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北京语言大学21秋英语语音在线作业一答案参考1. In _century, computers will be used more widely.Atwenty-oneBthe twenty-oneCtwenty-In _century, computers will be used more widely.Atwenty-oneBthe twenty-oneCtwenty-fastDthe twenty-first正确答案:D解析:表示多少世纪用序数词,序数词前需加the。2. He listened with (please) _ to the beautiful music at the party.He listened with (please) _ to the beautiful music at the party.pleasure3. There have been several minor conflict between the two countries over the past decade.( )此题为判断题(对,错)。答案:错4. In compliance with the terms of the contract, we have forwarded you by air a full set of non-negotiaIn compliance with the terms of the contract, we have forwarded you by air a full set of non-negotiable documents immediately after the goods were loaded.依照合同条款,我们在货物装运之后立即向您航空邮寄了一套不可转让的单证。5. 一 You look a little depressed. Is anything wrong?A. Maybe you need to take a holidayB一 You look a little depressed. Is anything wrong?A. Maybe you need to take a holidayB. Its really bad, for I didnt pass the examC. Thank you a lot. I really appreciate your help参考答案:B6. AsenseBdirtCmoneyDmusicAsenseBdirtCmoneyDmusic正确答案:A解析:你认为哪些人的话更有道理?7. Irrevocable Unconfirmed L/CIrrevocable Unconfirmed L/C不可撤销不保兑的信用证8. In the meantime, we hope that we shall be able to _ this unfortunate discrepancy, as the transaIn the meantime, we hope that we shall be able to _ this unfortunate discrepancy, as the transaction, as it stands at the moment, shows a considerable loss to us.Airon outBmake outCtake outDturn outA9. The maths problems are not easy _ Awork out Bto work out Cto be work out Dworked outThe maths problems are not easy _ Awork outBto work outCto be work out Dworked outB不定式作状语,跟在形容词difficult,hard,fit,easy,possible,dangerous等后面时,主动形式表示被动意思。10. 在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与给出单词l/i/fe中斜杠标出的字母的读音相同。请找出这个词( )。A.l/i/terB.b/i/scuitC.coastl/i/neD.d/i/saster参考答案:C11. Not a single mistake _ in the test.A.he madeB.did he makeC.he has madeD.made he参考答案:B12. In other words, if the breakage is surveyed to be less than 5%, no _ for damage will be entertaIn other words, if the breakage is surveyed to be less than 5%, no _ for damage will be entertained.AclimateBcomplainsCclientsDclaimsD13. 在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与给出单词disapp/o/int中斜杠标出的字母的读音相同。请找出这个词( )。A.dev/o/teB.P/o/landC.g/o/D.sh/o/ck参考答案:D14. A carrying vessel grounded in transit. In order to refloat it, the captain backed the vessel, but thA carrying vessel grounded in transit. In order to refloat it, the captain backed the vessel, but the engine was severely damaged and there was a big hole on the bottom of the vessel. Immediately the water seeped into shipping space and partial cargoes suffered losses. The captain managed to pilot the ship to a port to repair the vessel. It took ten days to recondition the vessel. During the process of unloading and repairing, various kinds of expenses incurred. At last, the vessel sailed again. Very soon, the vessel caught fire. To protect the goods and vessel, the captain ordered to pour water into space. Some stationery was burned down and some was soaked. All the tea was soaked.Question : Please analyze the nature of all kinds of losses and expenses and point out what kind of insurance should be covered.(Translate the case into Chinese and then answer the question)Helpful hint : The case is mainly about C. A.,P. A.and F. P. A.翻译一艘远洋货轮在运输途中搁浅。为了重新起航,船长急忙倒船,但是在倒船时发动机严重受损,而且船的底部也被撞破,海水立刻进入了船舱,部分货物遭受损失。船长想方设法把船开到了一个港口进行修理。大约花了10天的时间才把船修好,在卸货及修理船时发生了各种费用。最后,货轮又起航了。起航后不久,货轮着火了,为了保护货物和货轮的安全,船长下令往船舱里泼水,一些文具被烧毁,一些文具被水浸湿,所有的茶叶被水浸湿了。试分析各种损失、费用的性质,并指出应该为这批货物投保哪种险。 Partial cargo loss: G.A. Various kinds of unloading and repairing expenses: G.A. Stationery losses: Burned down, P.A.; Soaked, G.A. Tea losses: G.A. F.P.A. should be covered 15. Since you feel ill,you&39;d better not go to work.Since you feel ill,youd better not go to work.既然你感觉不舒服,你最好不要去上班了。 在原因状语从句的翻译中,对连词的翻译要求不强,这是因为汉语是意合语言,前后句意义相通就可以了。 16. They have given us a lot of valuable _ Ainformation Binformations Cadvices DstoryThey have given us a lot of valuable_ AinformationBinformationsCadvices DstoryA本题考查可数名词和不可数名词的识别。17. He is quite sure that it&39;s _ impossible for him to fulfill the task within two days. A roHe is quite sure that its _ impossible for him to fulfill the task within two days.A roughlyB exclusivelyC fullyD absolutelyD18. Responsible Risks Expenses Import License FormalityResponsibleRisksExpensesImport LicenseFormalityImport License$Risks$Expenses$Responsible$Formalities19. Reading Selectively or Extensively? 写作要点: 1有人认为读书要有选择。 2有人认为应当博Reading Selectively or Extensively? 写作要点: 1有人认为读书要有选择。 2有人认为应当博览群书。 3我的看法。正确答案:Some think that when we read we should read selectively. That is to say we should select some books we are interested in and ignore others. Reading selectively can help us concentrate our limited time and attention on those selected books.rn Some others think when we read we should read extensively. That is to say no matter what kind of book it is we should look it over. Reading extensively can help us enlarge our view and grasp the general knowledge from different fields.rn In my opinion the two reading methods have their roles respectively in our reading. However their own disadvantages are easy to see. If we only read selectively the framework of our knowledge may not be complete; if we read extensively we may not have so much time and energy and be specialized in one particular field. Therefore the combination of the two methods is more reasonable.Somethinkthatwhenwereadweshouldreadselectively.Thatistosay,weshouldselectsomebooksweareinterestedinandignoreothers.Readingselectivelycanhelpusconcentrateourlimitedtimeandattentiononthoseselectedbooks.Someothersthinkwhenwereadweshouldreadextensively.Thatistosay,nomatterwhatkindofbookitis,weshouldlookitover.Readingextensivelycanhelpusenlargeourviewandgraspthegeneralknowledgefromdifferentfields.Inmyopinion,thetworeadingmethodshavetheirrolesrespectivelyinourreading.However,theirowndisadvantagesareeasytosee.Ifweonlyreadselectively,theframeworkofourknowledgemaynotbecomplete;ifwereadextensively,wemaynothavesomuchtimeandenergyandbespecializedinoneparticularfield.Therefore,thecombinationofthetwomethodsismorereasonable.20. This is the _ (poor)excuse I have ever heard.This is the _ (poor)excuse I have ever heard.poorest21. After running for nearly half an hour, I was _.A.out of placeB.out of controlC.out of breathD.out of practice参考答案:C22. There are two kinds of crosscultural communication: ( )communication and bilateral coThere are two kinds of cross-cultural communication: ( )communication and bilateral communication.A. successfulB. verbalc. unsuccessfulD. unilateral参考答案:D23. 11在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.bir/ths/B.dep/ths/C.mon/ths/D.mou/ths/参考答案:B24. Functional competence refers to the ability to accomplish communication purposes inFunctional competence refers to the ability to accomplish communication purposes in a language.参考答案T25. 在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与给出单词p/ea/ce中斜杠标出的字母的读音相同。请找出这个词( )。A.br/ea/stB.th/ea/treC.b/ea/chD.oc/ea/n参考答案:C26. (11)(David is always at home by 8pm on Tuesdays.) There s this TV show that he loves , a soapopera showing on Channel 2, and he has watched it regularly for almost two years now. (12) ( His wife has11. Rewrite this sentence by adding an appropriate tag question. Follow the example.Example: She likes music. She likes music , doesn t she?12. Change this sentence into negative form. Follow the example.Examle: She likes music. She doesn t like music.13. Build one question about the underlined part in the sentence.14. Change this sentence from active voice into passive voice.15. Change this complex sentence into a simple sentence.参考答案:11. David is always at home by 8pm on Tuesdays , isnt he?12. His wife hasn t given up telling him to help with the dishes after rndinner.13. What does he forget to eat?14. The TV is turned on by him.15. He grabs the remote control firmly in his hand and uses it to encourage rnor threaten the characters on the screen.27. 在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与给出单词/e/ffect中斜杠标出的字母的读音相同。请找出这个词( )。A.d/e/terminationB.d/e/btC./e/ndlessD.b/e/nt参考答案:A28. Which of the following is true of second language learning?A.Natural language exposureBWhich of the following is true of second language learning?A.Natural language exposureB.Informal learning contextC.Structured inputD.Little error correction正确答案:C29. 谢谢你方授权我公司作为你们的产品在日本的销售代理。谢谢你方授权我公司作为你们的产品在日本的销售代理。Thank you for your offering us the selling agency in Japan for your manufactures30. The organization had broken no rules, but _ had it acted responsibility. Aneither BnotThe organization had broken no rules, but _ had it acted responsibility.AneitherBnotCeitherDsoB31. John said he&39;d been working in the office for an hour _ was true Athat Bwho Cwhich DJohn said hed been working in the office for an hour _ was trueAthatBwhoCwhich DwhatC此题考查非限定性定语从句中关系代词用which作主语,指代前面的整个句子的用法。32. 22在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.l/ea/veB.scr/ea/mC.h/ea/dD.l/ea/d参考答案:C33. Can I see you at 3:00 pm next Monday? I _. I will have flown to New York long before then.Can I see you at 3:00 pm next Monday?I _. I will have flown to New York long before then.A) am afraid notB) am afraid soC) am afraid toD) am afraid not toA34. Any student _ in English can apply for membership. Ahaving a keen interest Bwith aAny student _ in English can apply for membership.Ahaving a keen interestBwith a keern interestingCwho is keenly interestingDwhen keenly interestedA35. Communication Methods: Phones or Mails 写作要点: 1有人喜欢用电话交流,因为 2有人则喜Communication Methods: Phones or Mails 写作要点: 1有人喜欢用电话交流,因为 2有人则喜欢用书信交流,因为 3我的看法。正确答案:Communication is very important both in the past and at present and it tends to be more essential in modern society. Telephone and letter are two main means of communication they both have their advantages and disadvantages.rn Communication with other people by telephone is very convenient especially when you have something urgent. For example if one of your family members is seriously ill at night and you dont know how to deal with it and where to find a doctor or a taxi. What can you do? A telephone is the answer. Dial 120 and you will get services from the doctor very soon. In addition with the quick rhythm of life people usually dont have as much time to write letters as before again telephone solves the problem. Friends can chat through the wire. It seems that telephone shortens the distance between people. Men can keep in touch with each other more easily.rn However still some people prefer writing letters to communicate with friends. First sending a letter is much cheaper than having a telephone call. Now 60 jiao will be enough to send your letter to your friends living in another city while maybe at least 2-3 yuan a minute will be cost in distant telephone. Second people can not only greet each other but also exchange their thoughts in letters. Because when a person writes he must organize his mind and express his ideas and feelings more logically while telephone often makes people lazy. Finally people easily keep secret in the letter and say whatever you want to say while they sometimes cant do that in a telephone.rn In my opinion you can combine these two ways together: some unimportant things can be expressed by a telephone while some important or unspoken things can by done by a letter.Communicationisveryimportantbothinthepastandatpresent,andittendstobemoreessentialinmodernsociety.Telephoneandletteraretwomainmeansofcommunication,theybothhavetheiradvantagesanddisadvantages.Communicationwithotherpeoplebytelephoneisveryconvenient,especiallywhenyouhavesomethingurgent.Forexample,ifoneofyourfamilymembersisseriouslyillatnight,andyoudontknowhowtodealwithitandwheretofindadoctororataxi.Whatcanyoudo?Atelephoneistheanswer.Dial120andyouwillgetservicesfromthedoctorverysoon.Inaddition,withthequickrhythmoflife,peopleusuallydonthaveasmuchtimetowritelettersasbefore,againtelephonesolvestheproblem.Friendscanchatthroughthewire.Itseemsthattelephoneshortensthedistancebetweenpeople.Mencankeepintouchwitheachothermoreeasily.However,stillsomepeoplepreferwritingletterstocommunicatewithfriends.First,sendingaletterismuchcheaperthanhavingatelephonecall.Now60jiaowillbeenoughtosendyourlettertoyourfriendslivinginanothercity,whilemaybeatleast2-3yuanaminutewillbecostindistanttelephone.Second,peoplecannotonlygreeteachotherbutalsoexchangetheirthoughtsinletters.Becausewhenapersonwrites,hemustorganizehismindandexpresshisideasandfeelingsmorelogically,whiletelephoneoftenmakespeoplelazy.Finally,peopleeasilykeepsecretintheletterandsaywhateveryouwanttosay,whiletheysometimescantdothatinatelephone.Inmyopinion,youcancombinethesetwowaystogether:someunimportantthingscanbeexpressedbyatelephone,whilesomeimportantorunspokenthingscanbydonebyaletter.36. If you think you deserve a raise, then you can ask _ It.A. aboutB. onC. fromD. forIf you think you deserve a raise, then you can ask _ It.A. aboutB. onC. fromD. for参考答案:D37. Are you feeling _ ? Yes. I&39;m fine now Aany well Bany better Cquite good Dquite bAre you feeling _ ?Yes. Im fine nowAany wellBany betterCquite good Dquite betterBany可修饰比较级,quite修饰原级,well的比较级为better。38. I saw them _ towards the airport. A. driving B. drived C. to driveI saw them _ towards the airport.A. drivingB. drivedC. to drive参考答案A39. Many people prefer text messages(短信)to actually talking. Almost overnight, text messagesMany people prefer text messages(短信)to actually talking. Almost overnight, text messages have become the preferred form. of communication for millions. But even as industry calculations show that Americans are now using mobile phones to send or receive more text messages than phone calls. Those messages are under great pressure because of the danger they can pose by distracting users. Though there are no official casualty(伤亡)statistics, there is much evidence that the number of fatal accidents resulting from texting while driving, crossing the street or engaging in other activities is on the rise. The act of texting automatically removes 10 I. Q. points, said Paul Saffo, a technology trend forecaster in Silicon Valley. The truth of the matter is that there are hobbies that are incompatible(不相容的). You dont want to do mushroom-hunting and bird-watching at the same time, and it is the same with texting and other activities. We have all seen people walk into parking meters or walk into traffic and seem startled by oncoming cars. In the latest fight against text messaging, the California Public Utilities Commission announced an emergency measure on Thursday temporarily banning the use of all mobile devices by anyone at the controls of a moving train. The ban was adopted after federal investigators announced that they were looking at the role that a train engineers text messaging might have played here last week in the countrys most deadly rail accident in four decades. A California lawmaker is also seeking to ban text-messaging by drivers, a step already taken by a handful of other states. We have had far too many tragic incidents around the country that are painful proof that this is a terrible problem. said Joe Simitian, who wrote the California law requiring drivers who are talking on a cell phone to use hands-free devices.What can we know from the second paragraph?AText messaging may result in many accidents.BText messaging has caused most of the accidents recently.CMany people are going to text messages instead of telephoning.DThe government is now trying to stop text messaging.正确答案:A第二段提出论点读和写手机短信会引起交通事故,故选A项。40. A famous Canadian doctor expressed the value of hobbies by saying, “_ man is really happy without a hobby.”A.NotB.WithoutC.NoD.None参考答案:C41. We take this opportunity to in form you that we are now in a position to make promptshipment of theWe take this opportunity to in form you that we are now in a position to make promptshipment of the goods.兹奉告,该商品可即期装运。在此例句中,译者运用了减词法,译文比原文大为简明,减去了take this opportunity这一陈腐的表达,省略了三个人称代词,还用“可”字代替了原文中in a position这样繁复的表达方式。42. This contract is signed by the authorized representatives of both parties on Dec9, 2008After signiThis contract is signed by the authorized representatives of both parties on Dec9, 2008After signing the contract, both parties shall apply to their respective Government Authorities for ratificationThe date of ratification last obtained shall be taken as the effective date of the ContractBoth parties shall exert their utmost efforts to obtain the ratification within 60 days and shall advise the other party by telex and thereafter send a registered letter for confirmation.本合同由双方代表于2008年12月9日签订。合同签订后,由各方分别向本国政府当局申请批准,以最后一方的批准日期为本合同的生效日期,双方应力争在60天内获得批准,用电传通知对方,并用信件确认。43. We wish to point out that stipulations in the relative L/C must strictly conform to the stated in ouWe wish to point out that stipulations in the relative L/C must strictly conform to the stated in our sales confirmation so as to avoid _ the L/C subsequently.AamendBamendmentCamendingDto amendC44. If you refer to our Sales Confirmation, you will see the clause reading: The Buyer shall estabIf you refer to our Sales Confirmation, you will see the clause reading: The Buyer shall establish the covering letter of credit before 30th August, 2008, failing which the Seller reserves the right to _ the contract without further notice.ArestrainBrescindCreciteDreceiveB45. The new law comes into force next monthThe new law comes into force next month新法下月生效。46. _ by his grandparents, Jimmy wasnt used to living with his parents.ATo bring upBTo_ by his grandparents, Jimmy wasnt used to living with his parents.ATo bring upBTo be brought upCBrought upDBeing brought up正确答案:C解析:非谓语动词。主语是Jimmy,与动词bring up之间是被动关系,因此选择过去分词形式的非谓语,表示过去和被动。吉米是他祖父母带大的,不习惯和他的父母住在一起。47. If you will do that, please take me into _.A.thinkB.thinkingC.thoughtD.account参考答案:D48. _ is a certificate which combines the invoice with the insurance policy._ is a certificate which combines the invoice with the insurance policy.Combined certificate49. The_inhabitants of the country are black people.AoriginBoriginalCoriginatingDorigThe_inhabitants of the country are black people.AoriginBoriginalCoriginatingDoriginated正确答案:B50. (Having been) finished (his) breakfast, (he) went out (for) a walk.AHaving beenBhisCheD(Having been) finished (his) breakfast, (he) went out (for) a walk.AHaving beenBhisCheDfor正确答案:A解析:主语he和分词动词finish是主动关系,改“Having been”为“Having”。51. 写作要点: Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus 1学生了解社会的必要性。 2学生了写作要点: Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus 1学生了解社会的必要性。 2学生了解社会的途径。 3我


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