2021-2022年四年级英语上册 Unit3 Lesson17教案 冀教版

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2021-2022年四年级英语上册 Unit3 Lesson17教案 冀教版教学目标:知识目标:学生要掌握单词:chicken, cow, duck, pig, farm, field, mud and pond2. 学生能够回答句型:What is it?能力目标:Develop good habits from childhood days情感目标:动物是人类的好朋友,告诉学生要保护动物、爱护动物。教学重难点:All new words in this class.教具学具:录音机、一张农场风景图、动物头饰、词汇卡片教学过程:1. 问候。What day is it?How is the weather today?2. Sing a song: As I was going down the street.3. New conceptPlay the audiotape and hold up a picture. Then ask class: Where is it?C:农场.T: Yes! Very good! 农场farm, read after me, f-a-r-m farm.C: f-a-r-m farm.(Read “farm” a few times with the class. Explain to the students that in Unit 3, they will learn about farm animals.)告诉学生这一单元我们将要学习有关农场动物的单词。T: on the farm.C: on the farm.(Read it a few times with the class.)再次播放录音。这次让学生说出他们都听到了那种动物的声音。S1:鸡。T: Yes! Very good! Chicken. Read it, please!C: Chicken.T: Ok! (Hold up the picture.) Look at the picture. Is the chicken big or small?C: _.T: (指着鸡冠) What colour is it?C: (Red.)(Read it a few times with the class. Teach cow, duck and pig like this.)4. Game.不按照座位顺序,把学生分为四组,给每组每位成员一个动物头饰。播放录音,例如:播放的是牛的声音,戴着牛的头饰的学生就全部站起来,并说: cow cow c-o-w cow, 边说边做出他们自己认为可以代表这种动物的动作或者模仿这种动物的叫声。5. Drill.Review the new words by holding up the pictures. Ask questions such as:What is it?Is this a_ or a_?Point to a_.6. 出示一幅有关农场风景的大图。Introduce field, mud and pond. (Read the a few times with the class.)7. Story “Never Ride a Pig in the Mud.” Prepare to read.Discuss the picture for the story in the storybook. Ask for volunteers to point out things they can name in English. What do the students think will happen in this story? Read the story.Play the audiotape of the story as the students follow in their storybooks.Stop the audiotape after the first half of the story. Ask the students what they think will happen next.Play the audiotape to the end of the story. Discuss the storyAsk for volunteers to retell the story in Chinese. Let each volunteer explain one picture.Play the audiotape again and ask the students to listen for the main ideas in the story.Play the audiotape again. This time, ask the students to point to the animals as the audiotape mentions them.8. Class ClosingDo 板书设计:Lesson 17 The Farm (图片)chicken field1. What is it? (图片)cow 2. on the farm mud (图片)Duck pond (图片)Pig 课后反思:在此课教学中,我用播放录音和展示图片的方式自然地引出本课的教学内容。在课堂教学中创设情景,巧妙地设计教学,把学生引入到真实的农场情境之中,使学生有身临其境的感觉,课堂气氛活跃了,同学们的学习热情高涨,起到了很好的教学效果。整节课,学生参与积极性高、参与面广,反馈正确率高。但这还远远不够,在今后的教学中,我一定每上完课都及时反思,这样才能有效提高我的教学水平和教学效率。附送:2021-2022年四年级英语上册 Unit3 Lesson19Birds教案2 冀教版一、教学目标 知识目标:1)使学生能够听、说和口头运用词汇bird,beak,wing,feathers,same,different;2)使学生学会chant: Two Little Blackbirds,明白其大致意义。 能力目标:1)使学生能听懂、说出鸟类身体各部分的英文名称;能够听、说并在实际交际中正确运用一对反义词 same, different.2)能流利的背诵chant:Two Little Blackbirds,并在学习过程中激发学生的学习兴趣。 情感目标:通过学习本课,学生能够获得新知,培养学生爱护鸟类的情感。二、教学重点、难点:使学生能够听、说和口头运用词汇bird,beak,wing,feathers,same,different;三、教具准备 词汇卡片 录音机 游戏用材料四、教学过程1.复习演唱歌曲“Old Macdonald Had A Farm”作为一个热身. 让学生自编动作表演。复习cat,chicken, cow, dog, duck, goat, pig, sheep. 做游戏“Find The Card”.把这八个词的卡片放到教师前面,翻过去不让学生看到。教师提问:Where is the _ ?找一个学生到前面挑出一张卡片,把她举起来,大声朗读词汇卡上的单词。如果他挑对了单词,可以说出下一个单词,然后说,Where is the _ ?然后点一个自告奋勇的学生找出相应的卡片。如果没挑对,就找另一个学生。 设计意图;歌曲和游戏是学生们都非常喜欢的,用这样的形式进行热身和复习,能使学生很快的进入积极的学习状态。2.学习 bird, beak, feathers, wings.1)、出示鸡和鸭的图片,问:Whats this ? 让学生回答。师 :They are birds. 出示词卡bird, 让学生跟老师读,并拼读。让学生说说还知道那些鸟。教师在黑板上画一只鸟,标出各部分的名称,wings, beak, feathers, 和学生多读几遍,然后让学生自己练习读,拼读。设计意图:学生非常喜欢多才多艺的老师,简笔画在课堂中的运用会起到很好的作用。2)教科书,播放录音,让学生看书跟读。3) 练习:1.让学生在纸上画一只鸟,并标出wings, beak, feathers,边画,边大声说单词。设计意图:小学生大多数都很喜欢画画,让他们边画边学,会使枯燥的学习变得更加有趣。2.擦掉黑板上图中的单词和箭头。领着学生进行一个关于鸟身上各部位的问答练习。如:Is this a _ or a _ ? Whats this?3.学习same,different.通过比较教室里的物体,特别是那些学生可以用英语说出名字来的物体,就地取材来示范same和different的意思。如果需要,就翻译。出示词卡same,different.让学生大声朗读,拼读。注意different.的发音。设计意图:在展示新语言的时候,能利用实物尽量用实物,直观形象,给学生留下深刻的印象。播放录音,让学生看书,并跟读。练习:1 教师随便拿出或指出教室里的两样东西,让学生快速说出same or different? 学生两人一组,继续用卡片或实物玩这个游戏。 2.听音画画。并写出same or different(单词可以抄写)Draw two dogs that are the same. Write “same”.Draw two birds that are different. Write “different ”.设计意图:让学生边画边学,会使学生对这对反义词的意义更加印象深刻。4.学习 Chant : “ Two Little Blackbirds.”指着教科书图中的鸟,领着学生进行讨论。What are these? What colour are they? 师:They are blackbirds. 领着学生读几遍blackbirds 这个词。播放录音,让学生边听边找出已知道的词,然后让学生读读。让学生在听一次,让学生边听边找出不知道的词,然后教师领着读读,并简单解释一下。设计意图:利用课堂中的有利时机,培养学生的英语学习能力。再次播放录音,并和学生一起唱。之后把动作交给他们。再次带着动作一起唱。5.完成活动手册中的练习。6.作业 Draw some animals you know, and write down their names.设计意图:小学生喜欢画画,布置画动物的作业,帮助学习,使作业不再枯燥。 板书设计:画一只鸟,标出beak,wing, feathers, 画两只相同的鱼,下面写上 same,画两只不同的鱼,下面写上different.2 Chant : Two Little Blackbirds练习题:1 画一只鸟,并标出各部分的名称(beak, wing, feathers, eye, leg, head)2 按要求画画。(1)Draw two birds that are different.(2) Draw two cats that are the same.


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