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Unit 1 Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?I work with people and money.People give me their money or get their money from me.Where do I work? bankStep1. Warming up and leading in Play a guessing game.There are many books here.People can read or buy different kinds of books.bookshopuguidebookai北京北京Its a big place with lots of famous paintings and we can see some interesting old things in it.museumju:The place is very big and beautiful.People like to watch the football match in it.stadiumNationalIm very busy when people go out to dinners.restaurantPeople can take the underground to many places.underground stationstadiummuseumbookshopstationbankrestaurantABCDEFListen and number the places.32142.Listening.bankstationmuseumrestaurantJiefang street Garden Streetrestaurantbankmuseumbookshopstationstadiumschoolturn left/ (into.) 左左/右转(进入)右转(进入)opposite 在在对面对面go along 沿着沿着走走go across 穿过穿过next to 在在旁边旁边on the left/ (of) 在在.(的)左(的)左/右边右边rightright = crossthe National StadiumStep2. Reading Tiananmen SquareWangfujing Dajiethe Olympic Sports CentreTiananmen Squaretourist1. Where does the tourist want to go?A. Wangfujing DajieB. bookshopC. The National StadiumD. All of the aboveWangfujing DajieListen and fill in the blanks1. Can you tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie?Go across Dong Changan Jie. Go along the street. And turn left at the third street on the left. _Wangfujing DajieDong Changan jieTiananmen Square123Excuse me.Thank you.Wangfujing DajieSquareDong Changan Jieturn left at the third street go acrossgo alongCan you tell me the way to?BettyExcuse me.北京北京bookshop2. How can I get to a bookshop?The bookshop is just along Xi Changan Jie. On the right, opposite the bank._ _Listen and fill in the blanksXi Changan JiebookshopbankExcuse me.Thank you.Xi Changan JieSquarebookshopgo along .bankoppositeHow can I get to?LinglingExcuse me.the National StadiumGo along the street and you will see an underground station. Take the underground to the Olympic Sports Centre, or take a bus or a taxi.3. Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?undergroundstationOlympic Sports Centre_Listen and fill in the blanksExcuse me.Thank you. Changan JieSquareunderground stationCould you tell me how to get to?go along .the Olympic Sports CentrepolicemanExcuse me.1. _ me, is Wangfujing Dajie far from Tiananmen Square?2. Theres a bookshop near here. Whats the name of the _?3. Can a _ ask a _ the way to get to places in Beijing?4. _ you tell me how to get to the National Statium?5. Wheres the _ station?Complete the questions with the correct form of the words from the box.could excuse policeman street tourist undergroundExcusestreettouristpolicemanCouldunderground Zhaoyang Road Hotel Bank Supermarket A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the bookshop?B: _ Zhaoyang Road,_ Wenhua Road. Its on your_.go acrossbookshopgo acrossleft.Wenhua RoadGo alonggo alongStep3. DrillZhaoyang Road Hotel go alongturn leftSupermarket Post office A: Excuse me. Can you tell me how can I get to the museum?B: _ Zhaoyang Road and then_ Wenhua Road. Its on your_.Wenhua RoadmuseumGo alongturn left intoleftbookshop Zhaoyang Road go alongBank turn rightSupermarket Post office A:Excuse me. How do I get to the hotel?B: _ Zhaoyang Road and then_ Qinghui Road. Its on your_.Qinghui RoadGo alongturn right intorightHotelbookshopBookshop Group workRestaurantBank SupermarketPark Nanjing RoadWenjin StreetSchool ZooMuseumA: I am standing at Nanjing Road. I want to go to How can I get to.?/.B: Go along1234567Bookshop Ask for the way:1.Where is ? 2.How do/can I get to ?3.Can /Could you tell me the way to?4.Can/Could you tell me how to get to ?5. Which is the way to ?Give the way:1. go/walk along 2. go across.3. turn .at the .street4. go straight ahead.5. turn left/ right (into) 6. Its next to 7. Its between.and. 8. Its on the left/right (of)9. Its opposite Excuse me.Step4. Summary Thank you.Step5. HomeworkYou must do:Please write down the way from our school to your home and draw a simple map on a piece of paper.You may do:1 Remember the new words and expressions. 2 Make a conversation with the knowledge you have learned today. Thank you!


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