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会计学1 【(一)认知(一)认知】第1页/共72页教学词汇表第2页/共72页 教学目标检查口袋本预习以及导学案完成的情况检查口袋本预习以及导学案完成的情况网络化复习回顾词汇、了解相关知识网络化复习回顾词汇、了解相关知识12第3页/共72页学生:上台演示学生:上台演示教师:总结补充教师:总结补充 Step I: 主话题Brainstorm网络化回顾词汇concessionalthough, as, however .though, anyhow .even if/though, in spite of .*despite .conjunctionsprepositionsadverbsphrases第4页/共72页学生:上台演示学生:上台演示教师:总结补充教师:总结补充 Step I: 主话题Brainstorm网络化回顾词汇conditionand, except, if .otherwise .assume .as/so long as, in case (of) .conjunctionsphrasesadverbsothers第5页/共72页学生:上台演示学生:上台演示教师:总结补充教师:总结补充 Step I: 主话题Brainstorm网络化回顾词汇comparisonas, but .however, instead .as as, rather than .against, than .conjunctionsprepositionsadverbsphrasesothersprefer, similar .第6页/共72页Step II: 词汇聚焦深度认知目的目的在语境中强化记忆在语境中强化记忆步骤步骤1.1.输入:输入:在在单句单句、文段文段中复现词汇中复现词汇2.2.输出:输出:在在语篇语篇层次复现词汇层次复现词汇第7页/共72页词汇复现词汇复现输入输入Say & Guess!第8页/共72页An update to Google Maps contains a handy tool that lets users share their location with friends. The Google Maps app works with iPhone and Android, and also on computers. Even if you have an iPhone and your friends have Android phones, you can share your location with them using Google Maps. You can even send your location to people who do not have a smart phone. If they use a computer, they can see where you are on the Google Maps website provided you have shared your location with them. Just send them a link. You can share your location with as many people as you want.if, provided, as . as, even if第9页/共72页Unlike most Chinese, Qin Ming does not shy away from the subject of death. In fact, “talking with the dead” is part of his daily work. Qin, 36, is a forensic (法医的) expert with the Public Security Department of Anhui Province in East China. “The concentration needed to examine a crime scene or conduct an autopsy (验尸) is always rewarded when a suspect is identified. That is the appeal of the job,” he said. “Although the stress is more than most could stand and I often complain I still love the work.” although, still, unlike, in fact第10页/共72页Chen Faxiang, a woman in her seventies, has been obsessed (着迷的) with fishing since she was 13 years old. She captures fish more quickly and in greater quantities than other fishermen and women, perhaps owing to her special bait (诱饵). She enjoys fishing regardless of how many fish she can catch. She often gives some fish to neighbors and friends. than, regardless of第11页/共72页To reduce traffic pressure and prevent further environmental damage, many cities authorities have urged the local people to reduce the use of cars and ride bikes instead. In fact, a government agency is now offering bike-sharing services based on chip-embedded (植入芯片的) traffic cards. But it has failed to catch up despite making cycling easier, because people have to take the bikes from and return them to certain places. but, despite, instead, in fact第12页/共72页Fortunately, bike-sharing service companies entered the market. The services offered by private startups, on the other hand, are based on GPS-supported mobile phone apps that help position the vehicles no matter where they are parked. Moreover, their charges are lowbetween 0.5 and 1 yuan for 30 minutesand users only need to scan the two-dimensional code (二维码) on the bike with their smartphones to use them. Given their convenience and low charges, the bike-sharing services have been a hit with people in Chinas major cities. given, on the other hand第13页/共72页So who would want to be a movie extra? In spite of the long hours and low pay, many people still apply for the job. Some people truly enjoy the work. They like being on a movie set, and they enjoy the companionship of their fellow extras. Most of them have flexible schedules, which allow them to be available. They may be students, waiters, homemakers, retired people, or unemployed actors. Some unemployed actors hope the work will help them get real acting jobs, but it doesnt happen often. but, in spite of第14页/共72页I have seen it time and again in the IT services industry where if you ask for help, rather than providing the source and explaining how to solve the problem, the tendency for a fellow developer is to actually go and solve the problem. That helps but remember the old adage (格言), “Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime” People are happy when their problem is solved but they will be delighted while they learn how to solve it themselves. if, while, rather than第15页/共72页子话题词汇复现子话题词汇复现输出输出Practice & Write!学生用书学生用书P183综合训练:第一题、第二题综合训练:第一题、第二题第16页/共72页 【(二)讲练(二)讲练】第17页/共72页第18页/共72页教学目标讲练重难点词汇,讲练重难点词汇,嚼透嚼透其释义、用法和搭配,其释义、用法和搭配,以能够熟练运用。以能够熟练运用。建立基本的建立基本的英语概念英语概念,培养英语,培养英语思维能力思维能力。12第19页/共72页教学目录 重点词释义重点词释义: 重点词用法专练重点词用法专练:*despite, instead, while, distinguish, compareas as, except 重点词块专练重点词块专练:have . in common (with), be similar to, prefer (doing) sth to (doing) sth, differ from, distinguish from, tell from, tell apart第20页/共72页 重点词释义重点词释义根据每个词的自身特点,释义从以下六个维度根据每个词的自身特点,释义从以下六个维度讲解:讲解: 一词多义;一词多义; 熟词生义;熟词生义; 精准的汉语精准的汉语释义;释义; 英语释义;英语释义; 辨析义;辨析义; 搭配义搭配义第21页/共72页【教学建议教学建议】 prep AW 不管;尽管;任凭不管;尽管;任凭 近近 in spite of【精讲】【精讲】Joe is a good basketball player despite being short and stout. 尽管又矮又胖,乔依然是个优秀的篮球运动员。 外研 1despite与与 in spite of 意思相同,但意思相同,但despite较文雅一些。较文雅一些。*despite第22页/共72页A number of them have admitted that despite their success, they arent happy.(2015 浙江完形)It is unbelievable that Mr Lucas leads a simple life despite his great wealth. (2014 江西) A. without B. despite C. in D. toFrankly speaking, the papers were not so hard for me despite some difficulty. (2014 四川书面表达) 【备考指导备考指导】 despite考频较高,主要出现在高考单选、阅读、完形和考频较高,主要出现在高考单选、阅读、完形和写作写作中。中。第23页/共72页instead【教学建议教学建议】 掌握掌握instead意为意为“反而反而”时的用法;时的用法; 掌握搭配掌握搭配instead of。 adv 作为替代;反而作为替代;反而Jack didnt study law. Instead, he decided to become an actor.杰克没有学习法律,而是决定当演员。Lee was ill so I went instead. 李病了,所以我代他去了。第24页/共72页instead of 代替;而不是代替;而不是We went there on foot instead of by bus. 我们步行去了那儿,没坐车。I worried that instead of making money, I would end up owing it. 我担心,我最终只会欠债而不会赚钱。第25页/共72页Yet instead of being discouraged by my slow progress, I was excited. (2017 全国完形)Days later, we made an offer far below the asking price. Surprisingly, they didnt laugh at us. They renewed their offer instead. (2015 天津完形)Instead of doing everything for them, parents should encourage their children to overcome difficulties and inspire them to develop by themselves. (2013 福建书面表达)It is working in teams instead of on my own that has freed me of trouble and made my work more efficient. (2011 湖北书面表达) 【备考指导备考指导】 instead和和instead of 在高考各题型中常出现,是在高考各题型中常出现,是写作写作常用词汇。常用词汇。第26页/共72页 conj 当当的时候;和的时候;和同时;在同时;在时时Never get on or off a bus while it is moving. 公共汽车没停稳时千万不要上下车。Would you look after the children while I do the shopping? 我买东西的时候你能不能照看一下孩子?I hurt my leg while playing football. 我踢足球时把腿弄伤了。 外研 1while【精讲精讲】第27页/共72页 表示对比表示对比 然而然而I was never very neat, while my roommate Kate was extremely organized. 我从来不是一个很爱整洁的人,而我的室友凯特却极有条理。2014 重庆 while第28页/共72页虽然;尽管虽然;尽管 (= although)While they are my neighbours, I do not know them well. 尽管他们是我的邻居,但我对他们了解得并不多。只要只要While theres life theres hope. 只要活着就有希望。第29页/共72页 n U 常与常与 a 连用连用 一段时间;一会儿一段时间;一会儿 偶尔;间或Would you like to come in and rest ? 你要不要进来休息一会儿? 译林 1The file may to download. 下载这个文件可能需要点儿时间。第30页/共72页连词:连词: My only mistake was that I dropped some biscuits on the floor after I was packing them up. after while / when (2015 陕西改错) (释义 ) Mary made coffee while her guests were finishing their meal. (2010 全国) (释义) A. so that B. although C. while D. as if Good habits always lead to high efficiency, while bad ones bring the opposite. (2013 四川书面表达) (释义) 【备考指导备考指导】 while在高考单选、完形和改错中常作考点,在在高考单选、完形和改错中常作考点,在写作写作中也经常出中也经常出现。现。第31页/共72页 At school, some students are active while some are shy, yet they can be good friends with one another. (2012 四川) (释义) A. while B. although C. so D. as While I always felt I would pass the exam, I never thought I would get an A. (2012 湖南) (释义) A. While B. Once C. If D. Until名词:名词: Keep holding your position for a while. (2012 辽宁对话填空) Its not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently. (2011 湖南单选) 第32页/共72页 vi & vt 区分;辨别区分;辨别 vt 使显出特色使显出特色; 使有别于使有别于 vt 使杰出使杰出 基本义:认识事基本义:认识事物之间的不同之处物之间的不同之处 使自身具有与其使自身具有与其他事物不同之处他事物不同之处 自身具有自身具有的特质的特质或取得成就使其获或取得成就使其获得关注或仰慕得关注或仰慕 distinguish 的语义网络的语义网络第33页/共72页 vi & vt 区分;辨别区分;辨别 to recognize the difference between two people or things good evil 分清善恶You should facts rumours. 你应该辨别事实和谣言。Speech man the animals. 语言将人类与动物区分开来。distinguish【教学建议教学建议】 根据英语释义准确理解各层释义,并体会各层释义间的联系;根据英语释义准确理解各层释义,并体会各层释义间的联系; 掌握重点搭配掌握重点搭配distinguish . from。【精讲精讲】第34页/共72页 vt 使显出特色使显出特色; 使有别于使有别于 to be a characteristic that makes sb / sth different a distinguishing feature 特征 What was it that her her classmates? 是什么使得她有别于班上其他同学呢?第35页/共72页 vt 使杰出使杰出 to do sth so well that people notice and admire you He by winning 4 prizes. 他因获得四个奖项而名声大噪。【拓展拓展】 distinguished adj 杰出的;卓越的杰出的;卓越的a distinguished man of our time 我们这个时代的杰出人物第36页/共72页distinguish: Daniel Anderson, a famous psychologist, believes its important to distinguish televisions influences on children from those of the family. (2015 广东阅读) (释义) I would like you to meet the fellow who is distinguished for being the worst boy in this county. (2010 江苏完形) (释义)distinguished: Distinguished guests and friends, welcome to our school. (2009 江苏单选) 【备考指导备考指导】 distinguish的释义的释义和派生词和派生词distinguished考频较高;考频较高; distinguish和和distinguished常在单选、阅读和完形中出现。常在单选、阅读和完形中出现。第37页/共72页 vt 对比;比较对比;比较 to examine people or things to see how they are similar and how they are differentWe often make decisions by comparing information. 我们经常通过对比信息来作出决定。 译林 1compare【教学建议教学建议】 根据基本义根据基本义“对比;比较对比;比较”启发学生理解各层释义;启发学生理解各层释义; 掌握重点搭配掌握重点搭配 compare . to / with, by / in comparison等。等。【精讲精讲】第38页/共72页 Compare this to that, and youll see which is better. 把这个跟那个作对比,你就能看出哪个更好。It seemed a small challenge compared to / with the one I was about to face. 和我正要面对的挑战相比,这个挑战似乎不大。 2012 安徽第39页/共72页Its easier to compare British and American English now that we have the Internet. 有了互联网,我们就更容易比较英式英语和美式英语了。 外研 1 vi 比得上;相比比得上;相比 to be similar to sb / sth else, either better or worse than sb / sth elseNo one can be compared with Yao Ming in playing basketball. 在打篮球方面,没有人能比得上姚明。 2011 湖南This house doesnt compare with our previous one. 这所房子不如我们以前的那个好。第40页/共72页 vt 比喻;比拟比喻;比拟We compared the brave man to a lion. 我们把勇敢的人比作雄狮。Young people are often compared to the rising sun. 年轻人常被比作冉冉升起的太阳。compare notes (with sb) (与某人与某人) 交换意见交换意见I intended to compare notes with a friend, but unfortunately they couldnt spare me even one minute. 我想跟一个朋友切磋一下,但很不幸,他们连一分钟时间都挤不出来。第41页/共72页【拓展】【拓展】 comparison n C & U 比较;比拟比较;比拟 对某人 / 物进行比较 last year, the price of beef has increased. 与去年相比,牛肉的价格上涨了。【备考指导备考指导】 compare的释义的释义及搭配及搭配compare . to / with, compare . and ., by comparison等考频较高;等考频较高; compare在高考各题型中经常出现,是在高考各题型中经常出现,是写作写作常用词汇;常用词汇;comparison主要出现在高考阅读中。主要出现在高考阅读中。第42页/共72页compare: Compared with many abstract goals, practical ones can bring us more courage and confidence whenever we make one step forward. (2015 重庆书面表达) (释义) Film has a much shorter history, especially when compared to such art forms as music and painting.(2012 全国单选)(释义) Worst of all, I get a larger quantity of homework, compared (对比) to them. (2010 福建短文填词) (释义) 对父母而言,没有什么能与孩子的身心健康相比。(compare) As for parents, nothing can be compared with their childrens physical and mental health.(2011 上海翻译句子) (释义) 第43页/共72页短语:短语:After reading, bits and pieces of thoughts will appear in our mind, so it is beneficial to have a better understanding after comparing notes about what we have read. (2015 上海书面表达)comparison: By comparison, 26% of high school students smoke in Kentucky. (2009 山东阅读) 第44页/共72页巩固练习巩固练习学生用书学生用书P181,基础训练:第一题基础训练:第一题第45页/共72页 重点词用法专练重点词用法专练 嚼透词汇的释义、用法和搭配,在语境中理解掌嚼透词汇的释义、用法和搭配,在语境中理解掌握;握; 熟悉考点,查漏补缺。熟悉考点,查漏补缺。第46页/共72页as . as【教学建议教学建议】 在同等比较时,若出现形容词修饰单数可数名词,其语序为:在同等比较时,若出现形容词修饰单数可数名词,其语序为:as + 形容词形容词 + a / an + 名词名词 + as。 区分区分“as + 原级原级 + as (如如as far as, as long as, as good as, as well as)”的释义的释义 和作为固定搭配的释义;和作为固定搭配的释义; as . as结构用于否定句时,第一个结构用于否定句时,第一个as也可用也可用so代替;代替; 掌握与掌握与as . as相关的倍数表达法。相关的倍数表达法。第47页/共72页 adv 同样地同样地 We didnt go so far as the others. 我们没有别人走得那么远。Some scientists even say we can live as long as 130 years! 一些科学家甚至说我们能活到130岁! 2015 广东Women are as good as men in sport. 在运动方面,女士和男士一样优秀。I wish I could speak English as well as he can. 我希望自己英语讲得跟他一样好。 北师大 15A friend is not / soon gotten lost. 交友慢,失友快。I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I have. 我想要你像我一样活得健康长寿。 人教 3第48页/共72页as / so far as I know / remember / see, etc. 据我所知据我所知 / 记记得得 / 看等看等As far as I know, the Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world. 据我所知,太平洋是世界上最大的海洋。As far as I can see, there is only one possible way to keep away from the danger. 依我看,只有一种方法可以避免危险。as long as 只要只要 近近so long asI dont mind where you go, as long as youre back before midnight.只要你在午夜之前回来,你去哪儿都行。 外研 7as good as 几乎;差不多几乎;差不多The summers as good as over. 夏天差不多已经过去了。第49页/共72页as well as 除除之外之外 (也也);和;和As well as writing stories, I love reading and listening to music. 除了写小说,我还喜欢读书和听音乐。The weather in England is very changeable and it attracts the English as well as the outsider. 英格兰的天气变化无常,这不仅吸引英国人,也吸引外国人。 2013 重庆改Science can be a force for evil as well as for good. 科学既可以成为正义的力量,也可以成为邪恶势力的帮凶。 2009 重庆第50页/共72页The teacher as well as his students is going to plant trees tomorrow. 明天不但学生们去植树,老师也去。Ten years ago the population of our village was twice as large as that of theirs. 十年前我们村子的人口数量是他们的两倍。 2008 陕西注:as well as连接主语时,谓语动词应与as well as前的主语保持人称和数的一致。第51页/共72页 conj当当时候;一面时候;一面一面一面;随着;随着因为;既然因为;既然虽然;尽管虽然;尽管Clever as she is, she works very hard. / Although she is clever, she works very hard. 尽管聪明,她还是很努力。Child as he was, he knew a lot. / Although he was a child, he knew a lot. 虽然是个孩子,但他懂得很多如;像;按照如;像;按照注:as意为“尽管”时,引导的从句要用倒装语序,其结构为:形容词 / 名词 / 副词 / 动词原形 + as + 主语 。名词提前时,要去掉冠词。第52页/共72页【备考指导备考指导】 as . as考频很高,常作为单选、改错的考点,也是考频很高,常作为单选、改错的考点,也是写作写作常用词汇;常用词汇; as作连词,构成倒装结构,也常作高考考点。作连词,构成倒装结构,也常作高考考点。用于构成比较用于构成比较: Its about doing everything as well as possible instead of as fast as possible. (2015 浙江听力) It is wise to have as many good friends that we can. that as (2014 全国改错) Tell them we want them to trust us as much as wed like to trust them. (2009 安徽书面表达) 第53页/共72页用于固定搭配用于固定搭配: As far as I know, you are very familiar with Chinese culture, especially Chinese Opera. (2012 天津书面表达) Ones life has value as long as one brings value to the life of others. (2012 江苏) A. so that B. no matter how C. as long as D. except that I can never stop the love for reading because books are like wise teachers as well as good friends in my life. (2012 江西书面表达) 第54页/共72页用于构成比较用于构成比较: I will learn more about the history of the Olympics as much as the 2008 Olympic Games. much well (2008 全国改错) 用于倍数表达用于倍数表达: The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be three times as big as the present one. (2011 陕西) A. as three times big as B. three times as big as C. as big as three times D. as big three times as连词:连词: Hot as the night air was, we slept deeply because we were so tired after the long journey. (2012 陕西) A. although B. as C. while D. however 第55页/共72页 conj & prep 可接词、短语或从句可接词、短语或从句 除除外外No pets except fish are permitted in student rooms. 除了鱼,学生宿舍禁止养其他宠物。2015 天津He usually goes to work on his bike except on rainy days. 除了雨天,他一般都骑自行车上班。except【教学建议教学建议】 掌握掌握except的用法和搭配的用法和搭配except for, except (that); 掌握掌握except, except for, besides, apart from的辨析。的辨析。【精讲精讲】第56页/共72页The seaside town is beautiful it is windy. 这座海滨小镇很美,除了刮风时。This suit fits me well the trousers are too long. 这套衣服我穿着很合身,只不过裤子太长了。except for 除了除了外;除去;只是外;除去;只是She wrote all of the songs on the album except for the final track.除了最后一首歌,这张专辑中的所有歌曲都是她写的。第57页/共72页辨辨 except, except for, besides, apart from四者都可用作介词;都含有“除之外”之意。except 是“除之外 (不包括在内)”的意思。 All are present except Helen. 除海伦外,大家都到了。(海伦未到)except for“除去”,except主要谈论同类的东西;except for在说明情况后加以细节修正时使用,有时含有惋惜之意。 His composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes. 他的作文写得不错,只是有几处拼写错误。第58页/共72页辨辨 except, except for, besides, apart frombesides 是“除之外 (还) 有”的意思。 Two others were on duty besides Helen. 除海伦外,还有 两个人值日。(海伦和另外两个人都值日)apart from = besides; except; except for What do you like doing apart from / besides swimming? 除了游泳,你还喜欢做什么? Ive finished apart from / except the last question. 除了最后一道题,我全做完了。 Apart from / Expect for the ending, its a really good film. 除去结尾部分,这是一部很好的电影。第59页/共72页【备考指导备考指导】 except, except for, except (that)考频较高;考频较高;except及相关搭配在高考听力、单选、阅读、完形和改错中常及相关搭配在高考听力、单选、阅读、完形和改错中常出现。出现。They also live nearly everywhere, except on frozen mountain tops and around the poles. (2015 安徽阅读)The library is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year except Christmas Day and New Years Day. (2012 湖南听力)But besides all this, Hannah still has the normal life of a Winnipeg schoolgirl, except that she pays regular visits to homeless people. (2017 北京完形)My face turned red and I ran back home empty-handed, except for the $20 bill I held tightly in my pocket. (2010 福建完形) 第60页/共72页巩固练习巩固练习学生用书学生用书P181182基础训练:第二题基础训练:第二题第61页/共72页 重点词块专练重点词块专练 要求全面理解和掌握重点词块的释义、用法、要求全面理解和掌握重点词块的释义、用法、搭配;搭配; 结合例句猜测词义,结合语境归纳总结。结合例句猜测词义,结合语境归纳总结。第62页/共72页have . in common (with)have . in common (with) (与与) 有共同之处有共同之处We have a lot in common and have a lot to talk about. 我们有许多共同点,因此有很多话题可聊。I have nothing in common with Jane. 我和简毫无共同之处。【精讲精讲】【备考指导备考指导】 Because of its origins, Canadian English has a great deal in common with the rest of the English spoken in North America. (2012 上海听力) I think I can share with her our traveling experiences, taking care of pets, or whatever we have in common. (2007 全国书面表达)have . in common (with) 常在高考听力、阅读和常在高考听力、阅读和写作写作中出现。中出现。第63页/共72页be similar to be similar to 和和 相似相似Mencius was a thinker whose teachings were very similar to those of Confucius. 孟子是位思想家,他的学说与孔子的非常相似。 外研 5【精讲精讲】第64页/共72页【备考指导备考指导】 Studying Wendys menu, I found that many of the items are similar to those of McDonalds. (2012 浙江单选) Its similar to the music you listen to, but its not exactly the same. (2010 北京阅读)be similar to常在高考单选和阅读中出现。常在高考单选和阅读中出现。第65页/共72页【精讲精讲】 Tea or coffee? 喝茶还是咖啡? Id prefer tea, thanks. 我更喜欢茶,谢谢。She prefers her coffee black. 她更喜欢喝清咖啡。Id prefer you to start early. 我更希望你早点出发。 北师大 24The child prefers his imaginary world to reality. 这个孩子喜欢自己的幻想世界甚于现实世界。I would prefer reading books to watching TV. 比起看电视,我还是喜欢读书。prefer (doing) sth to (doing) sth 第66页/共72页differ . from differ . from 不同于;有别于不同于;有别于How do the tourists differ from local people? 游客和当地居民有何不同? 北师大 8【精讲精讲】【备考指导备考指导】The specific expression of anger also differs from person to person based on biological and cultural forces. (2014 江苏阅读) Human facial expressions differ from those of animals in the degree to which they can be controlled on purpose. (2007重庆单选)differ from常在高考单选、阅读和完形中出现。常在高考单选、阅读和完形中出现。第67页/共72页tell from tell from 区分;辨别区分;辨别Its easy to tell the expensive wine from the cheap one. 区分昂贵的葡萄酒和廉价的葡萄酒很简单。【精讲精讲】【备考指导备考指导】The two girls are so alike that strangers find it difficult to tell one from the other. (2011 山东单选)tell . from常在高考单选和阅读中出现。常在高考单选和阅读中出现。第68页/共72页tell apart tell apart 区分;辨别区分;辨别The twin brothers are so much alike that you can hardly tell them apart. 这对孪生兄弟长得很像,你几乎分辨不出谁是谁。【精讲精讲】【备考指导备考指导】They can easily tell two different songs apart. (2013 上海阅读) tell . from常在高考单选和阅读中出现。常在高考单选和阅读中出现。第69页/共72页巩固练习巩固练习学生用书学生用书P182183基础训练,第三题基础训练,第三题第70页/共72页


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