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文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载! 1. next to (prep.) 紧邻,在近旁= by = beside ;next (adj.) 下一个 nextweek/month2. There are twenty restaurants in town. 镇上有二十家餐馆。表示某地有,用there be 句型,谓语动词就近原则。表示有事情要做,用there be sth to do. There are lots of things _(see) in places of interest.表示有某人做某事,用there be sb doing sth. On game shows, there are always famous people_(talk) about their lives.3. The biggest one in Fifth street! 在第五大街最大的那一家。 big-bigger-biggest inFenghuang Street on Nanjing Road词条用法示例one泛指,指代前面提到过的那类人或物,复数形式为onesThis tie doesnt match my shirt, would you like to show me another one?it特指,用来指代前面提到过的那个物The book is very interesting, would you like to have a look at it?4. I live in a town 15 miles from London. 我住在离伦敦15英里的一个镇上。 be far (away) from 离远,但出现具体距离时,不用far 5. enjoy a cup of tea 享受一杯茶enjoy doing sthWe have great fun _(play) with each other in the playground.What great fun we have _(play) with each other in the playground. Its great fun _(play) with each other in the playground. 6. We often listen to music in bed. 我们经常躺在床上听音乐。in bed 意为 (躺)在床上,bed 前无冠词修饰。be ill in bed 生病在床in the bed 在床里面,被窝里 I was so tired and wanted to sleep in the bed right now.on the bed表示某样东西在床上 There is a book on the bed.床上有本书。7. I have my own bedroom and bathroom.我有自己的卧室和浴室。own (adj.) 自己的 my own car their own have ones own.=have sth of ones own 拥有某人自己的.I have_(我自己的) bedroom. = I have the bedroom _.(vt.) 拥有 owner (n.) 物主,所有人He_(own) a big company in New York. He is the_(own) of a big company in New York.8. France has an area of over 260,000 square miles. have an area of =be in size面积为.square(adj.) 平方的square metre平方米(n.)广场Tianan men Square over 超过 = more than 在上方强调正上方,反义词under There is a bridge over the river. 结束game over go over 复习think over 仔细考虑9. Thank sb very much/ thanks a lot for sth/doing sth回答:Thats all right./ Youre welcome./ Not at all./ Its my pleasure.10. Your house is really different from the flats here. different 是形容词,名词为differencebe different from和不同,不同于 be the same as和.一样11. Your garden is full of flowers. 你的花园充满了花。be full of =be filled with 充满.12. I would like to invite my friends to watch films with me at the weekend.invite (v.) 邀请 invitation (n) 邀请invite sb to do sth邀请某人去做某事invite sb to someplace 邀请某人去某地或参加活动13. Each room has a new computer. 每间房间都有台新电脑。each 用于两者及以上的每一个,后面可以直接跟 of。如 each of them/you/usevery 用于三者及以上的每一个,后面不能直接跟 of,如要表示每一个,可用 every one。如every one of them/you/usEach student _(have) a book in his hand.Each of the students_(have) a book in his hand.The students each_(have) a book in his hand.10 / 1114. Im afraid they wont welcome visitors like you. 恐怕他们不会欢迎像你这样的客人。be afraid of sth/doing sthbe afraid to do sthIm afraid so/not. 15. Theres something wrong with my computer. 我的电脑坏了。theres something wrong with sth =sth is not working well=sth is broken 意为“某物失灵”something,anything,nothing等不定代词, 形容词,动词不定式,else 等词修饰不定代词时,要后置 nothing interesting 没什么有趣的 anything else 其他任何东西16. Im going to ask a computer engineer to check it. 我打算叫一个电脑工程是来检查一下。ask sb (not) to do sth要求/请求某人(不)做某事ask (sb) for help (向某人)请求帮助ask (sb) for sth(向某人)要求得到某物ask sb about sth询问某人关于某事17. Youre lucky to live in a neighbourhood like that,Simon.lucky(adj.)-luck (n.) -luckily (adv.) be lucky to do sth意为“很幸运做某事”good luck to sb with sth祝某人某事好运Luckily, I got the last ticket to the concert.= I was lucky to get the last ticket to the concert.18. Im sure youll be good at it. 我确定你将会做好它的。be sure to do sth肯定做某事 We are sure to win. 我们肯定会赢。be sure +that 从句 We are sure he will come to help us.sure (adv.) “当然可以”=certainly -May I use your bike?-Sure./Certainly.19. I want to help sick people. 我想要帮助病人。ill(adj.)病的be sick=be illJack didnt come to school, because he was sick/ill. sick(adj.)恶心的Please open the window. I feel a little sick.be sick of 厌倦I am sick of reading the same book every day.a sick boy 一个生病的男孩,an ill boy 坏男孩20. Do you have any problems? 你们有困难吗?have problems/trouble/difficulty with sth/ in doing sth例:Do you have problems in doing your homework?21. They will make you feel better!他们将使你感觉好些。 make sb do sth使某人做某事 He made me stay with him.make sb/sth+形容词 “使某人/某物” He tried to make them happy.feel well 指身体感觉舒服,没有毛病,这里well是形容词,“身体好的,健康的”反义词组feel sick, feel better感觉好些22. Are you worrying about what to wear to a party or how to design your home?worry about sb/sth= be worried about sb/sth担心某人/某事或为某人/某事担心Dont worry about your son. =Dont be worried about your son. worry+sb使某人烦恼/顾虑 The new work worries him so much. what to wear / how to design your home “疑问句+不定式结构”,作worry about 的宾语。23. They will be happy to give you some ideas. be happy /willing / ready/ glad to do sth很乐意做某事24. An old friend of mine is coming to see me. 我的一位老朋友要来看我。 an old friend of mine“我的一位老朋友”,该短语中of 后用的是名词性物主代词。I am a friend of his.25. Maybe we can order a pizza.maybe “或许”副词Maybe he is taller than me. may be “或许是,可能是”He may be taller than me.26. Id like to take the boys to our schools football field.Would likesth/to do sth /sb to do sth Why not do sth? Why dont you do sth?Shall we do sth? Lets do sth? Let us do sth?27. Beijing ducks is very famous. be famous for 以而出名/著名 Jay Zhou is famous as singer. be famous as 作为而出名28. Come to the Palace Museum!祈使句是表示建议、命令或请求的句子,由“动词原形+其他成分”构成。否定形式:Dont +动词原形 Please open the door. = Open the door, please. Dont play football in the classroom.29. How far is it from the hotel? how far 多远对距离提问 how often对频率提问how old对年龄提问 how many 对可数名词的数量提问how long 对一段时间提问how soon 多久对将来的时间提问how much 对价格或不可数名词数量的提问 how many times 多少次对次数的提问30. Iwant to talk about a CD, not something else.talk about 谈论讨论 talk to/ with sb与某人交谈want sth/ to do sth /sb to do sth31. Sometimes we row a boat there.sometime副词,意为“在某个时候”可与将来时连用,也可与过去时连用 some time 名词词组意为“一段时间” sometimes 频度副词,意为“有时,不时”常与一般现在时连用 some times 几次,几倍表次数或倍数。The Sun is about 1,300,000 times larger than the Earth. what time 什么时候What time did you get up today?32. Some families raise cows, and others grow wheat.Some ., others. 表示“一些,其他的” Some like Chinese, and others like English.One .the other. 一个另一个 on the one side, on the other side 在另一端 I have two pens. One is black, the other is red.33. .Are you sure, Hobo? be sure to do sth一定做某事be sure of sth对某事有把握 be sure that从句34. Theres a path between the hills. between介词表示“两者之间” betweenandamong 表示三者或者三者以上 among A 、B and C 35. Lets go on a trip! go on a trip “去旅行”“go on with sth” = go on doing sth.go on doing sth指前后做同一件事情,但中间有间隔,相当于go on with sth.go on to do sth指前后做的不是同一件事情on的用法:come on 跟我来加油get on with (sb)与(某人相处) hold on (for a moment)别挂断put on 穿上;戴上;try on试穿(衣服)turn on/off 开 (电灯无线电等) get on 上(车)on foot 走路步行on ones way to 在途,在路上 on time 准时on fire 着火 on the left/ left 在左(右)边on holiday 休假度假 in time 及时Its north of the school about three miles away.它在我们学校北面大约三英里句中的“north”是表示方向的名词“be 方位词 of”表示“在的方向”south-eastnorth-east south-east north-east Hei long jiang is in the north-east of China. 黑龙江在中国的东北36. Walk along the road, to the north of the Panda House youll find the lions.(1)Walk along,“along”是介词,意思是“沿着”(2)句中的介词短语“to the north of ”意思是“与某一地域不相接的北面”表示“在熊猫之家的北面”介词 “in”则表示“在某地域范围之内的北方或北部”介词“on”则表示“与某一地域边界相接的北方”Hebei is to the north of Jiangsu. 河北在江苏的北方Beijing is in the north of China. 北京在中国的北部37. with their eyes open/closed/open wide/ with a book in her handwith 作介词,意为“具有,带有”结构“with +名词+形容词/介词短语”在句中做伴随状语38. stop 停止 stop doing sth停止做某事 stop to do sth停下来去做另一件事Class begins. Lets stop talking. After one hours walk, we stop to have a rest.39. They turned around but saw nothing. turn around 转身;使翻转turn sth around/turn around sth,turn+代词+around40. “Thats strange,” the two girls were very afraid.strangeadj.奇怪的陌生的be strange to sb/ sth对某人或某物感到陌生strangern. 陌生人Dont talk to the strangers.41. They left the park quickly.leave 动词离开,留下过去式 left leave 不及物动词离开leave for 动身去某地 We are leaving for Beijing.及物动词留下leave sbsth给某人留下某物 My teacher left me a few books.42. On their way home, they met Andy.on ones/ the way home/ to school 在去.的路上 by the way 顺便说一下 in the way 挡路 in this way 用这种方法 in some ways 在某些方面43. “what happened?” Andy asked.sth +happen +地点/时间某地/某时发生了某事 An accident happened in that street.sth + happen to + sb某人出了某事(常指不好的事发生在某人身上)What happened to you?sb +happen+to do sth某人碰巧做某事 I happen to meet her in the street.Whats wrong= Whats trouble =Whats the problem= Whats the matter?=what is happening?44. He searched the bushes.search sth for sth在.中搜寻.search for sth寻找某物 search sb搜身45. It was very weakweak作形容词虚弱的,无力的 The old man looks very weak.be weak in 在某方面弱反义词 be good at =do well in 擅长 be good for 对.有益46. Andy picked up the little cat and went to find Millie and Amy.pick up 捡起,拿起,拾起; 中途搭载乘客,接人Jack picked up the wallet in the street.Wait here and Ill pick you up at two oclock.47. be surprised at sb/sth对某人或者某物感到惊奇 be surprised to do sth做某事感到惊讶 be amazed at 48. I heard of a young man.过去式:heard hear hear听到hear of/ hear about 听说 hear from 收到某人的来信49. the other day 那几天;前几天使用一般过去时态 I went to visit my uncle the other day.50. the other 另一个,可作代词也可作名词,指两者中的另一个,或者把整体部分分为两部分,指其中的一部分。the others =the other +名词复数I have two friends. One is Linda, the other is Bill.another 另一个指三者或者三者以上中的另一个This cake is so delicious. Can I have another one?other 其他的,别的形容词后接名词复数You should be friendly to other students.others =other +名词复数Some people like sports, and others like music.51. as.as 和一样中间接形容词副词的原级表示统计事物之间的.as. as用于肯定句,否定句中,as. as或not as.as. The watch is as cheap as that one. so.as 只用于否定句 not so.as52. call 叫,喊;给打电话call sb称(某人)为,取名 His friends call him Bob.被称作a boy called Tom 53. hurry vi.急忙,匆忙 n. 匆忙,急忙 hurried adj.匆忙的,草率的 hurry up 快点(表示催促)dont hurry 不要急,别着急in a hurry 匆忙,急忙 hurry to do sth.赶快/匆忙做某事54. tired adj.疲倦的,累的be/ feel tired of tiring adj. 令人感到无聊(主语通常是物)excitedexciting; surprised surprising; amazedamazing 55. try vi. & n.尝试Have a try尝试一下,试一下 Try to do sth尽力做某事 = Try /do ones best to do sthTry doing sth尝试做某事56. look up向上看,查找look for 寻找 look at 看look out 向外看,当心小心look forward to(doing)期盼 look like = be like 看起来像look down 向下看look down upon/on sb看不起,瞧不起look after = take care of look afterwell = take good care oflook out at sth向外看 look out of 朝的外面careful adj. carefully adv. careless adj. carelessness n.57. see sb doing sth看见某人正在做某事see sb do sth看见某人做了某事 hear/watchsb doing sth hear/watchsb do sth58. run across the field 从田地穿过across,介词,“穿过”(指从物体表面的穿过,横过),多与动词连用 go across, walk across.cross,动词,“穿过”(指从物体表面的穿过) cross the road 过马路through, 介词, 强调从中间穿过, go through 穿过eg. Through the window, the sunshines in.over,“从上面越过,横过”常与动态动词连用;表静态时,指“在彼处”59. alone adj.独自的,相当于by oneself be alone 独自一人adv. 独自地 work alone find oneself alone 发觉自己一个人lonely adj.孤独的 feel lonelyfail vt&vi失败,不及格 failure n.失败 fail to do sth fail in sth/doing sthsuccess n. succeed v. successful adj. Failure is the mother of success.60. raise money for“为募集资金”We often raise money for the old 61. put out意为“扑灭;熄灭” put it out put out the fire/smoke / your cigarette与put构成的短语还有put on穿上 put up举起;张贴;搭建 put off推迟putinto把放进62. be ill in hospital 意为“生病住院” go to hospital go to schoolin the hospital意为“在医院” go to the hospital go to the school63. do well in=be good at表示“做得好” be good for “对.有好处”do better in“做得更好”64. at the age of意为“在岁的时候”,与时间状语从句whenwas/were(years old)意义相同We started to go to school at the age the age of six. =We started to go to school when we were six(years old). the 79-year-old Mrs Sun,a three-day-old panda a three-month-old baby 65. Can you show me how to play it?特殊疑问词+to do sth, I dont know how I can look after the little dog.=I dont know how to look after the little dog.66. recommend sb for an award意为“推荐某人获得奖项”recommend sb as the chairperson/monitor/group leader“推荐某人作主席/班长/组长”recommend sb to be“推荐某人担任”67. take part in表示“参加(群众性活动、会议等),参加者往往持积极态度,并在活动中发挥积极作用”Well take an active part in the sports meeting. join也表示“参加”之意,指加入某党派、某组织或社会团体,成为其中的一员join the army/the Party join in 虽然也可表示“参加”,但通常指参加小规模的活动,如:球赛、游戏等。Come on, and join in the ball game.快,来参加球赛。68. lose作及物动词,表示“丢失;迷失” lose-lost-lost lost adj. 丢失的;迷失的 be lost = get lostlose ones way迷路 lose ones chance丢失机会 lose ones life失去生命69. Bring me sth to eat. bring sb. sth= bring sth to sb.( to eat 为动词不定式,修饰sth.动词不定式修饰代词或名词,常位于所修饰词之后)bring “拿来,带来”,表示将东西拿给说话者。反义词:take “带去”take sb to. 带某人到 take sb to do sth带某人(去)做某事类似bring 可以接双宾语的词有:show;give; take; teach;buy sth for sb= buy sbsth give sbsth= give sth to sb给某人某东西70. teach him to speak teach sb (how) to do sth. teach sbsth= teach sth to sbteach oneself= learn .by oneself “自学”71. feed her carrots (feed fed-fed) vt.“喂养;喂”feed sbsth= feed sth to sb ( Feed on “以为食”)72. swim aroundaround adv.四处,到处,四周 prep. 围绕,在附近,在.周围Swim around “四处游动,游来游去”Look around到处看看73. run after 追逐,追求 =chase Run away 逃跑 run out (of )用光,用尽74. Build me camps out of sticks build-built-builtbuild out of =use to build. We built horses out of bricks and stones.75. fight. (fight-fought-fought) fight v.打架 n. 打架fight with sb=have a fight with sb与打架 fight for sth为某事而打架76. till/until在肯定句中“到.时,直到.为止” She lived in Tokyo till/until she died.在否定句中,表示“在.以前”“直到.才Tom didnt come back till/until midnight.77. all the time 一直,总是 She wears a smile on her face all the time.time相关的词组:every time have a good time in timeon timeat the same time at that time from time to time 78. agree v.赞成;同意 agreement n. disagree v.不赞成;不同意 disagreement n.agree to do sth同意做某事 Agree with sb /sth同意某人或同意某人说的话agreed thatI dont agree=I disagreeweigh up to 重达. up to达到,至多79. weigh v. 重,有多重 weight n.重量lose/put on weightweigh about 40 grams 对于重量的提问用how much How much does a goldfish weigh? = Whats the weight of a goldfish?80. noise n. 声音;噪音 noisy adj. 吵闹的 noisily adv. 吵闹地 make noise 81. Its dangerous to swim in the lake.be dangerous to swim,“游泳很危险”。 “be +形容词+to do sth”,意为“做某事怎么样”。句型结构为“it is +形容词+to do sth”Eg. It is happy to see you again.It is +形容词+ for sb+to do sth,“对于某人来说做某事怎么样”It is +形容词+ of sb+to do sth,“某人做某事怎么样”eg. It is difficult for everyone to pass this test.It is generous of you to share things with your friends.82. She drank some more.some more,“再来一些”为“数字+more+名词”,来表示“再来多少东西”= “another+ 数字+名词”eg. I would like two more oranges, please.= I would like another two oranges, please.83. Alice was small enough to go through the door.“too+形容词+to do sth” 可与“be +形容词+enough +to do sth”进行结构转换。enough在句子中作副词,修饰形容词或副词时放在后面,修饰名词时放在名词之前She is old enough to go to school. I run fast enough to keep up with the bus. He has enough money to buy a car. That boy was too poor to buy the cake.= That boy was not rich enough to buy the cake.How amazing! 84. 感叹句:How + adj / adv +主语+谓语!What + a/an + adj+n. +主语+谓语!Eg.How amazing this rabbit is!What a brave young man.What fine weather it is today!What great fun it is to go hiking in spring!What a good/wonderful time they are having playing basketball!85. Remember to take your mobile phone, Amy.remember to do sth(未做) forget to do sth,(未做)remember doing sth(已做) forget doing sth(已做)86. You complain too much. complain vi 投诉,抱怨,complain (to sb) about/of sthcomplain thattoo much “太多”用来修饰动词或不可数名词too many “太多”用来修饰可数名词复数much too “太,非常”用来修饰形容词或副词87. Hold it in my hand. hold-held-held1. “拿,握住,抓住”。The boy is holding a big doll in his arms.2. “举行”hold a party/sp orts meeting 3. “容纳”The room is big enough to hold 200 people.4. hold on “别挂断;持续” Hold on, please. 88. Sheisnt any trouble. trouble n&v. 麻烦 have some trouble/problems/difficulty in doing sthWhats the trouble with you? =Whats the matter with you?=whats wrong with you?Be in trouble 处于困境 get into trouble 陷入困境 out of trouble 摆脱困境89. What does it look like?它看上去什么样?What does .look like?询问人或物的外貌特征What does your father look like?What is .like?可询问人或物的外貌特征,也可询问性格特征-What are your friends like? - They are friendly and helpful.What does .like?询问喜欢什么-What does your friends like? -They like fish.Grammar 基数词1、表顺序。由单数名词 + 基数词,此时名词和基数词第一个字母大写。如:Class One, Room Five, Lesson Ten, Page 108, No. 9 Middle School, Bus No.12、确数与概数的表达确数:基数词+计数单位的单数(hundred, thousand, million, billion)+ 名词复数There are six hundred workers in this factory.注意: hundred, thousand, million, billion用单数 several hundred students 几百个学生概数:计数单位的复数(hundreds, thousands, millions, billions)+ of +名词的复数Thousands of visitors have come to Hangzhou in the last two weeks.注意:two hundred of the students 学生中的两百个3、“整十”的基数词的复数形式可用于表示“几十年代”或“在某人多少岁时”。In the 1960s 在二十世纪六十年代My mother is in herforties.我的妈妈四十多岁。序数词1、第一到第三需逐个记忆first, second, third2、第四到第十九,特殊的是:fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth。其余都由相应的基数词加th构成。3、20-90之间“第几十”的序数词由相应的基数词去掉y加ieth构成。twentieth, thirtieth, fortieth, fiftieth, sixtieth, seventieth, eightieth, ninetieth4、21-99之间的“第几十几”的序数词,前面的十位数用基数词,后面的个位用序数词,中间用连词符连接。如:twenty-first, twenty-ninth, seventy-eighth。5、100 hundredth第一百6、 对比以下序数的写法:fourth, fourteenth, fortiethninth, nineteenth, ninetieth11th, 12th, 13th,21st, 22nd, 23rd,序数词的用法1、序数词表顺序时,前要加定冠词the,有物主代词或名词所有格不需要加the。The second picture is very beautiful. 第二幅图很漂亮。Today is grandmasninetieth birthday. 2、表示考试或比赛等的名次时,通常不加冠词。He came _(four) in the drawing competition.3、序数词前也可以用不定冠词 a/an, 表示“再一,又一”。Ive tried twice, but Ill try a third time. 我已经试过两次了,但我将再试一次。4、表日期中的“日”。2016年7月6日 July 6th, 20165、分数的表达:分子基数词,分母序数词,分子大于一,分母加s1/3的学生one third of the students. 4/5的学生fourfifths of thestudents一般将来时(Simple Future Tense)1.定义:表示将来发生的动作或情况2.三种结构:(1).will+动词原型 (2).shall+动词原形 (3).be going to +动词原形 He will play cards with his brother this evening. I shall meet my friends in the park tomorrow. She is going to visit her uncle next Monday.3.否定句和疑问句否定句:will/shall+not+do(wont/shant+do) am/is/are+not+goingto+do疑问句:Will/Shall+主语+do; Am/Is/Are+主语+going to doSchool will be over in two hours. School will not be over in two hours. Will school be over in two hours? We shall take a bus to school next week. Shall we take a bus to school next week?The policemen are going to catch the thief this afternoon. The policemen arent going to catch the thief this afternoon.Are the policemen going to catch the thief this afternoon?4.常用的时间状语 A. 由tomorrow 组成的,如:tomorrow morning/evening明天早晨、晚上the day after tomorrow 后天 B. 由next组成的,如:next Tuesday/Sunday 下周二/日 C. 由this 组成的,如:this afternoon/evening 今天下午/晚上 D. 由coming组成的,如:the coming Sunday 下个星期天这些表时间的单词或短语的前面都不能加介词 E. 由in组成的,如:in two hours 在2小时内, in a few days 在几天内 in the future 在未来C. there be 句型的将来时There will be+名词/there be going to be+名词 There will be a sports meeting in my school.=There is going to be a sports meeting in my school. There will be three football matches next week.=There are going to be three football matches next week.D. 在英语中,有些动词如go,come,leavearrive,fly,mo


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