2022年小升初英语专项提高训练 完形填空16

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2022年小升初英语专项提高训练 完形填空16 Huang Ning is _1_ London. He wants _2_ a post office. He _3_ a policeman(警察). “Is there any post office _4_ here?” “No,” says _5_ policeman. “Take a Number 34 bus. _6_ at the fifth stop. Then go _7_ the street. Take the first _8_ on the right. A nice post office is _9_ you. You can do _10_ you want to do. (A)1. A) in B) on C) at D) of 【详解】表示在哪国,用介词in. (B)2. A) find B) to find C) finding D) found 【详解】want只能接不定式作宾语。 (C)3. A) talks B) says C) asks D) tells 【详解】联系他说的话,可知此处是询问警察,用及物动词ask. (D)4. A) below B) above C) from D) near 【详解】此处是在问路,near here表示“附近”。 (C)5. A) a B) an C) the D) one 【详解】特指上文已提到过的人,用定冠词修饰。 (D)6. A) Turn on B) Turn off C) Get on (上车) D) Get off(下车) 【详解】联系上下文,此处的动作应当是“下车”。 (A)7. A) along B) off C) inside D) next 【详解】给人指路时,go along表示“沿着走”。 (B)8. A) turn B) turning C) to turn D) the turning 【详解】turning .n.转弯处. (A)9. A) in front of B) behind C) round D) next 【详解】in front of .ph.在前面. 联系句意,“警察局就在你面前”。 (B)10 A) when B) what C) why D) thing 【详解】what引导的名词性从句。 B Man: _1_ that woman? John: Which woman? Man: The one _2_ a red skirt. John: Thats Babara. Man: Is she _3_ sister? John: No, she isnt my sister. Man: _4_. Shes your girl friend. John: No. Man: _5_whos that man? John: Which man? Man: The one behind Babara. Is that Babaras _6_? John: No, it isnt. _7_ her husband(丈夫). Man: Oh, _8_! Is that Francis Matthews over there? John: _9_. Man: Whos that woman in the chair? Is _10_ his wife(妻子)? John: No. Its his girlfriend, Kathy. (C)1. A) Hows B) Wheres C) Whos D) Whats 【详解】根据下文内容可知这里询问“是谁”。 (B)2. A) on B) in C) of D) at 【详解】介词in可用于表示穿着打扮. (A)3. A) your B) her C) his D) you 【详解】通过答语判断答案。 (D)4. A) Hello B) Hi C) Good D) Oh 【详解】oh表示感叹,结合语境判断答案。 (A)5. A) And B) Or C) But D) For 【详解】连词and的用法。 (B)6. A) sister B) brother C) grandma D) mother 【详解】通过上文中man判断为男性。 (D)7. A) It B) Its C) Are you D) Its 【详解】it可以用来确指某个人;该句为主语联系动词表语结构,故需要加上is. (C)8. A) no B) I see C) look D) nice 【详解】look .v.看. 结合上下文判断答案。 (D)9. A) Yes, it isnt B) No, you know C) Yes, is it D) Yes, it is 【详解】根据下文内容可知这里答案是肯定的。 (B)10 A) he B) she C) it D) this 【详解】人称代词she指代上文中的that woman.


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