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五年级期末英语复习3句子翻译专项练习 更多相关文章相关课件1 我可以为我的娃娃做漂亮的衣服. I can _ _ _ for my _. 2 他住在苏州的一个小镇上.He _ in a _ _ of Su Zhou. 3 南希想和海伦一起去跳舞. Nancy _ to _ _ Helen. 4 没有时间吃早饭了. Theres _ time _ _. 5 八点半上课. Classes begin _ _ _eight. 6 苏海经常看卡通片.她喜欢抓昆虫 Su Hai often _ _. She likes _ _.7.这些花卉邮票很漂亮.These flower _ _ very _.8.王斌在干么?他正在电脑房给他的朋友写一份电子.What _ Wang Bing _? He _ _ _ _ _ his _ in the _ _. 9.从早上八点到晚上九点,李老师都没有时间休息._ eight _ the morning to nine _ nigh, Miss Li _ no time _ rest.10.你怎么过周末?我经常上网.How do you _ your _? I often _ _ _.11.我想去游泳.Id _ _ go _.12.举起你的右腿,用你的左手去摸它九次.Lift _ your _ leg and _ it _ your _ _ _ times.13.他在校学习什么科目?_ _ does he _ at school?14.我和我妹妹是美国人. _ _ _ _ _ _ .15.我们在法语俱乐部里.We _ _ _ _ Club.16.你在拍照吗?不,我通常在周日拍照. _ you _ _now? No. I usually _ _ on Sundays.17.他喜欢周末去购物.He _ _ _ on _.18. 你感觉很热吗? _ you _ _?不. 我感觉很渴.No, _ _. I _ _.19. 请张开你的嘴巴说啊.Please _ your _ and _ Ah.20. 你的妹妹喜欢做什么? What _ your _ _?她喜欢画画,不喜欢写字.She _ _ , but _ _ _.21. Mike在周日通常做什么事情?他通常浇花.What _ Mike _ _ on _?He _ _ the _.22.左右转动八次._ _ and _ _ _.23. 我想去放风筝.你想加入我吗?不,我正在做模型飞机.I _ to _ a _. Do you _ to _ _? No, Im _ a _ _.24. 准备好上课了吗?好了._ you _ for _? Yes, _ _25. 你从哪个国家来?我来自日本._26. 我妈妈不工作,她是一位家庭主妇._27. Brown先生在一所小学教英语,他很喜欢教书._ 28. Black小姐和她的学生们正在上一堂音乐课.Miss Black and _ _ _ _ a _ lesson. 29. 他们来自同一个国家吗?不,他们来自不同的国家._ _ _ the same _?No, _ _ different _. 30. Nancy的朋友来自哪里?她来自法国._ _Nancys friend _ ? Shes from _ .31. 学生们正在谈论他们的周末.The _ are _ _ their _ .32. 你怎样过周末的?我经常做家务.你每个周末都这样做吗?不,不是的.How _ you _ _ _? I often _ _. Do you _ _ _ _? No, I _. 33. 今天星期几?今天星期二.今天谁值日? 是我.请擦黑板.好的._ _ is it today? _ _. Whos _ _ today?_ _. Please clean _ _. _ _. 34.我母亲是个家庭主妇,她做所有煮饭和打扫的事情,她确实很忙.My mother is a _ . She _ all the _ and _ . Shes_ _ .35. White先生喜欢写故事,他想写一个关于他的中国朋友们的故事.Mr. White _ _ _.He _ _ write a story _ his _ _ .36. Nancy和我是好朋友.我们在同一所学校,但是在不同的班级.Nancy and I are _ _. Were in _ _ _, but in _ _ .五年级期末英语复习2 句型转换专项练习 更多相关文章相关课件接着复习材料最后一份上的练习一、同义句 1. Whos not here today? Whos _ today? 2. Whats wrong with you? 同义句Whats _ _ with you?3. Its time to have breakfast. 同义句 Its time _ _.4. That is Jans umbrella. That _is _. 5. He is showing us his stamps. _二、否定句 1. There are some pictures on the wall . There _ _ pictures on the wall.2. She can make model planes. She _ make model planes. 3. He works on Saturdays.改为否定句 _ _ _ on Saturdays. 4. Do your homework now. 改为否定句 _ _ _ homework now.5. She usually watches insects at the weekends. 改为否定句 She _ usually_ insects at the weekends. 6. Mike and I want to go with you. 改为否定句 Mike and I _ _ to go with you. 7. I hope you get better soon.I _ hope you get better soon. 8. Take some medicine. _ _ _ medicine.三、一般疑问句 1. My grandma is taking some medicine.改成一般疑问句 _ your grandmother _ _ _ ? 2. He lives in a small town. _ he _ in a small town? No, _ _.3. My sisters sing beautifully._ your sisters _ beautifully? Yes, _ _.4. They can make model ships. _ they _ model ships? 5. We like going shopping. _ you like _ shopping. No,_ _.6. There are some bananas in the fridge. 一般疑问句并做肯否定回答. _ _ _ _ in the fridge? Yes, _ _. No, _ _.7. We can put our fingers on our head. 一般疑问句 _ _ put _ fingers on _ head?8. Classes begin at half past eight. 一般疑问句 _ _ _ at half past eight?四、划线部分提问 1. Today is Wednesday. _ _ is it today?2. He likes flying kites What _ he _ _? 3. I have many stamps. What _ you _? 4. We have eight subjects this term. _ _ subjects do you have _ _?5. I like Maths. _ _do you _?6. I feel better now. _ do you _ now?7. Ben likes collecting stamps. _ _ collecting stamps?8. She usually goes shopping on Fridays. _ _ _ she _ shopping?9. He plays football every afternoon._ _ he _ every afternoon?10. Thats my brothers dog. 对划线部分提问 _ dog _ _? 11. The student is between the two teachers. 对划线部分提问_ _ _ _? 12. They are dancing in the sports hall. 划线部分提问 _ _ _ _ in the sports hall? 13. Hes from the USA. 对划线部分提问 _ _ _?14. Its half past ten. 对划线部分提问 What _ is _?15. His telephone number is 66557720. 对划线部分提问 _ is _ _ _?16. Yang Ling gets up at half past six. 对划线部分提问 _ _ _ Yang Ling _ up? 17. My brother often does his homework at the weekends. 对划线部分提问 _ _ _ brother _ _at the weekend? 18. They are having a PE lesson. 对划线部分提问 _ _ _ _? 19. The girl in red is playing the piano now.对划线部分提问 _ _ _ the piano now? The girl in red is playing the piano now.对划线部分提问 _ _is playing the piano now?20. This jacket is Wang Bings. 对划线部分提问 _ _ is this?21. There is one butterfly near the flowers. 对划线部分提问 _ _ _ _ _near the flowers? There are two butterflies near the flowers._ _ near the flowers?22. Miss Zhang and I usually go to work by bike. _ _ Miss Zhang and _ usually _ to work?23. She has got a bad cold. _ _ with _?24. David studies English、Chinese and Art. _ _ _David _? 25. The T-shirt is eighty yuan. _ _ _ the T-shirt?26. This is Helen speaking? _ _?27. We have Chinese, English, Maths and Science every morning. _ _ do you have every morning?28. John es from Canada. _ _ John _ _?29. He lives in Beijing. _ _ he_ ?30. I will make model planes on Sunday. _ _ you _ on Sunday?31. I am making a model plane. _ are you _?32. She can play the violin. _ _ she _?五、单复数 1. They are our good friends. _ _ _ good _. 2. That is his watch. _ _ _ _. 3. There are some English books. _ _ English book. 4. They usually do housework on Sundays. _ _ _ _ on Sundays.六、连词成句 1. morning you in do lessons what the have _ 2. to, at, Steven, goes, nine, bed _3.the hobby same have we _ 4. does your spend how sister her weekends _八、改为感叹句 1. Its a lovely ant. _ _ the _ _! 2. The girl dances beautifully. _ _ the girl dances!九、其他 1. She is doing her homework now. She _ _ _ _. 2. I have a model plane. She _a model plane. 3. The man puts the plate on his finger. The man _ _ the plate on his finger. 4. Im going to the library now. _ _ the library now.5. He is sitting quietly. He often _ quietly. 6I go to school from Monday to Friday. She _ to school from Monday to Friday. 7. The man puts the plate on his finger. The man _ _ the plate on his finger.五年级期末英语复习4 用所给词适当形式填空 更多相关文章相关课件练习11. Listen, Jim _ an English song in the music room.2. Wang Bing _ model ships.3. I _ in Nan Jing , but my friend in England.4. My father newspaper, but my mother 5. Its two oclock in the afternoon. We _ an English class now.6. I like _, she _.7. What Helen often at the weekends? She often insects.8. He _ want bread for breakfast.9. I _ a friend. Her name _Susan. She _ singing and dancing10. _Yang Ling hobbies? Yes, she . 11. Where Helen and Tom from? They from ? 12. She usually _ shopping with her mother.13. Whats hobby? She flowers.14. Mr Smith _ from Australia. He speaks .15.Look, They _ football in the playground.16. _ your sister TV every day? No, she .17.Liu Tao can . mother can _.18.I often go _ on Sunday afternoon. But my mother 19. parents from . Theyre Japanese _.20. How many are there in your class? There thirty.21. A chicken two .22. Id like _ some in the supermarket.23. Let with homework.24. We _ .25._ you _ now? No, I an to friend.26. There some milk in the bottle. 27. There some and in the park.28. What mother now? She _ in the kitchen. 29. I want to _ some interesting books at the bookshop30. There some and in the cupboard. 31. I . I can .32. Liu Tao and Wang Bing usually _ after school. Look, they _ in the playground. 33. This is book. Those .34. Today Day . These are for .35. I want_ a letter to my friend. He is .36. there bread in the fridge? No, there .37. Today is the _ day of the new term. 38. There any in the classroom. They volleyball now.39. Mum and I _ hobby.40. Shall we _ to the cinema by bike? All right.41. _ your friends your family every week? No, they_.42. What _ one plus four? Its five.43. show how firefly44. Who on duty today?45. Dont play the violin. Your father _ in the bedroom.练习21.He usually_ _ after lunch.2.He _ a family.3.My aunt often_ table tennis after school.4._she_ tried?5.His brothers _ the Internet every day.6.He_ _ housework at the weekends.7.The_ are _ about their weekends.8.My mother_ _.She can_ beautifully. And she often_ in the evening.9._she _ early in the evening?10.My parent _ a big apple tree.11.What_ he usually_ on Sundays?12.Her sister, Nancy, _ now.13.Can you_clothes for _ daughter.14.How_ you spend your weekends? I often _s.15.Where is she from? She is from_. Shes _She _. 16. How_ you? I_ ill. I _ fine tomorrow, I think.17. _ you free now? Sorry, I _ very busy. 18. Listen, two _ _ in_ .19. Lets _ and _ basketball .20. Look, Mike is_ _ . 21. _ your father_ TV in the evening? No, he_ . 22. May I _ to Helen? This is Helen _ . 23. Are these your _ ? No, theyre _ 24. Childrens Day is _, our parents would like _things for _.25. I _ late. Dont _ again. 26. Who _this class English? Miss Li does.27. Where _ your father _ ? He _ in a hospital. 28. _ your father _ table tennis over there now? Yes, he _. He often _ it at this time.29. How _ Yang Ling go to school? _ she go to school by bike? 30. _ your father often busy? Yes, he is.31. Does he _ _?32.Please on the wall. 33. My are at home today. I love very much. 34. When your mother up in the morning?35. Sometimes Wang Bing goes .36. Why Tom absent today?37. Miss Li is teacher. We like .38. My coat is red and is yellow.39. Are your Japanese books? 40. Lets try English . 41. They are in different . 42. Let me the blackboard for you, sir. 43. There much water in the bottle. 44. Kate her homework now? Its time lunch. 45. Look at the children over there! What they ?46. Miss li _ English . Now, she us an English lesson. 47. Here your trousers. 48. We have the same 49. How many _ do you have this afternoon?50. Show _ how _ a model plane.51. There are a lot of _ in the park.52. The student uses a puter _ music.53. My _ hobby is _ _ .54. The grasshopper with long _ can jump high.55. I am sorry _ that.56. How many _ stamps do you have?57. The _ are from the USA.58. _ begin at half past seven. 59. Whats wrong with _ ? He _ a high fever.60. Where _ you _ ? I _ to the library.61. Dont _ to the strangers.62. Im sorry I _ buy _ _ for you.63. After taking some medicine, my father feels _ .64. I have a good friend. _ name is Mary.65. He _ a round face and blue_. 66. Look at the _ butterflies. They dance _.67. Jims mother has some _ friends. She _ _ stories about _ . 68. Listen to the teacher _ in class.69. Its a _ and its _ sad. 五年级期末英语复习8易考点 更多相关文章相关课件五B易考点.rar 听力部分一、单词读音需注意的.horse/house, kitchen/chicken, red/read, listen/lesson, Maths/mouse/ mouth/mother, park/back, learn/lantern, sing/swing/swim, dance/down, cant /can, do/ dont,all/ball/doll/tall/door, map/cap/cup/lamp,word/world/would/wall, ball/bowl, back/bike,new/now, play/plane, are/art, right/ light/ bright/ night/ kite, thin/think/thing/sing, hat/cat/cap, lesson/ listen,sleep/sweep, watch/wash, of/for, floor/ flower/four, kitchen/ chicken, shall/show,stars/start, like/bike, new/now/know, write/white/with/which/watch, box/books, quick/ quiet/quite, ant/arent/aunt, catch/cat, watch/ wash, glow/grow, half/have, past/fast/pass, Thursday/ Tuesday, 二、听录音完成短文注意单复数:How many后;some/any/many/a lot of/ two,three后;all the后面;between后面are前面的人称用复数: we/they/the children注意第三人称单数,动词加上s或者es注意动词ing: be动词后,like后首字母大写三、易写错的单词 model,Internet, exercise, interesting, absent, of course,insect, beautiful, Social Science, feel笔试部分一、语音详细的请看语音复习材料二、词性转换good 副词/比较级/反义词,sure同义词,firefly复数,same反义词,go反义词eat/clean现在分词,study第三人称单数, left 反义词,before反义词名词复数变化规则第三人称单数变化规则现在分词变化规则人称代词单数复数一二三一二三主格Iyouhesheitweyouthey宾格meyouhimheritusyouthem物主代词my我的your你的his他的her她的its它的our我们的your你们的their他们的三、容易错的词组翻译翻译词组,一般逐词逐句翻译,不能多词,也不能少词,如在周日上午,翻译成Sunday mornning是不对的,应该是on Sunday afternoon在早上_在周日_在周六下午_ 周三晚上_对讲话_与交谈_谈论_ 生病在床_呆在床上_呆在家里_得了重感冒_ 发高烧_ 严重的咳嗽_买东西/去买东西/去购物_集邮_ 拍照_ 种花_制作模型轮船_做衣服_大声讲话_跑得快_小心地走_跳舞跳得漂亮_安静地坐着_跳得高_在体育课上_上一节英语课_值日_做作业_做家务_快点_ 让我们赶快_一个英国参观者_感觉好些了_变得好些了_感觉不舒服_


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