2022年三年级英语上册《Lesson 15 Left and Right》教案 冀教版

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2022年三年级英语上册《Lesson 15 Left and Right》教案 冀教版_第2页
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2022年三年级英语上册Lesson 15 Left and Right教案 冀教版课题Lesson 15 Left and Right课型新授课课时第1课时教 学 目 标知识目标能听懂、会说和认读下列单词:1身体部位:hair,eye,mouth,ear,nose,face2方位词;left,right能力目标能用所学新单词说唱儿歌:Show me your left hand情感目标培养学生的口语说唱能力重点难点同知识目标教具单词卡片,多媒体课件,身体部位张贴画 教学过程个案一 Greeting复习身体部位body, head, arm, leg, hand, foot(1)sing a song“If youre happy and you know it”(2)review the word about the body “whats this?”二 New concepts1.What is it?Introduce:Introduce the new concepts of the body part words: hair,eye,mouth,ear,nose,faceUse your own face to demonstrate and write the words on the blackboard and point to them as you and the class say them together.Practice:(1) Listen and repeat播放录音,学生跟读单词。(2)Ask and answer利用句型操练:T: What is it? /What are they?C: Its a(an) _./ They are _s.2.Lets play!(1)Hand and hair! (2)Arm and leg!3. Left or right?First use hands and feet to learn new words“left,right”.Then show the cards to read them.Practice:T:(指自己的左眼/右眼) What is it?Ss:(指导学生说)This is my left/right eye.4Lets chant. Show me your left hand先听两遍,再跟录音,边说边做动作(伸出左手,伸出右手;伸出左脚,伸出右脚)三Check for understanding(巩固检验)把身体部位单词与left,right结合起来,利用句型:What is it? /What are they?练习巩固。四Use the activity book五 Homework copy“nose eye mouth ear”板书设计 Lesson 15 Left and Right hair nose mouth eye ear faceleft- right 教学反思


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