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Module 1 LondonUnit 1 When did you come back?I. Look listen and learn. 1. Remind the ss that they learned the past tense in Book 4.Review the rules for making the past simple tense form,i.e. we add -ed to regular verbs. 2. Write these words on the board: finish, live,drop,help,walk,talk 3. Tell the ss that you are going to call out a verb in the present simple tense form and they have to say its past simple form.Then get one student to go to the board and add -ed to the word. 4. The activity continues untill all the words on the board have had -ed added to them.II. Listen and say. 1. Get three large pices of paper .Write one of the following sentences on each piece of paper. We . last Sundy. I . my icecream. When . you come back? 2. Invite three ss to the front and give each of them one of the pieces of paper. 3. You are going to say a number and the name of a s.That s must say the correct sentense. 4. Now put the ss in pairs and have them continue the activity.They must take turns to say the numbers.III. Ask and answer. 1. Write the words on the board. washed,cleaned,finished,helped,started,played 2. Look at the phonetic symbols and say the associated sounds if the ss are not familar with them. 3. Tell the ss that they have to group the words on the board depending on how how the -ed is pronounced. 4. Now say each word and have the ss repeat them.Then go through the words one at a time and have the ss group them appropriately.IV. Home work:Ex 2 in the Activity Book.反思:Module 1 LondonUnit 2 Did they buy ice creams?I. Listen and say. 1. Get the ss to brainstorm the things they would find in a park.You should write their suggestions on the board. 2.Read the words out and get the ss to repeat them. 3. Tell the ss to choose one object and draw it. 4. Call out two ss names.Explain that they went to the park yesterday.Those ss have to stand up and hold up their poictures.Student A points to Bs picture and asks ,Did you say a .?B responds with ,Yes,I did.If A names the object and names the wrong item.Then B asks A and A responds. 5. Now those two ss sit down and you call out another two ss names.II. Think and talk about you. 1. Invite 5 ss to the front of the class.Get them to mime an action and then tell them to stop . 2. Now ask the class what each student did.The ss have to reply with the correct answer. 3. Now invite another five ss to the front and do the activity again.III. Game. 1. Write the following lists on the board. 2. Write the questions on the board: Where did you go yesterday? What did you see? Who did you meet? 3. Choose a competent student and say,Where did you go yesterday?The s should choose a location from the table and respond,I went to .Then ask .What did you see?Once again ,The s should use information from the table to respond.Then ask the final question and get the s to answer. 4. Do more examples with other individule ss.Then have the ss continue the activity in pairs.反思:Module 2 ShoppingUnit 1 How many do you want?I. Warmer: 1. Explain to the ss that you are going to call out objects in the pictures and they have to point to them.Use the following nouns:noodles,cheese,Lingling ,Ms Smart.If the ss dont know a word,they should put their hands up. 2. You can also introduce some of the new words. 3.Use a bag or container and fill it with sth,e.g.books,apples,paper,so that it weighs approximately one kilo.Let a s hold the bag by saying,Give the bag to .,please. 4.Take the bag and put your hands underneath to show that you are feeling its weight.Say,This bag weighs one kilo.Take half of the contents out of the bag and say,Now this bag weighs half a kilo.II. Look,listen and learn. 1. Before doing this activity,make sure that the ss understand that How much is used for uncountable objects.How many is used for countable things. 2. Have each of the ss get two large pieces of paper.On one piece of paper they should write How many and they should writeHow much on the other one. 3.Say that you are going to call out the names of different foods.The ss have to decide if they would use How muchor How manywith that noun,and then hold up the appropriate piece of paper.III. Listen and say. 1. Write the answers on the board: Im ten years old. Three,please. Im fine,thank you. Yes,please.Im very thirsty. No,thank you.I dont like milk. Im. Half a kilo,please. 2.Explain to the ss that they are going to work in pairs.They have to write suitable questions for each of the answers. 3. Point to the first answer and ask the ss what information the answer gives(someones age).Ask the ss to tell you which question we use in English to find out someones age.(How old are you?)Write that question above the first answer on the board. 4. Have the ss continue the activity in pairs. 5. If the ss need more guidance,write the questions (or some of them)on the board.Get the ss to match the questions and answers.IV. Homework: ExcerciseII in the Activity Book.反思:Module 2 ShoppingUnit 2 How much milk do you want?I. Warmer. 1. Tell the ss you are going to write a shopping list on the board. 2. Explain that you are going to read out all the items but one.The ss have to listen carefully and say which item you missed out. 3. Vary the order each time you read out the list.Omit a different item each time.II. Listen and say. 1. Draw pictures or write the names of the following items on the board:oranges, mangoes, rice, meat 2. Tell the ss that they are at the market.They must work in pairs with S A being the shopkeeper and S B being the customer. 3. Write the structures on the board: A:How much /many. do you want? B:I want. 4. Have the ss continue the activity in pairs.They should swap rols on the completion of each dialogue. 5. Remind the ss that they should use a number when referring to the countable items.They should use kilo,e.g. half a kilo,when talking about the uncountable items.They can also use kilowhen talking about countable objects.III. Look,ask and answer. 1.Write these structures on the board: A:I want some .please. B:How many/much do you want? A:I want .please. 2. Use the pictures or words on the board from the previous activity.Explain to the ss that this role-play is similar to the previous one.However ,this time the customer will ask for an item rather than just naming it. 3. Put the ss in pairs and have them do the role-plays.They should swap roles on the completion of each dialogue.IV. Listen and repeat. 1. Write the four phonetic symbols on the board. 2. Have the ss suggest other words that contain the same sounds.V. Listen and say,then sing. 1. Have the ss look at the pictures and say what they think the song is about (food,shoping). 2. Find out if the ss help their parents or grandparents with teh shopping.Ask if they enjoy shopping or its a chore that they dont like. 3. Have the class sing the song and the two ss at the front can do the actions. 4. Then sing the song again and get two different ss to do the actions to do the actions at the front.VI. Game. 1. Put the ss into groups of four or five. 2. Explain that the aim of the activity is for each group to produce a shopping list. 3. The first student in each group (S A)writes a food item on a piece of paper.This student must tell the rest of the group what he/she has written. 4. S A gives the paper to the next student. That student adds an item to the list,tells the rest of the group what he/she needs or wants and passed it on to the next person.This process continues until each student in the group has written one item on the list.No items should be repeated. 5. Finally ,S A should read out the completed list. 6. If time allows,The list can be passed around the group a second time.VII. Home work: Excercise I in the Activity Book.反思:Module3 At the weekendUnit1 We visited lots of places教学目标:1、学会单词wheel, wonderful, understand, postcard, 学会词组the British Museum , the London Eye.2.学会使用一般过去时,学会两个句型.What did you do at the weekend? Where did you go ?3.了解外国文化和古建筑.重难点:学会使用一般过去时教学过程:一Greetings二. Review1.lead in(1)watch a vido(伦敦8分钟)T:Please watch a vido.在学生观看的过程中,进行Free talk: What do you think? What can you see? Is it?(2)show CAI(介绍伦敦巴士)s very convenient.(3)introduce LondonT: 下届的奥运会就在伦敦举行了,Do you know something about London?S:.T:Ok ,lets take the London bus to visit London,ok?2.show CAI(review famous places of London)T:Where do we get to? Where is it? What can you see?三Presentation1.show CAI (the British Musum) 2.show CAI(Big Ben)3.show CAI(Londo Eye)Show CAI看看谁的记忆力最好,并连线“wheel,wonderful,postcard”(1)T:(show CAI)You can see London Eye is a big wheel.(2)Teach“wheel”“wonderful”Show CAI 各个角度的伦敦眼(3)teach “postcard”(4)pratice单词认度大闯关6. Free talk T: just now, where did we go?S1:S2:T: Yes,we visited lots of places.(板书课题)四 Teach text1.Q: where did Amy do at the weekend? Where did Amy go?2.pair work五Show CAI(展示其他著名的景点,学生观赏)T:Ok,do you want to go to London ? lets take the London bus again. 反思: Module 3At the weekend Unit 2 What did Daming do?教学难点 :字母o; or,al; oo; oo, ou 在单词中常见的发音Song: the London Eye教学重点: The story of Daming and his father.教学程序:1、热身复习review some words and sentences of Unit 1 ,Module 32、任务呈现与课文导入The teacher should guide the students understand the whole story about Daming and his father visiting the Great Wall and helping them with the new words and expressions .3、课文教学(1)SB Unit活动listen to the tape and let some students explain the sentences.the teacher can write some key words and sentences on the blackboard. the teacher can use some games to practicethe words and key sentences. ()SB Unit活动 read and answer the questions according to the story .the teacher can give some support if necessary. (3)think and talk about. let the students answer the questions by situations.、课文学习()语音教学SB 活动。教师出示一些单词卡片,上面的词包括dog, fox, morning, tall, book, football, soup, food。单词划线处的元音字母写成红色。教师出示单词卡片,学生读出单词。学生听录音,思考划线处的发音。教师举起写有dog的卡片,请学生判断字母o在这个单词中的发音。再举一些例子。学生可以两人合作,或小组合作来想单词。以同样的方式来学习其他元音字母及字母组合在单词中的发音。()song教学方法同前。、课后作业 ()try to recite the story,if not, read them ASAP.教学板书设计 Module 3 Unit 2 What did Daming do?Words Sentences.Phonetics.反思:Module 4 PossessionUnit 1 Its mine.学习任务:Its mine (yours , his, hers, Linglings)功能:说明物品所属关系。运用任务:、根据物品特征猜测物品所属:、参加“失物招领”的游戏、在发现他人丢失物品后分析失主是谁。教学程序:、热身复习课前安排两名学生在教师刚进教室时为争夺而争吵。A:Its mine.B:It isnt yours. Its mine!教师在这时可以渗透一下本课的语言。Dont argue! What s the matter?Its got her name on the book.教师给指令,学生做动作。、任务呈现与课文导入教师展示一些铅笔、书包、外套等物品说Ive got something from LostFound Room Maybe something here is yours. If something is yours, what can you say to get it back?、课文教学()学习新词教师把一块布浸湿,用手摸一摸,然后说Its wet. 一组学生传湿布,用手摸后也说Its wet.在黑板上画四个头像,一男,一女,一幅像老师自己,一幅像班里一名学生。在头像上方各画一个苹果。一边说This apple is mine. This apple is his. This apple is yours.一边把his ,hers, yours, mine写在头像下面。()SB活动学生带着问题听活动的录音,然后回答这四个问题。1. What colour is Sams T-shirt?2.What colour is Amys T-shirt?3.What colour is Linglings T-shirt?4.Where are Sams T-shirt and Amys T-shirt? And why?出示红恤图片,学生猜测是谁的。同时出示Lingling, Sam, Amy的图片或头饰。启发学生用Its Linglings. Its his. Its hers.来猜测。出示红恤图片,学生猜测是谁的。同时出示Lingling, Sam, Amy的图片或头饰。启发学生一起归纳,然后领学生读mine,yours, his, hers。放第二遍录音。说明当听到mine,yours, his, hers,Linglings中的任何一个单词时,他们必须举手。教师评比哪一组最快。放第三遍录音,每句话后暂停。学生打开课本跟读。把全班学生分成四组,分角色朗读。放第四遍录音。学生合上课本听,重复刚才读的角色的话,并加上相应的动作。、任务完成全班完成SB练习准备练习中四幅图的大图片,背面分别相应地写上Linglings skirt, Amys skirt, Sams trousers. Ms Smarts sweater。出示这几幅图的一角,学生看部分猜整体。、课后作业 三人一组创作表演剧:在发现他人丢失物品后分析失主是谁。在下节课上表演。教学板书: Module 4 Unit 1 Unit 1 This is my nose. This is mine.This is your book. This is yours.This is his shirt. This is his. Module 4 Unit 2 This bag is hers.Module 4 PossessionUnit 2 This bag is hers.学习任务:Its mine(yours, his, hers, Linglings)This bag is hers. This coat is Jimmys.了解a ;I; oy, oi. Ou, ow, o, oa 在单词中常见的读音。功能:说明物品所属关系。运用任务:、根据物品特征猜测物品所属。、参加“失物招领:的游戏。教学程序:、热身复习表演上节课的课后作业:三人一组创作的表演剧。、任务呈现与课文导入上一节课我们在失物招领处找回了自己的东西。今天我们要帮助柯南、樱桃小丸子、蜡笔小新和樱木花道找回他们丢失的物品。、课文教学利用简笔画吸引孩子们的注意力。画出书包的一部分,叫学生猜Whats this ?然后问Whose bag is this?教师播放SB Unit2活动1的第一幅图的录音,要求学生认真听,然后回答问题。启发其他同学做出判断Yes ,its hers. 或者Yes, its Linglings bag.画出一件T-shirt的一部分,让学生猜Whats this?然后问Whose Tshirt is this?启发学生问Whose bag is this?然后回答Its Sams Tshirt.用同样的方法教授SB Unit2活动1中第三和第四幅图的内容。学生打开书,读活动。、任务完成课前准备一些卡通图片。这些卡通人物最好是孩子们喜闻乐见的,如柯南、樱桃小丸子、蜡笔小新和樱木花道等。再准备一些与这些卡通人物相关的物品。比如:神探柯南的杯子、外套,蜡笔小新的鞋、t 血,樱桃小丸子的书包、帽子等。把准备好的这些物品放在袋中,发给每个小组。要求小组的成员,尽快找到他们的物品,拼在一起。每组选一位代表在全班发言。教师在教室里巡视,鼓励学生在活动中尽量多使用英语。例:A: Whose bag is this? B: Its Crayon Shi-chans.C: No, it isnt his. Its too big. D: Its Chibi Maruko-chans.A: Yes, its hers.各小组使用的材料可以有所不同。完成后各小组在全班展示。小组代表介绍,其他组员负责补充。、课文学习()语音教学教师把cake,bike,boy,house,rope,plane,rice,point,flower,boat这些词随意贴到黑板上,教师一边贴,学生一边读。教师播放录音磁带,全班学生跟读。让学生单独到前面来找出这两个单词,放到一起。提醒学生注意字母a在单词中的发音。鼓励学生说出他们知道的发音相似的单词。用同样的方法教授其他的读音。()song方法同前。、课后作业听课文录音3遍以上。四人一组创作表演剧在下节课上表演。 Module 4 Unit 2 Unit 2 This bag is hers. Words Sentences.Phonetics.反思:Module 5 In ClassUnit 1 There are enough!教学重点: Words of Unit 1教学难点:1. There are ten pencils in the blue box. 2. There are enough pencils.教学用具:radio and pictures.教学程序:1. 复习Review the words of Module 42课文教学(1)SB练习1A. T播放磁带,学生听并思考以下问题。1) How many people are there in this dialogue?2) What is Sam doing?3)Are there enough pencils?B. 听第二遍后学生小组讨论上述问题,并派选手参加每个问题的抢答。在抢答的同时,T把一些单词写在黑板上,领读学生掌握不好的词。T给获胜的小组加分。示例:enough give every everyone them carefulB. 放录音,SS跟读。a)俩人一组完成AB练习2b)SB活动31) 学生独自完成此活动,后俩人一组练习描述图。2) T准备一些图片或实物,学生练习描述。例:一大瓶水,俩个小杯子。There is too much water.There are not enough cups.许多页纸,俩个小袋子。There is too much paper.There are not enough bags.3)必答,每组派3人比赛,对一句加一分。4) 全班完成AB练习1 放一遍磁带。然后对编号。第二步要求写句子,难度比较大。六人一组,每人负一幅图。最先完成每一幅的组,要以最快的速度把句子写在黑板上,并得到加分。教师要多在教室里走动,以防有的组为了速度而由同一个学生完成。Copy the key words and sentences and recite them.反思:Module 5 Unit 2 There are too many books on the desk.教学重点:There are too many books on the desk.教学难点:了解字母组合ear, eer, oor, our,air,ear在单词中常见的读音。功能:根据实际情况使用many,much进行描述。运用任务:1.在“Many or Much”的游戏活动中描述不同数量性质的物品;2. 能用many,much来提一些合理化建议。教学程序:review Unit1,Module5(1)Unit2活动1教师课前准备图片。教师要求学生Listen carefully.Then tell me“Who said it?”教师播放录音,学生认真听There are too many books on the desk.Who put them on it?学生打开书,教师播放录音磁带。示例:There are too many apples in the bag?(2)SB Unit3活动2让学生打开书,看书上的图片,默读韵诗。放第一遍录音,学生认真听。放第二遍录音,每一行后停顿,让学生重复。确定学生能明白韵诗的意思。把全班分成两个组。第一组说第一和三段,第二组说第二和四段。然后互换角色,可以边说边拍手。(3)全班完成AB Unit2练习1放一遍录音,让学生听,并指出相应的图。学生读句子并填空。放第二遍录音全班检查答案。接下来学生两人一组读练习1的句子。教师向学生说明:一名同学说第一句(不按順序),另一名同学马上说出第二句,看谁的反应快。(4)全班完成AB Unit3练习2要求学生认真看图,然后迅速连线。向学生说明要一边连一边说英语There are too many后让学生说答案。全班一起对答案。3.任务完成(1)发给学生每人一个学过的单词的图片。进行这个活动时,可以充分利用教学卡片。教师课前进行整理,挑出比较有代表性的单词。然后准备写有many,much的两个盒子摆在教室前面。首先要学生在小组说一说,然后把图片放在相应的盒子里。把学生分成两部分,比一比哪一组放得又快又准。提醒学生一边放一边说英语。(2)要求学生想一想他们在日常生活中都发现了什么问题并写下来。不会写的单词可以由图画代替。教师在教室里走动,随时回答同学们提出的问题。比如说有的词用much还是用many等。示例:(给我校食堂的建议)Theres too much cabbage.Theres not enough meat.(给校长的建议)There are too many children.There arent enough taps.(给社区的建议)There are too many people.There are not enough(健身器材的图).(给市长的建议)There is too much rubbish.There are not enough(垃圾箱的图).学生所提的建议有的并不是十分合理,但是只要孩子们能够大胆地进行表达,教师就应该表扬。特别是孩子们提到的关于学校的问题,教师应表示会尽量反映、沟通和解决。4.课文教学(语音教学)学生打开书。教师播放SB Unit3活动1的录音磁带,全班同学听并跟读。全班一起完成AB Unit3练习1.教师播放录音磁带,学生一边听,一边划线,一边说单词。教师把ear, dear, hear,near, fear,beer,deer, tour, pour, hair, stair, bear, pear, wear等词随意贴到黑板上。教师一边贴,学生一边读。然后要求学生把这些单词照读音分组。copy the sentences and recite them.反思:Module 6 Unit 1 You can play football well.学习任务:I dont play well.You can jump really high.You were very good at baskeball.You can catch the ball well.Lingling is a fantastic goalkeeper.功 能:表扬评价,肯定与鼓励人运用任务:1.评论说明足球或篮球比赛;2.小组调查:小组各种能手(Xiaoyong can cook well.Lanlan can wash clothes well教学程序:教师说一些学过的动词和动词词组,学生重复并做动作。play football play basketball play table tennisjump jump high jump farrun run fast run slowride ride fast ride slow学生回答问题:Who can run fast?Who can jump high?Who can play football?Who can play football well?能做到的学生就马上说I can.2.任务呈现与课文导入教师播放一段有关运动的影片或动画片,如灌篮高手、足球小子。问学生是否喜欢看,喜欢片中哪些运动明星。说明这节课要学习用英语说一说为什么喜欢他们。谈论关于运动的话题。教师与单个同学交流,为课文教学做好铺垫。示例:Can you run fast?Can you jump high?Can you play football well?Are you good at basketball?教师对学生的回答要做适当的反应。例如学生说自己跳得很高,而且很喜欢打篮球。教师可以问他Do you want to be in our school team?而有的同学说自己跑得不快,跳得也不高,教师也应找到他/她的其他优点,加以表扬。 然后听录音,找到玲玲擅长的运动。3.课文教学(1) SB 活动1播放磁带,学生听然后回答问题:1. Can Lingling run fast? (No,she cant.)2. Can Lingling control the ball?(No,she cant)3. Can Lingling jump high? (Yes,she can.)4.Can Lingling catch the ball well? (Yes,she can.)学生回答问题的同时,教师在黑板上写fast,high,well,badly这几个词。领读这四个词,确定学生已掌握词意。把全班同学分成三部分,分角色表演课文。(2)学生独自做SB活动3,然后和同桌说一说(3)全班一起做AB练习2先让学生看懂问题,然后教师播放磁带。每一句话后停顿,学生找出答案。这个练习不难,让学生独立完成,然后在小组内对答案。在小组内就本练习进行问答练习。(4)全班一起完成AB练习3先写完一道小题的学生把答案写在黑板上。教师给这些我学生贴纸(教师用书中间夹页)作为奖励。4任务完成(1)节选精彩的一段体育节目,如日本动画灌篮高手。学生评价球队表现,并说一说他们喜欢哪个人物,为什么。教师允许学生使用少量汉语。示例:Theys thin and tall.He can jump very high.He can catch the ball well.He can control the ball well,too.And hes very cool. (2)学生三人一组谈论个人喜欢哪些运动健将,为什么以及他们擅长什么项目。教师允许学生使用少量汉语。示例:I like Tian Liang.He can dive very well.I like basketball very much.I like Michael Jordan.He can jump very high and run very fast.学生思考他们擅长做的事情,为下一节课制作班级的DIY册打好基础。DIY册里面呈现所有学生的特长,每个人有一页位置。大家要根据自己的想法进行构思和图片搜集。 教学板书设计 Module 6 Unit 1 A B C DUnit 1 You can play football well. Words Sentences.反思:Module 6 Unit 2 I can do it very well.学习任务:How well do you play football?I can do 6 very well.I sing very badly.了解ear,eer;oor,our;air,ear在单词中常见的读音。功能:评价自己与他人运用任务:1.相互评价做某事的水平;2.制作班级DIY册;3.小组调查:小组各种能手,如做饭,洗衣等。教学程序:1.热身复习教师说动作名称,学生重复并做相应动作。示例:run junp ride swim readcook draw eat write rowdraw a picture wash clothes play the fluteplay football make a cake jump highrun fast write a letter play the violinrow a boat read fast draw a dragonride a bike cook noodles repair a chairmake tea fly a kite take a picture学生从fast,high,well,badly中选择喜欢的造一个句子。2.任务呈现与课文导入学生学会评价,肯定和鼓励自己和他人。制作一本班的DIY集,每一个同学的名字和特点都要收集在这本DIY册里。3.课文教学(1)SB Unit 2 活动1 把本活动中的图都贴在黑板上,标出序号。表述自己能做和不能做的事并同时做动作。 示例:I can do 1. I cant do 2 at all. I can do 6 very well. What about you?请几个学生回答后,学生两人一组,在两分钟内一边说一边做动作。(2) 用电脑课件或图片加简笔画为背景搞活动学生假设自己是动物学校的成员。学校要选一名有特长的来当形象大使,很多学生来竞选。示例:第一幅图 M King 孙悟空根据M King的特点进行猜测他会怎样说。学生可以发挥想象力来表现:I can run fast. I can jump high. I can help you. I can fly.等。教师可以用一些令人意外的描述来增加游戏的挑战性和趣味性。比如就第一幅图的M King说I can play the flute.第二幅图 Kitty Cat学生根据Kitty Cat(日本的一只可爱的卡通猫)的特点进行猜测她会怎样说。答案可以是I can speak Japanese. 第三幅图 Snoopy D


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