2021-2022年四年级英语下册 Lesson 11(1)教案 陕旅版

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2021-2022年四年级英语下册 Lesson 11(1)教案 陕旅版上一课我们学习了颜色red, green等。这节课我们继续学习颜色方面的话题。学习如何询问颜色及其回答,以及询问他人最喜欢的颜色是什么的英语表达。教学目的及重难点分析:1. 会说会用这些句子:What colour is it/your dress? What is your favourite colour?Blue is my favourite colour.I like purple vey much.2.会说会用会写这些单词: a red dress, a purple T-shirt, a yellow jacket, blue jeans, a green sweater, black shorts.3. 各种颜色的表达。4. 学会用衣服,文具的颜色进行情景对话。课前准备:1 教师准备61页的挂图2 录音机和相关部分的录音带。3 a red dress, a purple T-shirt, a yellow jacket, blue jeans, a green sweater, black shorts的单词卡片和实物。4 老师以warm up的内容为参考,制作一个flash课件。5 老师准备纸盒一个。6 老师准备64页图中的实物或图片。7 学生准备水彩笔。教学过程:1. 热身(Warming up)1)老师播放事先准备的flash课件引出话题,课件内容可这样设计对话:(还可以通过捡到一只铅笔对话引出话题。)A: Ive got a pencil. Whose pencil is it?B: Excuse me! Thats my pencil.A: What colour is your pencil?B: Its yellow.A: Yes, its yours. Here you are.B: Thank you!A: Is yellow your favourite colour?B: Yes, I like yellow very much. Whats your favorite colour?A: My favourite colours are red and green.2) Whats in the box?老师将学生的文具放到一个盒子里,让几个学生一一上来摸出来说给学生。学生会说:Its a pen/ruler/pencil/老师根据颜色强调说:Its a red pen/ green ruler/yellow pencil/等等。2.新课展示(New Presentation)老师利用不同颜色的服饰图片或实物或指着教室里某个学生的衣服,讲解本课重点句型和词汇:1) 单词讲解: T:举起 a purple T-shirt示词卡或一件紫色的T恤/指着教室里某个学生的衣服问: Whats this?Ss: Its a T-shirt.老师引导学生说:Its a purple T-shirt.老师以同样的方法或三种方法交替使用讲授单词:a red dress. Yellowjacket, blue jeans, a green sweater, black shorts.2)老师指着自己身上绿色的毛线衫问:Whats this?Ss: Its a sweater.T: What colour is it?Ss: Its green.T: Yes, its my green sweater. II like green very much. My favourite colour is green. Green is my favourite colour. Fa-vou-ri-te,Fa-vou-ri-te ,Fa-vou-ri-te 最喜欢的,偏爱的。3): 老师有指着学生的衣服说:Whats this? /whatre these?Ss: Its a jacket/ sweater/ T-shirt/dress.They are jeans/ shorts等T: What colour is it/the jacket/ sweater/ T-shirt/dress 。What colour are they/the jeans/ shorts?Ss: Its /They are red/yellow/purple/blue/black/green.T: Yes, Its Xxs red/yellow/purple/blue/black/green jacket/ sweater/ T-shirt/dress.Yes, They are Xxs red/yellow/purple/blue/black/green jeans/ shorts.T:然后问学生:Do you like red/yellow/purple/blue/black/green?Ss学生答Yes, /No.T:然后又问:Isred/yellow/purple/blue/black/green your favourite colour?若学生的回答是yes,老师重复说:Your/his /her favourite colour is -.若回答是No,,老师问: What is your favourite colour?Ss:学生回答: My favourite colour is -. /-is my favourite colour.3 小结What colour is it?是用来提问什么东西是什么颜色的。想问别人最喜欢的颜色是什么我们可以用:What is your favourite colour?来提问。可用My favourite colour is . 或 is my favourite colour.来回答。4 巩固活动:1)听指令找相应的物品游戏老师说A red skirt ,a red dress, a purpleT-shirt, a yellow jacket, blue jeans, a green sweater, black shorts 等指令,让学生找到班里穿此衣服的学生,并指着他的衣服说:Xxs skirt/dress/T-shirt/jacket/sweater is blue/red/purple/black/yellow/等。刚开始时可以是集体做,后面可以让每小组派一个代表做。先找到的可为自己相对应的组得一分,还有发问的权利:他可以指着穿此衣服的同学的任意其他东西再问其他的几个代表:What colour is ? 回答上来的代表可为自己的组赢得一分,反之,发问的同学可以又得一分。2)找朋友游戏:老师让每一个学生写一到两个自己喜欢的颜色,然后利用What is your favourite colour? 寻找和自己喜欢颜色相同的同学,喜欢颜色相同的志同道合者则为好朋友。5 听录音学习对话:T: Lets listen to a dialogue, then answer the questions.(让学生看61页的挂图,播放对话部分录音,让学生回答问题)T: What colour is Marys dress?Ss: Its red.T: Is red Marysfavourite colour?Ss: Yes, it is.T: Is purple Marys favourite colour?Ss: Yes, she likes purple.T: How about Linda?Ss: Linda likes blue and yellowT: So blue and yellow are her favourite colours, arent they?Ss; Yes, they are.6. 播放Listen, look and match部分录音.听并连线,看看哪个句子和哪幅图意匹配。这部分也可通过游戏来完成,让学生将事先准备的衣服的图片或实物放到桌子上,听到之后快速找出相应的东西或卡片。并重复说:This is Xxs .7. Lets Practice(I).相同颜色归类游戏。并写出相应的单词:老师将事先准备好的图片或实物放到讲桌上,叫五个学生上来,分别代表,red, yellow, blue, black, purple五队,让他们分别找出自己队的所有物,并用相应颜色的笔写出这些单词:Blue dress, jeans, T-shirt Red jacket appleYellow sweater flowercapBlackbox purple bagshorts8Lets practice(II)超级模仿秀/角色扮演,让学生四个人一个小组,将发生在小女孩身上的事情表演出来。看谁模仿的最像或表演的最好。附送:2021-2022年四年级英语下册 Unit 1 Lesson 8(1)说课稿 冀教版 一、教材分析 本课选自冀教版小学英语第四册第一单元第八课。本课是复习课,复习和学习有关用具类的单词,以及小学生难以区分的人称代词和对应的形容词性物主代词,还有说英语者常用的四句特殊问句。本课复习内容都和学生的学习生活密切相关,直观教具唾手可得,有助于学生对单词的理解,学生对此内容有“话”可说。二、学情分析 教学对象为四年级学生,他们只是有一年英语语言积累的初学者,很乐于丰富自己的英语词汇,而且急于展示自我。本课通过一些任务活动,使其在任务中掌握所学,并灵活运用。有关内容学生已在前七课学过,所以对本节复习课内容有了一些相关的知识储备。三、教学准备1多媒体教学辅助2礼物盒(学习用具)3名人及学生照片 四、教学步骤Step 1Warming upT:Good morningclassS:Good morning,teacherT:How are you?S:Finethank youT:Nice to meet youNow many teachers have e to our classroomLets clap our hands and give them warm weleS:T:Then would you like to saysomething for them?S:Hi!T:Yesyoure greatWould youlike to sing a song?S:YesT:Lets sing“How are you?”S: (学生和听课教师互相问候。这个小任务的设计不仅缓解了学生紧张的心理,而且营造了和谐的课堂氛围。)Step 2Presentation任务情景1T:Boys and girlsLookwhats this?S:Its a big new TV setT:What is it?S:Its a blackboardT:Nowclass1 want to tell you a little secretWould you like to listen?S:Yes(T shows a gift)T:This morningI got a girl from my friend,but I dont know what it isDo you know what it is? Can you guess?S:T:Let me open it,OK? Oh,how beautifulIts a pencil boxWhat colour is it?S:BlueT:Therere two naughty boys on itI like it very muchDo you like it? Wow! There are many things in itPlease guess what they areS:T:Now1etS have a lookWhat is it?S:Its a new penT:D0 you often write withyour pen?S:YesT:Look! Whats this?S:Its an eraserT:Very goodHow sweet! Then its a pencil with a little eraserDo you have a pencil?S:Yes!T:Please show me your pencilNow,what are they?S:MarkeisT:What colour are they?S:GreenT:We can draw pictures with themT:0hpinkIts my favourite colourIts pink chalkI can write with it on the blackboard (板书:What is it? Its一创设这一情境,刺激学生的各种感官,对学生产生一种吸引力,使学生在好奇中很自然地掌握了单词。)任务情景2T:Now,children,where is my new penpencilmarkereras erpaper?S:Its behind the pencil boxT:Where are my photos? Oh,here they are! I have somestar” photosWould you like to have a look?S:YesT:Lets have a look (T shows some photos)T:Look! What a pretty girl! She was wearing a blouse and black pantsIs she happy?S:Yes!T:Whats her name?S:Zhang YixuanT:What else can you see in it?S:Moutains and treesT:GoodNext oneWhats his name?S:His name is Liu Wei!T:(Point snow)Whats this?S:SnowT:Where is his right hand?S:Behind the treeT:Very goodIt is winterPlease close your eyesOpen your eyes! Who is she?S:Xiao YanziT:Good! Her true name is Zhao WeiShe is a film starThe last oneHow cool! Is this a girl or a boy? Do you know?S:T:Yeshe is a boyHe is your classmateHis family name is PangWhats his name?S:Pang ShilinT:Youre cleverWhat is he thinking?S:T:Maybe,he wants to be a navy (通过展示多媒体和照片,将抽象的方位介词,以及人称代词,以对话的内容生动活泼地展现在学生面前,吸引学生注意。在“真实性”的语言环境中,使学生一步步直观地理解重点内容。)Step 3Story任务情景3T shows puter pictures aboutthe story and plays the record-erT:Then1ets relaxI11 retellthe story of little ZekeWe learned it last lessonPlease watch TV and listen to the recordingS: (利用听故事,让学生边听录音边欣赏图片,在听精彩的故事过程中,体现无意识学习。)Discuss the storyHow many friends does Em mahave? How many friends does LittleZeke Have? Do you like the story? Why? (听完故事后,教师为加深学生对故事内容的理解,达到学以致用的目的,特设了几个帮助学生理解故事的问题。同时也激发了学生的学习兴趣。)Play“Secret Words”gameT:When you hear the words and sentences we learned in the Unit,please stand up quicklyand say it loudly! OK?S:OK!T:Are you ready?S:Yes!T:Lets beginS: (鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,锻炼学生的听力。用抢答的形式再次巩固本单元学习内容,培养了学生的竞争意识。)Step 4Class closing1Please put your penpencilerasermarker in your pencil box2Sing“Wheres Jenny?” (在欢乐的气氛中下课。


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