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江苏省2014届准高三英语 完形+阅读 暑假限时训练4I. 完形 At the age of 13, I was angry and rebellious (叛逆的). I cared little about anything my parents had to say, _1_ if it had to do with me._2_so many teenagers, I struggled to escape from anything that didnt_3_my picture of the world. A “brilliant without need of guidance” kid, I_4_any open offering of love. In fact, I got_5_at the mention of the word love.One night, after a particularly_6_day, I stormed into my room, shut the door and got into bed. _7_I lay down in the privacy of my bed, my hands slipped under my pillow. There was a(n)_8_. I pulled it out and on the envelope it_9_“To read when youre_10_”.Since I was alone, no one would know whether I read it or not, so I_11_ it. It said: “Mike, I know life is hard right now, I know you are frustrated and I know we dont do everything right. I also know that I love you completely and_12_you do or say will ever change that. I am here_13_you if you ever need to talk, and if you dont, thats_14_. Just know that _15_where you go or what you do in your life, I will always love you and be proud that you are my son. Love, Mom.”That was the _16_of several “To read when youre alone” letters. They were_17_mentioned until I was an adult. In the midst of my turbulent (不安分的) teen years, the letters were the calm assurance that I could be_18_in spite of my rebelliousness. Just before I fell asleep I thanked God that my mom knew what I, an angry teenager,_19_. Today when the seas of life get stormy, I know that just under my _20_there is that calm assurance that love consistent, enduring, unconditional love changes lives.1. A. particularly B. similarly C. eventually D. only2. A. With B. Besides C. Like D. Among3. A. agree with B. allow for C. pick up D. relate to4. A. appreciated B. missed C. received D. rejected5. A. curious B. angry C. excited D. nervous6. A. difficult B. joyful C. peaceful D. ordinary7. A. So B. Since C. As D. Before8. A. message B. magazine C. book D. envelope9. A. wrote B. said C. warned D. spelled10. A. lonely B. awake C. alone D. tired11. A. folded B. opened C. examined D. answered12. A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing13. A. beyond B. except C. for D. against14. A. okay B. possibleC. bad D. disappointing15. A. as long as B. no matterC. in case D. only if16. A. best B. firstC. last D. unique17. A. never B. seldomC. frequently D. sometimes18. A. waited B. trusted C. loved D. praised19. A. needed B. expected C. understood D. achieved20. A. desk B. feet C. bed D. pillowII阅读(A)l What is this job like?Recreation workers plan and teach activities that people do in their free time. This may include camping, sports, arts and crafts, or dance. Recreation workers organize these activities for people of all ages.Recreation workers do a variety of jobs. A new kind of recreation worker in China is an outward bound instructor. Outward bound instructors lead and teach activities such as swimming, hiking, horseback riding, skating, skiing, and camping.Fitness instructors teach and help people with exercises such as weightlifting, yoga, and aerobics. They help people train and meet their personal fitness goals. They also show people the proper way to do various exercises. Aerobics instructors teach classes that help people improve their physical condition.Recreation workers do their jobs in different places such as health clubs and parks. Those who work outdoors sometimes have to deal with bad weather.Most fitness instructors spend their time indoors at fitness centers and health clubs. Many instructors work for about 40 hours a week. Some work nights and weekends.l How do you get the job?Many full-time jobs require a college degree with a major in recreation or leisure studies.Special training or experience in a particular field, such as art, music, drama, or athletics, is important for many jobs.Some jobs require certification. A recreation worker or fitness instructor may be certified in a particular area of exercise such as personal training, strength training or aerobics. Many fitness instructors become personal trainers.Recreation workers and fitness instructors should like working with people. They must be patient and able to talk to others clearly. They also need to be healthy and physically fit.l How much does this job pay?Most recreation workers and fitness instructors make between 35,000 and 45,000 yuan a year when they start work.Earnings of successful, self-employed personal trainers can be much higher.l What about the future?People are likely to spend more and more money and time on leisure and businesses to have more recreation and fitness programs for their employees. As a result, the number of jobs for recreation workers and fitness instructors is expected to grow.However, most workers are expected to face tough competition for jobs because so many people want to become recreation workers and fitness instructors. People with formal training or experience will have the best chance of getting a job.The recreation field also provides a large number of short-term, seasonal jobs suitable for high school or college students.21. What do recreation workers do?A. They teach people the proper way to do exercise.B. They improve peoples physical condition.C. They organize outdoor activities.D. They teach people leisure activities.22. How many varieties of recreation workers are mentioned in the text?A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 523. Those who want to apply for the job need _.a. a masters degreeb. training in a particular fieldc. good interpersonal skillsd. experience as a personal trainerA. a, b B. b, c C. a, c D. c, d24. Why might this be a good career to choose at the moment?A. It will become one of the highest-paid careers.B. There isnt much competition in this area.C. More and more recreation workers will be needed.D. Colleges are providing more training for students.(B) Insect wings have many different shapes and colors. They also have different uses.Most insects have two pairs of wings, with one pair behind the other. These wings are used for flying, of course. But wings can help an insect in other ways too.FlyingHow fast an insect can fly depends on the size and speed of its wings. Houseflies are faster because they have small wings that flap quickly.The same is true for honeybees. A honeybee can flap its small wings 225 times each second, and can fly at 23 km/h. Thats fast for an insect.But butterflies drift from flower to flower. They flap their broad wings slowly. Sometimes they glide without flapping at all. These big wings could break if the butterfly flapped as hard as a bee does.Hard CoveringsWings are not just for flying. In fact, a beetles front wings are not for flying at all. These two wings are hard. When the beetle rests or walks, they cover its soft body like two pieces of a nutshell. These wings help protect the beetle from being eaten by birds.When the beetle flies, it holds its front wings out to the side. With these hard wings out of the way, the beetle can fly with its small back wings.Colors for HidingSome wings have colors and patterns that make the insect hard to see. These wings look like the places where the insect rests. When the creature holds still, it doesnt look like an insect. It looks like a leaf or stone or piece of bark.The colors help the insect hide from animals that might eat it. This kind of coloring is called camouflage.Grasshoppers have camouflage. When they sit on plants, their wings look like the leaves around them.Bright ColorsSome insects dont hide at all. Instead, their wings have bright colors that can be seen from far away.Scientists say these colors warn birds that the insects are not good to eat.The wings of the monarch butterfly have warning colors of bright orange with black. A bird might eat one of these butterflies. But after the bad taste of that meal, the colors warn the bird not to eat another one.Most people think wings are just for flying. I like to tell them about these amazing uses.25. Why do butterflies have broad wings?A. Because they fly slowly.B. Because the bigger their wings are, the faster they fly.C. Because they help them balance on flowers.D. Because they protect their wings from being broken.26. A beetles front wings _.A. play an important role in its flyingB. can help the beetle walk fasterC. are not as useful as its small back wingsD. are more a weapon than a flying tool for the beetle27. How can insects make use of their colors?a. to warn their enemies b. to compete with othersc. to disguise themselves d. to appeal to their friendsA. ac B. ab C. acd D. abcd28. How many insects has the author used as examples?A. Four. B. Five.C. Six. D. Seven.(C)Having a purpose in life makes you live longer, according to scientists at Rush University Medical Center. They say that having focus, intentions and a sense of meaning in your life are all associated with lower mortality rates among older adults.What the purpose is appears not to matter much, nor does it seem to matter whether goals are ambitious or modest. “It can be anything from wanting to accomplish a goal in life, to achieving something in a volunteer organization, to as little as reading a series of books,” said a lead author of the study, Dr. Patricia Boyle, PhD, a neuropsychologist at the Rush Alzheimers Disease Center in Chicago.Dr. Boyle and her colleagues looked at more than 1,200 elderly individuals who lived in community environments. None of them had dementia (痴呆). The investigators did an initial evaluation of all participants, and then followed them for the period of 5 years.At the very beginning, the subjects were asked questions about their life purpose. They had to rate themselves on different areas. Their answers were used to work out whether they felt their life had a meaning and that they felt they were working toward goals. According to Dr. Boyle, the average score on the sense-of-purpose measurement was 3.7 out of possible 5.When comparing scores, the investigators revealed that participants who had a higher sense of purpose had nearly 50 percent less of a the risk of dying during the follow-up period, compared with people whose sense of purpose was lower. The findings held true even after accounting for other factors, such as depression, disability, the number of medical conditions and income. The association of purpose in life with mortality did not differ among men and women, nor did it among white people and African-Americans. During the study period, 151 participants died.The investigators reported that significant associations with mortality were found with three particular items on the purpose of life questionnaire to determine the study participants agreement with the following statements: “I sometimes feel as if I have done all there is to do in life;” “I used to set goals for myself, but that now seems like a waste of time;” and “My daily activities often seem trivial and unimportant to me.”29. What does the underlined word “mortality” mean in the first paragraph?A. Death. B. Depression. C. Disease. D. Disability.30. Which of the following is TRUE about the study?A. It was scientific and convincing.B. The participants were healthy elderly individuals.C. The findings would have been different if other factors had been considered.D. Those participants who died during the study had no strong purpose in life.31. The statements listed in the last paragraph share the sense of a lack of _.A. meaning in life B. happiness in life C. dedication to life D. plans in life (D)A few weeks after the death of my first wife, Georgia, I was cutting open a bag of frozen peas and it slipped from my hands and crashed to the floor. The peas rolled everywhere like marbles. I tried to use a broom, but with each swipe the peas rolled across the kitchen, bounced off the wall and rolled in all directions.My mental state at the time was fragile. Losing my wife had been an unbearable pain. I got on my hands and knees and gathered the peas into a pile. I was half laughing and half crying as I collected them. It doesnt take much for a person dealing with grief to break down.For the next week, every time I was in the kitchen, I would find a pea that had escaped my first cleanup. Eight months later I pulled out the refrigerator to clean, and found a dozen or so peas hidden underneath.By the time I found those last few remaining peas, I was in a new relationship with a wonderful woman. After we married, I was reminded of those peas under the refrigerator. I realized my life had been like that bag of frozen peas. It had shattered. My wife was gone. I was in a new city with a busy job. My son was with me and was also having trouble adjusting to his new surroundings and the loss of his mother. I was a bag of spilled, frozen peas. My life had come apart and scattered.When life gets you down; when everything you know comes apart; when you think you can never get through the tough times, remember, it is just a bag of scattered, frozen peas. The peas can be collected and life moves on.You will find all the peas. First the easy peas come together in a pile. You pick them up and start to move on. Later you will find the peas that are bigger and harder to see. When you gather all the peas together, life will be whole again.The life you know can be scattered at any time. You will move on, but how fast you do so depends on you.How will you collect your peas?32. How did the author feel when the peas rolled everywhere?A. Annoyed. B. Amused.C. Scared. D. Sad.33. What does the underlined word “fragile” mean in the second paragraph?A. Delicate. B. Strong.C. Dark. D. Strange.34. The author compares his life to the peas because _.A. both can go in different directionsB. both are small things in a big worldC. both can be scattered and recovered againD. peas are separate just like he was separated from his wife35. Which of the following best describes the tone of the article?A. Encouraging. B. Questioning.C. Humorous. D. Discouraging.Keys: 1-5 ACADB 6-10 ACDBC 11-15 BDCAB 16-20 BACAD1. A。我对父母说的一切都不太在意,尤其是跟我相关的内容,have to do with 和相关。2. C。像很多的青少年一样, 我。因此这里用Like。3. A。我努力要逃离和我的世界不一致的东西。agree with 一致,相符合;allow for 考虑到;pick up 捡起, 收听到,学会,中途接某人;relate to 与有关。4. D。觉得自己是一个“不需要指引的优秀的”孩子,所以别人向我表示关爱时,“我”都会拒绝。5. B。结合上句话和本段第一句话可以推断得知,作者因为叛逆,一听到“爱”这个词就生气。Curious 好奇的;nervous 紧张不安的。6. A。由下文的“stormed into shut the door”以及第三段的“I know life is hard right now”可知,回家时作者心情很不好,一定是那天过得不太愉快。7. C。当我趴在自己的床上时,我的手滑进我的枕头下面。As在此处是连词,表示“当的时候”。8. D。从下文可知,枕头底下是妈妈写给作者的一封信。9. B。此处say的意思是“写道”,用主动形式。例如:What does the card say?10. C。第四段第一句话里的“To read when youre alone”与此处呼应。11. B。上文说,因为作者一个人待着,没人知道他会不会读这封信,所以这里应该是打开它了。12. D。我全心全意地爱你,无论你说什么或做什么都不能改变这一点。13. C。I am here for you的意思是“我为你守候,不离不弃”。14. A。如果你不想谈,那也没关系。15. B。只是你要知道无论你去哪儿或做什么,我会永远爱你,以你为荣。as long as 只要;no matter 无论;in case 以防万一;only if 只要,只有。16. B。从下文可知,这封信以后,妈妈给作者写了好些这种信。17. A。从文章来看,作者正处于青春叛逆期,和父母的沟通出现了问题,所以应该是直到成年以后,他们才提到这些信。18. C。这些信让我相信,尽管我叛逆,母亲都爱我。19. A。我感谢上帝,因为妈妈知道作为一个生气的少年,我需要什么。20. D。从第二段可知,应该是枕头下面,青春期的时候那些信代表了父母始终如一和无条件的爱。21. D。文章第一句话“Recreation workers plan and teach activities that people do in their free time”就指明了Recreation workers的工作。22. A。文中提到了“outward bound instructor”和“Fitness instructors”两种,注意Aerobics instructors是Fitness instructors的一种。23. B。从题干可知应从文中“How do you get the job”部分找答案,从“Special training or experience in a particular field”和“They must be patient and able to talk to others clearly”可知B正确,24. C。从题干可知应当从文中“What about the future”关于这个工作的前途部分找答案,从“the number of jobs for recreation workers and fitness instructors is expected to grow”可知答案为C。25. A。从第五段可知,蝴蝶日常只是需要在花朵中飞行,所以它们的飞行速度不用很快,如果它们像蜜蜂一样使劲地扇动翅膀,它们的大翅膀会很容易破损的。26.D。从第六段的“they cover its soft body like two pieces of a nutshell. These wings help protect the beetle from being eaten by birds”可知,甲虫的前翅主要起保护作用,因此D正确,C有误。由第六段的“In fact, a beetles front wings are not for flying at all”可以排除A。文中没有提到B,也排除。27.A。从倒数第三段的“Scientists say these colors warn birds that the insects are not good to eat”得出a正确。第八段的“Some wings have colors and patterns that make the insect hard to see”说明c正确,disguise的意思是“伪装”。28.C。作者在文中一共提到了六种昆虫,分别是houseflies,honeybees,butterflies,beetles,grasshoppers,monarch butterfly。29. A。第一段里提到,科学家们说有生活目标和老年人的较低的mortality率是有关系的。从第五段里的“participants who had a higher sense of purpose had nearly 50 percent less of a the risk of dying”以及“During the study period, 151 participants died.”可以猜测出,mortality应该是“死亡”的意思。30. A。第三段里提到,科学家们研究了1,200名老年对象,跟踪调查了他们5年,所以这项研究应该是有科学性和可信的。文中没有提到BD,排除。第五段的“The findings held true even after accounting for other factors, such as”说明C不对。31. A。最后一段里的“我有时觉得生命里该做的事情都已经做完了”、“我以前会为自己设定目标,但是现在这么做是浪费时间”、“我的日常生活看上去琐碎和不重要”,这些说话者都没有积极地寻找生命的意义。32. D。由第二段的“It doesnt take much for a person dealing with grief to break down”可以得此答案。grief的意思是“悲伤”,break down的意思是“精神崩溃”。33. A。下文的“Losing my wife had been an unbearable pain”说明,作者刚刚失去了妻子,这对他来说是无法忍受的痛苦,捡豆子时他是“half laughing and half crying”,所以这时作者的精神状态应该是“脆弱的”。34. C。由第五段尤其是“The peas can be collected and life will move on”这句话可以得此答案。35. A。作者把人生的低谷比喻成散落在地上的豆子,鼓励大家收拾好自己的心情勇敢地向前看。10


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