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第一章 定义和常用缩略语一、 定义1. Clear grounds: evidence that the ship, its equipment, or its crew does not correspond substantially with the requirements of the relevant conventions or that the master or crewmembers are not familiar with essential shipboard procedures relating to the safety of ships or the prevention of pollution.明显依据:船舶及其设备或其船员实质上不符合有关公约的要求的证据,或船长或船员不熟悉有关船舶安全或防止污染的船上基本程序的证据。2. Deficiency: A condition found not to be in compliance with the requirements of the relevant convention.缺陷:发现的不符合有关公约要求的一种状况3. Detention: Intervention action taken by the port State when the condition of the ship or its crew does not correspond substantially with the applicable conventions to ensure that the ship will not sail until it can proceed to sea without presenting a danger to the ship or persons on board, or without presenting an unreasonable threat of harm to the marine environment.滞留:当船舶或船员实质上不符合适用公约要求时,港口国为保证该船舶只有在不会对船舶或船上人员构成危险或不会对海上环境造成损害威胁时方可开航所采取的干涉行动。4. Inspection: A visit on board a shi to check both the validity of the relevant certificates and documents, and the overall condition of the ship, its equipment, and its crew.检查:登船检验有关证书、文件的有效性和船舶及其设备和船员的总体情况。5. More detailed inspection: An inspection conducted when there are clear grounds for believing that the condition of the ship, its equipment, or its crew does not correspond substantially with the particulars of the certificates.详细检查:当有明显依据相信船舶条件、船舶设备或船员实质上不符合证书项目时所进行的检查。6. Port State Control Officer (PSCO): A person duly authorized by the competent authority of a Party to a relevant convention to carry out port State control inspections, and responsible exclusively to that Party.港口国监督检查官(以下简称检查官):经过有关公约缔约国的主管机关正式授权执行港口国监督检查,并对缔约国负责的人员。7. Stoppage of an operation: Formal prohibition against a ship to continue an operation due to identified deficiencies, which singly or together, render the continuation of such operation hazardous.停止作业:由于船舶具有一个或几个被识别缺陷会使船舶继续进行某些操作产生危险,而对继续进行此项作业的正式禁止。8. Substandard ship: A ship whose hull, machinery, equipment, or operational safety is substantially below the standards required by the relevant convention or whose crew os not in conformance with the safe manning document.低标准船:船体、机器、设备或操作安全方面实质上低于有关公约要求的标准或者实际配员不符合安全配员文件的船舶。9. Valid certificates: A certificate that has been issued directly by a Party to a relevant convention or on its behalf by a recognized organization and contains accurate and effective dates; meets the provisions of the relevant convention; and, with which the particulars of the ship, its crew and its equipment correspond.有效证书:有关公约的一个缔约国直接签发的,或由缔约国认可的机构代表该缔约国签发的,包括准确和有效的日期,符合有关公约规定并载明船舶、船员和设备细目的证书。2 / 83二、 常用缩略语10. Abbreviations英文缩写DOC Document of complianceSMC Safety management certificateSMS Safety management systemILL International load lineIOPP International oil pollution preventionOPA 90 Oil pollution act of 1990 (usa)AIS Automatic identification systemIGS Inert gas systemMOU Memorandum of understandingSOP Standard operating procedureSOPEP Shipboard oil pollution emergency planVDR Voyage data recorderGMDSS Global maritime distress and safety system三、缺陷代码及纠正条款说明11、Action codes 行动代码10 deficiency rectified 缺陷已纠正15 rectify.rektifai deficiency at next port 缺陷在下一港纠正16 rectify deficiency within 14 days 缺陷在14天内纠正17 master instructed to rectify deficiency before departure 通知船长在开航前纠正缺陷18 rectify non-conformity within 3 months 在3个月内纠正不符合项19 rectify major non-conformity before departure 在开航前纠正严重不符合项30 detainable deficiency 可滞留的缺陷35 detention raised 解除滞留36 ship allowed to sail after follow-up detention 在跟踪滞留的前提下准予开航40 next port informed 通知下一港45 next port informed to re-detain 通知下一港再次滞留50 flag state/consul informed 通知船旗国/领事机构55 flag state consulted 咨询船旗国60 region state informed 通知地区国70 classification society informed 通知船级社80 temporary substitution of equipment 临时替代设备85 investigation of contravention of discharge provisions (MARPOL) 调查违规排放 (MARPOL)95 letter of warning issued 签发警告信96 letter warning withdrawn 收回警告信99 other (specify in clear text) 其他 (详细说明)注:这里引用的是东京备忘录的行动代码,其他备忘录的情况大同小异。第二章 港口国监督检查概述12. General概要Port State Control (PSC) is the inspection of foreign ships in national ports for the purpose of verifying that the condition of the ship and its equipment comply with the requirements of international conventions and that the ship is manned and operated in compliance with applicable international laws. The primary responsibility for ensuring that a ship maintains a standard at least equivalent to that specified in international conventions rests with the flag State and if all flag States performed their duties satisfactorily there would be no need for port State control. Unfortunately this is not the case as evidenced by the many marine accidents around the world hence the need for additional control.港口国监督是港口国当局对抵港的外国籍船舶实施的,以确保船舶及其设备符合国际公约要求、船舶的配员与操作符合适用的国际规范为目的的一种检查。确保船舶保持国际公约中规定的标准是船旗国的首要责任,如果所有的船旗国都能令人满意地履行他们的职责,那么港口国监督就没有必要存在,不幸的是,实际情况却并非如此,世界范围内发生的诸多海难事故已证明了这一点,因此这种额外监控也就成为必然。The authority for exercising PSC is the national law based on relevant conventions. It is therefore necessary for a port State to be Party to those conventions and to have promulgated the necessary legislation before exercising PSC. In accordance with the provisions of the applicable conventions, Parties may conduct inspections of foreign ships in their ports through Port State Control Officers (PSCOs).港口国监督的实施是通过基于相关国际公约的国内法所授权的。因此,港口国必须是这些公约缔约国,而且,在实施港口国监督之前要颁布起立法。根据所适用公约的条款规定,港口国可由检查官对抵达其港口的外国籍船舶实施检查。13. Provisions of port State control港口国监督条款IMO conventions place the responsibility for technically and environmentally safe ships primarily on the flag State. However, it is recognized that a port State can make a useful contribution to these aims and many conventions, therefore, contain provisions that permit port State control. These include:IMO 的公约把保证船舶的技术安全和环境安全的首要责任放在了船旗国的肩上。然而,普遍认为,港口国能对实现该目标作出贡献,因此,很多的国际公约都包含有港口国监督条款。它们是:(1) SOLAS 74,regulation 1/9, regulation IX/6 and regulation XI/4;(2) LOADLINES 66, article 21;(3) MARPOL 73/78, ARTICLES 5 & 6, regulation 8A of Annex I, regulation 15 of Annex II, regulation 8 of Annex III and regulation 8 of Annex V;(4) STCW 78, article X and regulation 1/4;(5) TONNAGE 69, article 12.14. Existing regional agreements on port State control现有港口国监督区域协定While national port State control alone will already enhance the safety of ships and the protection of the marine environment, only a regional approach will ensure that substandard ships and substandard operators have fewer places left to hide. Unless a regional approach is adopted, operators will just divert their ships to ports in the region where no or less stringent PSC inspections are conducted. This may seriously hamper the economical situation of the ports of those countries that do conduct proper inspections. To remedy this and to generally improve the effectiveness of inspections, many regions of the world have already or are beginning to enter into regional agreements on PSC.虽然国家性的港口国监督已加强船舶的安全和环境保护,而惟有通过区域性的协作才能保证那些低于标准船舶和低于标准船舶经营者越来越无处藏身。如果不采用区域性协作的方式,那么经营者就会把他们的船舶转向没有实施PSC检查的地区或者PSC检查相对不严格的地区的港口。这将严重妨害那些实施适当PSC检查国家的港口经济形势。为弥补该缺陷并从总体上提高检查效率,世界上的许多地区都已经或者正开始达成区域性的港口国监督协定。At present there are eight regional PSC agreements in operation:目前,有8个区域性的港口国监督协定正在运转:(1) the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control (Paris MOU)(2) the Acuerdo de vi na del Mar (Vi na del Mar or Latin-America Agreement):(3) the Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control in the Asia-Pacific Region (Tokyo MOU):(4) the Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control in the Caribbean Region (Caribbean MOU):(5) the Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control in the Mediterranean Region (Mediterranean MOU):(6) the Indian Ocean Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control (Indian Ocean MOU):(7) the Memorandum of Understanding for the West and Central African Region (Abuja MOU):(8) the Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control in the Black Sea Region (Black Sea MOU).One further regional agreement is currently under development, it is for the Persian Gulf region.15. PSC the futureThe establishment of worldwide regional port state control is only a beginning全球范围的区域性港口国监督的建立才刚刚开始。The prospect of global port state control, with exchange of information and harmonization of procedures and training, has even more exciting implications, As more and more statistics and data are gathered and exchanged by the different PSC Secretariats, this will result in a huge increase in knowledge about substandard shipping, This knowledge is not only useful in itself, it will also provide the maritime community with the opportunity to better analyze the causes of incidents and casualties and ascertain., more accurately than ever before, how they can be prevented from occurring again.随着信息的交换以及程序和培训的协调统一,全球性的港口国监督已初见端倪。随着各个港口国监督组织的秘书处越来越多地收集并交换统计数据和资料,这种认识不仅在本质上是有益的,而且它还可以为海运界提供一个更好地分析海上事故原因的方法,这样就可比以前更准确地防止此类事故的再度发生。第三章 港口国监督检查程序Procedures for Port State Control are described in detail in IMO resolution A.882(21) and regional agreements, which are summarized in the following:港口国监督检查程序在IMO的A.882(21)决议以及各区域协定里都有详细的阐述,现将其概述如下:16.Selection of ships to be inspected选择受检查船舶The Port State Control Officer (PSCO), before visiting the port, select a ship or ships to be inspected, taking into account the criteria for the selection of ship stipulated in the MOU. Ships such as tankers and bulk carriers, and ships with previous records of detention, etc. In doing so, PSCO search previous PSC data from regional or national data bank on ships the PSCO intends to visit.船舶到达港口之前,检查官会根据备忘录里规定的选船标准选择受检查船舶。优先检查的船舶包括第一次挂靠该港口的船舶、油船和散货船等敏感型船舶、有滞留记录的船舶,等等。在选船的时候,检查官会从该国家或该区域的数据库中就以前的港口国监督数据对待检船舶进行调查。17. Initial inspection初检PSCO first checks the certificates and other documents carried on board to ascertain that they are valid and in order. He also check the general condition of the ship in order to satisfy himself that the ship complies with the provisions of the relevant instruments. If everything is in order, the inspection is completed and the ship is allowed to sail.检查官首先检查船舶配备的证书及其他相关文件,以确人其有效性和正确性。同时,他们也检查船舶总体状况,确认该船舶是否符合相关条约的条款要求,以使自己满意。如果所有情况良好,检查即告结束,船舶被允许开航。18. Detailed inspection详细检查If, however, PSCO finds that the certificates are not in order, or, after general inspection, considers that there are clear grounds for believing that the ship does not substantially comply with the provisions of the relevant instruments, then he carries out detailed inspections. Resolution A.787 (19) defines the clear grounds and describe how to carry out detailed inspection.然而,如果检查官发现证书不符合要求,或者,初次检查后有明显依据认为该船实质上并不符合相关公约条款的要求,检查官就会对该船实施详细检查。A.787(19)决议定义了明显依据并对如何实施详细检查进行了阐述。19.Detention滞留If PSCO, as a result of detailed inspections, has found deficiencies, he orders to rectify such deficiencies. If the deficiencies are very serious, the ship is detained and will not be allowed to sail until the deficiencies are rectified. In such cased, the flag State administration and classification society involved are notified. Resolution A. 787(19) provides for the definition of detainable deficiencies and procedures to be followed in the case of detention.如果检查官在详细检查中发现有缺陷,通常会令船方纠正。如果发现的缺陷非常严重,船舶将会被滞留,直到缺陷被纠正才允许船舶开航。在这种情况下,检查官会通知船旗国主管机关及相应的船级社机构。A.787(19)决议提供了可滞留的定义以及滞留所应遵循的程序。If the deficiencies cannot be rectified at the port of inspection, PSCO may allow the ship to proceed to the nearest repair yard. Resolution A.787(19) and PSC Manual contain procedures to be followed in such case.如果缺陷不能在检查港纠正,检查官可允许船舶驶往最近的修船厂。 A.787(19)决议以及港口国监督手册中包含了该种情况发生时所应遵循的程序。20. Reporting报告After inspection, the ship is provided with Form A of the port State inspection, and in the case of deficiencies, Forms B as well. In the case of detention, Forms A and B are transmitted to the flag State. PSCO also send the results of inspection to regional database, such as SIRENAC in St. Malo, France, under the Paris MOU and APCIS in Vladivostok, the Russian Federation, under the Tokyo MOU.检查完毕后,将会给船舶提供一份港口国监督检查的A表,当发现缺陷时还有B表。如果船舶被滞留,A表和B表会被传送给船旗国。检查官也会把检查结果送往区域数据库中心,例如巴黎备忘录位于法国圣马洛的SIRENAC、东京备忘录位于俄罗斯海参葳的APCIS。21. Following-up action后续行动The port State regularly submit to IMO records for the detention of ships. IMO published the annual detention list. Flag States are obliged to submit to IMO reports on the action taken for detained ships. Many port States and the Paris and Tokyo MOUs publish detention list monthly in their Internet web sites.港口国定期把滞留船舶的记录呈送到国际海事组织(IMO)。然后,IMO发布年度滞留单。船旗国必须把被滞留船舶所采取的措施上报IMO。许多港口国、巴黎备忘录以及东京备忘录都在他们的国际互联网网址上每月发布船舶滞留单。第四章 港口国监督检查主要项目一 证书和文件22. Before and during inspection, what information should be collected?Name of ship Flag of ship Type of ship Call sign IMO number gross tonnage deadweight year of build classification society owner/operator number of crew nationality of crew type of cargo next port of call date of last PSC inspection place of last PSC inspection others23. Related questions(1) Whats meaning of your ships name?(2) Whats call sign of your ship?(3) Whats your ships nationality?(4) Whats your IMO number of your ship?(5) Which classification society was your ship registered?(6) What type is your vessel?(7) Our vessel is a general cargo ship/ bulk carrier/ container ship/ LNG/LPG/timber ship/VLCC/ULCC(8) When was your ship built up? / when did your ship put into use? / when was your ship registered in CCS?(9) Our ship was built up on 1st January 1995. our ship came into service on 2nd march 1996. our ship was registered on 3rd may 1992.(10) when was last survey carried out?24. About certificates(1) are all required certificates on board valid adj vlid 正当的, 有充分根据的, 符合逻辑的and respectively rispektivli 各自地, 各个地, 分别地 endorsed?(2) yes, they are all valid.(3) show me your certificate files of the ship, mr. captain. Lat me check international tonnage certificate, cargo ship safety construction certificate, cargo ship radio safety certificate, and so on.(4) here you are, sir. All certificates are available and complete.(5) when operating beyond trade area.(6) according to the trade area restricted by your classification society, your ship can exclusively operate at east asia and south china sea. Now, our ship is berthing in our port where is located in the India ocean, obviously, your ship operates beyond the defined trade area. Detention is unavoidable.(7) I was ordered by cable to load at your port. The representative informed me that he extends the certificates on trade area from CCS. I dont know whether you received any information or not.(8) so far as I know, your classification society did not inform our government. I serve my duty in compliance with the relevant codes stipulated by IMO, ILO and our local government.(9) I understand, can I communication with my boss and answer you back after a while?25. certificate invalid证书过期PSCO: your ships certificates show that you didnt do renewing work for certificates. All certificates have expired a few days before. Thus, your ship is unseaworthy. It follows therefore that she will be detained in our port.Captain: my ship navigated from san Francisco to Tokyo. Before departure, I phoned my company to inform that certificates for ships will be expired. The boss contacted with CCS representative in your port. He will arrange to extend our certificate for three months. I received a cable from my agent. It said the surveyor would come on board the day after tomorrow. I didnt know port state inspection is earlier than the classification society inspection.26. At the initial inspection the port state control officer (PSCO) will examine the certificates and documents of ships. So vessels shall carry the following certificates and documents as required:(1). All vessels shall carry the following certificates:International tonnage certificate (1969)International load line certificate (1966)International load line exemption certificateStability informationMinimum safe manning documentInternational oil pollution prevention certificate (IOPP)Oil record book part I and part IIShipboard oil pollution emergency planGarbage management planGarbage record bookCargo securing manualCopy of document of complianceSafety management certificate (SMC)Medical certificates (see ILO convention NO.73)Documents related to ISM codeThe muster list, fire control planShips log book with respect to the records of tests and drills and the log for records of inspection and maintenance of life-saving appliances and arrangementCarts and navigational reference booksDangerous goods special list or manifest, or detailed stowage planCertificates issued in accordance with STCW conventionCertificates as to the ships hull strength and machinery installations issued by the classification society in question ( only to be required if the ship maintains its class with a classification societySurvey report files (in case of bulk carriers or oil tankers)Mobile offshore drilling unit safety certificateReports of previous port state control inspections(2). In addition to the certificates listed above, passenger vessels shall carry:Passenger ship safety certificateDamage control planExemption certificateSpecial trade passenger ship0sSpecial trade passenger ships space certificatePlan for co-operation with SAR servicesList of operational limitationsDecision support system for mastersInformation on the A/Amax ratio (for ro-ro passenger ships)(3) In addition to the certificates listed in the section (1) above cargo vessels shall carry:Cargo ship safety construction certificateCargo ship safety equipment certificateCargo ship radio telegraphy certificateCargo ship radio telephony certificateCargo ship safety radio certificateCargo ship safety certificateExemption certificate and list of cargoesDocument of compliance with the special requirements for shipsCarrying dangerous goodsDangerous goods manifest or stowage planDocument of authorization for the carriage of grainCertificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liability for oil pollution damageEnhance survey report fileRecord of oil discharge monitoring and control system for the last ballast voyage (for oil tanker)Bulk carrier bookletLoading/unloading plan (for bulk carriers)(4) In addition to the certificates listed in section (1) and (3) above, where appropriate, any ship carrying noxious liguid chemical substances in bulk shall carry:International pollution prevention certificate for the carriage of noxous liquid substances in bulk (NLS certificate)Cargo record bookProcedures and arrangements manual (P & A MANUAL)Shipboard marine pollution emergency plan for noxious ligquid substances(5) In addition to the certificates listed in section (1) and (3) above, where appropriate, any chemical tanker shall carry:Certificate of fitness for the carriage of dangerous chemicals in bulk (as required by BCH Code)OrInternational certificate of fitness for the carriage of dangerous chemical in bulk (as reuired by IBC code)(6) In addition to the certificates listed in section (1) and (3) above, where appropriate, any gas carrier shall carry:Certificate of fitness for the carriage of liquefied gases in bulk ( as required by GC code)OrInternational certificate of fitness for carriage of liquefied gases in bulk (as required by IGC Code)


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