2022年五年级英语上册 Unit 6 It’s a grapefruit(Lesson 31-32)教案 人教精通版

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2022年五年级英语上册 Unit 6 Its a grapefruit(Lesson 31-32)教案 人教精通版一、 教学目标1、 询问某物是什么的句型2、 表请求的句型二、 教学重难点1、 询问某物是什么2、 情态动词can的用法 三、 教学过程 1、Revision 1) 复习上节课的内容2) 复习this is 句型 2、Presentation 1)引导学生观看教学挂图,找到有关水果的单词。复习已学过的水果类类单词,引出新的单词:coconut 椰子,grapefruit葡萄柚,Hami melon 哈密瓜,反复带读,纠正发音及书写。 2)根据its a 句型,让学生给大家介绍近处的水果。 并对名物代划线提问,引出疑问词what“什么”例:Its a grapefruit. 。划线部分提问 what is this?(对近处物品问) Its a coconut. 划线部分提问 what is that?(对远处的物品问) 3)听录音,解决课文中的难词、生词。 原文:Little boy: Mum, whats this?Mum: Its a grapefruit.Little boy: A grapefruit? Its so big. Can I have one?Mum: Yes. But not these. Well buy one in a shop.Little boy: Whats that , mum?Mum: Its a coconut.Little boy: Is it yummy?Mum: Yes, Ill buy one for you.Little boy: Thank you, mum!4)根据听过录音,教师引导学生讨论课文内容。5)重点复习whats this? Whats that? Its a/an找出课文中所有类似的句子及回答。总结延伸到对水果名词划线提问,询问近处或远处那是什么。例:Its a grapefruit. 。划线部分提问 what is this?(对近处物品问) Its a coconut. 划线部分提问 what is that?(对远处的物品问)6)can的用法 Can+ 动词原形 Can所在句子提问,用can来回答,肯定回答Yes,主语+can 否定回答No,主语+cant3、 Practice完成练习册4、 Primary: 引导学生一起回顾本节课所学的内容5、Homework背诵课文,单词六英一中附送:2022年五年级英语上册 Unit 6 Its a grapefruit(Lesson 32)教案 人教精通版课 题Unit 6 Its a grapefruit. Lesson 32课时安排一课时教学目 标知识与技能知识与技能:1、能听、说和认读下列单词和句型:coconut, grapefruit, hami melon.what s this ? It s a pear. what s that ? It s a watermelon . Can I have one? Yes. I will buy one for you.2、能听、说和认读和写下列单词和句型:fruit, watermelon,juice,milk,water. what s this ? It s a pear. what s that ? It s a watermelon . 3、能在情境中理解、会说等句子,并能够在真实的语言环境中初步运用。 4、能有节奏的说唱歌谣。过程与方法通过游戏法、实物教学法等活动,来操练和巩固所学单词和词汇。情感态度与价值观教育学生要多吃水果,多鼓励学生,增强学生的自信心。教学重点1、能在情境中理解、会说: what s this ? It s a grapefruit. what s that ? It s a coconut. Can I have one? Yes. I will buy one for you.等句子,并能够在真实的语言环境中初步运用。 2、能听、说和认读和写下列单词和句型:fruit, watermelon,juice,milk,water. what s this ? It s a pear. what s that ? It s a watermelon . 3、能在情境中理解、会说等句子,并能够在真实的语言环境中初步运用。教学难点1、能听、说和认读和写下列单词和句型:fruit, watermelon,juice,milk,water. what s this ? It s a pear. what s that ? It s a watermelon . 2、能在情境中理解、会说等句子,并能够在真实的语言环境中初步运用。3、能够将所学知识融入到生活中。给学生创设真实语境、等方法来突破重点,通过同桌、小组合作交流、表演来突破难点。教学准备tape, book, Pictures,PPT教法1.情景教学法2.多媒体教学法3.互动合作学习法。学法游戏法,练习法,表演法备课时间xx.11.11授课时间主备人余玲玲授课人教研组长签字时间教学过程教 学 内 容 与 学 生 活 动Step1: Warming up Lets act. Step2:Presentation Show the fruit picture let them use the sentence: What is this ? It s a grapefruit. What is that ? It s a coconut.( hami melon) Can I have one ? Yes, Ill buy one for you.4、Teach and Practice the words and sentences. (read one by one)5、Lets play a game. Ahh or Read 当你看到它请说一句Ahh,如果看到其 他图片请把单词读2遍。、Listen the tape with the pictures. Ss read it.in pairsStep3:Practice1. 击鼓传花2. Say the chant.3. Lets sing 1 )words: grapefruit, coconut. 2 )Sentences: What s this ? Its a grapefruit.What s that ? Its a coconut.Homework: 1、推销并介绍自己的水果 eg: Its a/an I like 2、Read and write the words three times Copy the sentences once. . 推销并介绍自己的水果 eg: Its a/an I like 3、Make the dialouge. 小组成员互相给指令,画一个水果,并涂上颜色。 eg: Draw a hami melon. Color it yellow.教学札记板书设计 Lesson 32 What is this ?Its a grapefruit. What is that ? Its a coconut. Can I have one ?Yes, Ill buy one for you. 教学反思 本课通过设置水果超市场景,让学生自然输出所学句型,并能通过买卖等过程会说出:Can I have one?Yes ,I will buy one for you.这个难点句型。利用多媒体制作水果反复操练,并且通过体用多媒体制作游戏、歌曲操练本课重点词汇和句型。


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