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2021-2022年五年级英语上Unit1教案单元教材分析: 本单元主要话题是谈论房屋、住所和居室及房屋内物品的陈列。课文通过学生熟悉的中文版三只熊的趣味故事帮助学生理解英文文本、学习方位介词以及帮助学生理解There be句型。教师可以充分利用书本材料进行教学与操练,也可以让学生们用身边的物品进行对话交流,或在具体的情境下(例如自己的房间、学校、自己熟悉的场所)谈论物品陈列。本单元中,教师可引导学生结合以前学过的地点类词汇和方位介词进行表述。在教学过程中,教师也可以提前渗透There be句型的一般疑问句,为第二单元做铺垫。在实际操练过程中可能会提及There be句型的就近原则,教师也可以适当讲解。五年级相对于三四年级的教材又增添了2个新的学习版块:Grammar time 和 Culture time. 在第一单元的教学中老师要继续注重培养学生的学习兴趣,重视激发和保护学生学习英语的热情,培养学生运用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气。单元教学目标:知识目标1. 在课文情景中学生能够听懂、会说、会读故事中出现的词汇:Goldilocks, bear, forest, house, soup, hard, soft, afraid, just right, in front of ;2. 基于三只熊的故事,在故事情景中反复使用、巩固there be句型;3. 创设不同情境,让学生能够听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:There is 加名词单数或不可数名词, There are加名词复数,并理解句型的意思;4. 学生能够针对不同的情境活用日常用语: This is too 5. 能理解并掌握字母c 的发音规律,熟记例词。能力目标1. 学生能正确理解Story time, 并能小组合作表演故事、续写故事; 2. 学生能熟练运用本单元所学的词句在不同的情境中谈论物品的陈列;3. 学生能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事;4. 通过小组合作讲述故事内容,并能够添加文本内容进行文本扩充;5. 学生能了解中西方传统的饮食,并能用英语作简单介绍。情感目标1. 让学生体会到阅读故事的乐趣,培养学生阅读的兴趣。2. 让学生体会到亲自设计家居的乐趣。3. 培养学生有序表达的能力单元教学重点:1句型:There is/are2词汇:house, room , in front of, her, beside, between.3语音:字母c在单词中的读音单元教学难点:1 句型:There is/are 的用法2 词汇:house, room , in front of, her, beside, between.等词的音、形、义3 语音:字母c在单词中的读音课时安排:总 6 课时第1课时:Story time(text, Look and order)第2课时:Story time (words, Think and say) 第3课时:Fun time ,Grammar time 第4课时:Cartoon time ,Culture time第5课时:Sound time, Checkout time第6课时:Ticking time(review , exercise)第1课时教学目标:1. learn the vocabulary: Goldilocks, forest, soup, just right, hard, soft, afraid, bears, in front of. 2. Learn the sentences: There is/are .3. Train Ss enjoy the fun of this story.教学重难点:1. learn the vocabulary: Goldilocks, forest, soup, just right, hard, soft, afraid, bears, in front of.2. Learn the sentences: There is/are .教具准备:录音机、挂图、goldilocks图像教学设计二次备课及设计理念Step1. Warm up1. GreetingBoys and girls, wele back to school. Good morningIm happy , how about you?But Im a little hungry, are you hungry?2.Look and guessWhats the matter with me ?3. Say and chant (一边说一遍做动作)If you are hot, you can have an ice cream.If you are cold ,you can eat some hot noodles.If you are hungry ,you can eat a cakeIf you are thirsty, you can drink some juiceIf you are tired, you can go to bed.Step2. Preparation1. Theres a girl , she is hungry and thirsty. Look, what colour is her hair? Its golden, so we call her goldilocks2. Look at the picture, try to answerWhere is goldilocks? She s in the forest. Whats in the forest? There is a house.3. Goldilocks is hungry and thirsty, then she sees a house, so surprised, yes?Now youre in front of the house, is it beautiful? How to say?What a beautiful house! (用惊喜、感叹的语气读)Step3 PresentationWhats in the house? Lets go and have a look.1. Listen to the tape There are some soup, beds, bears. How many? Three.2. Show1)Here are some soup, This soup is too cold, this soup is too hot, this soup is just right. (教师边品尝边做动作,让学生理解cold, hot, just right)2) Then Goldilocks is tired, she sees three beds.This bed is too hard, this bed is too soft, this bed is (让学生根据教师的表情说just right)3) Read the words.4) Choose some Ss to say: This is too3.If youre tired, you can go to bed. Close your eyes , go to bed together.T: Who are you? (教师戴上头饰说)How do you feel? Are you afraid?Goldilocks is afraid, so she shouts: help ,help. (让学生尝试害怕的语气)4.Wow,a funny story, Lets read it1) Read after teacher 2) Read in pairsStep4. Consolation1.Look and order 1) plete by oneself 2) Check (同时在黑板上形成思维导图)2.Try to repeat the story. 3.Act in pairs (一名学生做解说员,一名学生表演Goldilocks)1)Practice 2)Choose some pairs to actHomework: Read and repeat the story, try to tell it to your parents.板书设计: Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears Goldilocks头像 Goldilocks头像 Goldilocks头像 Goldilocks头像 单词条: happy hungry & thirsty tired afraid 图片:a house three bowls of soup three beds three bears教学反思:第2课时 教学目标:1、复习上节课所学的词汇和故事。2、能够听懂、会说、会读句型:There is There are 并理解句型的意思3、能看图描述物品的所在位置,学习词汇:beside, between, in front of教学重难点:1、能看图描述物品的所在位置,学习词汇: beside, between, in front of。2、语音语调正确的朗读对话,复述故事。教具准备:tape recorder 教学设计二次备课及设计理念Step 1: Revision1.T: Good morning, class. In the last class, we have learned an interesting story. What is the name of the story? Goldilocks and the three bears.Do you like the story?2.Lets play a game (True or false)Judge the sentences according to the story 1)Goldilocks is at home (False , in the forest)2) She is hungry and thirsty (True )3) She sees a beautiful house. (True)4) In the house, there are some eggs on the table. (False , some soup)5)There are three beds in the room (True)6) Goldilocks likes the bears. (False , afraid)Step 2: Learn the words1.Boys and girls ,do you like the bears?In this story, therere three bears. But in our classroom, therere two bears. 1)Where are they? They are in front of you. Lets say hello to them.2) Are they look the same?Try to describe these two bears? For example, This white bear is big, and this brown bear is small. (Review the words: big-small, long-short 等)3)Touch the bear, how do you feel? (soft ) 4) The bears are soft, Try to tell me what is hard . _ is hard. _ is soft.2. Look and answerT: Where is the baby bear? S: Its in front of the mother bear.T: Now, where is the baby bear? S: Its beside the mother bear.T: Now, where is the baby bear? (Teach: between)Ss: Its between the father bear and the mother bear.3、Think and sayTheres in the forest Theres on the table Theres beside the cold soup. Theres between the beds. There are in the room There are in front of me(Read the story, and try to plete the dialogues.)4、Read and spell the phrasesStep 3. Reading time1、Read the story1) 分角色读 2)齐读2)Lets retell! There is a beautiful _ in the forest. In the house, I can see _ bowls of soup on the table. Im _ and _. I like the _ soup. _ three beds in the room. Im _. I sleep in the _ bed. Whose house is this? Its the three bears!a. plete the passage b, choose someone to sayStep 4. Consolation (补充习题 Page 1)1、Listen and circle 2、Listen and numberHomework: Copy the words and dialogues.板书设计:Unit1 Goldilocks and three bears beside between in front of 教学反思:第3课时教学目标:1、能听懂、会读、会说、会用There be 句型描述某处有某样东西。2、能理解并掌握There be 句型的用法及规则,还有单词too 的用法。3、能完成Fun time 中的任务。教学重难点:根据所描述的对象正确运用There is There are 教具准备:教学设计二次备课及设计理念Step1.Free talk1.Greeting2.Free talk1)Boys and girls, We are in the classroom Where is Me? (Im standing in front of you) Where is Me, now? (Im between /beside)2) Can you tell me whats in the classroom? (提示学生用Theres /therere句式说)Where is it/ Where are they?Whats in/on/under/behind/beside/between Step 2. Grammar timeThe usage of There is / are1.Follow me, there is, there are.2. Tell me whats in the forest? Whats on the table? You can choose any pictures you like.3.Look at these four sentences. Lets read them together. (Page 9)适时提醒缩写Theres / Therere 的用法。4. Who can tell me the difference between there is and there are? You can discuss in pairs first.Learning tip: There be 句型:分单数There is 和复数There are 两种,不可数名词统一用There is 它们都解释为“有”,表示存在有,含义是在某地方有某东西。5.Play a gameAll the boys are is, and all the girls are are. Ill show you some pictures or sentences. If you think the word is is, boys, stand up and say is together loudly, otherwise, girls, you stand up and say are. OK?6.Read and writeGoldilocks is in the forest. There some birds and flowers in the forest. There a house in the forest, too. Goldilocks opens the door. There a clock in the room.Its twelve, she is hungry and thirsty. There a table in the room. And there some soup on the table. She eats the soup. She is tired now. There three beds in the room. At last, she is afraid and runs away. Because there three bears in front of her.The usage of the word ”too”1. Does Goldilocks like this soup?Why? Whats the matter? (This soup is too cold./hot)2.Look at this bed. Why doesnt Goldilocks like it? (This bed is too hard.)What about this one? (This bed is too soft.)3. Lets read these sentences togetherLearning tip: We use too to modify some adjective words. 4.Look at the pictures and try to plete the sentencesEg: The tree is too high, he cant reach the appleThe sweater is too big ,he cant wear it Step 3.Fun timeGoldilocks invites the bears to visit her house , whats in the house?1. Draw something in her house. Maybe you can draw some food on the table, or some toys for the baby bear.2. Who can e here to show your picture to us, and talk about it?Step 4. Consolation (补充习题Page 2-3)1.Look ,read and choose 2, Look and sayHomework:1.Draw a picture of your room and talk about it in the next English class.2 Finish the exercise book.板书设计:Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears This soup is too hot / cold. There is a/some This bed is too hard / soft. There are 教学反思:第4课时教学目标:1. 能够听懂、会说、会读卡通故事中出现的词汇:really, then, find, their;2. 能够流利地表达There is There are的意思;3. 能够理解并掌握There are 句型的否定句式There arent any ;4 能够听懂、会说、会读日常用语:Really? 5. 能够整体理解并简单表演卡通对话教学重难点:1.学生能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事;2. 学生能了解中西方传统的饮食,并能用英语作简单介绍。教具准备:教学设计二次备课及设计理念Step1. Lead-in1.Quick response “Yes or No”Show some sentences ,and let the students read and judge1) There are 55 students in your class.2) There are a lot of books in your bag. 3) There is a beautiful teacher in front of you.There is a TV in this classroom.2. 1 minute non stop talkOK. There isnt a TV in this classroom, then, whats in this classroom? Lets play another game named 1 minute non stop talk. We will have a petition between boys and girls. Now each of your team has one minute. Please try to say the things in the classroom as many as possible. You should use There is / are . Lets see who can win.Step 2 Presentation1. Talk about the picturesNow look at this picture. Whats in this picture? (There are two mice.)Who are they? (Theyre Bobby and Tina.)What else? Whats in this room? (There is a sofa / book There are some )2. Watch and thinkThis is Bobbys house. Theyre in the sitting room now. Look at Bobby. Is he happy? Can Tina help him? Lets listen. ( Yes, she can. ) What does Tina say? Lets listen again. Who can have a try? So Bobby goes to the kitchen and try to find some cakes, but can he find any cakes there? 3. Read and learn1). Where are the cakes then? Open your books, read the story by yourselves and try to find the answer. (Tina and Bobbys cousin eats the cakes.)2)Look at Bobby and his cousin. How do they feel? Can you fill in the blanks? Bobbys cousin is _. Bobby is _. 3)Well, if you were Bobby, what would you say? And how about the cousin? 4. Imitate and remember1)T: This time, lets read the story after the tape. 2)T: Please read loudly by yourselves. 3) Read in roles. 5. Act in groupsStep3 Culture time1. Learn to say Look, Bobbys cousin eats so many cakes. Now hes very thirsty, I think. Heres a cup of coffee, a cup of tea, and a glass of juice. Which one would he like? Guess. I guess hed like a glass of juice. Look at the coffee and the tea. Maybe our parents like them. Which is popular in China, coffee or tea?Yes. Follow me: Tea is popular in China. How about coffee? Oh, coffee is popular in Western countries. (Teach: popular, China, Western countries)2. Say something moreDifferent food and drinks are popular in different countries. Now lets talk about more popular food and drinks in China and in Western countries._ is popular in China, and _ is popular in Western countries.3. Lets enjoy different food and drinks. Lets enjoy our wonderful lives.Homework: Read and act Cartoon time板书设计:Tina的话:You can have some cakes. Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bearsBobby的话:There arent any Their cousin的话:I like cakes!教学反思:第5课时教学目标:1.了解字母c在单词中的发音。2.能正确并熟练地运用本课词句谈论某处的物品。3.通过练习,检测学生对句型There be 的掌握情况,使学生能正确运用。教学重难点:1.学生能熟练掌握字母c在单词中的发音。2.学生能够运用较丰富的语言介绍自己的房间教具准备:教学设计二次备课及设计理念Step1. Free talk1. Look, boys and girls, there are many things on your desk. Right? Whats on your desk? (T&Ss)2.I have a bag. Whats in my bag? Can you guess? Let me show you, OK? Step 2 Presentation1.Look at the picture. Whats in the picture? Whose coats are they? (They are Liu Tao, uncle and cousin.)Are they happy? Whats the matter? Whos e? Lets listen.1).Answer the questions.2). Follow the T 3).clap your hands follow the music 4).Practice in pairs 5). Ss say together2.Look at the words, uncle, cold, cousin . Whats the pronunciation of the letter c? Can you write more words?This time, lets try to read the new words. 3. Exercise : Read and find将下列单词按读音归类:nice, cold, rice, e, doctor, cup, policeman./k/ _/s/_Understand the different pronunciation of letter c. Step 3. checkout time1. Look and sayGoldilocks sees three bears. Shes afraid. She runs into another room. Look ,whats in this room? 1).Work in pairs2). Show us 3). Say together2. Look and writeYou can say correctly. Can you write correctly?1) plete by oneself 2)Check togetherStep 4. Exercise (补充习题 Page 4)1.Think and write2. Look and writeHomework:1. Take a picture or draw one about your favorite room in your house.2.Review Unit1板书设计:Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bearsc /k/ coat cousin uncle cool cold e doctor cake cup /s/ nice rice policeman policewoman dance face cinema教学反思:附送:2021-2022年五年级英语上Unit4教案教学目标1. 掌握A、B部分“Lets learn”,“Lets talk”中的词汇和句子。2. 能灵活运用句型“What can you do?”,“Can you ”和“Yes, I can. / No, I cant.”进行问答练习。3. 能听懂、会唱歌曲“What can you do?”。 4. 掌握短元音/u/和长元音/u:/在单词中的发音。5. 理解自己和同学的一些能力。6. 能读懂“Story time”部分的趣味故事。7. 提高学生的英语阅读能力让学生带着任务阅读。8. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助学生树立学好英语的信心,逐步培养学生自主学习、合作学习的能力和欲望。教学重点1. 掌握A、B部分“Lets learn”,“Lets talk”中的词汇和句子。2. 能灵活运用句型“What can you do?”,“Can you ”和“Yes, I can. / No, I cant.”进行问答练习。教学难点1. 能灵活与他人交流自己会做些什么。2. 能准确辨析短元音/u/和长元音/u:/的发音。教学安排第一课时:A. Lets learn A. Do a survey第二课时:A. Lets try A. Lets talk第三课时:B. Lets learn B. Write and say第四课时:B. Lets try B. Lets talk第五课时:A. Lets spell B. Lets wrap it up第六课时:B. Read and write B. Lets check C. Story time第一课时课时目标1. 能听、说、读、写单词“sing”,“song”,“kung fu”,“dance”和词组“sing English songs”,“play the pipa”,“do kung fu”,“draw cartoons”。2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“What can you do?”,“I can ”。3. 能听懂、会唱歌曲“What can you do?”。4. 能完成“Do a survey”部分的对话任务。5. 鼓励学生了解身边同学的能力,做生活中的有心人。教学重点1. 能听、说、读、写单词“sing”,“song”,“kung fu”,“dance”和词组“sing English songs”,“play the pipa”,“do kung fu”,“draw cartoons”。2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“What can you do?”,“I can ”。教学难点1. 新词汇和词组的学习。2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“What can you do?”,“I can ”。教学准备教师准备多媒体课件、录音机和录音带、词卡。教学过程一、课前热身(Warm-up)1. Free talkT: Good morning, everyone. Wele back to school. How are you today?Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?T: Im fine, too. Are you ready for our class?Ss: Yes.2. 热身活动 T: Now lets do some warming-up practice. All of you, listen to me, please. Stand up and follow me. Run, I can run (read, jump, swim, fly, clean, draw ).二、课前预习(Preview)学习歌曲“What can you do?”T: You can jump, run, swim Youre so great. Now lets learn a song called “What can you do?”.第一次播放歌曲录音,全班学生跟着录音唱歌曲。第二次播放歌曲录音,全班学生分男女比赛唱歌曲。三、新课呈现(Presentation)1. A. Lets learn(1) 学习新单词和词组。创设“考艺校”情景:“明星艺校”来学校招生啦!很多学生报名参加考试,让我们来看看同学们都表演些什么才艺吧!教师用课件依次出示跳舞、唱英文歌曲、弹琵琶、练功夫和画漫画的情景,引出新单词和词组,并将其写在黑板上。dance sing English song play the pipa do kung fu draw cartoons(2) 教师带领学生读几遍新单词和词组,然后让学生分组读、分男女生读。(3) 教师发指令,全班学生做相应的动作,巩固新单词。(4) 第一次播放教学录音,全班学生跟着录音读。第二次播放教学录音,全班学生分男女生跟着录音读。(5) 学生同桌合作,替换对话中的关键词,编写新对话。(6) 教师请几对学生上讲台表演对话,表演表演到位的学生。2. A. Do a survey(1) 学生在四人小组内用句型“What can you do?”和“Who can ?”相互调查其他小组成员会做的事情。(2) 请两三位小组代表上讲台汇报小组成员会做的事情。四、巩固延伸(Consolidation & Extension)1. 教师表演动作,学生快速说出相应的单词或词组。2. 教师请几位学生上讲台,依次指着学生问“What can he / she do?”,学生回答:“He / She can ”。2. 课堂练习选择填空( ) - _ can play the pipa? - Zhang Peng. A. Who B. Whos C. What( ) I can _ English song. A. Song B. sing C. singing( ) Lets _ some kung fu. A. make B. have C. do( ) Mike can draw _. A. cartoon B. cartoons C. some cartoon3. Check the answer A, B, C, B 五、课堂小结(Summary)师生一起总结本节课学习的主要知识,学生说说这节课有什么收获。六、布置作业(Homework)1. 将本节课学习的新单词在四线三格内抄写六遍。2. 听录音,跟读本部分的内容。板书设计Unit 4 What can you do?A. Lets learn A. Do a survey- What can you do?- I can 第二课时课时目标1. 能听、说、认读单词“party”,“next”和“wonderful”。2. 能听懂、会说、运用句子“Well have an English party next Tuesday.”,“What can you do for the party, children?”,“I can do some kung fu.”。3. 知道“well”是“we will”的缩写形式。4. 能完成“Lets try”部分的听力任务。5. 鼓励学生展示自己的才艺,培养学生的自信心。教学重点1. 能听、说、认读单词“party”,“next”和“wonderful”。2. 能听懂、会说、运用句子“Well have an English party next Tuesday.”,“What can you do for the party, children?”,“I can do some kung fu.”。教学难点1. 能听、说、认读单词“wonderful”。2. 能听懂、会说、运用句子“Well have an English party next Tuesday.”,“What can you do for the party, children?”,“I can do some kung fu.”。 教学准备1. 教师准备多媒体课件、录音机和录音带、词卡。2. 学生准备任务头饰。教学过程一、课前热身(Warm-up)1. Free talkT: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, teacher.T: Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.T: What time is it now?Ss: Its T: Oh, we can start our class now.2. 教师播放歌曲“What can you do?”的录音,全班学生跟着录音唱,活跃课堂气氛。3. 教师说单词或词组,学生做相应的动作,复习上节课学习的单词和词组。二、课前预习(Preview)最佳拍档: 学生两人一组,两位学生背靠背,一位学生问“What can you do?”,另一位学生做动作。问的学生说出一个动作,如果说出的动作正好与另一位学生做的动作一致,则说明他们是心有灵犀一点通,教师评选他们为“最佳拍档”,并给予小礼物作为奖励。三、新课呈现(Presentation)1. A. Lets talk(1) 教学单词 教师出示日历,说“Its Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / ”,然后教师把日历翻到第二天,说,“Next day is ”,以此类推,帮助学生理解单词“next”的意思。 教师用课件出示一副热闹的派对景象,说:“Look, this is a party. The patty is wonderful.”,帮助学生理解单词“party”和“wonderful”的意思。(2) 教师出示部分的教学挂图,师生就挂图内容进行对话,如:T: Look at the picture. What can Zhang Peng do?Ss: He can sing English songs.T: What can John do?Ss: He can do some kung fu.(3) 介绍对话情景 T: There will be an English party. Miss White are talking with her students. What can the students do for the party? Lets listen to the tape and know something about it.(4) 第一次播放教学录音,全班学生跟着录音读。第二次播放教学录音,学生听完录音后回答下面问题: When will they have an English party? What can Zhang Peng do for the party? What can John do for the party?Answer: Next Tuesday. He can sing English songs. He do some kung fu. 第三次播放教学录音,全班学生跟着录音读,提醒学生在跟读的过程中药注意模仿录音中的语音、语调。(5) 学生拿出人物头饰,同桌合作练习表演对话,然后教师请几对学生上讲台表演,评选出“最佳表演者”,并给予小礼物作为奖励。(6) What can you do? 学生同桌合作,相互询问对话会做些什么,如:S1: What can you do? S2: I can draw pictures. What can you do?S1: I can do some kung fu.2. A. Lets try(1) 明确听力任务T: Do you know what Mike can do?


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