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2016.12四级考试第一套:Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. Suppose you have two options upon graduation. One is to find a job somewhere and the other to start a business of your own. You are to make a decision. Write an essay to explain the reasons for your decision. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.参考文:In the past two years of my college life, I have never ceased to think what kind of work I shall take up upon graduation. Although my ideas are not consistent, I have now decided to start a business of my own as my lifelong career.A variety of factors have led me to make this decision over other more lucrative ones. To begin with, running my own business means freedom and independence. As a person having my own business, I am free to use my own ideas and make my own decisions, a privilege not everyone can have, even those with highly-paid positions. More importantly, I like starting my own business in that it offers a certain peace of mind. No more rushing to catch a morning bus, no more anxiety to please a boss, no more worries about your paycheck which is steady, if not handsome.Nothing, not even a big salary, can equal for the satisfaction of being your own boss and a gentle peace of life.2016.12四级考试第二套Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. Suppose you have two options upon graduation. One is to work in a state-owned business and the other in a joint venture. You are to make a choice between the two. Write an essay to explain the reasons for your choice. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.参考文:Upon graduation, virtually all college students will confront the problem of the career choice,which is truly a tough choice. Students opinions differ greatly on this issue. Some hold that priority should be given to start a business of your own, but others take the attitude that finding a job is the best choice influencing their future.As to myself, I prefer the latter view. An opportunity to start a business exerts a tremendous fascination on a great number of people, with no exception to me. In my view, With the petition in the job market being increasingly fierce for college graduates, some ambitious students have tried their hands at launching their own businesses. Over the years,there have been many successful cases of student entrepreneurship and such attempts should be encouraged and promoted by both the universities and the society at large. Whats more ,College students who start businesses are pioneers,among whom will be born Chinas future business leaders. Faced with unknown challenges, they are audacious enough to embark on a perilous journey while most of their peers enjoy stable salaries by working as white-collars at high-end office buildings.All in all, the essential difference between the students who find a job or those students who create their own businesses is that the former are docile followers whereas the latter are aggressive trailblazers. For this reason, business-launching college graduates are more admirable, and thus they mand our deep respect.2016.12四级考试第三套Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. Suppose you have two options upon graduation. One is to take a job in a pany and the other to go to a graduate school. You are to make a choice between the two. Write an essay to explain the reasons for your choice. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.参考文:Upon graduation, virtually all college students will confront the problem of the career choice,which is truly a tough choice. Students opinions differ greatly on this issue. Some hold that priority should be given to take a job, but others take the attitude that going to a graduate school is the most critical factor influencing their future career choices.As to myself, I prefer the latter view. A higher educational background exerts a tremendous fascination on a great number of people, with no exception to me. This phenomenon that the graduates have difficulties in finding job after their graduation can easily be found anywhere in our daily life, especially on campus. On the one hand, with the improved high education of Chinese college students which directly brought the result that there are more and more graduates every year. On the contrary, job vacancies dont increase that fast. More people, less food, which is the exact description of the hard condition. On the other hand, more and more people go on to pursue their master and doctor degree; more and more Chinese oversea students e back to China to hunt better working chances. It is sure that the petition is more and more fierce.Therefore, it is high time that we took effective measures to improve our own petitiveness. That is the secret of success in the future employment market after our graduation.2016.6英语四级作文第一套Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to your parents or any family members upon making memorable achievement. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.第二套Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to one of your school teachers upon entering college. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 第三套Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to one of your friends who helped you most when you were in difficulty.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a position on the topic: My View on the Long Holidays. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given in Chinese below:1. 休长假带来的好处;2. 长假所带来的不利方面;3. 你的看法.参考文:The further development of economy in China has brought the more entertainment and leisure to peoples life. A case in point is the long holiday such as the National Day, in which people can spend one week or so enjoying themselves in different ways, especially going shopping and traveling. It has been agreed that the long holiday may bring much more benefit to both the customer and the businessmen.On the other hand, however, the long holiday also brings much expectable problems to the society. First, too many visitors in the long holidays have caused the strain in traffic. Second, the visitors like to go to the well-known interesting places, which may lead to the serious damage to the nature and the scene.In my view, people need such long holidays, and what really matters is how to guide people in their entertainment. For example, it is advisable that people try to avoid going shopping or traveling in the rush days. Anyway, the long holiday is a good idea of satisfying both the people and the merchants.2015年12月第一套Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay menting on the saying “Listening is more important than talking.” You can cite examples to illustrate the importance of paying attention to others opinions. You should write at least 120 words, but no more than 180 words.文:It is no exaggeration to say that listening is more important than talking. For instance, without listening, a baby wont know how to speak; without enough listening, we cannot speak English fluently; without listening carefully in classroom, we cannot follow our teachers.There are several reasons to account for the importance of listening. First and foremost, only by listening to others carefully can we understand their points of views. Secondly, more listening can not only broaden our horizons, but also helps us absorb others wisdom. Last but not least, listening is an input and talking is an output. It is unwise to voice our opinions in those topics that we are unfamiliar with.As an old Chinese old saying goes, silence is gold. Therefore, in my humble opinion, it is of great significance for us to spend more time in listening instead of rushing to speak.2015年12月第二套Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay menting on the saying“Learning is a daily experience and a lifetime mission.”You can cite examples to illustrate the importance of lifelong learning. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.文:Undoubtedly, learning is a daily experience and lifetime mission. For instance, Madam Curie, who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity and became the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, was known for her persistence in learning.Several reasons, both social and individual, could account for the importance of constant learning. Firstly, in an age of ruthless and relentless petition, only by learning constantly can we bring our potential and ability into full play and catch up with the times. Secondly, learning does not only help us acquire knowledge, but also enriches our lives and broadens our horizons. Thirdly, science and technology change with each passing day. Without constant learning, it would be impossible for us to update our knowledge.Accordingly, it is constant learning that really matters in achieving success in modern society. In my humble opinion, it is high time that parents and teachers made joint efforts to encourage children to read more books instead of playing puter games all day.2015年12月第三套Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay menting on the saying“Never go out there to see what happens, go out there to make things happen.”You can cite examples to illustrate the importance of being participants rather than mere on lookers in life.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.文:There is no doubt that we should never go out there to see what happens; instead, we should take actions to make things happen. A telling example is Youyou Tu. She and her colleagues made 380 extracts from 2,00 herbs before they finally succeeded in discovering the pure substance qinghaosu(青蒿素), which can be used to treat malaria. As we all know, there were numerous scientists who wanted to find this substance, but it was her firm actions that made her the first Chinese Nobel laureate in medicine.Why?Reasons are quite simple and can be listed as follows. To begin with, only by taking actions can we find the best way to solve those problems we are facing, but as a bystander, we can learn nothing meaningful. In addition, in an age full of ruthless and relentless petitions, without taking actions to make things happen, we are bound to lose those valuable opportunities. For instance, if Apple had just gone out there to see what happens in mobile phones, it could not have presented the amazing product, iPhone, to us.Accordingly, we college students should not just be a watcher but a doer. In my humble opinion, we can start from applying what we have learned into practice.2015年6月大学英语四级考试作文真题及文How Will Our Life Go on without Internet?If asked whether the Internet is the greatest discovery of the 20th century, my answer would be yes. The Internet has drawn the world closer together, realized countless incredible dreams, and provided modern people with a great many conveniences and a brilliant life.Today, many people simply feel they cannot live without the Internet. Governments publish their latest policies and decisions online for worldwide recognition. Political campaigns are often done online to gain wider public support. panies and enterprises resort to the Internet for more business opportunities and potential customers home and abroad. Universities and researchers turn to the Internet if theyd seek international cooperation or funding. mon folks like us also rely on the cyber world in various ways, for munication, entertainment, banking and shopping.True, the power of the Internet is all pervasive and its many negative effects are already visible. For example, Internet addicts tend to withdraw to their own fantasy world rather than municate with a real person. Children are exposed to online pornography and violence. Internet frauds are an everyday occurrence. In view of all this, you are advised to use the Internet with wisdom. Keep it at a safe distance and never lose yourself.文一As is clearly depicted in the above picture, a daughter tells his mother a piece of good news that she has been admitted to a university as her mother desires. There is no denial in saying that the cartoon leaves us such a deep impression that we cannot help thinking over a question: What role should parents play in their childrens growth?From my point of view, during the process of a childs growth, the role of parents is mainly listed as the following two aspects. On one hand, there is no doubt that parents are liable to take good care of their children. On the other hand, in childrens personal growth, parents ought to play a role as a person who helps children develop self-dependence, which carries more significant to childrens future life. In other words, parents should encourage their sons or daughters to be independent rather than reliant on others.To conclude, in childrens personal growth, parents are responsible to care for their children. However, considering that they will grow up and live their own life in some day, parents should enable their children to acquire the ability to be self-independent.Go to school, the right choiceAs is vividly depicted in the cartoon given above, we can observe that a son, holding a smart phone, says to his mom, “why am I going to school if my phone already knows everything?” there is no doubt that the picture strongly reflects that phenomenon that more and more students object the idea of going to school when they have a phone, which can help them know everything. However, it is by no means a sensible idea.It is generally acknowledged that going to school is not outdated. Whereas, it will remain as vital as it used to be. To begin with, going to school makes it possible to study with classmates and make progress together. As the old saying goes, “many hands make light work.” If students can study together, they can arouse the interest and cooperate with each other, thus making study more easy and enjoyable. Whats more, going to school means the face-to-face munication. It goes without saying that this way is more direct and effective, where we can raise questions and solve all the questions on spot. Last but not least, mobile phones cannot replace school. When using mobile phones. There are more chances for students to distract their attention. In addition, they may easily addicted to the games on the phone.On the whole, as far as I am concerned, mobile phones do help us study in some ways. Nevertheless, it can by no means replace go to school. Going to school is the sensible choice. And school is the place where you can benefit the most.2014年12月英语四级作文题目:印象最深的课程2014年12月20日大学英语四级考试已经结束,由于本次考试为多题多卷,写作部分共有三个题目:A course that has impressed you most in college; A campus activity that has benefited most. A classmate of yours who has influenced you most in college;作文题目一:When talking about the course which impresses me the most, I will certainly choose Basic Chemical Experiment. As a student of science, I am always fascinated with the magic in test tubes, and from this course I gained more than pure knowledge.To begin with, this course provides us opportunities to put theories into practices. The experiments helped us testify and better understand what we have learned in books. Besides, by designing experimental procedures of own, we became more flexible and innovative.Moreover, I also developed other skills that required outside labs through this course. For example, to be focused and careful when proceeding a task, to be patient and calm when facing failures, and to municate properly when you need someone else to cooperate. These can be very valuable assets to your life.Basic Chemical Experiment influenced me not only on academic field but also on daily affairs, therefore its the most impressing course to me.作文题目二:A course that has impressed you most in college. A classmate of yours who has influenced you most in college题目:A classmate of yours who has influenced you most in collegeIn our whole life, we can meet various people but the one who affected me most shows up in college. She is my roommate, Linda.The reasons why I said that can be seen as follows. First and foremost,she is very hard-studying. Every morning she practices oral English no matter what the weather is like, even in cold winter, it is still dark outside and students are sleeping sound. Whats more, she is ready to help anyone. Her stores in our class is the highest, and she always assists those who are left behind in class. Whats important, on weekends, she goes to nursing home to help senior citizens to wash their clothes and teach them some English words.All the evidence supports an unshakable conclusion that what she did teach me how to live a meaningful life, and I believe anyone should follow her. Only in this way can we have a promising future and rosy life.题目:A course that has impressed you most in college.In this day and age, there are numerous courses in our college, while the most impressive one, as far as I am concerned, is foreign class.The reasons why I favor the foreign class can be seen as follows. First and foremost, Foreign teachers prefer practical way of teaching which enables us to remember knowledge easily. A case in point of this is spoken English. We find that we have studied English when we are very young, but most of us cannot speak even cannot municate with foreigners when meeting a foreign in the street. However, since I have foreign class, I can totally feel that my oral English get improved.Whats more, not only do I know the foreign way of teaching, but also I learn local foreign culture, sometimes taste their local foods.All the evidence supports an unshakable conclusion that I really learn a lot and enjoy the foreign class but the foreign class is still not mon in any university. With China attending World Trade Organization, English especially spoken English is known as the munication tool. Therefore, it is suggested that universities should let every student have assess to foreign classes not only benefiting themselves but their future.作文题目三: A classmate of yours who has influenced you most in college;I have met so many friends in my college life. They have exerted enormous influence on my life. However, one of my most impressive friends is my roommate, Li Ming.In the class meeting on the first day of school, Li Ming did not impress us at all. We started to notice him because he was always late for classes. We were thus impressed by his laziness. I came to know him and his situation because we were roommates and spent much time together: his mother was seriously ill and sick abed in long-term, his father left him and his mother mercilessly. Hence, it was him that shouldered the heavy burden of taking care of his sick mother supporting the whole family. Finally, under great pressures, he balanced his life and study perfectly: he was no longer always late, took good care of his mother and even won the scholarship many years in a row.The experience of Li Ming can be one of the most convincing cases of the power of persistence and will. He left a deep impression and imposed a durable influence on me. Indeed, friend such as him can be regarded as asset and property in our life. We have rights to choose our own friends,but we should also be prudent and sensible enough to choose friends who can bring us “positive energy”. (228 words)2014.6月四级作文题目一:Suppose a foreign friend of yours is ing to visit


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