外研版七年级英语上册Module 5 unit2 We start work at nine o'clock.教案

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外研版七年级英语上册Module 5 unit2 We start work at nine o'clock.教案_第1页
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Module 5 My School Day一、学习目标:1. 重点单词:half, past, oclock, to, art, geography, history, IT, maths, (Am E math ), PE ( physical education ), lesson, then, like, difficult, love, subject, because, interesting, talk, begin, when, weekday, house, start, work, break, have lunch, evening, watch, do, homework, bed, sleep, park, busy, wash, face, minute2. 重点短语:go to school, get up, have breakfast, have lunch, go home, have dinner, go to bed, go to sleep3.重点句子:1) I love history.2) Its twelve oclock .3) We have Chinese at eight oclock.4) We dont have maths.5) Do you like maths? Yes, I do.6) In the evening, I watch TV and have dinner with my family.7) I get up at half past seven in the morning and have breakfast.8) I drink Cola or water.二、重点及难点: 1时间的表达方式。2用在时间前的介词(at , in , on)的用法。3一般现在时的陈述句形式(主语为主语为I, they, we, you)。4and 连接的两个简单句。三、教学设计:Unit 1 I love history.Teaching modelListening and speaking Teaching method Interactive approach Teaching aims1. To understand time expressions and identify school subjects.2. To understand conversations about “a school day”.3. To process information of time and school subjects in the listening.4. To talk about ones lessons with given information. Teaching ObjectivesKey vocabulary: half, past, oclock, art, geography, history, IT, maths, (AM E math ), PE ( physical education ), lesson, then, difficult, love, subject, because, interesting, talk, begin, whenKey structures: Its six oclock . Its half past six. Teaching aidsTape recorder, OHP , video , a clock Teaching StepsStep 1 Warming-up1. Show some pictures to explain time expressions. 2. Listen and repeat the time.3. Ask and answer. What time is it?1._ 2._ 3._ 4._4. Call back the answer from the whole class and check the answer .Keys: 1. Its twelve oclock 2. Its half past six 3. Its eleven oclock 4. Its half past one 5时间Asking the time and responses (1)询问时间的表达法:What time is it?/Whats the time? (2)时间的表达法: 整点: Its 基数词(one, two, )oclock. e.g. Its twelve oclock. 现在12点整。 几点过几分: Its 分past小时(基数词) (基数词) e.g. Its twenty past five. 现在5:20。 几点差几分: Its分to小时(基数词)(基数词) e.g. Its twenty to six. 现在5:40。/现在6点差20。 注意:A、介词to, past前的分钟通常在30之内,但几点半,通常用介词past. e.g. Its half past six. 现在6:30。 B、时间的表达有一种简单的方法:即直接用小时分钟 (基数词) (基数词) e.g. Its eight twenty five 现在8:25。 6. Practice. Ask and answer. What time is it?Step 2 Practice1. Show some pictures of the subjects. 2. Introduce the new words.3. Match the words with the pictures.4. Call back the answer from the whole class and check the answer .Answers: 1. art 2. Chinese 3. English 4. history 5. maths 6. IT 7. geography 8. PE5. Read the words.Step 3 Listen and read.1. Ask the students to read the conversation silently.2. Play the recording and ask the students to listen and read the conversation.3. Read the conversation.4. Act it out.Step 4 Read the dialogue Check () the true sentences.1. Read the dialogue again.2. Ask the students to choose the correct answers.1) Lessons begin at eight. 2) They have four lessons in the morning. 3) Maths is difficult for Betty. 4) They have art on Monday. 5) History is interesting for Betty. 6) Tonys favorite lesson is art. 3) Ask the students to check with a partner.4. Play the recording again .Check the answers: Answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Step 5 Complete the passage.because difficult favorite interesting lesson subjectHistory is Bettys (1) _ subject. She likes it (2) _ its very (3) _. Tonys favorite (4) _ is Chinese. There are Chinese, science, IT and maths (5) _ on Monday morning, but for Tony, maths is (6) _.Answers: favorite, because, interesting, subject, lessons, difficultStep 6 Pronunciation and speaking1. Listen and repeat.afternoon good talk because oclock what2. 找出与所给单词划线部分读音不同的一项。( )1. afternoon A. too B. to C. book D. school( )2. talk A. morning B. chocolate C. your D. draw( )3. good A. put B. football C. sugar D. do( )4. what A. or B. oclock C. shop D. lot( )5. lessons A. homes B. evenings C. years D. parksStep 7 Work in pairs.1. Ask the students to work alone and to answer the questions.1. When is your geography lesson?2. When is your English lesson?3. When is your Chinese lesson?2. Ask them to check their answers in pairs.3. Talk about your lessons.4. Go through the language in the substitution table with the class.5. Pair them to ask and answer.I have / We have I dont have / We dont have I like / I dont like art , chemistry , Chinese , English , history , maths , science 6. Circulate and monitor their production.Step 8 Language points1. Do you like maths, Tony? like v. 喜欢;喜爱 后面可以跟名词、代词、动词不定式或v.-ing形式作宾语。e.g. Do you like apples? We like him very much. They like to play football. This boy likes reading books.请将下面的汉语句子翻译成英语。1.我喜欢踢足球。 2.你喜欢香蕉吗?Keys: I like playing / to play football.Do you like bananas?2. Yes, I do, but its difficult! difficult adj. 困难的,难懂的e.g. English _ him three years ago. 三年前英语对他来说是难的。 He _ in class yesterday. 昨天他在课堂上难管。3. Its my favourite subject because its very interesting. because conj. 因为 后接句子表示原因。e.g. Why do you like Liu Qian? Because he can perform magic.常用来回答由疑问副词_引导的特殊疑问句。Many people like Wang Fei, because she sings very well.Because he is too young, I often help him. = He is too young, so I often help him.so也可以表示因果关系,但是它与because_(能/不能)同时在一个句子中出现。请根据题后括号内的要求完成下列各题。1) Theyre going to see the filmbecause its a good one. (就划线部分提问) _2)我计划去看我朋友李俊,因为他生病了。(翻译成英语) _3) Because I get up late in the morning, I miss the early bus. (同义句转换)I get up late in the morning, _ I miss the early bus.interesting adj. 有趣的描述的对象多为物。它既可以作表语,也可以作定语。e.g. Its interesting to hear other peoples ideas. That was an interesting answer. _ and you should go to watch it. 那部电影很有趣,你应该去看一看。 4. I can talk with my Chinese friends. talk v. 谈论,说话 talk with / to sb. 和某人交谈e.g. I want to _ Bill. 我想和比尔谈谈。talk about sb. / sth.谈论某人/某事 e.g. Can you talk about your friends? They like to talk about the colour.5. Lessons begin at eight. begin v. 开始 后可接_或动词不定式作宾语。 e.g. The meeting willbegin at seven oclock. At the age of twelve,Edisonbegan selling newspaper on a train. Suddenly itbegan to rain.6. When is your geography lesson? when adv. 什么时候,何时 可以用于询问日期。e.g. Whenis your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候? My birthday / It is March 11th. 我的生日是3月11日。_?篮球赛在什么时候举办?Its in September.在9月份。Whendo you go to school?你几点钟去上学?At seven oclock. 7点钟。when还可以用来问_。将下列汉语句子翻译成英语。1.你叔叔的生日是什么时候? 2.你们的英语演讲比赛在什么时候? 3.你什么时候去蒂娜家? Keys: When is your uncles birthday?When is your English speech contest?When do you go to Tinas home?Step 9 Exercises:A. 用英语写出下列时间。6:00 _ 8:00 _6:30 _ 7:45 _8:01 _ 1:15 _ 2:30_ 3:45 _7:20 _ 9:40 _8:15 _5:10 _6:35 _ 9:55 _Answers:6:00 six oclock 8:00 eight oclock6:30 six thirty 7:45 seven forty-five8:01 one past eight 1:15 a quarter past one 2:30half past two 3:45 a quarter to four7:20 twenty past seven 9:40 twenty to ten8:15 a quarter past eight5:10 ten past five6:35 twenty-five to seven 9:55 five to ten B. 根据句意及所给汉语提示写出句中所缺单词。1. There are forty students, and _(一半) of them are boys.2. My _(地理) is at nine oclock in the morning.3. Australian English is _(难懂的).4. Football is _(有趣的), so I like the World Cup. 5. _(因为) the weather is cold, we play in the classroom.Keys: half geography difficult interesting BecauseC. 翻译下列句子。1我们11:00上美术课。_2. 他们9:10上历史课。_3. 我经常和我的朋友谈话。_4. 我周六、日不去学校。_5. 星期五我们不上地理课。_Answers:1. We have art lesson at eleven oclock. 2. We have history lesson at ten past nine.3. I often talk to my friend . 4. I dont go to school on Saturday or Sunday.5. We dont have geography lesson on Friday.Step 10 HomeworkDraw a timetable and fill the subjects and times in. Then make the conversation about different subjects and times with your partner.Unit 2 We start work at nine oclock.Teaching modelReading and writing. Teaching method Interactive approach Teaching aims1. To get information from a description of a school day.2. To be able to put pictures in order according to the reading material.3. To write about ones school day.4. To learn to join simple sentences with and.Teaching Objectives Key vocabulary: week, house, start, work, break, evening, watch, homework, bed, sleep Key phrase: go to school, get up, have breakfast, have lunch, go home, have dinner, go to bed, go to sleepKey structures: This is my school day . I get up at Lessons start at We have a break and talk to our friends.Teaching aidsRecorder, OHP, videoTeaching StepsStep 1 Warming up1. Review the text of Unit 1. 2. Show some pictures, ask the students to look at the pictures, then talk something about the pictures.3. Introduce the new words.4. Read the new words.Step 2 Read the passage and match the times with the pictures in Activity 1.1. Read through the passage and order it individually.2. Check with a partner.3. Call back the answers from the whole class.Keys: 1. e 2. f 3. d 4. a 5. b 6. cStep 3 Match the times with the pictures in Activity 1. 1. Read out the times and have the students repeat them after you.2. Ask them to match the times and the pictures individually.3. Check with a partner.4. Call back the answers from the whole class.Keys: 7:30 e 10:00 c 11:00 d 12:30 a 3:30 b 9:00 fStep 4 Underline the correct expressions.1. Read the passage again.2. Ask the students to underline the correct answers.1) I get up / start work at half past seven.2) We have a break / have lunch at half past twelve.3) I go home / watch TV in the evening.4) I do my homework / see my friends in the evening.5) I go home / go to sleep at ten oclock.3. Ask the students to check with a partner.4. Play the recording again .Check the answers: Keys: 1. get up 2. have lunch 3. watch TV 4. do my homework 5. go to sleepStep 5. Finish Alex Greenalls timetableAlex Greenalls school day7:30 amget up8:30 am(1)_9:00 amstart work11:00 am(2)_12:30 am(3)_1:30 amstart lessons3:30 am(4)_10:30 am(5)_Step 6 Writing and speaking.A. Talk about your school day.1. Read through the phrases and have the students repeat them.2. Ask them to talk about their school days.B. Look at the sentences.I get up at seven oclock. I go to school at eight oclock.I get up at seven oclock, and then go to school at eight oclock.C. Now join the sentences with and then.1) In the morning, we get up. We go to school.2) In the afternoon, we have lessons. We play football in the playground. 3) In the evening, I have dinner. I do my homework. 4) In the evening, I do my homework. I go to bed.D. Call back the answers from the whole class.Keys: 1. In the morning, we get up, and then go to school.2. In the afternoon, we have lessons, and then we play football in the playground.3. In the evening, I have dinner, and then do my homework. 4. In the evening, I do my homework, and then go to bed.Step 7 Language points1. I get up at half past seven in the morning, and then have breakfast. 我早上七点半起床,然后吃早餐。have是英语中常见的一个动词,它和不同的词搭配有不同的意思。e.g. have lessons 上课 have lunch 吃午餐have dinner 吃饭have a rest 休息 have a good time 玩的愉快have a look 看一看2. We start work at nine oclock. start v. 开始 start to do sth.和start doing sth. 开始做某事 e.g. I started to do my homework at 5:30. =I started _ my homework at 5:30. 我五点半开始做作业的。将下面的句子翻译成英语。你昨天什么时候开始做晚饭的?Key: When did you start to cook / cooking dinner yesterday? begin与start用作动词时,都有“开始”的意思。通常情况下二者可互换使用;其后可接v-ing形式或动词不定式作宾语。e.g. The meeting willbegin / startat seven oclock. At the age of twelve,Edisonbegan / startedselling newspaper on a train. Suddenly itbegan / startedto rain. work n. 学习;工作 是不可数名词 作品;著作 是可数名词e.g. My brother is at work. 我哥哥正在工作。 Alicewill have _ to do this Saturday. 这周六艾丽斯有很多工作要做。 Whose _ are these? 这些都是谁的作品?work v. 学习;工作e.g. My mother works in a school.写出下列各句中work的词性及词义。1)His sister is looking forwork. 2)Tomworksat a small hospital. 3)Theseworksare very beautiful. 3. At eleven oclock, we have a break in the playground and I talk to my friends. break作名词 have a break =take a break (课间)休息一下 at break (课间)休息e.g. We have / take a break at ten oclock. 我们在十点钟会休息一下。 Students are at break. 学生们正在课间休息。根据汉语意思完成英语句子。你们什么时候课间休息?When do you _?4. Then we go home at half past three. go home 回家 e.g. We want to go home now. at home 在家 e.g. Mary is at home today.将下列句子翻译成英语。1)让我们回家吧!2)我姑姑现在不在家。5. I go to sleep at ten oclock. sleep v. n. 睡觉 动词可用于进行时态,表示“正在睡觉”。 e.g. He didnt _ last night. He _ now. 他昨天晚上没睡好。现在正在睡觉。 Most people need eight hours of sleep a day. go to bed表示“上床;去睡觉”。go to sleep表示“入睡;进入梦乡” 。e.g. I didnt feel well last night, so I went to bed early. My grandfather went to sleep when he was reading a book. 将下列汉语句子翻译成英语。1.我通常在9点钟上床睡觉。2.李飞太激动,无法入睡。Step 8 ExercisesA. 单词拼写:1. I _ (观看) TV on Saturday morning.2. Lets have a _ (休息).3. I do my _ (家庭作业) at eight oclock in the evening. 4. They have two_ (房子) in the city.5. We _ (开始) our lessons at seven thirty.6. They _ (吃) supper at six oclock in the evening. 7. When is _ (正餐) time?8. We start _ (工作)at half past eight in the morning. Answers: 1. watch 2. break 3. homework 4. houses 5. start6. have 7. dinner 8 workB. 汉译英:1.起床_ 2.在7点30分_ 3.早餐_ 4.在旁边_ 5.去上学_ 6.上课_ 7.课间休息_ 8. 与我的朋友交谈_9.去操场_10.踢足球_ 11.吃午饭_ 12.在食堂_ 13.吃肉和大米_14.回家_ 15.看电视_ 16.吃晚饭_17.这样一个人的功课_18.上床睡觉_ 19.在上午_ 20 .在下午_ 21.在晚上_Answers: 1.get up 2.at half past seven 3.have breakfast 4.next to 5. go to school6.have lessons 7.have a break 8.talk to my friends 9.go to the playground10. play football 11. have lunch 12. in the dining hall 13. have meat and rice14. go home 15. watch TV 16. have dinner 17. do ones homework 18. go to bed 19. in the morning 20. in the afternoon 21. in the eveningC. 完成句子:1. 九点开始上课。 Lessons _ nine _ .2. 早上我七点半起床。I _ at _ .3. 晚上十点我做作业。I do my homework _ .4. 下午我们看电视并且玩电脑游戏。We watch TV _ .5. 有些工人在工厂吃中午饭。 Some workers _ at the factory .Answers: 1. start at , oclock 2. get up , half past seven 3. at ten oclock in the evening 4. and play computer games in the afternoon 5. have lunch Step 9 HomeworkWrite a passage about your whole day. Use the sentences in the lesson.I get up at I go home at I do homework at Unit 3 Language in useTeaching modelRevision and application Teaching method Formal and interactive practice Teaching aimsTo summarize and consolidate Present simple with I , you , we , they prepositions of time at , in , on negative form of present simple dont.Teaching Objectives Key vocabulary: finish, houseworkKey structures: Present simple with I, you , we , they prepositions of time at , in , on negative form of present simple dont.Teaching aidsTape recorder, OHP, handoutsTeaching StepsStep 1 Language practice1. Complete the sentences.1) _ _ Chinese at eight oclock. 我们8点上语文课。2) _ _ _ maths. 我们没有数学课。 3) _ _ _ maths? 你喜欢数学吗? Yes, _ _. 是的。4) _ _ _, I watch TV and have dinner with my family. 晚上我和家人一起看电视吃晚饭。 2. Ask the students to repeat the sentences in the box.Step 2行为动词的一般现在时表达经常性或者习惯性的动作,就要使用一般现在时。e.g. I do my homework in the evening. 我在晚上做作业。如果表示的是现在的状态,也可以用一般现在时。e.g. I know him very well. 我和他很熟。肯定句中的行为动词一般现在时。e.g. I play basketball in the playground. You draw very well. We like the blue chairs in the classroom. They work in America. Chen Xi and Chen Li eat breakfast at home.一般现在时肯定句结构为“主语+谓语动词原形+其他”。否定句中的行为动词一般现在时。e.g. I dont play basketball in the playground. You dont draw very well. We dont like the blue chairs in the classroom. They dont work in America. Chen Xi and Chen Li dont eat breakfast at home.一般现在时否定句结构为“主语+_ +谓语动词原形+其他”。一般疑问句中的行为动词一般现在时。e.g. Do you play basketball in the playground? Yes, I do. No, I dont. Do I draw very well? Yes, you do. No, you dont. ,Do you like the blue chairs in the classroom? Yes, we do. No, we dont.Do they work in America?Yes, they do. No, they dont.Do Chen Xi and Chen Li eat breakfast at home?Yes, they do. No, they dont.一般现在时一般疑问句结构为“_+主语+谓语动词原形+其他?”, 肯定回答为“Yes, 主语+do”,否定回答为“No, 主语+ dont”。 do not的缩写是dont根据汉语意思完成英语句子。1. 我在家吃午饭。 I _ at home.2. 你们学习真努力。 You _ really _.3. 他们在教学楼看电视。 They _ in the teaching building.4. 我们在图书馆看书。 We _ in the library.5. 梁栋和古丽喜欢白色外套。 Liang Dong and Gu Li _ white coats.Work in pairs.Ask the students to talk about their activities in a week.Step 3 时间的表达方式1. 1) 直接表示时间法:就是按照几点几分的顺序来表示时间。(这个最简单) e.g. 8:00eight oclock 5:20five twenty 2) 添加介词表示法:如果分钟小于或等于30,就用past来表示,结构是“分钟+past+该点钟”;如果分钟大于30,就用to来表示,结构是“分钟+to+下一点钟”e.g. 12:05 five past twelve


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