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真诚为您提供优质参考资料,若有不当之处,请指正。2014-2015学年大南中学英语七年级下学期讲学稿班级 _ 姓名_ 第 周 星期 Unit 4 Dont eat in class. Section A 1a2c (第1课时)课型:听说课 执笔:胡金华 审核:杨老师 时间:2015年 3 月 日学习目标:学习运用祈使句和情态动词can、can t谈论校规。学习重难点:祈使句的否定式和情态动词can、can t表示许可的用法;有关校规的各种表达。学法指导:课前自学、课堂学习、任务型学习 、小组合作课时安排:1 课时一、课前自学:预习课本19-20页(一).请写出下列单词。P1221.规则 _ 2.到达 _3.走廊_4.大厅_5.餐厅 _6.倾听_ 7.打架 _8.抱歉的 _(二).请写出下列短语。P19-201.在课堂上_ 2.校规_ 3.做某事迟到_ 4.准时_ 5.在走廊里_ 6.在教室里_ 7.在餐厅里_ 8.听音乐_(三).翻译下列8个句子。P19-201.不要在课堂上吃东西。_ 2.不准上课迟到。你必须准时。_ 3.不准在走廊里跑。_4.不准在课堂上听音乐。_5.不准打架。_6.我们上课不能迟到。我们必须准时。_7.我们不能在教室里吃东西,但我们能在餐厅里吃。_ 8.What are the rules?_二、课堂学习:1.小组互相检查课前预习作业。 2.完成1a,将图片中的学生的行为与校规匹配,熟读并翻译成汉语。3.1b,听录音,找出录音中三人所违反的校规。4.Pair-work:仿照1c操练对话,注意Dont 与We can t 的转换。5. 听录音,完成2a,2b。6.背诵2b对话,然后结合2a两人一组自编对话。三、小组合作探究:初识祈使句祈使句表示命令、请求、劝告、征求对方意见等,一般省略主语(you)。1肯定祈使句一般以动词原形开头: Listen to me,please. 请听我说. Stop! 停下来!2祈使句的否定形式一般在动词原形前加_: _ run in the hallways. talk in class.(别忘了,以let开头的句子也是祈使句的一种结构哦!)Let me help you. Let s go.小试身手:根据示范来进行祈使句操练 A: Eat in the class. B: Dont eat in the class. A: Fight in the classroom. B: .A: Run in the hallways. B: .A: Arrive late for class. B: .A: Listen to music in the classroom. B: .四、课堂检测:一)精挑细选( )1. If you arrive late _ class, you must say _ to your teacher. A. for, thanks B. for, sorry C. to, sorry D. to, thanks( )2. Can you sing in the classroom? _ A. Yes, you can. B. No, I can. C. Yes, we can. D. No, you cant. ( )3. Dont arrive late. You must be _ time.A. to B. on C. at D.of( )4. Please listen _ the teacher carefully (认真地). A. to B. on C. at D. with( )5. Dont _ TV after class. A. watch B. watches C. watching D. watched二)按要求完成句型练习1. 连词成句: please, dont ,in, talk, loudly, class 2 连词成句: not, he, fly, can, a, kite 3.(填空) _ _(not arrive) late for class.4. (填空) He cant _ _(understand理解) the idea now.5. (填空) _ _(not read) in the sun.6 (填空) _ _(not play) on the road. Its dangerous五、作业:1、逐条背诵、默写1a 校规。2、做讲学稿第2课时课前自学的题目。六、课后归纳反思:本节课主要句型 : 教学反思: 2014-2015学年大南中学英语七年级下学期讲学稿班级 _ 姓名_ 第 周 星期 Unit 4 Dont eat in class. Section A 2d-3c (第2课时)课型:读说语法课 执笔:胡金华 审核:杨老师 时间:2015年 3 月 日 学习目标:1、学习情态动词can表示许可的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句及肯定、否定回答。2、学习情态动词 have to的各种句式的变化。3、学会用can 和have to与他人讨论规章制度。学习重难点:情态动词can与have to的用法学法指导:课前自学、课堂学习、任务型学习 、小组合作课时安排:1 课时一、课前自学:预习课本20-21页1)翻译下列短语1.不许说话 _ 2.穿校服_ 3.迟到_ 4.不得不 , 必须_5.保持安静 _ 6. 戴帽子_7.图书馆的规定 _ 8按时上课_ 9.梦想的学校_ 10. 不必_ 2) 根据学校的实际情况,仿照1a,补充校规。(看哪组写出最多)如:Dont have long hair. 二、课堂学习:1. 复习背诵1a 校规 。2朗读2d的对话,完成下列表格,再分角色操练对话。Have toDont /Cant 3. 朗读Grammar focus 中的句子, 要求会翻译能背诵(组内互查)。4. 完成3a,3b和3c的练习,展示成果。三、语言知识探究:探讨:Can we bring music players to school ?怎样用英语回答。We must be on time.与We have to be on time .有区别没有?情态动词动词原形1.情态动词can的用法:(1)表示能力,会,能 Can you play the guitar? 你会弹吉它吗?(2)表示允许、许可,可以、能 Can the students run in the hallways? 学生们可以在走廊上跑吗? We can eat outside. 我们可以在外面吃东西。2.情态动词haveto的用法: 意思是必须、不得不,侧重于客观上的必要和外界的权威,在变否定句和疑问句时要借用助动词do或does。(1)结构:主语haveto动词原形(主语是第三人称单数时,用hasto.)如:We wear the school uniform.我们必须穿校服。Tom play theguitareveryday.汤姆每天必须得弹吉它。(2)否定形式:主语donthaveto动词原形其他(第三人称单数时,用doesnthaveto)如:Nick wearauniform.尼克不必穿制服。We doourhomeworkatonce.我们不必马上完成作业(3)一般疑问句:Do/Does主语haveto动词原形其他?如: you stayathomeonweekends?周末你必须呆在家里吗?Yes, I do./No, I dont. 如: Mary get up at six every day?玛丽每天必须六点起床吗? Yes, she does ./No, she doesnt. (3)特殊疑问句:疑问词+ do/does主语haveto动词原形其他?如:What you to doonweekends?周末你必须做什么吗? ? (用 she改写上句)3. 情态动词must:意思也是“必须”,强调由于主观原因一定要做某事,只用于一般现在时,没有时态和人称的变化,有时与have to可互换。如:We must study hard at school. 我们在学校必须努力学习。. 四、课堂检测:1.They must finish their work on Friday.(改为同义句)They _ finish their work on Friday.2.You cant take your computer game to school.(改为祈使句)_your computer game to school.3.She has to write a letter to her pen pal.(改为一般疑问句)_she _ write a letter to her pen pal?4.Run in the street. (改为否定句) _ _ in the street.五、作业:1.背诵2d和 Grammar focus。 2.完成学习辅导 Section A3.做讲学稿第3课时课前自学的题目。六、课后归纳反思:can, have to, must都属于 动词,后接动词 。教学反思: 2014-2015学年大南中学英语七年级下学期讲学稿班级 _ 姓名_ 第 周 星期 Unit 4 Dont eat in class. Section B1a1d(第3课时)课型:听说课 执笔:胡金华 审核:杨老师 时间: 2015年3 月 日 学习目标: 1.学习谈论家规。 2.掌握句型:“ I must” , “ I have to” , “ I can /cant”3.能听懂有关谈论规则的对话并进行自由交际。学习重难点:句型:“ I must” , “ I have to” , “ I can /cant”学习方法: 课前自学、课堂内外练习、模仿示范 、小组合作 课时安排:1 课时一、课前预习:预习课本22页一).请写出下列单词。P123-124 1.外出 _ 2.练习 _ 3.碟,盘_ 4.在以前_二).请写出下列短语。P221.外出(娱乐)_ 2.清洗餐具_ 3.练习吉他_ 4.帮助他妈妈做早饭_ 5.在上学日的晚上_ 6.在学校上课日_ 7.晚饭之前_ 8.每个周六 三).请写出下列6个句子。P91 Unit4 Section B1.我不能在上学日的晚上出去。_2.我不能在学校上课日见我的朋友们。_3.我必须在放学后做作业。_4.我必须在晚饭前练习吉他并且然后我必须饭后清洗餐具。 _5.我必须每天早上帮我妈妈做早饭。_6.我必须每周六打扫我的房间。_二、课堂学习:1.小组互相检查课前预习作业,并能熟读这些短语和句子。2.完成1a,把图片和家规匹配。3.听录音,完成1b和1c。4.根据表格,复述Dave的家规。你可以这样复述:Dave has so many rules in his house. He cant . He has to . He must.三、小组合作探究:分析总结如何写规章制度的句型,并练习造句写写你的家规。 _ _ _ 四、课堂检测:一)、单项选择。( )1. What are the school rules?We _ listen to music in class. A. dont B. cant C. arent D. cant( )2. There are _ rules in our school. A. a lots of B. a lot of C. lot of D. a lot( )3. I _ to cook now. A. have not B. dont have C. had not D. didnt have ( 4. _ draw on the wall. A. Not B. No C. Doesnt D. Dont( )5. I have to _ the room every morning. A. clean B. cleans C. cleaning D. to clean( )6. Does she have to go to bed at 9:00? Yes, she_. A. has B. have C. does D. doesnt 二)、短文填空。Emily has many . She has to do her homework school. She cant go out school nights. She see her friends on school days, either. She to do the dishes after dinner, and then she can watch TV half an hour. She likes .She usually reads at night. She has to go to bed before ten oclock because she must up early the next morning. She joins the music club. She has to her guitar every day. She has to help her mom make every morning. She doesnt think shes lucky.三)、完成下列句子。1. We cant listen to music in the classroom.(改为祈使句) to music in the classroom.2. Eat in class, please.(改为否定句)_ in class, please.3. They have to clean the classroom every day.(对划线部分提问) they have to _every day.4. Listen to music in the hallways(改否定句) listen to music in the hallways.5. She has to wash clothes every week. (改为一般疑问句) Does she wash her clothes every day?五、作业:1.背诵1a的家规。 2.收集家规并写下来。 3.做讲学稿第4课时课前自学的题目。 六、课后归纳反思:谈论家规可用以下句型: 教学反思: 2014-2015学年大南中学英语七年级下学期讲学稿班级 _ 姓名_ 第 周 星期 Unit 4 Dont eat in class. Section B 2a2c(第4课时)课型:阅读课 执笔:胡金华 审核:杨老师 时间: 2015年 3 月 日 学习目标:1、谈论对家规的看法。2、能阅读有关谈论家规的文章并完成练习。学习重难点:情态动词 must/ have to/ can /cant学习方法: 课前预习、课堂学习与合作探究 课时安排:1 课时一、课前自学:预习课本23页一).请写出下列单词。P1241.脏的 _ 2.厨房 _ 3.更多的_ 4.吵闹的_5.放松_6.阅读_ 7.可怕的 _ 8.感受 _9.严格的_10.记住_ 11.跟随 _ 12.幸运 _二) 阅读课本P23 2b 的短文,翻译下列词组和句子:1.铺床_ 2.对某人要求严格_ 3.遵守规则_ 4.太多的规则_ 5.在厨房里_ 6.更多的规则_ 7.思考、考虑 8.十点之前 9. make rules to help us_ 10. Good luck! _ 三) 阅读短文,理解中文意思,然后用情态动词can , cant; must, have to将Molly 的家规写到表格中。Mollys family rulesFair()or unfair()公平/不公平1. She has to get up at six oclock every morning.3. She cant leave dirty dishes in the kitchen.二、 课堂学习:1.小组互相检查课前预习作业、熟读熟记本课单词、短语。2.仔细阅读P29 2b的第一封信,完成2c。3.阅读第二封信,找出Dr. Know 的观点并划线。4.掌握知识点,总结两封信的开头句和结尾句,试着站在家长,老师的角度看待家规,懂得“规则”的必要性。三、语言知识探究:1.There are too many rules.1)many一般修饰 ,表示“许多的”,前面加副词too,则表示“太多的”。too many后要跟可数名词复数。 如:她有太多的问题要问。She has to ask.2)too much也意为“太多的”但用来修饰不可数名词。如:我们有太多的家庭作业要做。We have to do.3) much too意为“太,简直”,相当于very, 后接形容词和副词。 练习:用too many, too much 和much too 填空:I have _ homework to do but there are _people in my room, they are _noisy I cant do my homework.4)情态动词 must,have to的用法Must的含义与 have to相似,两者有时可以互换使用,但 must强调说话人的主观看法,而have to 强调客观需要。Must只有一种形式,无人称、时态和数的变化。但have to 有各种形式,有人称、时态和数的变化。例如:The show is not interesting. I really must go now.He has to work to support(支撑;维持) his family.2.巧记“看”的用法:看电影我们常用see, 读书看报用read;电视、戏剧和比赛,凡是表演用watch。3.Parents and schools are sometimes strict, but remember, they make rules to help us.be strict with sb. 对某人严格的 be strict in (doing) sth. 对某事严格的 四、课堂检测:单项选择。( )1. A kid(小孩) _ breakfast every morning, because its good for his health. A. have to B. has to C. has to have D. has to has( )2. The students have to wear_ uniforms at their school. A. a B. an C. D. some( )3. Dont arrive late _ class. A. in B. of C. with D. for( )4. - Do you know the school _ ? - Yes, I do. A. a rule B. rules C. the rule D. the rules( )5. We cant listen to music in the hallways, _we can listen to it outside. A. but B. or C. so D. and( )6. The children _play football on the road.A. can B. must C. mustnt D. may五、作业:1.背诵2b的短文。2.完成学习辅导Section B。 教学反思: 2014-2015学年大南中学英语七年级下学期讲学稿班级 _ 姓名_ 第 周 星期 Unit 4 Dont eat in class. Section B 3aSelf check(第5课时)课型:读写课 执笔:胡金华 审核:杨老师 时间: 2015年 3 月 日 学习目标:1、复习谈论规章制度。2、复习使用 must, have to, can和cant。3、复习祈使句。 4、练习写自己身边的规章制度。学习重点与难点: 1.复习本单元重要词组和句型。2.写作。学习方法: 课前预习、课堂学习与合作探究 课时安排:1 课时一、课前自学:预习课本24页复习、翻译下列短语: 准时_穿校服_在图书管保持安静_在食堂吃饭_放学后做作业 _饭前练琴_饭后洗碗_ 起床铺床_ 看电视前读书_ 10:00前睡觉_上课不准迟到_不准在走廊里跑_不准在教室里吃东西_不准在课上听音乐_不准和同学打架_课上不准戴帽子_不准带手机到学校_ 晚上不准看电视_放学后不准玩篮球_二、 课堂学习:1.复习邮件的写法,复习情态动词的用法,完成3a。2.复习有关校规、家规的说法,完成3b,3c。讨论如何写信谈论身边的规章制度,试写一封信向Dr. Know 进行心理求助。你可以这样写:Dear Dr. Know, There are too many rules in my life! At home, I have to _ At school, we cant What can I do?3.读本单元重要词组和句型,完成self check。三、语言知识探究:再见祈使句祈使句是用来表示请求,命令,叮嘱,邀请,劝告等的句子。1) 祈使句无主语,主语you常省去。动词原形谓语当,句首Dont变否定。 朗读应当用降调,句末常标感叹号。2)祈使句的肯定句式分为三种类型1Do型,即 动词原形+其他 Stand up, please. = Please stand up. 请起立。2Be型,即Be+形容词 Be careful! 小心 Be quiet!请安静!3Let型,即Let+ + 动词原形 Lets go to school together.3)祈使句的否定式,由“Dont+动词原形+其它”构成,表示“不要做某事”。 Dont be late for class. 上课不要迟到。 在一些指示牌上,常用“No +动名词/名词”构成简略式的否定祈使句。如: No smoking! _! No parking! _! 禁止拍照!_! 四、课堂检测:一)完成下列句子。1.别在课堂上吃东西。_ _ in class2.上学不要迟到。Dont arrive _ _ school.3.不能在走廊里跑。Dont run _ _ _ . 4.我们能在教室里听音乐吗?Can we _ _ _ in class?5.你今天不必上学.You _ _ _ go to school today.二)译展身手Linda is an American girl. She is a good student. Every morning she gets up at 6:00. She has breakfast at home. ( 1 ) Then she wears her uniform and goes to school. She studies hard every day. ( 2 )她在餐厅吃中饭when she is at school. After school, ( 3 )she does her homework first, and then she cleans the room and ( 4 )帮助她妈妈做晚饭. Before she goes to bed, she usually reads some books. Then at 10:00p.m. she goes to bed. ( 5 )She thinks she is happy every day. What do you think? ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) 五、作业:复习本单元重要词组和句型,准备测验。 六、课后归纳反思:在本节课中你还有什么不明白的问题,请记录下来,找机会询问同学或老师。 教学反思: 班级 _ 姓名_ 第 周 星期 【综合练习】 2015年3月 日一完成句子。1.你们学校有什么规定? What are the your school2.请勿在走廊上追逐也不要上课迟到。Dont run and dont late for class.3.我们可以在食堂吃东西但不可以在课室吃。We can eat in the _, but we cant eat .4.你们必须在学校穿制服吗? 是的,我们要穿。Do you wear a uniform at school? Yes, _ _.5.我从来没找着点乐趣。I_ have any _ .6. 在家我经常帮妈妈做饭。I often help mom_ at home.7我有太多的工作要做 。I have _ work to do.8请安静。 _ , please.9请六点钟前回到来。_ back _six oclock.二.单项选择。( )1.The students have to wear _ uniform. A. aB. an C. the D. /( )2.What rules _ you have to obey (服从)? A. areB. isC. doD. does( )3. We _ eat in the classroom, because its impolite (不礼貌) to the teachers. A. canB. cantC. mustD. need( )4. There are too many _ in the kitchen. A. water B. milk C. rice D. vegetables( )5. -Can we hang out(闲逛) in the evening? - _. A. Yes, they canB. Yes, we cant C. No, you cantD. No, we can ( )6. Her bike is broken(坏了). She _ walk to school. A. have toB. has toC. hasD. Is( )7.My mother said to me, “Tom, _ in bed.” A. not read B. doesnt read C. dont read D. not reading ( )8. Dont listen _ music in the classrooms _ the hallways. A. /; AndB. /; andC. or; andD. to; or三、完形填空。 My name is Emily Brown. I am a middle school student. We have some_1_at school and at home. We cant get to_2_late. We have to finish our homework. We cant stay out _3_school nights. Some students think these rules are_4_, and they dont like them. But I cant_5_them.I think these rules can help _6_a lot. If we dont follow them._7_can we do well in our studies? For example, our teachers ask us to clean our classroom every day. If we_8_, the classroom will be very dirty. It is bad(不好)for our health, too. If your parents ask you_9_in bed early and you dont listen to them, you cant _10_on time next morning. Everyone needs some rules. Do you think so?( )1.A. books B. clothes C. rules D. classmates( )2.A. school B. home C. office D. dining hall( )3.A. at B. in C. for D. on( )4.A. good B. bad C. funny D. easy( )5.A. agree with B. look at C. play with D. wait for( )6.A. me B you C. us D. them( )7.A. what B. how C. when D. where( )8A. cant B. didnt C. wont D. dont( )9.A. to be B. to do C. be D. do ( )10.A. get to B. get in C. get up D. get on四短文填空。My name is Jim. I have too (1) _ rules in my home. I (2) _ to get up at six every morning. I (3) _ meet my friends because I have to do my homework (4) _school. I cant watch TV (5) _


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