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-特 殊 说 明SPECIAL SPECIFICATION1. 安装机轮前,应除去轴承上的油封油脂,用纯洁汽油清洗干净,枯燥后再涂上7014润滑脂。The seal grease on the bearing should be removed before installing the wheel. Clean the bearing with pure gasoline and dry it, and then coat it with grease 7014.2. 机轮的定期维护结合更换轮胎或同飞机的定期维护合并进展,检查容按随机配套的LS170-WSMLS-170盘式刹车机轮使用维护说明书进展。The periodic inspection of wheelshould be carried out during replacing tire or periodic inspection of aircraft. The inspection should be carried out per the Operation and Maintenance Manualfor LS-170 Disc Brake Wheel (LS170-WSM) provided.3. 轴承轴向间隙超过0.18mm0.25mm围或更换新轴承后,应用LS170-GJ01调隙夹具按LS170GJ01-SM调隙夹具说明书重新调定调隙衬套的长度。When the a*ial clearance of bearing is out of the range of 0.18mm0.25mm or the bearing is replaced, the length of clearanceadjustment sleeve should be re-adjusted with LS170-GJ01 clearance adjustment jig in accordance with LS170GJ01-SM Manual for Clearance Adjustment Jig.4验 收 证 明ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATION 本产品经检查验收合格,可交付使用。This product has been inspected and accepted for service. 承制方代表 订货方代表Manufacturer RepresentativeBuyer Representative 盖章 盖章 (Seal) (Seal) 验收日期 年 月 日 Acceptance Date:1简 要 技 术 性 能MAIN TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION1.最大停机载荷38 000N Ma*imumParking Load 38 000N2.轮胎规格9.25-12/289.00-12 TL PLY12Tyre Norm 9.25-12/289.00-12 TL PLY123.轮胎充气压力 0.69+0.05 0 MPaTire Inflation Pressure 0.69+0.05 0 MPa4. 储存温度 5570Storage Temperature55705.工作温度 50130Working Temperature501306. 产品质量 15.4Kg Weight of Product 15.4Kg2 配 套PLEMENT序号No.名 称Name型号或代号Type or Code编号或规格Number or Size数量Quantity备注 Remarks1密封圈Seal RingLS124-1041:12LS-170盘式刹车机轮使用维护说明书Operation and Maintenance Manual for LS-170 Disc Brake WheelLS170-WSM1.13性 能 检 查 记 录RECORDS FOR INSPECTION OF CHARACTERISTICS序号No.工作种类检查 技术 Kinds of work工程 要求Inspection Technical Item Requirements检查结果Results of inspection检验者Inspector日 期Date8寿 命 和 可 靠 性LIFE AND RELIABILITY 1. 贮存期限 5 年Storage period 5 years2. 平均故障间隔时间 2500起落 MTBF 2500Taking-off and Landings上述指标只有在按照承制厂提供的产品运输、存放、包装、开箱、使用、维修和封存的说明书和其它有关规定正确使用、封存和维修产品的前提下才有效。The above technical performances are valid only when the product is operated,preserved, maintained and repaired properly in accordance with the specifications and instructions concerning the delivery, storage, packing, unpacking, installation, operation, maintenance and preservation provided by manufacturer. 封存者签章Signature of Preserver: 封存日期: 年 月 日Date of Preservation:5. z.-6使 用 启 封 封 存 记 录RECORDSOFUSERSDEPRESERVATIONAND PRESERVIATION年 月 日Date工 作 名 称Process Description贮 存 期 限Storage Life单 位Department签 字Signature装 卸 记 录RECORDS OF INSTALLATION AND UNLOADING AND REMOVAL安装Installation拆卸Removal年月日Date主机出厂编号Aircraft or Engine NO.单 位Department签 字Signature年月日Date拆卸原Reason for Removal工作时间(次数)OperatingTime(Times)单 位Department签 字Signature7 注:工作时间是指卸下前在本架主机上的工作时间 Note: Operating time means the work hours before removal of the product from the aircraft or engine检 修 记 录RECORDS OF CHECK AND REPAIR年月日Date检 修 情 况Contents of Check and Repair单 位Department工 作 者Operator检 验 者Inspector9检 修 记 录RECORDS OF CHECK AND REPAIR年月日Date检 修 情 况Contents of Check and Repair单 位Department工 作 者Operator检 验 者Inspector9. z.-重 要 记 事 栏RECORD OF EVENTS10 重 要 记 事 栏RECORD OF EVENTS10 履 历 本LOGBOOK名称: 机 轮 Description: Wheel 型号: LS170-100 Type: LS170-100 编号: SN.: 中国航空技术进出口总公司CHINA NATIONAL AERO-TECHNOLOGYIMPORT AND E*PORT CORPORATION. z.


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