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21秋社区服务综合测试题库答案参考1. At their _ to the house the little boy ran away and hid.A. plungeB. appointmentC.At their _ to the house the little boy ran away and hid.A. plungeB. appointmentC. approachD.politeness参考答案:C2. In _ with the new regulations, all tickets must bestamped.A) combinationB) accordaIn _ with the new regulations, all tickets must bestamped.A) combinationB) accordanceC) connectionD)tune参考答案:B3. He tried to fix my radio, but really _ it up.A) madeB) botchedC) coveredD) filledHe tried to fix my radio, but really _ it up.A) madeB) botchedC) coveredD) filled参考答案:B4. He conducted these instructional sessions with ( )and humor.A、animationB、animalC、advanceDHe conducted these instructional sessions with ( )and humor.A、animationB、animalC、advanceD、anxious参考答案:A5. I don t really know who she _ with.A. hangs outB. hangs overC. hangs upD. hangsI don t really know who she _ with.A. hangs outB. hangs overC. hangs upD. hangs on参考答案:A6. 在三大模式关于个人行动动机的假设中,社会计划模式倾向于:( )A、经济发展B、民主共议C、冲突对抗D、精英决策参考答案:D7. Here is $10; that should _ all your expenses.A)exploreB) competeC) coverD) expanHere is $10; that should _ all your expenses.A)exploreB) competeC) coverD) expand参考答案:C8. 在三大模式的权力结构导向中,地区发展模式将权力结构当做:( )A、斗争对象B、服务对象C、合作者D、出资人参考答案:C9. _ care whether they have passed the entrance examination or not.A. Does he little_ care whether they have passed the entrance examination or not.A. Does he littleC. Little he doesB. Does little heD. Little does he参考答案:D10. He sat there silent for some time, _ thought.A) having lost inB) be lost inC) losiHe sat there silent for some time, _ thought.A) having lost inB) be lost inC) losing inD) lost in参考答案:D11. If you describe someone as the leader, champion, etc., you mean thatthey have provedIf you describe someone as the leader, champion, etc., you mean thatthey have proved that nobody else has more power or ability than them.A) undisciplinedB) undisputedC) undisclosedD)undiscovered参考答案:B12. Mr and Mrs. Brown( )a small restaurant in China Town.A、OpenB、startC、runD、serve参考答案:C13. After a week in bed, she was fully _to health.A) restoredB) sustainedC) shapedD)After a week in bed, she was fully _to health.A) restoredB) sustainedC) shapedD) projected参考答案:A14. I _ a note under Louise s door.A) slidB) decreasedC) descendedD) slippedI _ a note under Louise s door.A) slidB) decreasedC) descendedD) slipped参考答案:D15. We are looking for someone who will be able to _ the staff towork hard.A) motivWe are looking for someone who will be able to _ the staff towork hard.A) motivateB) evaluateC) investigateD) fascinate参考答案:A16. Most people agree that _ tastes great, but thatit is not the healthiest thing yMost people agree that _ tastes great, but thatit is not the healthiest thing you can eat.A) desertB) decentC) desentD) dessert参考答案:D17. What he said was so complicated that I _ after the first couple ofsentences.What he said was so complicated that I _ after the first couple ofsentences.A) kept trackB) lost trackC) signed upD) fell into参考答案:B18. Shes hoping the course will improve her career _.A) prospectsB) perspectiveShes hoping the course will improve her career _.A) prospectsB) perspectivesC) expectationsD) hopes参考答案:A19. As a Prime Minister, he lacked the strategic _of, say, someone likeChurchillAs a Prime Minister, he lacked the strategic _of, say, someone likeChurchill .A) specialtyB) motivationC) competenceD) vision参考答案:D20. Supporters of the new shopping development are trying to _ localpeople in favorSupporters of the new shopping development are trying to _ localpeople in favor of it.A) crowdB) rallyC) callD) huddle参考答案:B21. The Italian political system has been judged to be interminal _ for decades.A) dThe Italian political system has been judged to be interminal _ for decades.A) difficultyB) dangerC) crisisD) prosperous参考答案:C22. This is a demanding position where you will make significant use of yourscientific _This is a demanding position where you will make significant use of yourscientific _.A) professionalismB) altruismC) sophisticationD) expertise参考答案:D23. The speaker _ the need for better education.A) insistedB) pressedC) maintainedD)The speaker _ the need for better education.A) insistedB) pressedC) maintainedD) stressed参考答案:D24. 流网的特征是流线和等势线垂直、相邻等势线之间的水头损失相等、各个流槽的渗流量相等()答案:对解析:流网,在平面图或剖面图上由反映地下水在渗流场中运动方向、流速等要素的两组互相正交的流线和等势线所组成的网。流网特征:1.流线与等势线彼此正交2.每个网格长度比为常数3.相邻等势线间的水头损失相等4.各流槽的渗流量相等25. 理想电流源内阻为0 ()此题为判断题(对,错)。参考答案:错误26. Kitchen utensils should be _ as well as functional.A) expensiveB) extensiveC) attKitchen utensils should be _ as well as functional.A) expensiveB) extensiveC) attractiveD) massive参考答案:C27. Today, young people s health is deteriorating and some even suffer from blood_Today, young people s health is deteriorating and some even suffer from blood_ in their twenties.A) clotsB) donationC) testsD) transfusion参考答案:A28. Come and sit by the fire; you look _ to the bone.A) cooledB) chokedC) chilledD) cCome and sit by the fire; you look _ to the bone.A) cooledB) chokedC) chilledD) compressed参考答案:C29. He was awarded a certificate of _ for his pianoplaying.A) gloryB) distinctC) praisHe was awarded a certificate of _ for his pianoplaying.A) gloryB) distinctC) praiseD) merit参考答案:D30. He was able to finish the job efficiently with the( ) (协助) of his secretary.A、assistaHe was able to finish the job efficiently with the( ) (协助) of his secretary.A、assistanceB、obstacleC、assistantD、resistance参考答案:A31. I had to _ myself to make sure I wasn t dreaming.A) punchB) pinchC) stressD) streI had to _ myself to make sure I wasn t dreaming.A) punchB) pinchC) stressD) stretch参考答案:B32. Factories _5% of the countrys commercial electricity consumption.A) build oFactories _5% of the countrys commercial electricity consumption.A) build onB) account forC) come inD) count on参考答案:B33. 请简要叙述一下“三大模式”当中关于“个人行为”假设(动机)的异同参考答案:地区发展模式认为人是理性的,个人倾向于团结、合作、愿意沟通交往,参与民主,并在集体活动中只要满足一定条件,个人愿意为集体作出贡献。(倾向民主);社会计划模式认为人是理性的,但是个人的行为是为了追求其认为的利益最大化,并且,人的理性自私的动机会带来社会的混乱和人际的冲突斗争,所以必须加以管理和规矩,才能带来秩序和合力。(倾向精英决策);社会行动模式认为人无所谓理性和感性,在行动中人即有可能理性也可能感性,认为冲突并不容易通过协调或正规渠道得到缓和,冲突只有用对峙和争取的方法才能解决。(倾向于冲突和对抗)34. He found a job for a “typist ” in the section of the newspaper.A) confidentialB) restrHe found a job for a “typist ” in the section of the newspaper.A) confidentialB) restrictedC) classifiedD) designated参考答案:C35. 10% of the data was as unreliable.A) disobeyedB) disrespectedC) discardedD) disguised10% of the data was as unreliable.A) disobeyedB) disrespectedC) discardedD) disguised参考答案:C36. But, _ reflection, I think I did the young guy afavor by not giving hiBut, _ reflection, I think I did the young guy afavor by not giving him a job.A) inB) withC) onD) over参考答案:C37. You have to balance the advantage of living in a big city _ the disadvantaYou have to balance the advantage of living in a big city _ the disadvantages.A)offB) forC) amongD) against参考答案:D38. Her ideas are _sound, even if she says silly things sometimes.A) fundamentallyB)Her ideas are _sound, even if she says silly things sometimes.A) fundamentallyB) criticallyC) rarelyD) continually参考答案:A39. The region has enormous _ for economic development but a lotof investment is nThe region has enormous _ for economic development but a lotof investment is needed to achieve this.A. capacityB. potentialC. possessionD. impact参考答案:B40. Not for a(n) _ did I believed he had lied.A. timeB. ageC. periodD. instantNot for a(n) _ did I believed he had lied.A. timeB. ageC. periodD. instant参考答案:D41. The plan for a new office tower went ahead _ local citizens opposition.A) regThe plan for a new office tower went ahead _ local citizens opposition.A) regardless ofB) in regardC) with regard toD) in spite参考答案:A42. 将枪支(含仿真枪)、弹药或者易燃、易爆、有毒等危险品擅自带入学院,造成严重公共安全隐患的。或在将枪支(含仿真枪)、弹药或者易燃、易爆、有毒等危险品擅自带入学院,造成严重公共安全隐患的。或在重点防火部位或场所擅自使用明、 暗火,造成严重公共安全隐患的,至少给予A.严重警告处分B.记过处分C.留校查看处分D.开除学籍处分正确答案:B43. In_ Jhnson finally published essays of Shakespeares plays.A、1755B、1765C、1775.0In_ Jhnson finally published essays of Shakespeares plays.A、1755B、1765C、1775.0答案:B44. 在三大模式关于个人的假设中,社会计划模式认为:( )A、个人是倾向于团结互助的B、个人是倾向于封闭保守的C、个人是倾向于理性交换的D、个人是倾向于群体选择的参考答案:C45. She knew very well that failing her exams could _her whole future.A) jeopardiShe knew very well that failing her exams could _her whole future.A) jeopardizeB)broadenC)arrangeD)brainstorm参考答案:A46. The protests were part of their _ against building developmentin this area.A) aThe protests were part of their _ against building developmentin this area.A) advertisingB) arrangementC) campaignD) consumption参考答案:C47. It _ that this method didn t work very well.A) turned aroundB) turned outC)turneIt _ that this method didn t work very well.A) turned aroundB) turned outC)turned onD) turned up参考答案:B48. He can only recall some( ) (零碎的) pictures of that accident now.A、fragmentaryB、fragileCHe can only recall some( ) (零碎的) pictures of that accident now.A、fragmentaryB、fragileC、fractiousD、fragrant参考答案:A49. It would be better if you _ at a gym or swim twicea week.A) work offB) work outCIt would be better if you _ at a gym or swim twicea week.A) work offB) work outC) work upD) work on参考答案:B50. Id be _ to resign if I were in your position.A) influencedB) effectedC) inclinedDId be _ to resign if I were in your position.A) influencedB) effectedC) inclinedD) related参考答案:C51. We have to put _ our emotions and take it from a professional standpoint.A) upB)We have to put _ our emotions and take it from a professional standpoint.A) upB) withC) asideD) off参考答案:C52. The towns main _ are its beautiful mosque and ancientmarketplace.A) featurThe towns main _ are its beautiful mosque and ancientmarketplace.A) featuresB) standpointC) lifestyleD) venues参考答案:A53. The bomb will _ the moment it is touched.A) go onB) go outC) go offD) go overThe bomb will _ the moment it is touched.A) go onB) go outC) go offD) go over参考答案:C54. Although he underwent such a huge disaster, he managed to _ his courageand goAlthough he underwent such a huge disaster, he managed to _ his courageand go forward with his life.A) take upB) pick upC) use upD) pick from参考答案:B55. The prisoner has been _ of many privileges thataverage citizens enjoy.A) disturbThe prisoner has been _ of many privileges thataverage citizens enjoy.A) disturbedB) discardedC) deprivedD) disposed参考答案:C56. 社区工作与社会工作价值观的一致性表现为:( )A、都认为人有平等的机会参与社会的模式化B、都强调促进社会的公平和正义C、都认为每个人有责任对自己、他人和社会负责D、都认为人有归属的需求参考答案:ABCD57. I hope that in 5 years after my graduation, I will purchase my own( ) (公寓) and my owI hope that in 5 years after my graduation, I will purchase my own( ) (公寓) and my own car.A、apartmentB、departmentC、monumentD、parliament参考答案:A58. Im going to buy him a violin for his birthdaty. (翻译)Im going to buy him a violin for his birthdaty. (翻译)参考答案:我打算买一把小提琴给他过生日.59. Please accept my _ apologies for not having informed you of the changesof textPlease accept my _ apologies for not having informed you of the changesof textbooks in advance.A) obsessiveB) specializedC) lifetimeD) heartfelt参考答案:D60. If a system, relationship, or discussion _ down, it fails because there is aproIf a system, relationship, or discussion _ down, it fails because there is aproblem or disagreement.A) goesB) breaksC) takesD) stays参考答案:B


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