2021-2022年四年级英语上册 unit2 lesson4(1)教案 闽教版

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2021-2022年四年级英语上册 unit2 lesson4(1)教案 闽教版 教学目的与要求:1、词汇: ask, answer, elephant2、句型:Miss Kangaroo wanted to see her. Mr. Elephant was very angry. Mr. Cat, Mr.dog and Miss kangaroo were all scared. 3、功能:能听懂故事Scared.。 教学重点:学会掌握词汇和句型。 教学难点:运用所学词汇和句型复述故事。 教具准备:单词卡片,图片,录音带,录音机。 教学过程:Step 1 热身活动1、师生问好。2、唱英文歌曲:A Happy SongStep 2 复习导入1、利用单词卡和表情图复习:happy, angry, tired, sad, scared, proud2、看表情图,表述心情。如:I have a new bike for my birthday. Im very happy. 等,让学生自由说,不管怎样,教师都应给以鼓励。3、出示有关动词的卡片,复习动词的过去式,导出ask, answer及asked, answered, 并教学。 4、教师说:Today we are going to learn a story Scared.揭示并板书课题:Lesson 4Step 4 教授新课1、 教授新词:elephant并初步理解故事大意教师说:I want to ask you a question. What animals do you like? Please answer. 让学生自由回答。在继续说:Do you like elephants? Who can answer? 接着教学elephant,估计学生对这个词已很熟悉,可简单带过。今天故事中有一位Mr. Elephant, 还有两位先生Mr. Dog, Mr. Cat与一位小姐Miss Panda, 我们来看看它们之间发生了什么。2、 教学课文。让学生打开课文第十三页,播放录音,边听边找出不懂的单词。针对学生提出不懂的单词,可请其他学生给予帮助和讲解,或教师进行答疑,有必要时可操练。引出单词asked, answered,wanted的复习,向学生说明我们讲故事或描述过去所发生的事情时,要用上动词的过去式。同时解释asked, answered, wanted是规则动词的变化形式,在词尾+ed,与was, were不一样。再次播放录音,同时划出有关表情的句子。Mr. elephant was very angry. Mr. Cat, Mr. Dog and Miss Kangaroo were all scared. 这两个句子可重点带读并操练。接着问学生:课文中什么样的句型出现得最多?引出句型:Miss Kangaroo wanted to see her. 要求学生说出意思并操练。向学生解释Get in the boat, please的意思是“请上船。”Youre too big.意思是“你太大了。”He wanted to jump into the boat.意思是“他想要跳进船。”播放第三遍录音,有表情地跟读课文。可多放一、二遍,直至学生模仿较为正确为止。请六位学生分段朗读课文,而后全班齐读。根据课文内容回答以下问题:When was Miss Pandas birthday?Who wanted to see Miss Panda?Who wanted to go with Miss Kangaroo?Why was Mr. Elephant very angry?Were Mr. Cat, Mr. Dog and Miss Kangaroo all scared?Step 4 巩固提高。1、可让学生看故事插图,在教师的帮助下上台复述故事内容。2、完成课本第十五页第2题的听力练习。3、完成课本第十六页第3题的看图把句子写完整,可让一些学生先说一说,再写下来,提醒学生别漏写了动词is.Step 5 课后作业。1、完成课本第十六页的自我评价。2、听录音跟读课文。3、复习Lesson 3,Lesson 4 的单词。4、完成一册通上本课的练习。附送:2021-2022年四年级英语上册 Unit2 Lesson5-6教案 北师大版Teaching aims:To practice “like” in lifeTeaching emphasis:Can ask and answer “do you like” in lifeTeaching difficulty:plete the sentences Teaching process:Step1: T: to say some feature of the animalsS: to act and say the animalsLike this to review the words of the animalsStep2:Look at the page 22 and point the picture to ask “whats this”S: answer it T: do you like itS: yes, I do/no, I dontT: point the student to ask “does he/she like ?”S: yes, he does /no, he doesntLike this to ask othersT: to discover what each person or animal likes or doesnt like ,then they must fill in the missing word(s) in the sentencesPoint to the picture of cat “does the cat like goats?”S: no, it doesnt and write the missing wordsLike this to do othersStep3:T: point to the picture and ask “do you like sheep?”S: to answerT: to read the words S: to read after the teacherListen to the radio and read after itLike this to learn the chatStep4: homeworkTo look into your friend that “does he like rabbits?” and fill in the tables page 23Say the chat to your family 课后反思:大部分学生基本掌握了本课所学内容,并能够把所学习的内容运用到实际生活中。The 6th perTeaching aims:To understand the uncle Bookys storyTeaching emphasis:Understand the story and plete the question yourselfTeaching difficulty:Understand the story yourselfTeaching process:Step1:To read the story yourselfLook at the picture and read the sentences, let the children to say in Chinese and read with the teacherListen to the radio and read after it To ask some question “ does he like birds?” and can answerStep2:To plete the page 25Ask “what is this?”Answer it Like this to plete othersStep3:To plete the reflection with your idea


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