were $270,000.考点 考点:Chapter18唯一交易商的财务报表编制解析 5. 单选题 Which TWO of the following social, domestic and family contracts would be presumed by the courts asintended to be legally binding? (1) An agreement where a father offers to pay his daughter a monthly allowance if she continues hereducation (2) An agreement between friends to enter a newspaper competition together and share any prizesbetween them (3) An agreement between a husband and wife who have separated for one to rent the family home fromthe other (4) An agreement by a son to pay his mother housekeeping money while he stays at home A 1 and 3B 1 and 4C 2 and 3D 2 and 4考点 Chapter4FormationofcontractII解析 Agreements from a husband and wife who have separated, and between friends who have entered acompetition, have both been held by the courts as legally binding agreements. Payment of a monthlyallowance and housekeeping money are not viewed as intending to be legally binding.6. 单选题 Which of the following internal controls might be least effective in preventing fraud, if staff are incollusion with customers?A Physical securityB Requiring signatures to confirm receipt of goods or servicesC Sequential numbering of transaction documentsD Authorisation policies考点 Chapter10Identifyingandpreventingfraud解析 Rationale: This should be clear from the context, because of the collusion with customers (if you remembered what collusion was). Physical security refers to keeping assets under lock and key: not to be dismissed as a fraud prevention measure!Sequential numbering works because it is easy to spot if documents are missing. Authorisation policies increase checks and accountabilities.7. 单选题 A group of friends wish to set up a business. They wish to limit their liability for the business debts to anamount that they agree to when the business is formed. Which of the following businesses is most suitable to the needs of the group? A An unlimited companyB A company limited by sharesC A partnershipD A corporation sole考点 Chapter12Corporationsandlegalpersonality解析 Out of the options, a company limited by shares is the only one available to the group that will limittheir liability to an amount that they agree to when the company is formed. On formation, eachmember will agree to a limit on their liability the nominal value of their shares.8. 单选题 Open systems are seldom, if ever, found in naturally occurring situations.A TrueB false考点 Chapter14Performancemanagementinformationsystems解析 False. It is closed systems that are seldom found.9. 单选题 What is delegated by a superior to a subordinate?A AuthorityB PowerC Responsibility考点 Chapter11Leadingandmanagingpeople解析 Rationale: The essence of delegation is that the superior gives the subordinate part of his or her own authority. Power is notconferred by the organisation, so it cannot be delegated: it must be possessed. The most important thing to note is thatresponsibility is not delegated: the superior makes the subordinate responsible to him for the authority he has delegated, but he remains responsible for it to his own boss. Pitfalls: It is easy to confuse these concepts, which is why they would make an excellent exam question. 10. 单选题 Which of the following statements correctly describes a Chief Executive Officers (Managing Directors) actual authority?A The authority that the Chief Executive Officer says to others they haveB The authority that the board expressly gives to themC The authority that is usual for a Chief Executive Officer考点 Chapter18Companydirectors解析 A CEOs actual authority is whatever the board gives to them.11. 单选题 Which ONE of the following would serve to increase the Throughput Accounting Ratio?A An increase in the speed of the fastest machine in the production processB An unexpected increase in the factory rentC A 5% wage increase linked to an 8% improvement in productivityD A 10% sales discount to stimulate demand by 20%考点 Chapter2dThroughputaccounting解析 Overall the cost per unit should reduce, and so the measure for throughput shouldimprove.A is wrong as the TPAR measures return based on the slowest machine not the fastest. Bis wrong since rent has increased so the TPAR will worsen from its current level. D iswrong since we cannot meet demand even at the moment so reducing prices will reducethroughput per unit without any extra sales level benefit.12. 单选题 H has in inventory 15,000 kg of M, a raw material which it bought for $3/kg five years ago,for a product line which was discontinued four years ago. M has no use in its existing statebut could be sold as scrap for $1.00 per kg. One of the companys current products (HN)requires 4 kg of a raw material, available for $5.00 per kg. M can be modified at a cost of$0.75 per kg so that it may be used as a substitute for this material. However, aftermodification, 5 kg of M is required for every unit of HN to be produced. H has now received an invitation to tender for a product which could use M in its presentstate. What is the relevant cost per kg of M to be included in the cost estimate for the tender? A $0.75B $1.00C $3.00D $3.25考点 Chapter6Short-termdecisions解析 Replacement material cost saved (4 kg $5.00) $20.00Less further processing cost ($0.75 5 kg) $3.75 Value of M in current use, for each unit made $16.25 Therefore opportunity cost of using M on the job being tendered for is $16.25/5 kg =$3.25 per kg.13. 论述题 A company currently sells a product for $60 and at this price, demand is 20,000 units per month. Ithas been estimated that for every $2 increase or reduction in the price, monthly demand will fall orincrease by 1,000 units. What is the formula for the demand curve for this product? 考点 Chapter5Pricingdecisions解析 100 0.002QPrice at which demand is 0 = $60 + (20,000/1,000) $2= $100When P = a bQ, b = 2/1,000 = 0.00214. 单选题 In the context of money laundering, the transfer of monies in order to disguise their source is known bywhich of the following names?A LayeringB IntegrationC Placement考点 Chapter22Fraudulentandcriminalbehaviour解析 Layering involves the transfer of monies to disguise their original source.15. 单选题 Which type of standard cost is most useful for monitoring trends in performance over time?A Attainable standardB Basic standardC Current standardD Ideal standard考点 Chapter10Budgetingandstandardcosting解析 The correct answer is: Basic standardA basic standard is left unchanged, so that changes in variances over time indicate a trendin prices and efficiency over time.16. 单选题 In a period, a company had opening inventory of 31,000 units of Product G and closing inventory of 34,000 units. Profits based on marginal costing were $850,500 and profits based on absorption costing were $955,500. If the budgeted fixed costs for the company for the period were $1,837,500, what was the budgeted level of activity? A 24,300 unitsB 27,300 unitsC 52,500 unitsD 65,000 units考点 Chapter9AbsorptionandmarginalCosting解析 Increase in inventory of 34,000 - 31,000 = 3,000 units.Difference in profits of $955,500 - $850 500 = $105,000OAR = $105,000/3,000 = $35 per unitLevel of activity = $1,837,500/35 = 52,500 units17. 单选题 The following circumstances may arise in relation to the launch of a new product: (i) Demand is relatively inelastic. (ii) There are significant economies of scale. (iii) The firm wishes to discourage new entrants to the market. (iv) The product life cycle is particularly short. Which of the above circumstances favour a penetration pricing policy? A (ii) and (iii) onlyB (ii) and (iv)C (i), (ii) and (iii)D (ii), (iii) and (iv) only考点 Chapter5Pricingdecisions解析 If demand is inelastic or the product life cycle is short, a price skimming approach wouldbe more appropriate.18. 单选题 Which of the following is an exception to the rule that an employee must have a minimum period ofcontinuous service to be protected from unfair dismissal?A Pregnancy of the employeeB Disability of the employeeC Trade union membership of the employee考点 Chapter9Dismissalandredundancy解析 An employee who is pregnant is exempt from the need to have a minimum period of continuousservice before being able to claim unfair dismissal. In the other cases, the employee is required tohave a minimum of two years continuous service in order to claim unfair dismissal.19. 单选题 Which of the following are circumstances where an agent may enforce a contract? (a) Where the agent is intended to take personal liability (b) Where it is usual business practice to allow enforcement (c) Where the agent acts on their own behalf even if they purport to act for a principal A (a), (b)B (b), (c)C (a), (c)D (a), (b) and (c)考点 Chapter10Agencylaw解析 They are all valid circumstances.20. 单选题 Which of the following statements regarding market penetration as a pricing strategyis/are correct? (1) It is useful if significant economies of scale can be achieved. (2) It is useful if demand for a product is highly elastic. A (1) onlyB (2) onlyC Neither (1) nor (2)D Both (1) and (2)考点 Chapter5Pricingdecisions解析 Penetration pricing involves setting a low price when a product is first launched in orderto obtain strong demand.It is particularly useful if significant economies of scale can be achieved from a highvolume of output and if demand is highly elastic and so would respond well to low prices.21. 单选题 Which of the following indicates that a business is being run as a sole trader?A Which of the following indicates that a business is being run as a sole trader?B It does not file accounts with the Registrar of CompaniesC The business is run by one person who is not legally distinct from the businessD Share capital of the business is not sold on a recognised stock exchange考点 Chapter12Corporationsandlegalpersonality解析 A sole trader business is run by a single person who is not legally distinct from the business. Theother options may be true for a sole trader, but they may also be true for various types of companyand partnership as well.22. 单选题 In the context of work planning and personal development planning, a SMART framework is often used as a checklist of the characteristics of effective goals. What does the M in SMART stand for? A ManageableB MeasurableC Motivational考点 Chapter18Personaleffectivenessandcommunication解析 Rationale: SMART is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bounded, although versions differ. Options A and C are both very plausible - and also qualities of effective goals -but you wouldnt want to replace measurable, which isessential (otherwise, how will you know when youve reached your goal?).23. 材料题 Calculate the figure for over/(under) absorption of production overheads for Period 3 $ _over/under 考点 考点:Chapter1Costing解析 Fixed costs per period per budget = $6,000Fixed costs absorbed = $12 450 = $5,400Under absorbed overhead = $6,000 $5,400 = $60024. 填空题 The distinction between (1) _and (2)_liability is central to the English legalsystem.考点 Chapter1Lawandthelegalsystem解析 The distinction between criminal and civil liability is central to the English legal system.25. 单选题 An extract from a statement of cash flows prepared by a trainee accountant is shown below.Cash flows from operating activitiesNet profit before taxationAdjustments for: DepreciationOperating profit before working capital changesDecrease in inventoriesIncrease in receivablesIncrease in payablesCash generated from operationsWhichof the following criticisms of this extract are correct? 1Depreciation charges should have been added, not deducted. 2Decrease in inventories should have been deducted, not added. 3Increase in receivables should have been added, not deducted. 4Increase in payables should have been added, not deducted. A 2 and 4B 2 and 3C 1 and 3D 1 and 4考点 Chapter22Statementsofcashflows解析 The depreciation charge and the increase in payables should both have been added.26. 单选题 Which TWO of the following statements regarding contractual terms are correct? (1) The principle of freedom of contract states that parties may include in their contract any terms thatthey see fit (2) To be valid, a contract must be complete in its terms (3) Third parties may not determine an essential term of the contract (4) Where a term is classified as a condition, the only remedy to an injured party if it is breached is toclaim damages A 1 and 2B 1 and 4C 2 and 3D 2 and 4考点 Chapter5Contentofcontracts解析 The principle of freedom of contracts states that parties are generally free to form a contract as theywish, but to be valid, a contract must be complete in its terms. Parties may include a term that allowsa third party to determine an essential term. Where a condition is breached, the injured party mayclaim damages or treat the contract as discharged.27. 材料题 材料全屏 Doc, a supplier of building materials, entered into the following transactions:An agreement to sell some goods to a longstanding friend, Ed. The contractual document, however, actuallystated that the contract was made with Eds company, Ed Ltd. Although the materials were delivered, theyhave not been paid for and Doc has learned that Ed Ltd has just gone into insolvent liquidation.Doc had employed a salesman, Fitt, whose contract of employment contained a clause preventing him fromapproaching any of Docs clients for a period of two years after he had left Docs employment. Doc hasfound out that, on stopping working for him, Fitt has started working for a company, Gen Ltd, wholly ownedby Fitt and his wife, and is approaching contacts he had made while working for Doc.23 【论述题】 Identify what is meant by limited liability 考点 考点:Chapter12Corporationsandlegalpersonality解析 The first consequence of limited liability is that a company itself is liable without limit for its own debts. If thecompany buys goods from a supplier it owes the supplier money. Limited liability is a benefit to members.They own the business, so might be the people whom the creditors logically ask to pay the debts of thecompany if the company is unable to pay them itself. Limited liability prevents this by stipulating thecreditors of a limited company cannot demand payment of the companys debts from members of thecompany.28. 单选题 A company pays rent quarterly in arrears on 1 January, 1 April, 1 July and 1 October each year. The rent was increased from $90,000 per year to $120,000 per year as from 1 October 20X2. What rent expense and accrual should be included in the companys financial statements for the year ended 31 January 20X3? Rent expense Accrual $ $ A 100,000 20,000B 100,000 10,000C 97,500 10,000D 97,500 20,000考点 Chapter10Accrualsandprepayments解析 $February to March 20X2 (22,500 x 2/3)15,000April to June22,500July to September22,500October to December30,000January 20X3 (30,000 x 1/3)10,000Rent for the year100,000Accrual 30,000 x 1/3 = 10,00029. 单选题 Which of the following statements describes the essence of systematic sampling?A each element of the population has an equal chance of being chosenB members of various strata are selected by the interviewers up to predetermined limitsC every nth member of the population is selectedD every element of one definable sub-section of the population is selected考点 Chapter2Sourcesofdata解析 every nth member of the population is selected30. 单选题 A jewellery company makes rings (R) and necklaces (N). The resources available to the company have been analysed and two constraints have beenidentified: Labour time 3R + 2N 2,400 hours Machine time 0.5R + 0.4N 410 hours The management accountant has used linear programming to determine that R = 500 and N= 400. Which of the following is/are slack resources? (1) Labour time available (2) Machine time available A (1) onlyB (2) onlyC Both (1) and (2)D Neither (1) nor (2)考点 Chapter4Limitingfactoranalysis解析 If the values for R and N are substituted into the constraints:Labour required = (3 500) + (2 400) = 2,300 hours which is less than what is availableso there is slack.Machine time required = (0.5 500) + (0.4 400) = 410 hours which is exactly what isavailable and so there is no slack.31. 单选题 In which of the following circumstances would an award of specific performance be made?A In breach of contract in an employment contractB In


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