北京语言大学22春《英汉 汉英翻译》在线作业二及答案参考23

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北京语言大学22春《英汉 汉英翻译》在线作业二及答案参考23_第1页
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北京语言大学22春英汉 汉英翻译在线作业二及答案参考1. _adequate preparation, you dont have much chance of success.A、AfterB、WithoutC、_adequate preparation, you dont have much chance of success.A、AfterB、WithoutC、WithD、Before正确答案:B2. When he studied at college, Jack was supported by a _.A.treatmentB.assistanceC.scholarshipD.protein参考答案:C3. 我认为她是对的。 According to my opinion, she is right.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A4. They spent many years _ for oil in this small island.A.exploringB.explodingC.exposingD.exploiting参考答案:A5. Doctors see a connection between increase amounts of leisure time spent _ and the increased number of cases of skin cancer.A.to sunbatheB.to have sunbathedC.having sunbathedD.sunbathing参考答案:D6. I have no one _ me, for I can deal with it all by myself.A.helpB.to helpC.helpedD.to have helped参考答案:A7. A: Have you read either novel of his written recently? B: _.A.No. Neither will IB.No. Nor will IC.Yes, Ive read them allD.Yes, I have参考答案:A8. Furthermore, we wish to point out that for such articles as window glass, porcelains, etc_ addFurthermore, we wish to point out that for such articles as window glass, porcelains, etc_ additional Risk of Breakage has been insured, the cover is subject to a franchise of 5%.AevenBeven ifCas ifDifB9. The new Command having been installed, my work there was done, and I returned to give my report to the House. 新司令部被成立后,我在那儿的工作被完成了,于是我就回国向下院作汇报。( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A10. A new English -Chinese dictionary will soon _ out.A.workB.comeC.giveD.hand参考答案:B11. He works very ( ).He ( ) has a rest on Sundays.A、hard, hardlyB、hardly, hardC、hard, hardD、hardly, hardly参考答案:A12. The modern camera lens may be coated with more than ten _ for each piece of its glass.A.levelsB.storiesC.layersD.formations参考答案:C13. He _ the 9: 20 train because he didnt leave home till 9: 25.A.can reachB.could catchC.may not catchD.couldnt have caught参考答案:D14. 我们现在正在积极地做准备工作。 We are making busy preparations for that visit.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:B15. Scientists will have to _ new methods of increasing the worlds food supply.A.come outB.come up forC.come intoD.come up with参考答案:D16. _I want is peace and quiet.AAll whatBAll whichCEverything whichDAll that_I want is peace and quiet.AAll whatBAll whichCEverything whichDAll that正确答案:D17. There are _ approaches to English teaching. But not all of them are equally efficient for our Chinese students.A.doubleB.jointC.orginateD.diverse参考答案:D18. 教师应当指导学生学习。 Teachers should guide students in their studies.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:B19. A: The plan _ for the trip is of great important, I think. B: I see, but John is sure to work it out on time.A.madeB.to be madeC.makingD.has been made参考答案:B20. During the eight years war, many people _ their blood for their country.A.shedB.temptedC.reservedD.devoted参考答案:A21. John _ to be a polite man. But in fact he is very rude.A.pretendsB.assuresC.affordsD.melts参考答案:A22. 横穿马路要小心。 Be careful when you go cross the road.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A23. 在理论方面,( )曾针对当时赵景深的“宁顺而不信”的提法,提出了“宁信而不顺”的主张。A、鲁迅B、梁实秋C、瞿秋白D、严复参考答案:A24. _a computer will help prepare yearend accounts.A. To UseB. usingC.Use_a computer will help prepare year-end accounts.A. To UseB. usingC.Usemsg:,data:,voicepath:25. I was amazed at the_of his knowledge.AexpenseBextendCextentDexpandI was amazed at the_of his knowledge.AexpenseBextendCextentDexpand正确答案:C26. Modern personality theories and classifications_.Aare often very different because pModern personality theories and classifications_.Aare often very different because personality itself is rather complicatedBinvolve psychology, biology, and sociologyCare based only on heredity, the environment, intelligence, and emotional needsDall of the above正确答案:A由题干可知此题的相关细节在最后一段。由此段倒数第二句“Becauseofthecomplexityofhumanpersonality,present-daytheoriesareoftenverydifferentfromoneanother”可知答案为A。27. More than one teacher _ told him it is important that he learn English well if he _ abroad.A.had, will goB.has, wants to goC.has, want to goD.have, shall go参考答案:B28. According to the theory of photoperiodism,_ A.birds should migrate in the middleAccording to the theory of photoperiodism,_A.birds should migrate in the middle of the winterB.longerDays cause changes in the bodies of birdsC.seasonal changes in the length ofDaysDo not affect migrationD.increasing Daylight increases the Distance of migration正确答案:B29. They will keep the library open until 9:00 p. m. _.Awhen necessaryBif is necessaryCThey will keep the library open until 9:00 p. m. _.Awhen necessaryBif is necessaryCif it necessaryDif necessarily正确答案:A30. Oh my gosh! The rice cake almost _ me.A.blockedB.chokedC.checkedD.chatted参考答案:B31. Alexander smells vodka. 亚历山大闻了闻伏特加酒。( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A32. We prefer Chinese bicycles _ Japanese bicycles _ their fine quality.We prefer Chinese bicycles _ Japanese bicycles _ their fine quality.to, for33. Many a school in the United States _ to train men in theology.Awas set upBwere setMany a school in the United States _ to train men in theology.Awas set upBwere set upChas set upDhave set up正确答案:A解析:many a是固定用法,后跟单数名词,与其对应的谓语也用单数。本句是被动句。34. 我上床好几个小时了,还是没睡着. I had been lying on bed for hours, but I still could not fall asleep.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A35. A: Its cloudy outside. Please take an umbrella. B: _.A.OK, just in caseB.Well, it just dependsC.Yes, take it easyD.All fight, just in case of参考答案:A36. A: do you think Its going to rain tonight? B: _.A.I dont believeB.I dont believe itC.I believe not soD.I believe not参考答案:D37. The widespread practice of “burning the candle at both ends”has created so much sleep deprivation that what is really abnormal sleepiness is now almost the norm.(英译中)参考答案:“燃烧蜡烛两头”的广泛实践已经导致了大量的睡眠剥夺,真正失常的睡眠如今却都已经被视为正常。38. We have the pleasure _ introducing ourselves to you with the hope that we may have an opportuniWe have the pleasure _ introducing ourselves to you with the hope that we may have an opportunity _ cooperating with you.of, of39. If you live in the country or have ever visited there, _ are that you have heard birds singing to welcome the new day.A.situationsB.challengesC.chancesD.possibilities参考答案:C40. What time is the mail _ on Saturday?A.objectedB.outletC.deliveredD.starved参考答案:C41. 他是否会来开会令人怀疑。 It is doubtful whether he is coming to attend the meeting.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:B42. Almost all the TV viewers were deeply impressed by Titanics huge mass and her ruined splendor of a lost age.( )A、泰坦尼克号的庞大以及她那昔日辉煌的残毁,给几乎所有的电视观众都留下了十分深刻的印象。B、泰坦尼克号船体庞大,虽已损毁,昔日丰采犹存,给几乎所有的电视观众都留下了深刻的印象。C、泰坦尼克号无比庞大,往日荣光业已荡然无存,给几乎所有的电视观众都留下了深刻的印象。D、泰坦尼克号的庞大船体以及她那失去的昔日光辉,给几乎所有的电视观众都留下了深刻的印象。参考答案:B43. l m afraid we shouldn t go on chatting like this. The new manager could arl m afraid we shouldn t go on chatting like this. The new manager could arrive out of blue. What does out of blue mean?A. with an angry expressionB. extremely pleasedC. moving noisily and loudlyD. unexpectedly; without warning参考答案:D44. Water and air are _ to human beings. We can not live without them.A.harbourB.functionC.definiteD.essential参考答案:D45. The delegation didnt go to New York by Flight 212. 代表团不是乘212航班去纽约的。( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:B46. His eyes _ with rage but he did not dare to say anything.A.flashedB.wickedC.votedD.protested参考答案:A47. Shell cook if she_time.A. hasB. doesC. canShell cook if she_time.A. hasB. doesC. can参考答案:A48. This is our _. So you can do what you need to do here.A.substanceB.scheduleC.noticeD.noun参考答案:B49. 兹报实盘,以我方时间10月3日星期三下午5时以前答复为有效。兹报实盘,以我方时间10月3日星期三下午5时以前答复为有效。We offer you firm subject to reply by 5 pmour time, Wednesday, 3rd, Oct50. John and Kate got married although they are very _ from each other.AseparateBdistanJohn and Kate got married although they are very _ from each other.AseparateBdistantCdifferentDdistinguishable正确答案:C解析:be different from表“与不同”。51. If your letter is over weight, you must pay for the _.A.excessB.exceedC.checkedD.chased参考答案:A52. I ve read many books on selfhelp , but 1 must say 1 haven t had much help from (1) (them). It didn t give me (2) (much ) pleasure reading them either , as I think a useful book should. Most of the1. What does them refer to in this sentence?2. Can you replace this by many here?3. Can you replace this by is here?4. Can you use the word some here?5. Can you replace this by what here?6. Can you replace this by A here?7. Can you leave out the word that here?8. Can you replace this by aren t here?9. Can you replace this by which here?10. Can you replace this by himself here?参考答案:1. Books on self-help.2. No.3. No.4. Yes5. No.6. Yes.7. Yes.8. No.9. Yes.10. No.53. “Do you really want to study philosophy?” the professor asked, slowly and_ emphasis _each word.A.placed . inB.placing . onC.being placed . atD.to place . by参考答案:B54. You can dress_you like, even just jeans and a T-shirtdont spend too much time and moYou can dress_you like, even just jeans and a T-shirtdont spend too much time and money on it.AwhicheverBhoweverCwhateverDwhenever正确答案:B55. The Great Wall is really a man-made wonderThe Great Wall is really a man-made wonder万里长城真是人造奇迹。56. If a baby bird stays _ for two or three weeks after leaving the nest, it has a fair chance of becoming an adult.A.livingB.livelyC.aliveD.live参考答案:C57. All of the people at the conference are_. Amathematic teachers Bmathematics teacheAll of the people at the conference are_.Amathematic teachersBmathematics teacherCmathematics teachersDmathematics teachersC58. A: Dont you know I make the decision. B: _, not until you _ me.A.Yes, have toldB.No, have toldC.Yes, tellD.No, are telling参考答案:B59. 我忘了已经告诉她了。 I forgot to tell her about it.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A60. The prisoners will work for up to 90 days _ the gang.A.toB.atC.onD.of参考答案:C


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