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2015滁州市高级中学联谊会高三第一学期期末联考英语参考答案听力15 CAABC 610 CABAB 1115 CBABA 1620 CBCCB单项填空2125 BCCBC 2630 CDDDC 3135 ABCBA21. B 考查情景交际。句意:为这个项目我两个晚上没有睡觉,我太累了。怀特先生,我可以请一个星期的假吗?不可能,我们现在太忙了。Forget it意为“休想,不可能”。符合题意。22. C 考查名词辨析。句意:凯特,我想买条裙子参加毕业舞会。能给点意见吗?联华超市二楼商铺一直以价格合理而闻名。根据语境可知,have a good reputation for.意为“享有盛誉”。23. C 考查非谓语动词。句意:游览完图书馆之后,我们又去参观了全国闻名的文化景点。本句的逻辑主语是we,和从句谓语动词show含有被动关系,参观图书馆发生在主句动作之前,所以要用现在分词完成式的被动语态。24. B 考查动词辨析。句意:那所学校规定所有学生都得帮忙做家务活,这项规定得到了广大家长的一致认可。根据下文的“a school rule”可知,答案选B项,表示“要求、需要”。acquired表示“获得,取得”,不符合语境。25. C 考查不定代词。根据句意“那些年轻人几乎每个人都想拥有一部iPhone 6手机”分析可知这里应用代词one,表示同名异物,为泛指,相当于a/an+名词。26. C 考查名词性从句。句意:从这个研究我们无法找到那国家多种鱼类灭绝的原因。根据语境可知,应该用why引导宾语从句。27. D 考查时态。句意:这几年,在智能手机上表达情感比以前变得更容易了,但也更加复杂了。根据后面的时间状语“over the past years”可知,空格处应该用现在完成时,表示动作发生在过去并有可能持续下去。28. D 考查动词短语。句意:传统上来说,村民在动身外出赚钱时都会开个家庭会议。根据后面的“on their journey”可知,答案选D项,该项意为“出发,动身”;A项意为“放弃,戒掉”;B项意为“解决,处理,定居”;C项意为“通过,接通”。29. D 考查状语从句的连接词。句意:一旦这位年轻人对一本书感兴趣,他会花大部分的空余时间认真看书。 even if意为“即使,尽管”;unless意为“除非,如果不”;as if意为“好像,好似”;once意为“一旦,一就”,符合语境。30.C 考查情态动词。句意:你昨天怎么没来我的派对啊?我本应该去参加的,但当时家里来了一位不速之客。根据句意可知选C项,should have done表示本应该做的事却没做,符合句意。31.A 考查形容词的比较级。根据语境“You bet”判断旅行很开心,同时“否定词+比较级”相当于最高级,因此选择A项。句意:你旅途玩的愉快吗?当然了,我从没有玩的如此开心过。32. B 考查副词辨析。句意:最新的研究表明:母亲在孩子的成长中发挥重要的作用,特别是在富裕的家庭中。definitely意为“绝对地”;particularly意为“特别地,尤其地”,符合语境;positively意为“肯定地,明确地”;specifically意为“明确地,清楚地”。故B项符合语境。33. C 考查动词短语。句意:突然,这年轻的女士意识到了只有金钱无法弥补她在这次婚姻中所受到的伤害。根据money及后面的语境可知,答案选C项,意为“弥补”;A项意为“用完,用光”;B项意为“投降,屈服”;D项意为“达到,符合”。34. B 考查定语从句。句意:一份研究表明:好的作家应该常常使用人们附以积极意义的词句。attach to“依附,连接,附属”为固定搭配,在定语从句中to置于which之前,引导定语从句修饰先行词words。所以答案选B项。35. A 考查情景交际。句意:杰妮弗在昨天的数学考试中做错了很多题目。这怎么可能?她平时都是一个非常细心的学生。根据语境可知,答话方对问话方的消息感到非常惊讶,所以选A项。How come?意为“这怎么可能?”Why not?意为“为什么不?”;So what?意为“那又怎么样?”;What for?意为“为什么?什么目的”。完形填空3640 CABCD 4145 BDCAB 4650 CABCD 5155 CBDCA 36. C 根据第二段的“Mrs. McMillan 41 made up her mind and fixed these young men a full lunch free of charge”及下文的内容可知,过去几年中麦克米兰女士一直给饥饿的学生提供免费的午餐。所以答案选C项。37. A 根据第二段的“She was then 40 by other people in the restaurant .”可知,两个学生来到了她的餐馆。所以答案选A项。38. B 根据下文的“And then they sat down and 39 these cookies”可知,这两个学生在她的餐馆里用一美元买了一袋饼干。所以答案选B项。39. C 这两个学生买到饼干之后便在餐馆里吃着这些饼干,两个人共同分享一袋饼干。share意为“分享,共享”。所以答案选C项。40. D 根据下文的“that these two young men were hungry and didnt have money”这一个信息可知,餐馆里的其他两个人告诉麦克米兰女士这两个学生身上没有钱。所以空格处填informed,该词意为“告诉,告知”。41. B 根据语境可知,麦克米兰女士立即决定给他们提供免费的午餐。所以答案选B项。42. D 根据第三段的“She has been campaigning for the 47 since 1995.”这一句话可知,空格处填campaign,该词意为“运动,活动”。43. C 根据上文的“Mrs. McMillan 41 made up her mind and fixed these young men a full lunch free of charge”可知,麦克米兰女士充满了同情心,给买不起食物的大学生免费提供食物。所以空格处填sympathy意为“同情,怜悯”。44. A 根据上文的内容可知,空格处填afford,该词意为“提供,负担得起”。45. B 根据第一段的“Lisa McMillan is a hero in my mind”和文章的内容可知,空格处填hero。46. C 根据上文的“who didnt have money for a meal plan”和下文的“that someone would help me with food”这两个信息可知,作者在读大学时也是贫困的学生,经常吃不饱,他经常期待有人能帮助他。所以答案选C项。47. A 根据上文的内容可知,空格处填hungry,the hungry指的是“饥饿的人”。48. B 根据句意及选项可知,麦克米兰女士去华盛顿目的是为了给她发起的运动寻求支持和赞助。所以答案选B项。49. C 根据空格后面的“low income”这两个关键信息可知,空格处填with,with low income在句中充当定语,修饰senior citizens。50. D 根据上文的“senior citizens 49 low income”和“to prepare their meals”这两个信息可知,麦克米兰女士也给低收入的老年人和无法做饭的人提供免费的午餐。所以答案选D项。51. C 根据下文的“on Mothers Day, Thanksgiving Day and Fathers Day”这个信息可知,麦克米兰女士也在这些节日给人们提供免费的午餐。所以答案选C项。52. B 根据语境可知,前后两句是转折关系,所以用but。53. D根据语境可知,麦克米兰女士帮助别人的例子不胜枚举,但就上面的几个例子足以让人们认为她是多么了不起的人。所以答案选D项。54. C 根据上文的“To receive no pay and continue with the services she provides”和下文的“People are fortunate to have her in their midst”这些信息可知,麦克米兰女士对人们来讲是令人鼓舞的人。所以答案选C项。55. A 根据语境可知,作者希望人们能给麦克米兰女士她应该得到的荣誉,所以空格处填deserves,该词意为“应受,应得,值得”。阅读理解5660 DDBAA 6165 BDCAD 6670 DCBDB 7175 CBACD 56. D 细节理解题。根据第一段的“quit his job in March to make up for lost time with his 10-year-old daughter”可知,Mohamed El-Erian工作太忙,无暇顾及自己的女儿,因此他辞掉自己高收入的工作,来弥补自己对女儿的亏欠。所以答案选D项。57. D 细节理解题。根据第二段的内容可知,Mohamed El-Erian太忙了,错过了女儿人生中许多重要的时刻。所以答案选D项。58. B 细节理解题。根据最后两段的内容可知,Mohamed El-Erian现在一边工作,一边腾出更多的时间陪自己的孩子,尽力尽父亲的职责。所以答案选B项。59. A 推理判断题。根据文章的内容可知,很多父母亲因为工作太忙,无暇顾及自己的孩子,但是任何东西都无法代替父母的爱。因此从现在开始多关心子女和家庭为时不晚。60. A 推理判断题。根据第三段的“This book is recommended for you if you like slower novels with little excitement”可知,Nancy把这本书推荐给那些喜欢读故事情节发展迟缓的人,她认为他们会对这本书感兴趣。所以答案选A项。61. B 推理判断题。根据第四段可知,Emily在自己的评价中提了几个问题,表明了她非常喜欢这本书,她也极力推荐别人读这本书。所以答案选B项。62. D 细节理解题。根据最后一段的“Ill recommend this book because the characters are adventurous, which is so impressive to me”可知,西蒙推荐这本书的原因是故事中的人物非常具有冒险精神,这给他留下非常深刻的印象。所以答案选D项。63. C 推理判断题。根据文章的内容及最后一段的“Thank you for choosing me as an advanced reviewer and sending me books”可知,文章中的五个人都是书评人。所以答案选C项。64. A 主旨大意题。根据文章的内容可知,Lavery家有一只黑猩猩,但动物维权人士将Lavery告上法庭,要求他马上将这只黑猩猩送往动物避难所,他们认为它和人类一样有同等的权利。Wise便是其中的一位。所以答案选A项。65. D 推理判断题。根据第四段的内容可知,Wise将Tommy的情形比作为奴隶的情形,这让法官们认为他所列的证据不足,不能让人信服。所以答案选D项。66. D 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“Tommy works in the entertainment industry before retiring, so he is not used to being around other chimps”可知,Tommy以前没有跟其它黑猩猩一起生活过,所以将它放在动物避难所将让它无所适从。所以答案选D项。67. C 推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容可知,Wise的目的是为Tommy赢得更多的支持,给它更多的权利。所以答案选C项。68. B 细节理解题。根据第二段的“Not surprisingly, the decision to build the summer cabin was abandoned. Instead, the owners decided to ”这一信息可知,因为调查人员发现了这一奇怪现象,建造夏天避暑小木屋的计划就此取消了。所以答案选B项。69. D 推理判断题。根据第三段的“So what causes these strange things to happen? It depends on who you ask”这一个信息及第四段的内容可知,针对这一奇怪现象,人们对其原因众说纷纭。所以答案选D项。70. B 词义猜测题。根据语境可知,此处指有一个理论认为这里的地下暗藏着一个强大的制导系统不受万有引力控制,推知该词意为“扭曲,不符合”,跟B项接近。71. C 推理判断题。根据第五段的“Rational scientists have thrown cold water over all these theories”,第五段的内容及最后一段的“Scientists William Prinzmetal and Arthur Shimamura, who conducted a similar study in 1998”这些信息可知,这些科学家们非常理性,观点很有道理,他们用研究表明这些猜测都没有科学依据。所以答案选C项。72. B 推理判断题。根据第二段的Tatsuya Amano所说的话可知,世界上的一些语言尤其是少数民族的语言面临较严峻的形势:说这些语言的人越来越少了,这些语言将面临着消亡。所以答案选B项。73. A 细节理解题。根据第三段的“The researchers found that the more successful a country was economically”和第四段的“As economies develop, one language often comes to dominate a nations political and educational areas”可知,有些语言正濒临消亡的主要原因是经济的发展。所以答案选A项。74. C 推理判断题。根据第四段的“People are forced to adopt the dominant language or risk being left out in the cold - economically and politically”可知,人们学那些主导语言目的是为了寻求经济或者政治上的地位。所以答案选C项。75. D 段落大意题。最后一段主要论述的是目前人们正努力保护少数民族的语言。所以答案选D项。任务型读写76. oxygen 77. controls 78. Lack 79. unconscious 80. Dangers 81. size 82. survive 83. shape 84.importance/functions/benefits/advantages 85.good 书面表达One possible version:Dear fellow students, As we all know, Lin Yan is a very excellent student in our school. She studies very hard and has been highly thought of by her teachers. Unfortunately, recently her father has been diagnosed with leukemia. As far as Im concerned, it cost too much to recover himself from such a serious disease. Whats worse, her family isnt a rich one. If too much money has been spent on cure, theres no doubt that Lin Yan will be forced to draw out of school. As chairman of the Students Union, Ill spare no efforts to give Lin Yan a hand and donate some money to her. Here I also call on all of us to do the same to her. I just hope that our limited effort will make a difference to her family in need. 听力材料Text 1M: Though your car is smaller than mine, it feels comfortable. W: Yes. Tracys car seems much bigger than yours.Text 2W: Jim, have you been coughing these days?M: I cough a lot, but I dont have a fever or headache.Text 3W: Daddy, I have decided to give up science and go to business school.M: Well, it is your choice, but I should warn you that not everyone with a business degree will be a successful manager.Text 4W: Hello. This is Kate speaking. I am sorry Karen is not in. Can you leave a message?M: OK. Let her call Harry this afternoon.Text 5W: Its very hard for me to decide what to eat now. Pizza and hamburgers are both good at this restaurant.W: If you keep being so uncertain like this, I am afraid we cannot make it to the cinema.Text 6W: What do you think of the new television channel? Arent the programs awful?M: I quite agree with you. They are terrible. They are a complete waste of time, but my wife disagrees with me.W: Actually, what bothers me is the violence. There are far too many detective shows.M: I couldnt agree with you more. There arent enough educational programs, and even the news shows are not well done.W: You are absolutely right. They are too brief. They dont tell you anything.M: Besides, I think the host of the news shows is conventional and lacks personality.W: Exactly! So I still depend on Channel 6 for news.Text 7W: Which movie is your favorite to watch?M: I have to say, my favorite movie is Superbad.W: Is that right? Why?M: Honestly, it is one of the funniest movies Ive seen in a long time.W: Youre right. That movie is amusing.M: I didnt think you saw that movie.W: I went to see it the day it came out.M: I was laughing through the whole movie.W: I couldnt help laughing, either.M: Same here. Text 8W: Hi, Mike, its incredible.M: Hello, Jane. Whats up?W: Yesterday, I saw a man on the street. He looks so like you that Ill regard him as you if I dont know you are reading books in the library. Now Ill have to regard him as a cloned you.M: Clone? You are kidding? I hate cloning. W: Why do you say so?M: I think cloning will bring people too much trouble.W: Oh, no, no. You cant say like this purely. Cloning may bring some trouble just when you abuse it. When you perform it properly, you will benefit a lot from it.M: But imagine a class of thirty people looking the same or a group of scientist cloned from a same model, you live with seven yourselves cloned from you yourself, what a mass the world will be ?W: You are abusing it when what you said occurred. We can apply the technology of cloning to medicine, production and some other fields. Right?M: Oh, yeah, we just hold the same opinion. We advocate reasonable cloning but when it comes to cloning human, we are completely against it!Text 9 W: Well, I thought you said we were going to stay five days in London, darling.M: Yes, we are. Four nights in a hotel. Five days altogether.W: I see. We arrive on the 12th and leave at 3:00 pm on the 16th.M: Thats right. I have got tickets for us on the night train to London on the 12th.W: So its really a full day on the 12th.M: Plenty of time for shopping. Also well have enough time for a show in the afternoon, as the train station is near the theater.W: What about the hotels in London?M: I was able to get us a good room, though it is the tourist season now.W: Thats great. Well have a good time there.M: After our stay in London, Ive planned to fly to Paris. Well have two days there before we go by ship to Hong Kong. Text 10 Good morning. This is June Simms. Today on the program, a growing number of people in Washington are riding bicycles to work. And they are saving a lot of money by doing it. More and more people in Taipei, Taiwan are also riding bicycles to work. But that is causing its own problems. The city of Taipei, Taiwan is offering its 2.6 million people a fast, low-cost way to travel around the city. City officials have launched a bicycle rental program called YouBike. Many Taiwanese are now using bicycles to go to work and other places. But the growing popularity of the program has led to new traffic problems. It appears that the bikes on the streets of Taipei today have begun to cause new problems for city traffic. People who bike through the streets have to worry about cars making illegal sudden stops and fast right turns. Some bikers have stopped riding on the streets and started riding their bike on sidewalks. But this has angered or frightened many walkers. It is suggested that the riders need to be better educated.


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