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一单元;1、A maglev is a type of train that is suspended in the air above a single track ,and propelled using the repulsive and attractive forces of magn etism是一种类型的磁悬浮列车悬浮在空中上面一条清晰的足迹,和推进的反感和有吸引力的部队使用的磁性2、 Japan and Germany are active in maglev research ,producingseveral different approaches and desig ns .日本和德国都活跃在磁悬浮研究、生产几种不同的方法和设计。3、The effect of a powerful magnetic field on the human body is largely unknown 一个强大的影响磁场对人体是未知4 , Some space agencies are researching the use of maglev systems to launch spacecraft一些空间研究机构磁悬浮系统使用发射的宇宙飞船里踱步5, Inductrack( 感应轨)was originally developed as a magnetic motor and bearing for a flywheel to store powerIn ductrack 最初是作为一个磁轴承飞轮电机和一个存储能力二单元; 1, A classification yard is railroad yard found at some freight train stations , usedto separate railroad cars on to one of several tracks一个分类码是发现在一些货运铁路院子火车站,用来分离的一个铁路汽车在几条轨道2, There are three types of classification yards : flat-shunted yards ,hump yards and gravity yards有三种类型的分类码:flat-shu nted码,驼峰码和重力码3, F reight trains which consist of isolated cars must be made into trains and divided accord ing to their desti nati ons货运列车由孤立的车辆必须制成火车和划分根据他们的目的地4, The tracks lead into a flat shunting neck at one or both ends of the yard where the cars are pushed to sort the n into the right track铁轨引到一个平面并联脖颈一个或两端的院子里的汽车被推到分类然后进入正确的轨道5, they are operated either pn eumatically or hydraulically他们要么气动或液压操作三单元 1, The most difficult distinction to draw is that between light rail and streetcar or tram systems.最困难的区别之间画是轻轨和电车或电车系统。2, Light rail is gen erally powered by electricity ,usually by means of overhead wires ,but sometimes by a live rail ,also called third rail .轻轨一般是靠电力,通常采用架空导线,但有时是由生活轨道,也被称为第三轨道。3, Automatic operati on is more com mon in smaller people mover systems tha n in light rail systems .自动操作是较常见的系统在较小的人比原动机轻轨系统。4, Many moder n light rail projects re-use parts of old rail n etworks ,such as aba ndonedin dustrial rail li nes许多现代轻轨项目重复旧的铁路网络部分,比如废弃工业铁路线5, Light rail trolleys are heavier per pound of cargo carried than heavy rail cars ormo no rail cars轻轨电车每磅重的货物进行重轨车比或单轨车四单元 1,Cars usually have either air-c on diti oning or win dows that can de ope ned汽车通常有要么空调或窗口,可以打开2, Other types of passe nger car exist , especially for long journ eys ,such as the diningcar ,parlor car disco car ,and in rare cases theater car其他类型的客车存在,尤其是长之旅,如餐车,客厅的车迪斯科车,在罕见的情况下剧场的车。3, Freight cars or wagons exist in a wide variety of types , adapted to the ideal carriage of a whole host of differe nt things货车或马车存在各种各样的类型、适应运输的理想一大堆不同的事情。4, Cars can be coupled together into a train either hauled by a locomotive or self-powered汽车可以在一个训练相结合,要么把由机车或自我动力的5, Most cars carrying a paying load , although non-revenue cars exist for the railroads ownuse ,such as for maintenance purposes大多数汽车携带一份有报酬的负荷,虽然non-revenue汽车存在的使用铁路,例如保养目的。五单元 1,A mono rail is a metro or railroad with a track con sisti ng of a si ngle rail (actuallya beam ),as opposed to the traditi onal track with two paralled rails语言中,一种是一个地铁或单轨铁路带有轨迹由一个轨道(实际上是一个梁),而不是传统的跟踪和两个平行轨道2,1 n the more popular straddle-beam mono rail ,the train straddles the rail ,coveri ng it on the sides .最受欢迎的straddle-beam 单轨,火车跨越栏杆,覆盖在两边。3, M ono rails require their own guideway .Mono rails 要求自己的导轨4, Mono rails are capable of climb ing, desce nding and tur ningfaster tha n mostconven tio nal rail system .Mo no rails能够攀爬、降下来,转动速度比大多数传统的铁路系统5, The primary adva ntage of mono rails over conven tio nal rail system is that they require mini mal space .主要利用mo no rails于传统的铁路系统是他们需要最低限度的空间六单元 1,The guideway usually consists of conventional rail tracks ,but might also be mono rail or maglev .导轨通常由传统的轨道组成,但也可以是单轨式或者磁悬浮。2, A con sists is used to describe the group of rail vehicles which make up a train .机组通常被用于描述组成火车的一组铁路车辆3, A train con sists of a sin gle or several conn ected rail vehicles that are capable of being moved together along a guideway to tran sport freight or passe ngers form one place to ano ther along a pla nned route .一列火车通常由单节或者多个车辆连在一起组成,能够沿着轨道移动,案已经计划好的路线把货物或者乘客从一个地方运到另一个地方。4, A passe nger train may con sist of one or several locomotives ,and one or more coaches .客运列车可由一节或者几节机车牵引和一个或多个的车厢组成。5, The term rapid tran sit is used for public tran sport such as commuter trains ,metro and lightrail.快速交通这个术语适用于像通勤车、地铁和轻轨这样的公共交通七单元 1,The speed at which a train must travel to qualify as high-speed vary from country to country ,ran gii ng from 160km/h to over 300km/h .火车的速度旅行必须合格的高速”从不同的国家,rangiing从160公里/小时超过300公里/小时。2, Fra nees TGV tech no logy has bee n adapted for use in nu mber of differe nt coun tries .法国TGV技术已被改编以适合用在许多不同的国家3, Supporters argue that journ eys by train are less stre nu ous and more productive tha n car journ eys .支持者认为乘火车旅行不费力、更有生产力比汽车旅行。4, High-speed rail has the adva ntage over automobiles in that it can move passe ngers at speeds for faster tha n those possible by car ,while also avoidi ng con gesti on .高速铁路优于汽车,就在于它能移动速度更快的旅客可能比坐汽车来的,同时也避免堵塞。丄5, While high-speed trains gen erally do not travel as fast as jet aircraft ,they haveadva ntage over air travel for relatively short dista nces .而咼速火车通常不旅行的喷气式飞机的速度一样快,他们有优势的相对航空旅行很短的距离八单元 1, A train station is a point of call for trains ,allowing the loading or unioading ofgoods ,or allow ing passe ngers to board and alight .语言中,一种火车站,至关重要的一点是呼吁火车 ,允许装卸货物,或者允许乘客板和神采奕 奕。2, Platforms are prese nt to allow passe ngers to access trains easily and safely .平台到位来允许旅客列车安全、轻松访问。3, When a train is required to travel on wards from a termi nus .it must reverse out of thestation to continue the trip火车需出差开始从总站。它必须扭转走出车站继续旅行4,Train stations usually include either ticket booths ,or ticket mach ines .火车站通常包括要么售票亭或入场券的机器5,Accessibility for people with disabilities is importa nt in train stati on desig n and man datedby law in some coun tries .可得性残障人士在火车站是重要的设计和在有些国家法律规定的九单元 1,A rapid transit is a railway system ,usually in an urban area ,that usually hashight capacity and frequency ,with large trains and total grade separation from other traffic .语言中,一种快速公交系统是铁路系统,通常在城市地区,通常有高容量和频率,与大型列车和其他车辆分离总成绩。2,A rapid tran sit system that is gen erally above street level may be called an elevatedsystem .两个,一个快速公交系统,通常是水平可能以上街叫做“提升”系统。3,System gen erally use DC power rather tha n AC .系统通常使用直流电源,而不是交流。4, Power is com monly supplied by means of a sin gle live third rail at 600 to 750 volts.电力普遍提供手段单一住第三轨道在600到750伏特。5, There is on sin gle term in En glish that all speakers would use for all rapid tran sit or metro systems.有单独的术语,所有的演讲者会用英语为所有快速公交或地铁系统。十单元 1, Early underground trains often carried an attendant on each car to operate the doors or gates ,as well as a driver .地铁早期随身携带一个乘务员操作每辆车出门,以及一个司机。2,1 n normal operation the one crew member sits in the drivers position at the front but justcloses the doors at each station :the train then starts automatically .在正常运营的一个成员坐在司机的位置在前面只是每到一个车站关闭的门:火车当时刚刚开始自动。3,As to larger trains ,the Paris Metro has human drivers on most lines ,but runs crewlesstrains on its n ewest li ne 丄ine 14 ,which ope ned in 1998 .以更大的火车上,巴黎地铁司机在人类最行,但其最新列车运行年行,行14日,即于1998年开 业。4,The con struct ion of an un dergr ound metro is an expe nsive project ,ofte n carried out overa nu mber of years .建设地下地铁是一个昂贵的项目,通常进行好些年了。5,Only three stati on out of n early 60 are built n ear the ground level and three more above the ground .只有三个站近60的地面水平周围建造和三个地面之上。十单元 1, The line is divided into blocks and each block is protected by a signal .线分成块,每一块是受保护的一个信号。2,Originally ,metro signalling was based on the simple 2-aspect system .原来,地铁信-:简单的2-aspect系统3,It can be either mecha ni cal or electr onic .它可以是机械或电子专业4,In reality ,the signal is placed in rear of the entrance to the block and the distanee between it and the block is called the overlap.在现实中,信号被放置在后方入口的地方,这之间的距离和块是被称为“重叠”5,I n the US ,the overlap is con sidered so importa nt that a whole block is provided as the overlap.在美国,存在是非常重要的,整个街区提供重叠十二单元 1, Chinese news reports indicate that the line opened to operation is Phase 1 of(heavy metro ) rail li nes .重庆计划光网络地铁(“轻轨”)、单轨,地下铁路(重型地铁)。3,Desig ners claim the mono rail li ne will be capable of carry ing 30000 passe ngers per hour at peak times .设计师们声称单轨线路可搭载30000名乘客在咼峰时期每小时丁4, The capital costs of mono rail switches are defi nitely higher tha n for sta ndard railwayswitches .资本成本的“开关”绝对是单轨铁路高于标准开关。5,The total system cost is stated as about 3.5 billion yuan , or about us$ 420million.整个系统的成本是说成“大约 35亿元”,或大约4.2亿美金。十四单元 1,The Chin esecity of Guan gzhou is the capital of the Guan gdo ng Provi nee andhas 7milli on in habita nts .中国广州市的首都是广东省和有700万居民。2, Line 1 was inaugurated on 28 June 1999 .1号线于1999年6月28日(星期六)落成仪式3, The metro runs at an average speed of 36 km/h .地铁运行平均速度的36公里/小时。4, Line 7 will runs from Xilang to University City (21km ) and is expected to be opened in 2010 .5, The en tire project is scheduled for completio n in June 20067号线是由Xilang大学(21公里)的城市,他预计将于2010年开业卜五单元


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