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-剑桥英语三年级下主要内容复习具体要求1单词局部能看着中文意思说出英文,也可以看着英文说出中文。能写出5个字母以下的单词。2能理解主要句型的含义。并且能用此句型造句,也就是会替换大括号的单词。3能理解第三人称单数的概念。明白动词表示动作的词hate,love什么时候加s,什么时候不加s。4能熟练使用be动词am, is, are。Unit1 词汇: cat猫 mousetwo mice老鼠, dog狗, hamster仓鼠, fishtwo fish鱼, rabbit兔子, bird鸟, frog青蛙 ,fly飞,run跑, swim游泳,eat吃,sit坐,buggie鹦鹉, giraffe长颈鹿,elephant大象,monkey猴子,panda熊猫,bear熊,animal动物句型注意打括号的词语是可以替换的1. -Have you got a (pet) 你有一个宠物吗?Cat - Yes, I have. 是的,我有。No, I havent.不,我没有2.-How many (pandas) are there有多少只熊猫 mice -Three pandas. 三只注意老鼠的复数是two mice,鱼的复数不用加s, three fish, 这里所学的其他的动物复数都要加s,3 What are in the picture 图片里面有什么? Animals. 什么 在里 图片 动物4复习颜色 -What color is (it) -Its (red) your dog brownthe panda black and white注意熟悉三年级上学过的十种颜色。Unit2 词汇周日 周一 周二 周三 周四 周五 周六Sunday , Monday Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday 闭上,涂色, 讨厌 最喜欢的 颜色 动物 数字 食物 好极了!close, paint, hate, favorite, clolor, animal, number ,food, Great!或者 Super!句型1.What is your favorite (day) Its (Friday). Color yellow注意1打括号的词语可以替换成颜色,动物,数字,书,食物,等等 2英文中的第一天是星期日Sunday。2 What day is it today Its (Tuesday).注意这里的today可以省略。3 (I )hate (Mondays). We mice (Emma) hates (pink). 三单喜欢s,三单就是第三人称单数指的是她,他,它,以及可以被ta取代的词 He tea注意1当你讨厌一类事物的时候,这类事物如果是可数名词,一定要用复数一般情况加s2注意当开头的词语主语是ta他he,她she,它it的时候,或者是可以用ta代替的词的时候,hate,love等动作要加s,这种现象我们称为第三人称单数,三单喜欢s4 (She) paints (a red budgie) on (Monday). I paint a yellow dog on Tuesday. I wear my red dress on Sunday.The boys go to the zoo on Monday.Zoo动物园 Sam goes to the park on Sunday.Park公园Unit3词汇T恤 短裙 衬衣 短裤 牛仔裤 鸭舌帽 裙子 短袜 毛衣 鞋子 运动鞋T-shirt, skirt, shirt, shorts jeans, cap, dress, socks, sweater, shoes, trainers, 句型1你最喜欢的衬衣是什么? 我最喜欢的衬衣是 蓝色的。Whats your favorite shirt My favorite shirt is blue.sweater Red2Mike 正戴着 一顶白帽子Mikeis wearing a white cap. He is wearing a red T-shirt. 我 正穿着 绿色的牛仔裤 黑袜子 和 棕色的鞋子I am wearing green jeans,black socks and brown shoes.注意 1)成对出现的衣物如shorts短裤,jeans牛仔裤,pants裤子永远是用复数要加s。而鞋子袜子trainers, shoes, socks则有可能是一只,比方 a shoe, a black sock. 2)be 动词am, are, is跟着不同的主人哟! 口诀:Be动词是三只狗总是跟着主人走。 I牵am,you牵are,is跟着她他它she,he,it,其余各词规律化,单牵is,复牵are.3 穿上你的牛仔裤。Put on (your jeans).Your shirtThe shoes4 跑 出 门去。 Run out of the door5 我正穿着什么? 你 正穿着 紫色的衬衣 和 蓝色的短裤what am I wearing You are wearing purple shirt and blue shortsUnit4词汇伤心的 快乐的 生气的 疲惫的 害怕的 哭 笑 跺 他的 双脚 去 睡觉 感觉现在感觉Sad, happy, angry, tired, scared, cry,smile, stamp hisfeet, go to sleep, feel棒极了 新的 游戏 另一个 愚蠢的 过去是 没关系 指头Super_,new_,game_, another_stupid_, was_, Thats OKFinger11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Eleven, twelve,thirteen, fourteen,fifteen, si*teen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty句型1. 你 感觉如何 今天? 我 快乐 How are feeling today happy. How is feeling tired.注意be动词和主人之间的搭配2 AIve got ve=haveWe have got another game. B.I was angry. 在说过去的事情时,was用来代替amC. 让我们 玩游戏吧Lets . 3 这个数字是什么? 14 Whats the number Fourteen.4 起立 然后 坐下 此局部只要求会读Stand up and sit down.(s dand up) (si dang)拍 你的 双手Claps your hands.(k lap)大叫 像 老虎那样Roar like a tiger.(ro)弄响 你的 指头 =打响指。Snap your fingers.(snap ) (fin ges)伸展 你的 双手Stretch (s zhue q) Unit5 词汇披萨 爆玉米花 鸡肉 鱼 汉堡包 冰淇淋 橙汁 可乐 牛奶 玉米片 吐司 果酱Pizza, popcorn, chicken, fish, hamburger, ice cream, orange juice, cola, milk, cornflakes, toast, jam, 茶 火腿 面包卷 饥饿的 好吃的 面条 米饭 面包 早餐 公共汽车Tea, ham, rolls, hungry yummy noodles rice bread breakfast bus句型1 你 喜欢 苹果吗? 是的 我喜欢 不,我不喜欢。Do you like apples? Yes, I do. No, I dont.2 for的意思是1为准备, 2对为早餐准备了什么? 面包卷和火腿A: Whats for (breakfast) B: Rolls and ham.Tom Ice-cream. 什么是对你有好处的? 牛奶是对我有益处的A: What is (good) for you B: (Milk) is (good) for me. bad Cola bad 3 表示喜欢和不喜欢I like chicken, fish and ice-cream.I love hamburgers! I dont like cheese.She likes lollipops, noodles and bread.Julia loves rice.(She) doesnt like (red caps)注意三单喜欢s, 三单就是ta或者可以用ta来取代的词。4购物A: A hamburger, please.请B: Here you are. 5 向别人要A: Can I have an ice cream, please可省略B: Here you are.6No (ice cream) on the bus. 车上不许带冰淇淋。Unit6词汇耳朵 嘴巴 鼻子 眼睛 一颗牙,多颗牙 脸 头发 手 手臂 腿,多只脚,一只脚 脚趾 大 小 长ear, mouth,nose, eye, tooth , teeth face hair, hand, arm, leg, feet, foot, toe, big, small, long, 短 海盗 土耳其 奖品 祝贺你 先生 夫人 女士short, pirate, Turkey,prize, congratulations, Mr. ,Mrs, Ms.句子1 这 是 格林先生This is Mr. Green.他有着 大鼻子 小的粉色的嘴 和 短的棕色的头发(Hes) got (a big nose, a small pink mouse and short brown hair.) = He has Tom has got two small ears.注意这里hes是 he has的缩写,第三人称单数她,他,它,以及可以被ta取代的词必须用has而不能用have。2 我 有 一个小鼻子 和 长 黑色的头发 I have got a small nose and long black hair.注意这里的I,不是三单,所以用have3 布莱克先生是像什么样的? What is (Mr. Black) like Mr. Green it4Here is your prize.给你这儿是你的奖品。这儿是你的书包。这儿是Mike的鞋子。5Its like a monkey. .她像我的妈妈一样。.他像大象一样。.这只狗像猫一样。6He is from Turkey. Im from China. 她也来自中国。.*教师来自*7Has she got (short hair) 他有蓝色的眼睛吗?Emma有个大鼻子吗剑桥小学英语四年级下学期重点单词及句型. z.-Unit 1 Timeoclock点钟 half半 past过homework 家庭作业minute 分钟midnight午夜 slow 慢的 fast 快的strike敲钟 watch 表,手表get up 起床 go to school 上学classes begin 开场上课 do sport 运动do myhisherour homework 做家庭作业 go to bed 睡觉=sleep have lunch 吃午餐 go home 回家句型 什么 时刻1.-What time is it=Whats the time-Its eightoclock.八点整-Its half past eight.八点半 现在是三点半 在桌子上的钟上显示2. Its half past three onthe clock on thetable.3.Its five oclock on the watch in the bo*. 什么时刻 你起床4.-What timedo you get up去上学 -I get up at half past si*.5.Your watch is 30 minutes slowfast!你的表慢快了30分钟!Unit 2 Friendssport运动 music音乐spiders蜘蛛复butterflies 蝴蝶复 rats鼠复 kites风筝复dogs狗复 cats 猫复 caps帽子复cars小汽车复books书复 frogs 青蛙复he他- his他的 she她- her她的 friend朋友subject学科:Chinese 语文 maths 数学PE 体育 science 科学 art 美术fruit 水果 vegetable 蔬菜 potatoes土豆 tomatoes 西红柿他 / 她是我的好朋友。1. He / She is my best friend.他 / 她喜欢音乐和运动。2. He / Shelikesmusic and sport.他 / 她有一只白色的猫。3. He / Shehas got a white cat.他的名字是Terry。她的名字是Linda。4. His name is Terry. ( Her name is Linda. )5.I like (tomatoes). (She) likes (tomatoes), too.你喜欢什么学科?6.What (subject) do you like你最喜欢的学科是什么?7.A:Whats your favourite (subject) B:Its Math.Unit 3 Animalslion狮子 pig猪 cow奶牛 hippo 河马 fo* 狐狸 wolf 狼 sheep 绵羊 snake 蛇duck鸭子 elephant大象 crocodile鳄鱼mice老鼠复rabbit兔子animal动物budgie长尾巴鹦鹉 句型It has got (a long nose) It likes(water).It eats(grass). It lives(in Africa.)It can(run)1. -Does it live (in Africa / on the farm) -Yes, it does. / No, it doesnt.它住在非洲 /农场吗?是的。 不是的。2. -Does it eat (grass / other animal) - Yes, it does. / No, it doesnt. 它吃草/其它动物吗?是的。 不是的。3. -Has it got big ears - Yes, it has. / No, it hasnt.它有大耳朵吗?有。没有。4. -Can it fly - Yes, it can. / No, it cant.它会飞吗? 会。 不会。5. -Is it a sheep - Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.它是绵羊吗? 是。 不是。Unit 4 My roommirror 镜子 wardrobe衣柜 clock 钟 lamp台灯 sofa 沙发 window窗 table桌子 curtains 窗帘复chair椅子 picture画,照片in 在里面 on 在上面 under在下面 behind在后面 in front of在前面, where哪里 1. -Where is my pencil 我的铅笔在哪? - Look under the wardrobe.衣柜下面找找看。2. -The book is in / on / under / behind / in front of the desk.书在桌子的里面/ 上面/ 下面/ 后面/ 前面。3. There is (a mirror)on (the table).有一个镜子在桌子的上面。4. There are (five chairs) in (the room).有5*椅子在房间里。重点图片与句型配对Youre reading a book. 你正在看书。You can hear a bee.你听到一只蜜蜂。It lands on your book. 它落在你的书上。You jump up. 你跳起来。Wheres the bee 蜜蜂在哪? You look under the bed. No bee. 你在床下找。没有蜜蜂。You climb on the wardrobe. Its not there. 你爬上衣柜。它不在那。You look behind the curtains. Its not there.你在窗帘后面找。它不在那。Its on your nose. 它在你的鼻子上。Unit 5School lifeblouse女式衬衫 sweater毛衣 shoes 鞋子skirt 短裙 tie 领带 shirt 衬衫 socks袜子cardigan 开襟羊毛衫 trousers 裤子句型1.I e from China.=Im from(China). (She)es from(Japan)=(She)s from(Japan)2. Im in (Class 5 Grade 4.)我在四年级五班。3.There are (26 children )in (my class).我班上有26个孩子。4. In (my English lessons), I like (the songs) best. 英语课上我最喜欢歌曲。5.Have (you) got (your school uniform)你拿到你的校服了吗?你有校服吗?6. Its a photo of (my friend).这是我朋友的照片。7.Here is a (photo) for (you). 这是给你的照片。8.(She) is wearing (a red sweater and blue jeans.)他正穿着红色毛衣和蓝色牛仔裤。9.Look at (that poster).看那*海报。Unit 6 Holidayson holiday 度假,together with 和在一起注意有ing的动词必须和be动词(am,is are)一起使用才能构成句子Hes visiting the Great Wall 正在参观长城They are visiting my uncleaunt正在拜访我的叔叔阿姨I am painting a picture 正在给画涂色以下全部要加be动词am is areriding a bike 正在骑自行车 playing table tennis 正在打乒乓球swimming正在游泳 playing football 正在踢足球reading a picture book 正在看图画书singing a song 正在唱歌 eating bananaspizza正在吃香蕉披萨playing the guitarpiano正在弹吉他钢琴riding a horse正在骑马 watching TV正在看电视 dancing 正在跳舞1. A:What are you doingB:Im (painting pictures).你正在干什么?我正在画画。2. -What is (he / she) doing - He / She is (playing the guitar).他/她正在干什么?他/她正在弹吉它。3. -What are (they)( doing) - (They) are (swimming). We are dancing他们正在干什么?他们正在游泳.五年级下册英语复习Starter unit Join in again重点:一、介绍自己的家庭和好朋友 1、There be 句型:表示有在*处. There is.单数或不可数 There are.复数 2、介绍朋友可以从年龄 He isten years old. 生日 _His birthday is in July. 来自哪个国家_He is from China. 会什么 _He can play the piano. 不会什么_He cant ride a bike. 喜欢什么_ He like rice,ice-cream and ham. 不喜欢什么_He doesnt like cola. 最喜欢的是什么 _His favorite subject is English. 通常什么时间起床_He often get up at seven. 什么时间去学校_He often go to school at eight. 什么时候回家_He often get home at half past five.二、一般现在时:1、 定义与讲解一般现在时:表示经常性的事情,经常性的动作或一般性事实。时间状语:often 经常,usually通常,always 总是,every每个,sometimes 有时,at 在几点钟只有在第三人称单数用动词的三单变化,其他用动词的原形。三单变化:1.多数在动词后s play plays like likes1直接在动词词尾加-s.ask-asks work-works get-gets stay-stays2以字母s, *, ch, sh或o结尾的动词,在词尾直接加-es.watch-watches wish-wishes fi*-fi*es do-doesgo-goes pass-passes3以辅音字母加 - y结尾的动词,要先变y为i再加-es.try-tries study-studies, cry-cries fly-flies2.不规则变化:be- is are have-hasvv2、一般现在时用法(1) 表示经常性,习惯性,永久性的动作或存在的状态.通常与副词sometimes, often, usually, always, every day (year, month ), once (twice, three times) a day,等时间状语连用。They usually go to school by bike.She helps her mother once a week.Marys father is a policeman.There are 50 students in my class.2表示客观真理,科学原理,自然现象,等客观事实或格言,谚语等。 The sun rises in the east and sets in the west every day. The man who has never been to the Great Wall is not a real man. Tomorrow is Tuesday.3、一般现在时的句子转换:1当句子中有be动词或情态动词时,则把be动词或情态动词(can,could等等)提到主语的前面变成疑问句;在be动词或情态动词后面加not变成否认句. 例:陈述句:She is a student.疑问句 Is she a student否认句 She is not a student.陈述句:I can swim.疑问句 Can you swim否认句 I can not swim.2 当句子中即没有be动词,也没有情态动词时,则在主语前加助动词do (you,以及复数), does单数she,he,it变成问句;在主语后谓语动词前加助动词dontI,you,以及复数), doesnt单数she,he,it变成否认句,助动词后的动词要变成动词原形。例:陈述句:We get up at 7:00 every morning.疑问句Do you get up at 7:00 every morning否认句We dont get up at 7:00 every morning.陈述句:She has a little brother. 疑问句 Does she have a little brother否认句 She doesnt have a little brother.4、 习题稳固一用动词的适当形式填空1. She _(go) to school at seven oclock.2. Its 6 oclock. They are _ (eat) supper.3. He usually _ up at 17:00.(get )4. She _ (live) in Beijing.5. Amy _ (be) here just now.6. _ (be)there a fly on the table just now7. My father _ (watch) TV every evening .8. My father _ (make) toys these days.9_ Amy _ (read) English every day10. Chen Jie sometimes _(go)to the park with her sister. (四)写句子1. Do you often play football after school (肯定答复)_2. I have many books. 改为否认句 _3. Gao Shans sister likes playing table tennis 改为否认句 _4. She lives in a small town near New York. 改为一般疑问句 _5. I watch TV every day. 改为一般疑问句 _6. David has got a goal. 改为一般疑问句 _7. We have four lessons.否认句 _8. Nancy doesnt run fast 肯定句 _9. My dog runs fast. 否认句: _Unit 1 A phone call一、重点单词 ask mobile phone before ill wrong website film get message photo collect 二、重点短语: 1、wait a moment =wait a minute 2、have got 有,与have 用法一样。注意:have got 变一般疑问句时只用将have提到主语前,而have变一般疑问句时应借助助动词do. 如:I have got a book.Have you got a bookI have a book.Do you have a book 3、What is it about 它是关于什么的?about:关于;有关 4、have to :不得不 5、over there: 6、hurry up:快点 如:Hurry up,or you will be late. 7、Who is speaking 你是谁,此句为打的常用语,用来询问对方是谁。 8、Hey ,is that Mike 此句为打常用语,用来询问对方是谁吗?注意:打是要询问对方是*人时,不能用Are you.如要表示自己是谁,应用This is.而不能说I am. 9、Here you are. 给你。 用于递给*人东西时使用。 10、what can I do 我能做什么呢? 11、Can you help me?你能帮我吗? 常用来向别人寻求帮助时。 12、Here they are. 他们在这。此句为倒装句,用来强调地方Here。 如:There he is. 13、populara流行的 常用搭配:be popular with 受.欢送 如:Mobile phones are very popular with students. 14、write emails:写 write letters:写信 15、favourite最喜欢的 如:It is my favourite book.=I like the book best. 16、watch TVprogrammes 看电视节目 17、do shopping: 购物三、重点句型 1、在用英语打时,通常用this表示我,用that表示你,如: Hello,mayIspeaktoMary 你好,可以让玛丽接吗? ThisisMaryspeaking. 我是玛丽。 Hello!ThisisPeter.Whosthat 你好,我是彼得。你是谁?ThisisBen. 2、My father collects stamps.第三人称单数he、she、it之后接的动词会相应变化,如常见的have got改为has got,like改为likes,do改为does,go改为goes.What can you do with a mobile phone I can send and get messages.我可以发送和接收短信 情态动词can 用来描述自己的能力,其后接动词原形。 如:I can sing.She can dance.He can fly a kite.备注:教材P12第4局部的短文以及对话必须会背会默! P8第1a局部和P9第2a局部熟读!Unit2 Life in the Arctic一、词汇对译北极熊 兔子 湖 早期地 爷爷 奶奶 海报 雪 小山 冰 拉 抓 无聊的 catch a hare jump in the water swim across a lake walk through the snow run up the hill二、重点短语 1、go to the Arctic 去北极 如:go to school 2、across穿过指从物体外表穿过。与through意思一样,但through 指从物体中间穿过 如:walk through the forest 穿过森林 walk across the road 穿过马路 3、want to do .想要做.4、show展示常用构造:show sb sth; show sth to sb句型 1、Its always dark. 2、Where is the Arctic Where哪里用来询问地点 3、Whats over there 用来询问远处的*物是什么。答复可用:It is+.也可省略It is 直接做答 4、Whats he doing over there此句为现在进展时的特殊疑问句,常用来询问*人正在做什么,答复也应该用现在进展时。如:Hes singing. 5、Do you like ? 6、What can I doIts always dark. 7、Wasnt it boring 难道不无聊吗?词句为反问句,常希望得到别人的肯定答复。 8、What will you doing tomorrow Ill go swimming.三、语法:一般将来时概念:表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态及打算、方案或准备做*事。句中一般有以下时间状语:tomorrow, ne*t day(week, month, year), soon, the day after tomorrow后天等。根本构造be going to + dowill+ do如: I am going to have a piic tomorrow. The children are going to have a sports meeting ne*t week. Tom will/is going to see a play with his father this evening.否认句在be动词am, is, are后加not或情态动词will后加not或直接用wont。I am not going to have a piic tomorrow. The children are not going to have a sports meeting ne*t week. Tom will/is not going to see a play with his father this evening.*肯定答复及否认答复Yes, I will. / No, I will not.Yes, they will. / No, they will not.Yes, he will. / No, he will not.*变疑问句将助动词移到句首Are you going to have a piic tomorrowAre the children going to have a sports meeting ne*t weekWill Tom see a play with his father this evening*特殊疑问句What will you do习题稳固一、用单词的适当形式填空。1.I_(see)afilmtomorrow.2.A:What_you_(do)ne*tSaturday?B:I_(swim)withmy. 3.There_(be)apartyinourschool. 4.Mike_(visit)hisgrandparentsne*tweek.5.He_buyathedayafter. 6._flyakitewithmyfatherne*tweek.7.Hewillnot_(go)schooltomorrow.三、改句子。1. Nancy is going to go camping.改否认Nancy _ going to go camping.2. Ill go and join them.改否认I _ go _ join them.3. Im going to get up at 6:30 tomorrow.改一般疑问句_ _ _ to get up at 6:30 tomorrow4. We will meet at the bus stop at 10:30.改一般疑问句_ _ meet at the bus stop at 10:30.5. She is going to listen to music after school.对划线局部提问_ _ she _ _ _ after school6. My father and mother are going to see a play the day after tomorrow.(对划线局部提问)_ _ going to see a play the day after tomorrow.四、 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Today is a sunny day. We _ (have) a piic this afternoon.2. My brother _ (go) to Shanghai ne*t week.3. Tom often _ (go) to school on foot. But today is rain. He _ (go) to school by bike.4. What do you usually do at weekends I usually _ (watch) TV and _ (catch) insects5. Its Friday today. What _ she _ (do) this weekend She _ (watch) TV and _ (catch) insects.6. What _ (do) you do last Sunday I _ (pick) apples on a farm. What _ (do) ne*t Sunday I _ (milk) cows.7. Mary _ (visit) her grandparents tomorrow.8. Liu Tao _ (fly) kites in the playground yesterday.9. David _ (give) a puppet show ne*t Monday.10. I _ (plan) for my study nowUnit 3 Television一、重点单词互译 问_ 在.以前_ 片刻_ 星星_ 有错的_ 通话_ 有趣的_ 无聊的_ 打_ 浏览网页_ 看电影_ 收短信_ 拍照_Cartoon_ detective films_ romantic films_ nature programmes _ sports programmes_


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