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北京语言大学2022年3月英语语音期末考核试题库及答案参考1. We are looking forward to your _ inquiries. Aspecification Bspecial Cspecify DspectifiWe are looking forward to your _ inquiries.AspecificationBspecialCspecifyDspectificD2. He is quite sure that it&39;s _ impossible for him to fulfill the task within two days. A roHe is quite sure that its _ impossible for him to fulfill the task within two days.A roughlyB exclusivelyC fullyD absolutelyD3. 在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与给出单词b/ea/ch中斜杠标出的字母的读音相同。请找出这个词( )。A.h/ea/dB.gr/ea/tC.br/ea/kD.s/ea/man参考答案:D4. Except EXW and DDP, all the other trade terms require that the seller shall clear the goods for _Except EXW and DDP, all the other trade terms require that the seller shall clear the goods for _, and the buyer shall obtain the _ at his own expenses.export$import license5. If you see any chance to do better, please let us know On (9) of a limited supply available at presIf you see any chance to do better, please let us know On(9)of a limited supply available at present, we would ask you to act quickly In the meantime, please keep us(10)of developments at your endaccount$posted/informed/advised6. 在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与给出单词/e/ffect中斜杠标出的字母的读音相同。请找出这个词( )。A.d/e/terminationB.d/e/btC./e/ndlessD.b/e/nt参考答案:A7. Mother does almost all the _ in the house. A. houseworkB. houseworksC. homeworkDMother does almost all the _ in the house.A. houseworkB. houseworksC. homeworkD. homeworks答案:A8. How do English people use( )?A.a knife and forkB.knife and forkC.the knife and forkD.kniHow do English people use( )?A.a knife and forkB.knife and forkC.the knife and forkD.knife and forks答案:A9. The old man said the words with more dignity than I would thought possible his appearance. AconsiThe old man said the words with more dignity than I would thought possible his appearance.AconsideringBconsideredCconsiderDto considerA10. The boy _ the book so soon because it is difficult even to an adult Ahas finished reading BThe boy _ the book so soon because it is difficult even to an adultAhas finished readingBwill finish readingCcant have finished reading Dcant have finished to readC表示否定的推测用cant。cant have done表示推测过去的某种行动;finish后加doing,而不是finish to do。11. 在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与给出单词gr/a/m中斜杠标出的字母的读音相同。请找出这个词( )。A.r/a/diumB.gr/a/duationC.r/a/dioactiveD.ur/a/nium参考答案:B12. 37在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.l/ow/B.th/ou/ghC.kn/ow/ledgeD.s/o/ld参考答案:C13. People under eighteen _ to buy strong drinks or cigarettes in some countries. (not allow)People under eighteen _ to buy strong drinks or cigarettes in some countries. (not allow)are not allowed14. The lady treats the boy well as if he _ her own son.A.isB.wasC.wereD.would be参考答案:C15. We have learned that certain positive characteristics are helpful in language learniWe have learned that certain positive characteristics are helpful in language learning. Some people think that outgoing students are more successful language learners than introverted students. Do you agree? Are there any other characteristics that you think are helpful to language learning and why?参考答案Agree. (2 points)Goal orientation. (2 points)Being goal-oriented means the person has clear targets in language learning nprocess;people who are goal-oriented often have strong motivations. When they nare learning a newlanguage, they make more efforts. They may achieve better netfects. So being goal-orientedis helpful to language learning. (6 points)16. Are you feeling _ ? Yes. I&39;m fine now Aany well Bany better Cquite good Dquite bAre you feeling _ ?Yes. Im fine nowAany wellBany betterCquite good Dquite betterBany可修饰比较级,quite修饰原级,well的比较级为better。17. 梳理头发可以刺激皮肤和皮下组织,促进血液循环,这样可以为大脑供应更多的氧气。(stimulate)梳理头发可以刺激皮肤和皮下组织,促进血液循环,这样可以为大脑供应更多的氧气。(stimulate)参考答案:Brushing stimulates the skin and the tissues underneath so blood can nflow more easily and more oxygen can reach the brain.18. hard disk 英译中hard disk 英译中参考答案硬盘19. 在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与给出单词str/ai/t中斜杠标出的字母的读音相同。请找出这个词( )。A.gr/ea/tB.br/ea/theC.b/a/thD.br/an/ch参考答案:A20. China&39;s local dishes have their own typical characteristics,generally,Chinese food can be roughlChinas local dishes have their own typical characteristics,generally,Chinese food can be roughly divided into eight regional cuisines,which has been widely accepted around.中国地方菜肴各具特色,总体来讲,中国饮食可以大致分为八大地方菜系,这种分类已广为接受。这是介绍中国饮食文化特点的例句。采用直译法,完全忠实于原文。句中can be roughly divided into的被动形式翻译为中文时,一般用主动句表示。值得注意的是非限制性定语从句which has been widely accepted around中的关系代词which指代的是前面出现的整个句子,而非仅指代eight regional cuisines,所以翻译时采用增补原则,适当增加“这种分类”的补充翻译,使读者清楚明了。21. Yesterday my mother went to that _ store for something. Athe second-handBsecond-hand CtYesterday my mother went to that _ store for something.Athe second-handBsecond-handCtwo-handDtwo handsB22. The heat was extreme and _ the crops were seriously affected. A) consequently B) consciouslyThe heat was extreme and _ the crops were seriously affected.A) consequentlyB) consciouslyC) considerablyD) completelyAconsequently“因而,所以”;consciously“有意识地”,considerably“值得考虑地”,completely“完全地”。23. We have also to point out that the Men&39;s Shirts are available in our market from several EuropeaWe have also to point out that the Mens Shirts are available in our market from several European manufacturers, all of which are at prices _ 15% _ 20% below yours.from, to24. 关于短重问题,我们已经向你方提出索赔。关于短重问题,我们已经向你方提出索赔。We filed a claim with(against)you for the short weight25. This is the house_we wrote to you.AthatBwhichCabout thatDabout whichThis is the house_we wrote to you.AthatBwhichCabout thatDabout which正确答案:D26. A: Good evening,Valley Hotel .B: Good evening, who is that speaking please? ( )此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案:错误27. 按照你以前信中的要求,我们缮制第300号售货确认书一式两份,如蒙会签后及时寄回一份我们将不胜感激。按照你以前信中的要求,我们缮制第300号售货确认书一式两份,如蒙会签后及时寄回一份我们将不胜感激。As requested in your previous letter, we have made out our Sales Confirmation No 300 in duplicate and shall thank you for sending back one copy duly countersigned28. _ is a certificate which combines the invoice with the insurance policy._ is a certificate which combines the invoice with the insurance policy.Combined certificate29. Functional competence refers to the ability to accomplish communication purposes inFunctional competence refers to the ability to accomplish communication purposes in a language.参考答案T30. Jack always talks as though she _ everything in the world. (know)Jack always talks as though she _ everything in the world. (know)knew31. The word horsepower(马力) was first used two hundred years ago. (200年前“马力”这个词首The word horsepower(马力) was first used two hundred years ago. (200年前“马力”这个词首次使用。) James Watt had made the first widely used steam(蒸气)engine. He had no way of tellingpeople exactly how powerful it was, for at that time there were no units for measuring (测量)power.Watt decided to find out how much work one strong horse could do in one minute. He called thatunit one horsepower. With this unit he could measure the work his steam engine could do.He discovered that a horse could lift a 3,300-pound weight 10 feet into the air in one minute. Hisengine could lift a 3,300-pound weight 100 feet in one minute.Because his engine did ten times as much work as the horse, Watt called it a ten horsepowerengine.6.The passagesays that Watt made the first widely used steam engine.A.TB.F7.Watt made up a unit of measurement based on the strength of a horse.A.TB.F8.Watt wanted to find a way to lift a 3300-pound weight.A.TB.F9.One horsepower would equal the weight a horse could lift.A.TB.F10.The title of the passageis How the Term Horsepower Came into Being.A.TB.F答案:AABBA32. It is mutually agreed that the certificate of quality and quantity or weight _ by the manufactuIt is mutually agreed that the certificate of quality and quantity or weight _ by the manufacturer shall be part of the document for payment with the _ letter of credit.Aadopted, issuedBissued, adoptedCadopting, issuingDadopted, issueB33. If you don&39;t like to swim, you _ stay at home. A) should as well B) may as wellIf you dont like to swim, you _ stay at home.A) should as wellB) may as wellC) can as wellD) would as wellBmay as well是固定搭配,意为“不妨,无妨”,后接动词原形。句意:“你要是不喜欢游泳的话,还是待在家里的好。”34. Mr. Johnson is the head of the _ department in this company. Apersonal Bpersonnel CMr. Johnson is the head of the _ department in this company.ApersonalBpersonnelCpersonalityDpermanentB35. 18在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.w/i/ndB.k/i/ndC.f/i/ndD.m/i/nd参考答案:A36. We shah advise you by cable as soon as the goods Awill ship Bwill be shipped Cship Dare shipWe shah advise you by cable as soon as the goodsAwill shipBwill be shipped CshipDare shippedD37. It is nice_to you.AtalkBtalksCtalkedDtalkingIt is nice_to you.AtalkBtalksCtalkedDtalking正确答案:D38. 20在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.n/ow/B.kn/ow/ledgeC.b/ow/D.all/ow/参考答案:B39. 人们发现欧洲没有任何瀑布可与尼亚加拉媲美。人们发现欧洲没有任何瀑布可与尼亚加拉媲美。正确答案:It was found that no waterfall known in Europe could compare with Niagara.It was found that no waterfall known in Europe could compare with Niagara.40. You had better _ a jacket, because it is cold outside.A.take onB.to take onC.put onD.to put on参考答案:C41. I was overjoyed at the news of my hometown _ so much progress. Ato make Bto have madeI was overjoyed at the news of my hometown _ so much progress.Ato makeBto have madeCmadeDhaving madeD42. A: _speak to the recruitment manager, please.B: l m sorry , l m afraidA: _speak to the recruitment manager, please.B: l m sorry , l m afraid hes not in the office at the moment.A. 1 wonder if I couldB.Im afraid I cantC. Thank you forD.Do you think you could参考答案:A43. His _ of the newspaper enabled him to make a success as a sub-editor.AcareerBexperiHis _ of the newspaper enabled him to make a success as a sub-editor.AcareerBexperimentCprofessionDexperience正确答案:D解析:本题为词义辨析题。experience 意为“经历”;career 意为“生涯”;experiment 意为“实验;试验”;而 profession 意为“专业;职业”。本句大意为:他在报社的工作经历使他成功地成为一名助理编辑。44. Collecting stamps as a hobby_increasingly popular during the past ten years.AbecameBCollecting stamps as a hobby_increasingly popular during the past ten years.AbecameBbecomesChas becomeDhave become正确答案:C45. She needs to return the book by next Friday.She needs to return the book by next Friday.参考答案她得在下周五之前把书还回去。46. Key Points Concerning A Sales Contract A sales contract embodies a set of different terms such as qKey Points Concerning A Sales ContractA sales contract embodies a set of different terms such as quality, quantity, payments, delivery, and insurance, etc. When the exporter and customer are negotiating, they should consider and agree upon these terms. Apparently, each party hopes to stipulate terms favorable for himself. But arrangements which are advantageous to one party are often disadvantageous to the other party. Therefore, some practical suggestions and tactics should be given adequate importance in negotiation of a contract. In this sector, you will have a look on the problems international trade negotiators may face and suggestions in solving them.Name of goodsIt is recommended that the names of goods to be exported correspond to the names used in the customs lists of the importing country, in order to minimize problems at customs, and to facilitate calculation of import duties.The exporter should be consistent in the names he uses for his products, referring to them precisely as he does in the catalogs he gives to the importers, for the purpose of avoiding any trouble of breach of an agreement for nonconforming goods.QuantityIn indicating length, weight, volume and so on, the metric system should be used unless the sale is between countries which use another system.For goods whose quantity could easily decrease during transportation, the biggest issue will be where and when to establish the quantity as a basis of payment and so on. The buyer wants the quantity to be determined upon receipt of the goods at his warehouse, while the seller wants to establish the quantity at the time of shipment at his plant. This issue can be solved only in connection with the closely related issues of risk of loss and insurance.QualityAn order specifying goods as per sample is apt to lead to trouble, because often it is not made clear that a sample is first requested as a basis for future orders, and because it is not always clear just how much deviation from the sample will be tolerated.It is therefore recommended that the quality of goods be specified by specifications or detailed description of samples and that these specifications or descriptions be made a part of the agreement.PriceThe contract price will be closely related to the conditions of delivery, such as FOB, CFR, or CIF. One of these delivery terms will be chosen after consideration of the economic and political factors involved. The problem here is that these terms are not always understood to mean the same thing. For example, in common practice, delivery is deemed completed, and title to the product and the risk of loss pass to the importer, upon shipment. This definition of delivery is called FOB. However, the definition of FOB under Incoterms differs from the definition used in the USA. Therefore, to avoid the problems arising from the different possible meanings of these terms, it is highly recommended that each of these terms, whenever used in an agreement, be defined in it.A drastic change in the foreign exchange rate could absorb all the profit expected from a transaction or could even cause a deficit. Both parties, therefore, may wish to establish their right to request a price change or to cancel the agreement in such a case.An importer can avoid this risk of foreign exchange rate by insisting on a price in his own country.DestinationIn the event that the destination port is too crowded ,and the exporters ship must wait for many days to enter the port, transportation expense will necessarily be increased. These will be borne by either the exporter or the importer depending upon the agreements made between the two. Even in CIF or CFR contracts, it is possible to provide that the importer will bear any additional port charge. If a port cannot be safely used because of war, the doctrine of force majeure usually excuses a ship from delivering products at the port. In such a case, the exporter should be allowed to deliver the goods at the nearest port possible, especially when the disabling disturbances continue for some time. In general, it is wise for the exporter to set forth in his contract a list of several ports at which the goods may be delivered.InsuranceThe exporter will want insurance to be taken out to cover war risks, strikes, riots, civil commotion, spontaneous combustion, and other risks of this type which are usually exempted from insurance. The exporter will want this coverage to be at the importers expense, by means of including the insurance premiums in CIF or CFR prices. Both parties should keep in mind that taking out of insurance will be closely related to the contract clause that allocates the risk of loss. A conlract should make clear when and where the risk of loss or damage passes from the exporter to the importer. The exporter then need not worry about loss or damage after the risk has passed to the importer; and the importer need not worry about insurance covering damages that occur before the risk passes to him.Customs dutyThere will be no dispute over the common practice that customs duties are to be paid by the importer. However, the importer will argue that the exporter must pay any additional duties imposed as a result of the exporters errors as to quantity or price indication, and that the exporter should pay any additional expense due to the exporters mistake or mishandling.The exporter will have to accept such an argument by the importer if the importer has provided clear instructions with regard to labeling, documentation, or other specifications affecting customs procedures with which the exporter has not complied.Questions for reading :Where and when to establish the quantity as a basis of payment and so on.$This issue can be solved only in connection with the closely related issues of risk of loss and insurance.$Yes.$By insisting on a price in his own country.$A contract should make clear when and where the risk of loss or damage passes from the exporter to the importer.47. _ refers to varieties of language defined by their topic and context of use.A. str_ refers to varieties of language defined by their topic and context of use.A. stressB. toneC. registerD. intonation正确答案:C48. 11在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.bir/ths/B.dep/ths/C.mon/ths/D.mou/ths/参考答案:B49. relational database 英译中relational database 英译中参考答案关系数据库50. _ of them knew about the new plan because it was kept secret. ANone BNo one CAny_ of them knew about the new plan because it was kept secret.ANoneBNo oneCAnyDEachA51. 【C10】AprofessionsBprofessionersCprofessionalsDprofessionist【C10】AprofessionsBprofessionersCprofessionalsDprofessionist正确答案:C由信息词amateurs(业余运动员)可知,此处要填的应是amateurs的反义词professionals(职业运动员),professioners和professionist均系构词错误。52. The ring gesture , where you form. an 0 by holding the tip of your forefThe ring gesture , where you form. an 0 by holding the tip of your forefinger to the tip of your thumb , means in France that you think something is ( )A. goodB. III kill you!C. worthlessD. great参考答案:C53. How is the bill of exchange transferred in the market?How is the bill of exchange transferred in the market?The bill of exchange is transferred by endorsement which means the bearer of the draft has signed his name or the endorsees name on the back of the bill.54. 23在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.re/s/embleB.re/s/istC.re/s/olveD.re/s/pect参考答案:D55. We wish to point out that stipulations in the relative L/C must strictly conform to the stated in ouWe wish to point out that stipulations in the relative L/C must strictly conform to the stated in our sales confirmation so as to avoid _ the L/C subsequently.AamendBamendmentCamendingDto amendC56. 24在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.f/au/ltB.d/au/ghterC.c/au/seD.l/au/gh参考答案:D57. He had a pain _ his back.A.onB.withC.inD.onto参考答案:C58. 创世说创世说正确答案:基督教神学关于人类起源的学说。基督教的创世说对人类的起源问题作了比较系统的说明。圣经.创世记中说:上帝用泥土造出了第一个人亚当后来从他身上抽出一根肋骨造了夏娃并使他们成为夫妻。亚当和夏娃由于偷吃禁果而被逐出伊甸园开始在人间繁衍后代。基督教的创世说在西方广为流传至今仍有相当影响。基督教神学关于人类起源的学说。基督教的创世说对人类的起源问题作了比较系统的说明。圣经.创世记中说:上帝用泥土造出了第一个人亚当,后来从他身上抽出一根肋骨造了夏娃,并使他们成为夫妻。亚当和夏娃由于偷吃禁果而被逐出伊甸园,开始在人间繁衍后代。基督教的创世


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