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Module 3 HeroesWritten test part (共 95 分)I .单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)从各题后所给的四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。()1. Theyve got five days holiday New Years Day.A. fromB. withC. includingD. between()2. The boy is carelessand he always hurts.A. heB. hisC. himD. himself()3. The teacheraskedme to read aloud all the studentscould hearme.A. sothatB. sinceC. ifD. assoon as()4. We didnt enjoy the day the weatherwas so bad.A. thoughB.becauseC.soD. till()5. I want to build a housefor my pet dog. Pleasepassmethe.A. toolsB.sugarC.saltD. balls()6. The doctor is trying to find out if the is possiblefor the sick.A. traditionB.educationC.competitionD. operation()7. What do you think is the greatest?一The computer.A. informationB. inventionC. interestD. interview()8. My uncle lives in andhewill marry a girl.A. Canada;CanadaB. Canadian;CanadianC. Canada;CanadianD. Canadian;Canada()9. Look at the boy. Hessoweak. Im afraid he is!A. lovely B. dying C. perfectD. quietA. restB. thankD. search()10. The teacheradvisedme to for a weeksinceI hada bad cold.C. look()11. The doctors aredeveloping a way to the illness.A. treatB. change C. keep D. cause()12. Did you the meeting yesterday?一Yes.I got thereon time.A. finish B. attend C. likeD. worry()13. You should playing gameson the phone. Its really badfor youreyes.A. look up B. get up C. give up D. setup()14. Would you like to help my pet dog when Im not at home?一Of course,Id like to.A. takeawayB. takepart inC. take upD. take careof()15. They managed the model plane in threedays.A. build B. builtC. building D. to build口 .完形填空(共10分,每小题1分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填 入空白处的最佳答案。It was a very foggy (雾茫茫的)morning in London. The fog was so thick that it was impossible to seemorethanafoot or so. Buses,cars and taxis were stoppedalong the roadside,unableto move becausethe drivers couldnt 16 . People weretrying to walk to their destinations(目的地),but most were losing their 17 in the fog.Mr Smith had a very important meeting at the Houseof Commons,but he was not familiar (熟悉的)with the areaand 18 could takehim there in suchheavyfog. So hewas a little 19 . He was trying to find his way in thefog. Soon, however, he realised that he was lost. 20 he bumped (撞)into a stranger Mr Smith said sorry to thestrangerandthen askedhim whether he 21 help him find his way. The stranger said it was a piece of cakeand 22 to takeMr Smith to the meeting place. Mr Smith thanked him and they startedto walk. The fog wasgetting thicker andthicker every minute but the strangerhad no difficulty in finding the way. They went along onestreet,turned down another 23 a squareandat last, after about half an hour, they arrived at the meeting place.Mr Smith couldnt understandhow the strangerfound his way. Its wonderful,he said. But 24 do you find the way in the thick fog?Its no trouble at all 25 me, said the stranger. am blind.()16. A.seeB. touch()17. A.wayB. interests()18. A. somebody B. anybody()19. A.relaxedB. surprised()20. A.UsuallyB. Suddenly()21. A.needB. must()22. A.offeredB. continued()23. A.choseB. knew()24. A.howB. why()25. A.byB. to田.阅读理解(共30分,每小题2分) 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。C.guessC. livesC.nobodyC. excitedC. ProbablyC. couldC. dreamedC. missedC. whereC. aboutD. followD. moneyD. everybodyD. worriedD. EspeciallyD. shouldD. hatedD. crossedD. whenD. againstAhmedI went to asalelastweek. I got a new suit (西装)for my cousinswedding (婚礼) next month. My brother Robert went with me. We forgot to buy thetie (领带).I think people should takesomeonewith them when they go shopping asecondopinion is always useful.NataliaMy husoand and I bought a toy for our five-year-old daughterbut when shegot it out of the box, it wasa bit dirty. So, I took the gift back to the storeand they gave me back the money.I alwaysthink it is important to keep your receipt (收据)when you go shopping becausethen itll be easyto take your money back.YasarMy friend David showed me how to buy something on the Internet. It wasso easy just a couple of clicks! I boughtaCD with all my favourite music on it. CDs are expensiveherein the UK unlike in my country. Clothes aretoo! I always saythat you should look around before you buy something just in case(以防)you find it cheapersomewhee else. My wife Julie doesnt agreethough. Shethinks you should buy what you want assoon asyou seeit in casesomeoneelsebuys it!()26. What did Ahmed buy last week?A. A tie.B.A suit.C. A toy.D.A CD.()27. Who returnedwhat he or shebought?A. Robert.B.Roberts cousin.C. Natalia.D.Nataliashusband.()28. Yasar boughtsomething.A. from his friendB.ata saleC. in his countryD.on the Internet()29. What doesYasarthink of clothesin the UK?A. Expensive.B.Colourful.C. Lovely.D.Strange.()30. Ahmed thinks it is a good idea to.A. shop onlineB. shop carefullyC. keep every receiptD. takesomeoneshoppingBLast year I went on holiday to southernSpainwith my bestfriends, Joannaand Ling.The Spanishpeoplearevery warm to visitors. Although I suggestyou should know a few simple words in Spanishto communicatewith local people,the Spanish people arewilling (愿意的)to speakin English. When we arrived, we didnt know whereto find a hotel. I cameto an old manandaskedhim for help politely .With his4 / 15help, we got to a cheapbut wonderful hotel, which even had a swimming pool. There we really enjoyed ourselves.This year; Joannais going away with her parentsto Greece,so itll bejust Ling andme. Ling wantsus to go on an adventureholiday (冒险旅行)in Africa. That meanswe have to go walking in the desert(沙漠)andsleepout in theopen.Shesaid it would be better than having a lazy holiday; becausewe would learn about the world around usandseesomewild animals. Im not surewhetherl want to go to Africa. For me; a holiday meansrelaxing on a beach;not walking all the way. Ling said that we would seeelephantsand havesomeamazingexperiences.I think shes bored with lying in thesunall day. I haveto make a decision (决定)by next Monday sothat she can buy the planetickets. It would cost 1;400achto go to Africa; but for two weeks in Portugal; lessthan half that money would be enough.()31. Which word can bestdescribethe old man?A. Shy.B. Kind. C. Funny.D. Serious.()32. Where is Joannagoing this year?A. To Spain.B. To Africa.C. To Greece.D. To Portugal.()33. Who is looking forward to an exciting holiday?A. Joannas friends.B. Lings parents.C. Joanna.D. Ling.()34. What will the writer do by next Monday?A. Buy planetickets.B. Make a travel plan.C. Tell her friend her decision.D. Find someinformation about Africa.()35. Which of the following is TRUE ?A. The threegirls hadagood time in the cheaphotel.B. The Spanishdont like to speakin English.C. Ling doesnt like to seewild animals.D. The writer hopes for a cheapholiday.CAlbert Einstein andWolfgang Mozart are possibly the two most famous examples of peoplewho aregeniuses(天才).But unlike Mozart, Einstein wasrlt very talented asa kid. Born in Germanyin 1879, hewasslow to learn to speak,andhewasa normal (正常的)studentat school. He wasinterestedin mathsand science,but he liked to study at home better. Later, he studied to be a teacher but he didnt find a job in a school andfor someyearshe wasan office worker. A lot of Einsteinsmost famous ideaswerethe result of study in his free time, when he also played the violin to relax.From 1908, hewasa university teacherfor many years,first in Europeandthen in the US. He was the winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. He wasfamous for his theory of relativity (相对论),but only severalscientistscould understandit. His biggest dream was to find oneexplanationfor thebasicideasin physics, but he died before this was possible.As afamousscientist, Einstein got lettersfrom peoplearound the world. Someof the letters were from children and he always answeredthem. One letter was from a girl with mathsproblemsatschool. Doiotworry aboutyour difficulties in maths” was his answer. cantell you that mine arestill greater. ”Einstein died in a hospital in 1955. He was named “ Personf the Century in 1999 by Time Magazine.()36. When Einstein wasa kid, he.A. liked to study at homeB. hadno friends at schoolC. wasnot a normal studentD. showedno interest in science()37. What did Einstein do to relax in his free time?A. He read books.B. He watchedmovies.C. He took long walks.D. He played the violin.()38. What doesthe underlined word “ this in “Paragraph 2 refer to?A. Being a university teacherB. Discovering the theory of relativity.C. Winning the Nobel Prize in Physics.D. Explaining the basicideasin physics.()39. Einstein died at theageof.A. 44B. 55C. 76D. 79()40. Which is the besttitle for the passage?A. Two Great GeniusesB. Person of the CenturyC. The Theory of RelativityD. EinsteinsAnswer to a LetterIV.补全对话(共5分,每小题1分)根据对话内容,在每个空白处填入一个适当的句子,使对话完整、合乎情境。A: Hi, Susan.Youre readingthe novel again.B: Yes,Linda. Its really great!A: (41)?B: Four times. Every time I read it, I can always learn something new.A: Really?(42)?B: CharlesDickens. I think heis a great English writer.A: He is also my favourite foreign writer. Let me havea look at the novel, OK?B: OK, hereyou are!A: (43)?B: In SunshineBookshop.A: (44)?B: No, only 10 minuteswalk from here, next to Meetall Supermarket.A: Oh, I see.Im going thereto get one. (45)!B: Youre welcome!V.语法填空(共10分,每小题1分)阅读下面短文,在空白处按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Sam was sitting on the sofa, watching television. His mum walked in the door (46)(介词)their dog, Hally. Hi,Hally! How was your checkup (体 检)? Samasked.Hally walked right over to Sam and lay down at his (47)(foot). “ We have to help Hally, said Mum. “Dcyou remember the first time we met her? We choseherbecauseshelooked like hermum. Hally wasbrown with spots( 斑点)and long ears, and shewas energetic( 有活力的),so we (48)(think) shewould be strong, like her mum. But what Hally is like now?” Mum asked. Well,said Sam, “ shis still brown with spotsandlong ears,(49)(连词)shes not very energeticor strong any more. ” “ Thatwhatthe vet (兽医)said too. We didnt let her exerciseasmuch, andweve (50)(feed)hera lot. We have to start walking her more often, sothat shell stay (51)(health).W川 you help?SuresaidSam. He (52)(decide)to play with Hally every day, becausethen shecould run and run until shewastired.The first day, Sam and Hally only played for about ten (53)(minute) before Hally was tired. But Samkept (54)(play) with her in the yard every day. Soon,they could play for almost two hours! Hally looked (55)(strong) day by day, just like hermum. Samfelt great about helping Hally get strongagain. VI.词汇运用(共5分,每小题1分) 根据语境及所给汉语或音标提示写出所缺单词。56 . Tim felt 仆适的)after a few weeks of exercise.57 . How much did he spend travelling 旺国夕卜)?58 . If you dont work hard,its difficult for you to get the 序位).59 . He hada head/wu?nd/andwasin pain.60 . The children aregoing to havea party to celebratethe/vkt?ri/. 印.阅读表达(共10分,每小题2分)阅读下面短文,根据其内容完成后面各项任务。“Dad,ook! I shouted, pointing to the middle of the crossing. There sat the summers 13th box turtle (箱龟).My dadquickly parked our truck (卡车)on the side of the streetand got out. He held out his handsto stop moving cars.然后,他走至U街上,捡起那只乌龟。Dad was a biologist (生物学家)andheloved turtles.“ Great! said. Anotherurtle is safe. ”I grew up in an area of Florida. As more and more housesand shopping mallswerebuilt, many box turtles lost their homes.Someof them endedupon lawns (草坪) and busy highways. People would want to savethem, but didnt know whereto go.They would take them to my dad. So far that summer; peoplehad brought us12 box turtles. We called them “ BTs ” .A girl found BT 1 swimming in her pool. A familys pet dog carried BT 10 home in his mouth. The dog was so careful that the turtle wasunharmed ( 未受伤的)! But I thought BT 13 was the luckiest of all. Its amazing that it didnt get hurt, saidmy dad.When we got home; I carried Number 13 to the backyardandkept it there.We didnt want to keep Number 13 asa pet. Like all the animals people brought to us; Number 13 belonged in the wild. When my dadthought theturtle was ready, we took it to a placecloseto wherewed found it onethatwassafefrom moving carsand trucks.After a last look at the turtle, I put it down. Goodbye;umber13, I said.Theturtle walked straight into the forest. I was sorry to seeit go, but I felt sure that Number 13 would enjoy its life in thewild.61 .将文中划线的汉语句子译成英语。62 .回答问题: Why would people probably take box turtles to the writers dad?63 .回答问题: What doesthe underlinedword “ theminParagraph4 refer to?64 .将文中划线的英语句子译成汉语65 .从文中找出与下面所给句子意思相同的句子。When I sawit go, I felt sorry. However, I wassurethat Number 13 would live a happy life in the wild.皿.书面表达(10分)在下次的英语班会上,老师计划让大家谈论自己心目中的英雄。请你根据所 给提示写一篇英语短文,以备班会上发言用。提示:1 .你心目中的英雄是谁;2 .他/她为什么会成为你心目中的英雄(至少两方面)。要求:1 .语法正确、语句通顺、意思连贯;2 .至少给出两条理由;3 . 90词左右。答案I . 1-5CDABAII . 16-20 AACDBm. 26-30 BCDAD6-10DBCBA21-25 CADAB31-35 BCDCA11-15ABCDD36-40 ADDCBIV. 41. How many times haveyou read it42. Who wrote it / Who is the writer43. Wheredid you buy it44. Is it far from here45. ThankyouV . 46. with 47. feet48. thought 49. but50. fed51. healthy52. decidedVI. 56. sick57. abroad53. minutes 54. playing58. degree 59. wound55. stronger60. victoryVH . 61. Then he walked into the streetand picked up that turtle.62. Becausehewasa biologist andhe loved turtles.63. Box turtles.64. 令人惊奇的是,它没有受到伤害65. I was sorry to seeit go, but I felt surethat Number 13 would enjoy its life in the wild.W. One possibleversion:My father is the hero in my heart. He is kind and hard-working. When I have trouble, he always gives mesomeadvice. He often teachesmehow to be a good boy. He not only takesgood careof me, but also looks after my grandpaentswell. He is glad to do this. As for his job, he works very hard andhe haswon someprizes.Thats my dad the hero in my mind. I want to be a person like him when I grow up.部分解析单项选择1. Co本题考查介词辨析。from意为 我来,来自,with意为 与在一起;和,including意为 包含;包括”,between意为 在 之间”,结合语境可 知应选Co2. Do本题考查代词辨析。he意为 他(主格) his意为 他的 him意为 他(宾格)”, himself意为他自己”结合语境可知应选D。3. Ao本题考查连词辨析。sothat意为 以致于,since意为 自以来”,if意 为 如果;若,assoonas意为 乙就”,结合语境可知应选A。4. B。本题考查连词辨析。though意为 虽然;但是,because1为 因为,so 意为 所以,till意为 直到为止”,结合语境可知应选B。5. Ao本题考查名词辨析。tool意为 工具,sugar意为 糖”,salt意为 盐”,ball 意为 球”,结合语境可知应选Ao6. Do本题考查名词辨析。tradition意为 传统习俗”,education意为 教育;学业”, competition意为E匕赛;竞争,operation意为 手术”,结合语境可知应选D。7. Bo本题考查名词辨析。information意为 信息”,invention意为 发明;发明物 interest意为兴趣;爱好,interview意为采访;访谈 结合语境可知应选B。8. Co本题考查名词和形容词辨析。Canada意为加拿大,Canadian意为加拿 大的;加拿大人的,故选Co9. Bo本题考查形容词辨析。lovely意为冷人愉快的;可爱的 dying意为垂死 的;即将死亡的 perfect意为完美的 quiet意为寂静的;安静的结合语境可 知应选Bo10. Ao本题考查动词辨析。rest意为 休息;睡眠”,thank意为 谢谢工100k意 为看,瞧”,search意为搜寻;搜索;查找,结合语境可知应选A。11. Ao本题考查动词辨析。treat意为 医治;治疗,change意为 改变;变化”, keep意为 保持,cause意为 造成;引起,结合语境可知应选A。12. Bo本题考查动词辨析。finish意为 结束;完成 attend意为 参加,like意 为喜欢;喜爱 worry意为担心结合语境可知应选B。13. Co本题考查短语动词辨析。look up意为 查;查找getup意为 起床”,give up意为 放弃,setup意为 开办;设立;创办;建立,结合语境可知应选Co14. Do本题考查短语动词辨析。take away意为 等去;拿起,take part in意为 参 加;参与,takeup意为 付去(时间或空间),takecareof意为 照顾”,结合语境 可知应选D15. Do本题考查动词的用法。managetodosth意为 设法做某事”,故选D 完形填空【体裁】记叙文【话题】故事与诗歌【大意】伦敦,大雾,很多人迷了路,一位盲人帮助Mr Smith找到了路。16. A。司机们之所以停在路边,是因为他们在大雾中看不清”路。174 人们试图步行去目的地,但是大部分在大雾中迷了路”。18. Co由第二段第三句和第四句可知,Mr Smith努力找路,但是很快发现自己 迷了路。由此推断这里要表达的意思是:没有人带他去那里。19. D。由于会议很重要而且 没有人”给他引路,可推出他有些 担忧”。20. Bo正在他发现自己迷路的时候,突然”,他撞上了一个人。21. Co由设空处下一句 那位陌生人说小菜一碟”,可推出Mr Smith问陌生人是 否 可以”帮助他找到自己的路。22. Ao由设空处下一句 他们开始步行”,可推出陌生人 生动提出带Mr Smith 到他开会的地方。23. Do他们从一条街拐到另一条街上,然后 穿过”一个广场。24. Ao由设空处上一句的不能 理解”,可推出Mr Smith问这个陌生人是 如何 找到路的。25. Bo “对于我来说,这一点儿都不难,因为 我是盲人 阅读理解A【体裁】应用文【话题】购物【大意】三个人分别讲述了一次购物的经历,并对购物提出了自己的看法。26. Bo本小题考查学生查找细节信息的能力。由Ahmed所言部分的第二句可知, 他买了套新西装是为下个月表弟的婚礼做准备,因此选Bo27. Co本小题考查学生理解具体信息的能力。由Natalia所言部分的前两句可知, 她退还了给女儿买的礼物,因而选 Co28. Do本小题考查学生查找细节信息的能力。由 治sar所言部分的前三句可知, 他在网上买了 CD,因此D项正确。29. Ao本小题考查学生理解具体信息的能力。由治sar所言部分的第四句和第五 句可知,他觉得英国的衣服很贵,因而选 Ao30. Do本小题考查学生理解具体信息的能力。由 Ahmed所言部分的最后一句可知,他认为购物时最好带上其他人,以听听他人意见,因此D项正确。B【体裁】说明文【话题】旅游与交通【大意】材料介绍了作者和朋友去年的旅行情况以及今年的旅行计划31. Bo本小题考查学生理解具体信息的能力。由第二段最后两句可知,老人及时为他们提供了帮助,因此可判断他很善良。32. Co本小题考查学生查找细节信息的能力。由第三段首句可知答案。33. Do本小题考查学生理解具体信息的能力。从第三段第二句及之后内容均可 看出Ling比较期待一场冒险的旅行。故 D项正确。34. Co本小题考查学生查找细节信息的能力。由第三段倒数第二句可知答案。35. Ao本小题考查学生理解具体信息的能力。由第二段最后两句可知 A项正确C【体裁】说明文【话题】历史与社会【大意】材料主要介绍了爱因斯坦的生平及其伟大之处。36. Ao本小题考查学生查找细节信息的能力。由第一段第四句可知A项正确。37. Do本小题考查学生理解具体信息的能力。第一段末句提到爱因斯坦的很多 想法是他空闲时间学习的成果,同时他也弹小提琴,由此可知D项正确。38. Do本小题考查学生理解指代关系的能力。这里白this指代前文中的to find one explanation for thebasicideasin physics。D 项和其意思一致。39. Co本小题考查学生查找细节信息和简单计算的能力。由最后一段可知,爱 因斯坦卒于1955年,而第一段提到其生于1879年。简单计算之后,可知他于 76岁时逝世。40. Bo本小题考查学生归纳文章标题的能力。最后一段点睛之笔提到时代周 刊将爱因斯坦誉为世纪杰出人物因此B项作为文章标题最能概括材料大意。语法填空【体裁】记叙文【话题】日常活动【大意】自家的狗Hally越来越胖,Sam通过自己的努力成功帮Hally减肥46. with。介词with可以表示 和一起”。47. feet。Hally趴到了小主人的双脚旁。此处填foot的复数形式。48. thought。Hally看起来充满活力,所以我们 认为”它会很强壮。动作发生在过 去,所以该空填think的过去式形式。49. but。前后句义关系很明显为转折,故该空填 but。50. fed。Hally发胖的主要原因是缺乏锻炼和吃得过多,feed的过去式是fed,属 于不规则变化。51. healthy。stayhealthy 意为 保持健康”。52. decided。他决定”每天和Hally玩。动作发生在过去,所以用 decide的过去 式 decided53. minute* 考查可数名词复数。played for about ten minutes 意为 玩了 10 分钟”。54. playing o keep doing sth.意为 保持做某事”。55. stronger。Hally一天一天地看起来 更强壮”,用strong的比较级形式。


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