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翻译二级口译综合能力 -19( 总分: 100.00 ,做题时间: 90 分钟 )一、BPart I /B(总题数:2,分数:20.00)IListen to the following short passages and then decide whether the corresponding statements are true or false. Blacken the letter A on the Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET if you think the statement is true, or the letter B if you think it is false. You will hear each passage only once. There are 10 statements in this part of the test, 2 points for each statement./IIListen to the following short passages and then decide whether the corresponding statements are true or false. Blacken the letter A on the Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET if you think the statement is true, or the letter B if you think it is false. You will hear each passage only once. There are 10 statements in this part of the test, 2 points for each statement./I(分数: 10.00 )(1).John Ciardi got his masters degree from the University of Michigan in 1939 and has published more than 40 poems. (分数: 2.00 )A. 正确B. 错误 V解析: 解析 John Ciardi was horn in 1916 in Boston, Massachusetts, the child of Italian immigrants. He attended Bates College and Tufts College and received his masters degree from the University of Michigan in 1939. He is the author of more than forty volumes of poetry. 分析 事实细节的找寻和判断。 将题干中的细节信息与原文对照,发现原文说 John Ciardi 写诗的数量为“ more than forty volumes of poetry ”即“四十多卷诗歌”,而不是题干所言的四十多首 (more than forty poems) 。因此, 该题的说法是错误的。 解题关键 注意数字后面的量词。量词经常会成为听力考查的对象。(2).In the future, people may not use chemicals to propel spacecraft.(分数: 2.00 )A. 正确 VB. 错误解析: 解析 Most NASA spacecraft rely on some form of chemical propellant to push themselves through space. But at the Marshall-based center, researchers are studying a range of future propulsion methods, including propellant-less systems, simulated fission engines that could one-day lead to the real thing and the basic technologies necessary for future antimatter drives. 分析 语义推断题。 该段主要讨论宇宙飞船的动力系统。根据原文我们知道如今大部分飞船靠化学物质 作为动力,但如今研究者们正在研制一系列的未来动力措施。由此可推测,未来飞船不会使用化学物质作 为动力。因此,该题的说法是正确的。 解题关键 注意文中信号词的使用。文中第二句使用 but 实现了 前后部分的转折,前部分说飞船使用化学推动力,自然该词后部分应该是说飞船不再会使用化学物质为动 力。(3).The speaker felt embarrassed to speak in class.(分数: 2.00 )A. 正确 VB. 错误解析: 解析 I just got out of a history class. Im sure I made a fool of myself. I just got so embarrassed and nervous whenever Ive to speak in front of a group of people. I stand up and my face gets red and then I get even more nervous because I know everyone can see me blushing. 分析 语篇逻辑结构的判断。 原文是说话者谈自己上历史课的表现。 中心词使用了 embarrassed and nervous , 后面以具体事例说明他是如何 embarrassed and nervous 。因此题目总结他的表现是 embarrassed 与原文 相符,是正确的说法。 解题关键 判断中心句和支持性细节的关系。一般而言,中心句的用词较为抽象、 具有概括性,如文中所用的 embarrassed ,而支持性细节的用词较为生动具体,如文中的具体事例。(4).The vapor problem was mainly caused by the chemical containments from the groundwater out of the company. (分数: 2.00 )A. 正确B. 错误 V解析: 解析 The company, which was not the sole source of the pollution but is the only business working on the cleanup, has already spent several million dollars installingventilation systemsand creating a network of wells, pumps and filters to extract chemical contaminants from groundwater. The vapor problem came to light in 2003 as a result of air-quality tests sought by residents. 分析 事实细节的找寻和判断。 根据文章语义因果关系可推断地下水中的污染物蒸发造成空 气污染,这一点与题干说法相符,但就地下水的来源,通过原文“ the company, which was not the sole source of the pollution ”可推测, 被污染的地下水并非只来自该公司一家, 因此, 该题的说法是错误的。 解题关键 对关键词的正确理解有助于解题,如原文相关处一词“ sole ”意为“唯一的”,可帮助听者推 测既然该公司不是唯一的污染源,那么被污染的地下水就不会只来自该公司一家。(5).Schools in Maryland used to raise fund for construction and renovation by selling bonds. (分数: 2.00 )A. 正确 VB. 错误解析: 解析 Faced with a problem that could break the budget, Maryland is joining a growing number of states by looking for private partners to help improve school facilities. A law that took effect July 1 allows Maryland s school systems to fund school construction and renovation projects using alternatives to traditional financing, which usually comes from the sale of bonds by public agencies to banks and investors. 分析 特定信息的找寻和判断。 根据题干中提供的特定信息 Maryland , school 和 construction and renovation ,找到原文相关处,可知“ A law. allows Marylands school systems to fund school construction and renovation projects using alternatives to traditional financing, which usually comes from the sale of bonds. ”即“该法规允许马里兰州的学校使用非 传统的方式解决其用于校舍建设和翻新的资金, 比如可以出售债券”, 由此可见,该题的说法是正确的。 解 题关键 搞清句子成分有助于解题,如原句说到解决资金使用非传统手段时,使用了 which 引导的非限定 性定语从句,具体说明了 bonds 这一形式。(分数: 10.00 )(1).The company began by offering computer software solutions to local businesses in the greater Seattle metropolitan area. (分数: 2.00 )A. 正确B. 错误 V解析: 解析 Globalcall Communications has grown from a telecommunications solutions provider for local businesses in the greater Seattle metropolitan area to a truly global corporation providing telecommunications solutions for clients both large and small. Established to fill a significant market gap for simple communication solutions, the company first expanded to most major North American cities before becoming a major multinational player. 分析 语义的理解和判断。 根据原文“ Globalcall Communications has grown from a telecommunica tions solutions provider for local businesses in the greater Seattle metropolitan area to a truly global corporation. ” 可判断该句中的 has grown from. to.句型实际上点明了该公司由起家到发迹的历史,该公司一开始是为西雅图大商圈中的企业服务,而后成长为国际性公司。因此,该题的说法是正确的。 解题关键 同 义词替换。原文中 has grown from 与题干中 began 意思相同,使听者可由此抓住听的重心。(2).The airport is able to handle 25 million passengers and 1.2 million tons of cargo a year. (分数: 2.00 )A. 正确 VB. 错误解析: 解析 The 350,000-square meter, granite-floored and glass-walled terminal can accommodate 25 million passengers a year and the airport, which has two runways, can handle 1.2 million tons of air freight, the worlds third-highest cargo capacity. 分析 数字信息的找寻。 根据题干中 的数字信息,与原文相关处作对照,发现细节均相符,因此该题的说法是正确的。 解题关键 1) 根据题 干特点抓住原文数字信息重点听; 2) 同义词替换,在相关信息处, 原文中数字修饰的中心词“ freight ”与 题干中使用的“ cargo ”意思相当,均指“货物”。(3) .According to the U.S. scientists, the bacteria giving the soft orange glow prevents the seawater from nourishing the coral. (分数: 2.00 )A. 正确B. 错误 V解析: 解析 U.S. scientists discovered that the soft orange glow of a common Caribbean coral comes not from the corm itself but from bacteria that live inside it. And the bacteria not only give the coral a little nightlight, but they also break down seawater to help nourish the coral. 分析 事实细节的找寻和判断。 根据题干,需要与原文核对的细节有两处:1) 某种细菌是否发出橘黄色的光, 2) 该细菌是否阻止海水向珊瑚提供养分。根据原文“ the soft orange glow. but from bacteria that live inside it ”可知,题干中第一处细节与原文相符;根据原文“ the bacteria. break down seawater to help nourish the coral ”即“该细菌还可分解海水,使其更有助于为珊瑚提供养分”,由 此可见,第二处细节与原文说法不符,因此该题的说法是错误的。 解题关键 掌握反义词的识别,有助于迅速解题。原文中的 help 与题干中的 prevent.from 是反义词。(4) .Instead of sending patients a letter as a reminder, now most UK hospitals use short messages to remind the patients of appointments. (分数: 2.00 )A. 正确B. 错误 V解析: 解析 Now, text messaging is increasingly being used by UK hospitals to remind patients about outpatient appointments and could potentially save the Nati6nal Health Service millions of pounds every year. Ealing Hospital in West London sends 20 texts per day, reminding the patients in advance of the date and time of their appointment. Before using the text messaging system, the hospital relied solely on sending patients a letter as a reminder. 分析 事实细节的找寻 和判断。 将题干中关键词与原文对照,发现没有 short messages 或其相近的表达。原文出现的核心词是 text messaging 。由此可见,题干的说法是错误的。 解题关键 排除干扰信息的影响。题干中 message 与原文中频频出现的 messaging ,在形式上非常相近,听者会因其相近而忽略其附加内容,造成判断的失 误。(5) .Elite athletes are likely to get more respiratory infections than ordinary people. (分数: 2.00 )A. 正确 VB. 错误解析: 解析 Theres no doubt that athletes are playing hard enough to suppress immune defenses.The normal population in Australia expects to get between three and four upper respiratory infections each year. But if you look at groups of elite athletes, about 15 percent of those athletes can have six or seven or more, even up to 11 or 12. They seem to get more vulnerable as they train harder. 分析 比较结构的表达和判断。 原文中关于得呼吸道感染的比较表达有两处: 1)The normal population. get between three and four.而运动员,尤其是优秀运动员却“ have sixor seven or more, even up to 11 or 12 ”,由此可见,优秀运动员的得病几率更高; 2)They seem to get more vulnerable as they train harder 即“这些运动员们训练得越刻苦,身体越脆弱”。从这两处都 可推测出题干的说法是错误的。 解题关键 1) 熟悉比较结构的表达法。表示比较的手段很多,可以通过 固定结构,也可通过统计数字作对比; 2) 掌握信号词,判断上下文逻辑关系,有助于迅速解题,如原文在 说明普通人群得呼吸道感染的几率后使用了单词 but ,表明后面的对象的事实肯定与前面不一样,从该词 的使用,也可猜测出优秀运动员得病的几率更高。二、BPart n /B(总题数:2,分数:20.00)IListen to the following short passages and then choose one of the answers that best fits the meaning of each passage by blackening the corresponding letter on the Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. Each passage will be read only once. There are 10 passages in this part of the test, each with 1 question, which carries 2 points./IlListen to the following short passages and then choose one of the answers that best fitsthe meaning of each passage by blackening the corresponding letter on the Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. Each passage will be read only once. There are 10 passages in this part of the test, eachwith 1 question, which carries 2 points./l(分数:10.00)(1) .What part of the museum flooded? A.Thecentral gallery. B.Thestorerooms.C.Thegift shop.D.Thecentral and southern rooms.(分数:2.00 )A.B. VC.D.解析:解析Dozens of valuable paintings and frescoes were badly damaged when rainwater poured through a roof at the state museum. As freak rainstorms lashed in the central and southern sections of the state, part of the museums roof which was scheduled to be repaired collapsed and watercascaded into two storerooms. 分析特定信息的找寻和判断。根据题干要求,听的重点应注意博物馆哪一部分被淹,而原文涉及博物馆被淹情况的信息颇多,如第一句提到该馆保存的绘画和壁画被淹,后 面相继提到该馆的部分屋顶倒塌,雨水倾入两间储藏室(storeroom),由此可见,符合题干要求的特定信息是储藏室。因此,选项 B的说法是正确的。解题关键排除干扰项,锁定相关特定信息。(2) .How is the quartz heater different from other types of heaters? A. It heats only the objects in a room.* B. It is lighter in weight. C. It heats the room quicker.* D. It is more common.(分数:2.00 )A. VB.C.D.解析:解析A heater is using convection when it warms the air in a room. And the air in turn warms the people and objects in the room. A hot water radiator, a stove and forced air furnace are all convection heaters. A quartz heater, on the other hand, heats the objects and people in a room without heating the air. It does this by producing radiation heat that travels like light waves. The radiation is then directed at objects by means of a reflector.分析 原文介绍了几种散热器,其中重点介绍了quartz heater(石英散热器)。在描述该物时,说话者介绍“ A quartz heater,on the other hand, heats the Objects and people in a room without heating the air.”即 “而石英散热器在温暖房中的人和物时,却不会加热房中的空气”,选项A的说法与原文相符,因此是正确答案。解题关键识别信号词有助于迅速解题。文中谈到几种传统的散热器后使用了短语on the other hand 这个表对比的词组来介绍石英散热器,由此可推测该物与前面提到的散热器肯定不同,通过背景常识,可帮 助我们迅速猜测选项 A有可能是正确答案。(3) .What does the new system enable the farmers to do? A. Produce vegetables of better taste. B. Transport produce more quickly. C. Grow crops in nontraditional climates. D. Keep vegetables fresh for a longer period.(分数:2.00 )A.B.C. VD.解析:解析Cool climate vegetables like asparagus are now able to be grown in places as hotas Hawaii. Marine engineers have been able to actually convince such vegetables that they areliving in cooler climates. That way they grow faster and taste better. What these engineers have been using is very simply cold seawater. They place pipes in the soil and cold water flowing through them cools the earth. This stimulates plant growth and enables gardeners in tropical climates to grow crops from cooler climates.分析语义的推理和判断。文章占用大量篇幅详细而具体地介绍了在炎热地区种植耐寒作物芦笋。最后文章总结道“This stimulates plant growth and enablesgardeners in tropical climates to grow crops from cooler climates.”即 这种做法刺激了植物种植业,也使得热带地区的农户可种植耐寒作物”,由此可推测,农作物可在其非传统气候条件下种植成为 可能,因此选项C的说法是正确的。解题关键善于通过文中的具体事例做岀正确的总结,如cool climatevegetable 种植在 hot 或 tropical 地区,可总结为选项 C 中的 crops in nontraditional climates。(4).The speaker mentioned all of the following as effects of masstransportation on cities EXCEPT? A. Growth in city area.* B. Separation of commercial and residential areas. C. Changes in life in the inner city.* D. Increased standards of living.(分数:2.00 )A.B.C.D. V解析:解析Mass transportation revised the social and economic fabric of the American city inthree fundamental ways. It catalyzed physical expansion, it sorted out people and land uses, and it accelerated the inherent instability of urban life.分析语义的判断理解。根据原文可知,mass transportation 从三方面影响了美国人民的生活: 1)it catalyzed physical expansion(使面积迅速扩展),可与选项 A对应;2)it sorted out people and land use(将土地使用分类),可与选项 B对应: 3)it accelerated the inherent instability of urban life(加速城市生活中内在的不稳定性),可与选项C对应,由此可见,只有选项D在原文中没有对应关系,因此,该项是正确答案。解题关键掌握原文关键词语的正确解释,尤其注意抽象短语的具体化,如原文提到的受到影响的三种方式都使用厂抽象的 表达,而选项A、B、C均分别是它们的具体解释。(5).Which market is Ubix traded on?* A. NASDAQ.* B. Denver.* C. Taiwan.* D. Indonesia.(分数:2.00 )A. VB.C.D.解析:解析Ubix is a publicly traded corporation actively traded on the, NASDAQ. The companywas launched in 1999. Shareholders own more than 80% of the company while upper level management and employee stock options own the remaining 20%. Ubix is located in Denver, Colorado with manufacturing plants in Taiwan and Indonesia. The total cash flow during 2000 was $365 million.分析特定信息的找寻和判断。根据题干中的关键词,可将听的重点放在原文第一句“ Ubix is a publiclytraded corporation actively traded on the NASDAQ.”可立即找出答案为选项A。解题关键排除干扰项是迅速解题的关键。该文详细具体介绍了Ubix的各方面情况,如成立时间,股份持有情况,公司总部地址和公司业绩等信息,这要求听者一定要抓住题干中的关键词来判断哪个是相关信息。抓住此题中短语 be traded on 是解题的关键。(分数:10.00)(.According to the speaker, what do people often think about astronomers? A. They spend most of their time looking through telescopes.* B. They are constantly analyzing data.* C. They often live near observatories.* D. They devote a lot of time to theoretical problems.(分数:2.00 )A. VB.C.D.解析:解析Most people think of astronomers as people who spend their time in cold observatories peering through telescopes every night. In fact, a typical astronomer spends most of his/ her time analyzing data and may only be at the telescope a few weeks of the year. Some astronomers work on purely theoretical problems and never use a telescope at all. You might not know how rarely images are viewed directly through telescopes. The most common way to observe the skies is tophotograph them.分析观点意见的判断。根据题干要求注意文中大多数人的观点,发现原文的第一句提供了相关信息“ Most people think of astronomers as people who spend their time in coldobservatories peering through telescopes every night.”即 “大多数人认为天文学家每天在冰冷的天文台用望远镜观测夜空”,由此可判断选项 A的说法与原文相符,是正确答案。解题关键掌握文中哪些是一些人的观点,哪些是文章的观点对解题很重要。听者可通过信号词或常用表达法来帮助判断。如文 中使用most people think of.的方式表示一些人的观点,而用in fact形式来表述作者认为正确的观点。(2).Which of the following is true about Lufthansas first-half net profit?* A. 392 million euros.* B. 16.8% more than that of last year.* C. 39 million euros.* D. 105million euros.(分数:2.00 )A.B.D.解析:解析Lufthansa said Tuesday that traffic in the first seven months of this year rose 16.8 percent, helped by increased demand on Asia-Pacific routes, as well as gains in Europe and onAfrican and Middle East routes. The German carrier swung to a first-half net profit of 39 million euros from a loss of 392 million in the firsthalf of 2003. This too was below an average analystforecast of 105 million euros.分析数字信息的找寻和判断。根据题干中关键词 first-half netprofit在原文中找寻相关信息,发现“The Germancarder swung to a first -half net profit of 39 millioneuros. ”,将数字与各选项对照可知,只有选项C,与原文相符,是正确答案。解题关键通过题干关键词的引导,排除干扰项。原文中关于数字的信息颇多,更需要听者抓住这一技巧。(3) .Which of the following would NOT cause a sea cucumber to release its internal organs into the water?A.A touch.B.Food.* C.Unusually warm water.D.Pollution.(分数:2.00 )A.B. VC.D.解析:解析The most spectacular thing about the sea cucumber is the wayit defends itself. Itsmajor enemies are fish and crabs, when attacked, it squirts all its internalorgans into the water.It also casts off attached structures such as tentacles. The sea cucumber will eviscerate and regenerate itself if it is attacked or even touched; it will do the same if the surrounding water temperature is too high or if the water becomes too polluted.分析 事实纟细节的找寻和判断。根据题干要求可在文中发现以下内容“ The sea cucumber will eviscerate and regenerate itself if it is attacked or even touched; it will do the same if the surrounding water temperature is too high or if the water becomes too polluted.即若海参遭到攻击或碰触,它就会将自己的内脏抛出,再生岀一副来;若海水温度过高或水质污染严重,海参也会这样做”,显然只有B的说法与原文不符,因此该项是正确答案。解题关键掌握同义词替换,有助于迅速定位原文相关信息。如原文中单词eviscerate与题干中单词release意思在此文中相同,都有“取出内脏”的含义。(4) .Which of the following is true according to the passage?* A. The 1997 storm killed more than 250 people.* B. The economic losses caused by the 1997 storm were 90.8 billionyuan.* C. More than 1,800 people were wounded when the typhoon hit Zhejiang Province.* D. The government evacuated 40,000 people to avoid more casualties.(分数:2.00 )A.B.C. VD.解析:解析One of the worst typhoons to hit China in several years has killed 63 people and injured more than 1,800 as it battered southeastern Zhejiang Province. Most of the casualties occurred when homes collapsed. Officials had evacuated 400,000 people to escape the typhoon thatwas forecastto be the worst since 1997 when a storm ripped into China, killingnearly 250 peopleand causing 19.8 billion yuan in economic losses.分析数字信息的找寻和判断。根据原文“Officialshas evacuated 400,000 people to escape the typhoon that was forecast to be the worst.可知政府在作岀台风预报后就疏散了人们,而不是如选项D所言疏散是为了避免更大的灾害,暗示疏散是台风发作之后才进行的,根据原文关于1997年台风的描述“ killing nearly 250 people and causing19.8 billion yuan in economic losses.”可知选项A 中数字前 more than 与原文 nearly 不符,而 19.8与选项 B 中 90.8 不符,根据原文 “injured more than 1,800 as it battered southeastern ZhejiangProvince ”,选项C内容与之相符,因此该项是正确答案。解题关键掌握与数字及其相关的信息,可帮助正确判断选项。本题较为复杂,既考查听者听数字的能力,又考查听者对数字相关信息,如原文数字 前的nearly等注意情况。(5).What was one of the main reasons for the change in architectural style in eighteenth- century North America? A. More architects arrived in the colonies. B. The colonists developed an interest in classical architecture.* C. Bricks were more readily available. D. The colonists had more money to spend on housing.(分数:2.00 )A.B.C.D. V解析:解析Seventeenth-century houses in colonial North America were simple structures thatwere primarily functional, carrying over traditional designs that went back to the Middle Ages.During the first half of the eighteenth century, however, houses began to show a new elegance.As wealth increased, more and more colonists built fine houses.分析 因果关系的判断。 根据原文有关18世纪北美殖民地建筑风格改变的描述是“ As wealth in -creased, more and more colonists built fine houses.由此可见财富的增长是其原因。因此,选项D的说法是正确的。解题关键掌握表因果关系的信号词,有助于迅速在原文定位信息点,并作岀正确的因果关系判断,该文中使用了信号词as。三、BPart 川/B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、BPassage One/B(总题数:1,分数:10.00)(分数:10.00 )(1).What is the main topic of the talk?* A. Jeffersons views about commercialized agriculture.* B. International trade in the nineteenth century.* C. Improvements in farm machinery in the United States.* D. Farmers loss of independence.(分数:2.00 )A.B.C.D. V解析:解析21-25 One of the most popular myths about the United States in the 19th century was that of the free and simple life of the farmers. It was said that the farmers worked hard on their own land to produce whatever their families needed. They might sometimes trade with their neighbors, but in general they could get along just fine by relying on themselves, not on commercial ties with others. This was how Thomas Jefferson idealized the farmers at the


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