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北京语言大学21秋高级写作在线作业一答案参考1. He wouldn&39;t take advice, and now he has _ difficulties.A.got ontoB.get alongC.got onD.got into参考答案:D2. Hurry up, or the tickets ( ) by the time we get there.A.will have been sold outB.will sell outC.have sold outD.have been sold out参考答案:A3. _ good engineer he is!A.howB.what aC.whatD.how a参考答案:B4. Which do you like _, football or ping pong?A.bestB.wellC.betterD.more参考答案:C5. There are some mistakes in this composition. If _, please correct them.A.findingB.having been foundC.foundD.find参考答案:D6. Those who lost their husbands during World War were ( ) war wisdoms.A.called asB.namedC.refered toD.spoken of as参考答案:D7. It has been rather costly to install the machinery, but it should ( ) in the long run.A.pay offB.pay forC.pay backD.have paid off参考答案:A8. There are only ten apples left in the baskets, _ the spoilt ones.A.not countingB.not to countC.dont countD.having not counted参考答案:A9. A headache is an ( ) pain.A.insideB.internalC.externalD.inherent参考答案:B10. The news about the astronauts ( ) many people and they all jumped with joy.A.effectedB.excitedC.roseD.affected参考答案:B11. It is ( ) that the opinions of students from different backgrounds converge.A.at this pointB.hereC.from this pointD.in this point参考答案:B12. ( ) need, please bring the dictionary with you.A.Because ofB.In spite ofC.In case ofD.But for参考答案:C13. The number of trees that _ cut down _ 3000 last year.A.were, wereB.was, wasC.was, wereD.were, was参考答案:D14. We _ TV when the telephone _.A.watched; was ringingB.were watching; rangC.watch; ringsD.are watching; rang参考答案:B15. If I had remembered _ the window, the thief would not have got in.A.to closeB.closingC.to have closedD.having closed参考答案:A16. AtimesBskillsCnewsDsuccessesAtimesBskillsCnewsDsuccesses正确答案:A解析:本题为词义选择题。A时刻、场合,B技巧,C新闻,D成功。17. The manager spoke highly of such _ as loyalty, courage and truthfulness shown by his employees.A.virtueB.featuresC.propertiesD.characteristics参考答案:A18. Our sleep influences our mood. Our mood _, affects our performance.A.by turnB.turn overC.in turnD.after turn参考答案:C19. I had no_ in the decision; I had nothing to do with it.A.shareB.sharesC.sharingD.shared参考答案:A20. Einstein had (genius).选择能代替括号里的选项A.skillB.abilityC.talentD.capacity参考答案:C21. The economic recession has meant that job _ is a rare thing.A.securityB.safetyC.protectionD.secureness参考答案:A22. It is _ hot in the room _ we have to go out for a walk.A.such; thatB.so; thatC.as; asD.such; as参考答案:B23. When heated, water changes into _.A.solidB.vapourC.liquidD.air参考答案:B24. element.选择能代替的选项A.portionB.characteristicC.principleD.essentiality参考答案:D25. Scientists will have to _ new methods of increasing the worlds food supply.A.come outB.come up forC.come intoD.come up with参考答案:D26. 【D2】DIANA: LOOK AT THOSE STRANGELY-DRESSED KIDS. WHAT ARE THEY DOING THERE? ARTHUR: DONT【D2】DIANA: LOOK AT THOSE STRANGELY-DRESSED KIDS. WHAT ARE THEY DOING THERE? ARTHUR: DONT YOU KNOW? TODAY IS THE HALLOWEEN DAY.【D1】_OCTOBER 31ST. THE LAST DAY IN OCTOBER IS A HOLIDAY FOR KIDS. WE CALL IT HALLOWEEN. DIANA: HALLOWEEN! I HEARD IT BEFORE, 【D2】_ ARTHUR: CHILDREN CELEBRATE IT BY MAKING LANTERNS THAT NIGHT. DIANA: PARDON? ARTHUR: THOSE ARE LANTERNS MADE OUT OF FRESH PUMPKINS WITH A CANDLE BURNING INSIDE. DIANA: TODAY I SAW SOME IN THE STREET WITH CARVED FACES ON THEM. ARE THEY ALL MADE BY CHILDREN? ARTHUR:【D3】_YOU KNOW, IT IS TOO HARD FOR THEM TO DO IT BY THEMSELVES. SOMETIMES THEY ARE AVAILABLE IN VARIOUS SHOPS TOO. DIANA: THEY ARE FASCINATING. ARE YOU GOING TO ANY HALLOWEEN PARTY TONIGHT? 【D4】_ ARTHUR: NO PROBLEM. A. PARENTS USUALLY HELP THEM.B. THE KIDS ARE GOING TRICK-OR-TREATING.C. BUT I DONT KNOW HOW IT IS CELEBRATED.D. IF YOU GO, TAKE ME WITH YOU.正确答案:C根据下面阿瑟的回答“这天晚上,孩子们做灯笼庆祝这个节日”,可知戴安娜不知道如何庆祝万圣节,所以选C项“我不知道怎样庆祝”。27. Now that spring is here, you can _ these fur coats till you need them again next winter.A.put overB.put offC.put downD.put away参考答案:D28. All of the people at the conference are ( ).A.mathematic teachersB.mathematics teacherC.mathematics teachersD.mathematics teachers参考答案:C29. They are ( ) the causes of the accident.A.searchingB.probingC.seekingD.ransacking参考答案:B30. It is not an easy job for the teacher to ( ) the books because there are 100 students in this class.A.distributeB.passC.sendD.disperse参考答案:A31. if he is careful and serious enoughA.ThereforeB.ButC.AndD.Asif he is careful and serious enoughA.ThereforeB.ButC.AndD.As正确答案:B本题考查连词的用法。该句要表达的意思是:但如果他足够小心,足够认真的话。此处与前文形成转折关系。从正反两方面说明人们怎样才能生活得好,因此只能用转折连词but。故此题选择B。32. Smoking in this five-star hotel is ( ).A.declinedB.preventedC.prohibitedD.refused参考答案:C33. The car _ halfway for no reason.A.broke offB.broke downC.broke upD.broke out参考答案:B34. Wise people _ forming fixed opinions.A.avoidB.escapeC.refuseD.reject参考答案:A35. I object to _ like this.A.treatingB.being treatedC.be treatedD.have been treared参考答案:B36. ( ) you work hard, you will certainly succeed.A.ThoughB.IfC.BecauseD.For参考答案:B37. English has become a communication _ for people from different countries.A.meritB.streamC.enjoymentD.medium参考答案:D38. I could tell he was surprised from the _ on his face.A.appearanceB.shockC.lookD.sight参考答案:C39. It seems oil _ from this pipe for some time. Well have to take the machine apart to put it right.A.had leakedB.is leakingC.leakedD.has been leaking参考答案:D40. _ there were only five soldiers left at the front, _ they went on fighting.A.Because; soB.If; andC.Though; butD.Though; /参考答案:D41. Birds of a feather ( ) together.A.flockB.flocksC.will flockD.flocked参考答案:A42. After a short holiday, he ( ) once more to his studies.A.engaged himselfB.applied himselfC.conduced himselfD.conduced himself参考答案:B43. Ann will leave for Spain ( ).A.next Friday in the afternoon at 5B.at 5 in the afternoon next FridayC.next Friday afternoon at 5D.at 5 next Friday afternoon参考答案:D44. If Henry had not pull his cap low over his brow, he ( ) by the police.A.might be recognizedB.might have been recognizedC.would have recognizedD.was to have been recognized参考答案:B45. ( ) that you have no objection, we will have the meeting in your room.A.IfB.To be providedC.ProvidedD.Except参考答案:C46. You _ your homework lately and your classwork isn&39;t up to standard either.A.didnt doB.havent doneC.werent doingD.wont be doing参考答案:B47. Wont you ( ) with me?A.goingB.goC.to goD.went参考答案:B48. They _ so that we wouldn&39;t recognize them.A.disguisedB.disguisedC.were disguisingD.were disguised参考答案:D49. The views held by the two parties are so widely apart that it is difficult for them to reach (an end) of their argument.选择能代替括号里的选项A.a stopB.a negotiationC.a conclusionD.a completion参考答案:C50. After the heavy rain, a builder was called to repair the roof, which was _.A.leakingB.tricklingC.drippingD.floating参考答案:A51. This university has _ a great deal since our last visit.A.appearedB.alteredC.approachedD.admired参考答案:B52. A: So, how is your new roommate? B: She really _. Shes always making loud noises at midnight and when I remind her, she always makes rude remarks.A.turns me overB.turns me offC.turns me downD.turns me out参考答案:B53. The wounded soldiers blood _ the ground red at the front.A.diedB.dumpedC.drawedD.dyed参考答案:D54. I am sorry I broke your mirror. -Oh, really _.A.Its Ok with meB.Dont be sorryC.I dont care at allD.It doesnt matter参考答案:D55. I have decided to visit Beijing; ( ),my wife doesnt allow me to leave the family.A.moreoverB.howeverC.thereforeD.thus参考答案:B56. These networks are _ for warning signs that show the weakening of rock layers that can precede an earthquake.A.in alertB.for the alertC.with the alertD.on the alert参考答案:D57. Another subway has been ( ) operation since last December.A.underB.inC.onD.with参考答案:B58. Betty didnt go to see the film yesterday _ she was ill.A.becauseB.butC.untilD.if参考答案:A59. They _ the factory, but a heavy downpour spoiled their plan Avisited Bwere visiting CwerThey _ the factory, but a heavy downpour spoiled their planAvisitedBwere visitingCwere to have been visited Dwere to have visitedDwere/was to have done表示“本来打算,本来要(而结果没做到)”。60. She is filial daughter and ( ) over all of her money to her parents every month.A.makesB.putsC.turnsD.gives参考答案:C


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