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北京语言大学2022年3月高级写作期末考核试题库及答案参考1. There is a _ of impatience in the tone of his voice.A.dotB.hintC.notionD.phrase参考答案:B2. In the second paragraph, the word track could best be replaced by which of the followingIn the second paragraph, the word track could best be replaced by which of the following?ABand.BRails.CPath.DSequence.正确答案:C解析:词汇理解题。Track指“路线,轨道”,只有path有此意,其他都不对。3. I _ you for a long time. Where _ you _?A.didnt see; did; goB.didnt see; have; goneC.havent seen; have; beenD.havent seen; have; gone参考答案:C4. Jack London worked very hard and finally he _ success.A.madeB.foundC.soughtD.achieved参考答案:D5. Though we _ serious natural disasters, we are sure to overcome all difficulties.AundThough we _ serious natural disasters, we are sure to overcome all difficulties.Aundergo fromBsuffer fromCexperience withDput up with正确答案:B解析:B项意为“承受的痛苦”。该句意为“尽管我们承受着自然灾难带来的痛苦,但我们肯定能克服所有困难”。其他选项不符题意。6. To my surprise, Ill spend the night_ in the ladys room.A.lockingB.to lockC.being lockedD.locked参考答案:D7. The teacher demanded that her students ( ) on time to every class.A.wereB.beC.had to beD.must have to be参考答案:B8. Much to their joy, the day they looked forward to _ at last.A.comingB.had comeC.cameD.to come参考答案:C9. The bacteria are ( ) small to be seen without a microscope.A.far tooB.far andC.so farD.as far and参考答案:A10. It is not an easy job for the teacher to ( ) the books because there are 100 students in this class.A.distributeB.passC.sendD.disperse参考答案:A11. Land belongs to the city; there is _ thing as private ownership of land.A.no such aB.not suchC.aD.no such参考答案:D12. When heated, water changes into _.A.solidB.vapourC.liquidD.air参考答案:B13. Much to my surprise, I found Beijing completely _.A.changingB.to be changedC.changeD.changed参考答案:D14. _ good engineer he is!A.howB.what aC.whatD.how a参考答案:B15. They daren&39;t ask for they are afraid _.A.of laughing atB.to be laughedC.of being laughed atD.have been treated参考答案:C16. A: Would you like me ( ) the radio a bit? B: No, its all right. Im used to ( ) with the radio on.A.to turn up; workB.to turn down; workC.turning up; workingD.to turn down; working参考答案:D17. She misinterpreted the _ of his letter and thus misunderstood his intentions.A.implicationB.feelingC.significanceD.sense参考答案:A18. We didt know what had happened to her until we ( ) the accident in the newspaper.A.readB.read ofC.read overD.read from参考答案:B19. His sister like&39;s painting and _ my sister.A.nor doesB.so doC.so doesD.so参考答案:C20. Do you think ( ) I should enter for the competition?A. whetherB.ifC.howD.that参考答案:D21. ( ) you work hard, you will certainly succeed.A.ThoughB.IfC.BecauseD.For参考答案:B22. We are given the orders that the project ( ) before the end of next month.A.has to be drawn upB.be drawn upC.shall be drawn upD.will be drawn up参考答案:B23. When will you ( ) this new policy?A.adoptB.adaptC.addictD.adorn参考答案:A24. My roommate is much more intelligent than I and he makes me feel _.A.superiorB.inferiorC.priorD.particular参考答案:B25. The slogan _ to remind the candidate and the staff _ the campaign focused on the nations slow-moving economy.A.meant . of keepingB.was meaning . to keepC.was meant . to keepD.had meant . with keeping参考答案:C26. It is imperative that the government _ more investment into the shipbuilding industry.A.attractsB.shall attractC.attractD.has to参考答案:C27. Ann will leave for Spain ( ).A.next Friday in the afternoon at 5B.at 5 in the afternoon next FridayC.next Friday afternoon at 5D.at 5 next Friday afternoon参考答案:D28. When cooking supper, _.A.there was a knock on the doorB.someone was knocking at the doorC.we heard a knock on the doorD.we heard someone is knocking at the door参考答案:C29. -I dont mind telling you what I know. - You _. Im not asking you for it.A.mustntB.may notC.cantD.neednt参考答案:D30. Which of the following is the best title of the article?AREM SleepBTwo Types of SleepCSWhich of the following is the best title of the article?AREM SleepBTwo Types of SleepCSleepersDWhat Happens to Sleepers正确答案:A解析:文章主要讲述了人们在睡眠时的REM阶段的情况。31. We must _ that the experiment is controlled as rigidly as possible.A.assureB.secureC.ensureD.issue参考答案:C32. Well try our best to ( ) our goal.A.finishB.fulfillC.obtainD.accomplish参考答案:D33. In their efforts to _ us to buy that product, advertiser have made a close study of human nature and have classified all our little weaknesses.A.causeB.forceC.persuadeD.convince参考答案:C34. Take _ half and give_ half to your sister.A.neither, eitherB.each, the otherC.any, the otherD.either, the other参考答案:D35. These networks are _ for warning signs that show the weakening of rock layers that can precede an earthquake.A.in alertB.for the alertC.with the alertD.on the alert参考答案:D36. “( ) is your watch?” “Its very expensive.”A.howB.how manyC.how muchD.how nice参考答案:C37. We _ TV when the telephone _.A.watched; was ringingB.were watching; rangC.watch; ringsD.are watching; rang参考答案:B38. They _ the factory, but a heavy downpour spoiled their plan Avisited Bwere visiting CwerThey _ the factory, but a heavy downpour spoiled their planAvisitedBwere visitingCwere to have been visited Dwere to have visitedDwere/was to have done表示“本来打算,本来要(而结果没做到)”。39. I _ him since I began to live in the city.A.knowB.have knownC.knewD.will know参考答案:B40. I didnt know where to send this _ letter.A.registeredB.maidC.mailD.male参考答案:A41. He prefers ( ) as a businessman so as to avoid being recognized.A.to dressB.to be dressedC.to be dressed upD.dressing参考答案:C42. This newspaper often _ the governments opinion, not the public opinion.A.affectsB.reactsC.reflectsD.recognizes参考答案:C43. The boy _ to bed _ his mother came in.A.went not; untilB.didnt go; afterC.went; untilD.didnt go; until参考答案:D44. When you are on a boat one shiny day, you have to watch out for the _ of the sun; it is harmful to your eyes.A.directionB.intentionC.intensityD.heat参考答案:C45. I would like a cup of tea. -_.A.I, tooB.I did soC.Me, tooD.Me, either参考答案:C46. AweaponBwholeCwaterDwonderAweaponBwholeCwaterDwonder正确答案:B解析:辅音字母W在A、C、D三个单词中读/w/;而在B项中读/h/。47. 请在第_处填上正确答案。A.exitB.windowC.gateD.seat请在第_处填上正确答案。A.exitB.windowC.gateD.seat正确答案:A尽量不要坐在出口处的位置。48. He braked hard ( ) a sudden panic.A.inB.intoC.fromD.with参考答案:A49. The government is trying to do something to _ better understanding between the two countries.A.raiseB.promoteC.heightenD.increase参考答案:B50. There are some mistakes in this composition. If _, please correct them.A.findingB.having been foundC.foundD.find参考答案:D51. You can find his office number in a telephone ( ).A.bookB.directoryC.recordD.operator参考答案:B52. He ( ) a boy informing his mother of his secure arrival.A.askedB.delievedC.sentD.appointed参考答案:C53. I was impressed by his highly developed ( ) of humour.A.ideaB.feelingC.senseD.emtion参考答案:C54. Animals do not talk with words. They use smells, sounds and movements to communicate with _ animal.A.anyB.anotherC.eachD.the other参考答案:B55. All things _, the planned trip will have to be called off.A.consideredB.be consideredC.consideringD.having considered参考答案:B56. Michael ( ) wild when he went shopping in town for the first time.A.wentB.ranC.becameD.grew参考答案:B57. I can hardly _ my eyes; the pet is so lovely.A.believeB.believe inC.trustD.trust in参考答案:A58. When he came, we had _ the chairs for the meeting in rows of ten.A.set offB.set aboutC.set outD.set up参考答案:C59. “Let&39;s play football sometime.” “Good idea! What _ this afternoon?”A.aboutB.will you goC.are you goingD.will you doing参考答案:A60. The enemy air force dropped bombs _ all over the city, causing many deaths together with great destruction&39;s.A.scarcelyB.carelesslyC.randomlyD.hardly参考答案:C


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