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北京语言大学2022年3月英语语法期末考核试题库及答案参考1. -Where are you going for your holiday? - _ I haven&39;t decided yet. I go to English.A.canB.mayC.mustD.ought to参考答案:B2. A: Good morningMy name is MrBrownI&39;m from AustraliaHere is my card. B: Thank youI&39;m plA: Good morningMy name is MrBrownIm from AustraliaHere is my card.B: Thank youIm pleased to meet you, MrBrownMy name is Kathy Perless, the representative of GREen Textile Import and Export Corporation.A: Pleased to meet you too, MsPerlessI travel a lot every year on business, but this is my first visit to your countryI must say I have been much impressed by your friendly people.B: Thank you for saying soHave you seen the exhibition halls? On display are most of our products, such as silk, woolen knitwear, cotton piece goods, and garments.A: Oh, yesI had a look yesterdayI found some of the exhibits to be fine in quality and beautiful in designThe exhibition has successfully displayed to me what your corporation handlesIve gone over the catalogue and the pamphlets enclosed in your last letterIve got some idea of your exportsIm interested in your silk blouses.B: Our silk is known for its good qualityIt is one of our traditional exportsSilk blouses are brightly colored and beautifully designedTheyve met with great favor overseas and are always in great demand.A: Some of them seem to be of the latest styleNow Ive a feeling that we can do a lot of trade in this lineWe wish to establish relations with you.B: Your desire coincides with ours.A: Concerning our financial position, credit standing and trade reputation, you may refer to Bank of Hong Kong, or to our local Chamber of Commerce or inquiry agencies.B: Thank you for your informationAs you know, our corporation is a state-owned oneWe always trade with foreign countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefitEstablishing business relations between us will be to our mutual benefitI have no doubt that it will bring about closer ties between us.A: That sounds interestingIll send a fax homeAs soon as I receive a definite answer, Ill make a specific inquiry.B: Well then make an offer as soon as possibleI hope a lot of business will be conducted between us.A: So do I.早上好!我叫布朗,澳大利亚人。这是我的名片。 谢谢。布朗先生,见到您非常高兴。我是凯茜佩利丝,是格林纺织品进出口公司的代表。 佩利丝小姐,见到您我也很高兴。我每年出差跑很多地方,但是,到中国来还是头一次。你们这里的人非常友好,给我留下了深刻的印象。 谢谢夸奖。您参观过展览厅了吗?展出的大部分是我们的产品,比如丝绸、毛织品、棉、布匹和服装等。 哦,对,昨天我去看过。有些产品质量好、设计美观。展览会成功向我介绍了贵公司所经营的各种产品。我已看过你上次在信中所附的目录和小册子,对贵公司的出口产品有了一些了解。我对你们的丝绸女衫颇感兴趣。 我们的丝绸以质量好著称。丝绸是我们的传统出口商品之一。丝绸女衫色彩鲜艳、设计美观,在国外很受欢迎,需求量一直都很大。 有些看来还是最新的式样。现在我感觉我们在这方面可以做不少买卖。我们希望同贵公司建立业务关系。 我们双方的愿望是一致的。 关于我们的财务状况、信用及声誉,你们可以向香港银行或我们在当地商会或咨询社进行了解。 谢谢你所提供的情况。我们公司是国有公司,我们一向是在平等互利的基础上进行外贸交易,我们之间建立业务关系将对双方有利。我相信业务关系的建立也将使我们之间的关系更为密切。 太好了,我会发一份传真回去。一收到肯定的答复,我就提供具体的询价。 到时我们一定尽快报价。我希望我们之间能做成很多生意。 我也一样。 3. It was_for Jim to finish the test paper within an hour because there were too many neIt was_for Jim to finish the test paper within an hour because there were too many new words in it.Aout of questionBwithout questionCno questionDout of the question正确答案:D4. It was necessary that we (should) make everything ready ahead of time.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B5. I&39;ll still unable to make myself _ in the discussion, which worries me a lot. A) to be unIll still unable to make myself _ in the discussion, which worries me a lot.A) to be understoodB) understandingC) understoodD) understandC此题含义为:在这次讨论中我仍不能把自己的想法解释清楚,这让我很着急。句中用understood作make的宾语补足语,make oneself uderstood表示“使某人自己被了解”。6. They asked him question whether an electric current can be produced by magnetism.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A7. Thousands of tons of rubbish _ over a large period of time Arots away Brot away Chas rotThousands of tons of rubbish _ over a large period of timeArots awayBrot awayChas rotted away Dare rotted awayB本句主语是tons,是复数形式,rot是不及物动词,不可用被动形式。8. We don&39;t allow _ (smoke)here.We dont allow _ (smoke)here.smoking9. 【C17】AonBinCbyDfor【C17】AonBinCbyDfor正确答案:Bingreatnumbers“大量地,大批地,成群结队地”,指人成群地来,固定搭配。10. Which place do you want to visit first?Which place do you want to visit first?你首先想去参观什么地方?11. It is a_cold day and I can hardly stand it.AfairlyBratherCsoDtooIt is a_cold day and I can hardly stand it.AfairlyBratherCsoDtoo正确答案:B12. The president promised to keep all the board members _ of the negotiations.(inform)The president promised to keep all the board members _ of the negotiations.(inform)informed13. They moved that their plan _ rejected. A) was B) has been C) be D) will beThey moved that their plan _ rejected.A) wasB) has beenC) beD) will beC此题关键词moved提示在此后的从句中要用虚拟语气,动词形式为should be或者be。14. Unless we receive your cheque in full payment by the end of June, we shall _ to take steps to eUnless we receive your cheque in full payment by the end of June, we shall _ to take steps to enforce payment.AcompeteBcompleteCcommitDcompelD15. Mr.Herpin is one of the foreign experts who is working in China.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A16. The fire started in the basement and quickly spread to the first floor, where it destroyed all the _The fire started in the basement and quickly spread to the first floor, where it destroyed all the _ in the language lab.A) furnitures and equipmentsB) furniture and equipmentC) furniture and equipmentsD) furnitures and equipmentBfurniture(家具)和equipment(设备)都为集体名词,不可数。17. Don&39;t forget to take your umbrella. It _.A.is rainingB.rain参考答案:A18. For this part, you are allowed 20 minutes to write a composition of about 100 - 120 wordsFor this part, you are allowed 20 minutes to write a composition of about 100 - 120 words ac- cording to the following topic:我的信用观(My Opinion on Keeping Ones Word)正确答案:My Opinion on Keeping Ones Wordrn Keeping ones word is a rare quality that man can possess. Because the basic character of the world is changing. When things have changed is it possible that a person can still keep his word? The answer is Yes but it demands a lot on the part of the person.rn Do you have the experience that you promised to do something for others but when the moment really came it turned out that if you did it you would have to sacrifice a lot yourself. For example parents may promise to go on a travel if their child could get a satisfactory mark in the examination. But when the child comes home with the satisfactory mark they are engaged in their work so that they cant leave within weeks. How to make the decision? If the parents give up the travel the child will feel hurt; but if the parents keep their word the work will be interrupted which is forbidden by the boss. Anyway they have to suffer in a sense.rn In a word I think we should try to avoid promising anything if it is possible. And if you have promised try to keep it at all expenses.My Opinion on Keeping Ones Wordrn Keeping ones word is a rare quality that man can possess. Because the basic character of the world is changing. When things have changed, is it possible that a person can still keep his word? The answer is Yes ,but it demands a lot on the part of the person.rn Do you have the experience that you promised to do something for others, but when the moment really came, it turned out that if you did it, you would have to sacrifice a lot yourself. For example, parents may promise to go on a travel if their child could get a satisfactory mark in the examination. But when the child comes home with the satisfactory mark, they are engaged in their work so that they cant leave within weeks. How to make the decision? If the parents give up the travel, the child will feel hurt; but if the parents keep their word, the work will be interrupted, which is forbidden by the boss. Anyway, they have to suffer in a sense.rn In a word, I think we should try to avoid promising anything if it is possible. And if you have promised, try to keep it at all expenses.19. All the afternoon he worked with the door locked.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B20. The manager of a small building company was very (21) to get a bill for two white miceClose TestThe manager of a small building company was very (21) to get a bill for two white mice which one of his workmen had bought. He sent for the workman and asked him why he had had the bill (22) to the company.well , the workman answered , you remember the house we were (23) in Newbridge last week. dont you? One of the things we had to do there was to put in someNew electric wiring. Well , in one place we had to pass some wires through a pipe (24) and about an inch across ,which was built into solid stone and had four big bends (弯角) in it. (25) could think how to do this unless I had a good idea. I went to a shop and bought two white mice ,one of them male and the other female. Then I tied a thread to the body of the male mouse and put him into the pipe at one end , (26) Bill held the female mouse at theother end and pressed her gently to make her squeak. When the male mouse heard the female mouses squeaks , he rushed along the pipe to help her. I suppose he was a gentleman (27) he was only a mouse. Anyway , as he ran through the pipe , he (28) the thread behind him. It was then quite easy for us to tie one end of the thread to the electric wires and pull them (29) the pipe. The manager (30) the billfor the white mice.21. A. surprised B. sorry C. strange D. fearful22. A. to be sent B. to sent C. send D. sent23. A. mending B. cleaning C. repairing D. setting24. A. thirty-feet-long B. thirty foots longC. thirty feet long D. thirty feets long25. A. None of us B. No one usC. No of us D. None us26. A. as B. so C. while D. when27. A. even though B. as thoughC. in fact D. sure enough28. A. pulled B. pushed C. lifted D. brought29. A. along B. through C. inside D. towards30. A. received B. agreed C. paid D. cashed参考答案:21. A 22.D 23. C 24. C 25. A26. C 27. A 28. A 29. B 30. C21. Toward evening, _ came, which made things even worse. A) cold rain B) the cold raiToward evening, _ came, which made things even worse.A) cold rainB) the cold rainC) a cold rainD) cold rainsCRain作名词,本意为“雨(水)”,不可数名词;但这里是另一种意思“下雨”,作为可数名词,“a cold rain came”意思为“下了一场冷雨”。22. The law is well known that to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A23. It is important that he _ to his headmaster before leaving for his vacation. Ahas spoken BIt is important that he _ to his headmaster before leaving for his vacation.Ahas spokenBspeakChad spokenDspeaksB24. We are glad to inform you that the goods you ordered in September have been shipped by M/S PacWe are glad to inform you that the goods you ordered in September have been shipped by M/S Pacific _ leave Shanghai port on December 10.Aowing toBdue toCas toDthanks toB25. As the most important environmental conference in more than a decade gets under way in Copenhagen thAs the most important environmental conference in more than a decade gets under way in Copenhagen this week,much of the talk,as usual,is on reducing greenhouse-gas emissions.But theres another issue that needs to be addressed-one that is crucial for reaching an overall agreement,but doesnt get nearly as much attention.That issue is adaptation.十几年来最重要的环境会议本周即将在哥本哈根召开,和以往一样,讨论大多集中在温室气体的减排上。然而,还有另一个问题急需解决这个问题对能否达成一个整体协议至关重要,但尚未引起人们足够的关注。这就是适应机制问题。这则新闻采用了英语新闻语言的表达习惯,使用复合句。译者通过对原文的理解,将adaptation译为“适应机制问题”,使译文便于理解。26. The structural linguists believed that the primary medium of language is _.A.visThe structural linguists believed that the primary medium of language is _.A.visualB. auditoryC. writtenD. oral正确答案:D27. They&39;re playing well, but one of them _ hurt. A) got B) gets C) are D) wereTheyre playing well, but one of them _ hurt.A) gotB) getsC) areD) wereAone of them为单数主语,可以先排除C和D;根据句意,“有个人受伤了”应该是一般过去时,因此选A。28. You _ the new foreign teacher if you had been here yesterday Amust have see Bwould have seeYou _ the new foreign teacher if you had been here yesterdayAmust have seeBwould have seenCshould see Dhad seenB29. We have 30 men are working from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A30. It was _ I met Mr. Smith in London. A) many years that B) for many years since C) siIt was _ I met Mr. Smith in London.A) many years thatB) for many years sinceC) since many years ago whenD) many years ago thatD强调句型,强调时间状语。31. On the stairs was _ a small dark-haired girl.A.sittingB.sat参考答案:A32. Arbitration All disputes arising from the execution of this Agreement shall be settled through negoArbitrationAll disputes arising from the execution of this Agreement shall be settled through negotiation between both partiesIn the event that no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shah then be submitted for arbitration to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Beijing, China, in accordance with its Rules of Procedure of Arbitration The decision made by this Commission shall be regarded as final and is binding on both parties仲裁:凡执行此协议引起的一切争议,应通过双方协商解决。如解决不了,应提交北京中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,按其仲裁规则进行仲裁。该委员会的裁决是终局的,并约束双方。33. I dont know_.Ahow I can do itBwhat can I do itCwhich I can do itDwhat I can doI dont know_.Ahow I can do itBwhat can I do itCwhich I can do itDwhat I can do正确答案:D34. In England, Christmas Day and Good Friday have been holidays for religious reasons (阅读理解)In England, Christmas Day and Good Friday have been holidays for religious reasons since the establishment of Christianity in the country. Christmas is celebrated on December 25, not Christmas Eve as in several other European countries. The other public holidays (or Bank Holidays) are Easter Monday, May Day (May 1st), the Spring Bank Holiday (the last Monday in May), the Summer Bank Holiday (the last Monday in August), December 26th (Boxing Day), and New Years Day. The term Bank Holiday goes back to the Bank Holidays Act of 1871, which owes its name to the fact that banks are closed on the days specified.Boxing Day takes its name from the old custom of giving employees or tradesmen (such as milkman) an annual present or Christmas box on that dayEaster Monday is generally regarded as an unofficial consecration (祭祀) of Spring. It used to be the day on which the ladies would parade in the parks, wearing new dresses and hats. Although this custom is dying out, the tradition still provides the ladies with a pretext for buying spring clothes.The August Bank Holiday is probably the most popular one of the year, partly because it comes at a time when children are not at school In Ireland, St. Patricks Day (March 17th) is also a Bank Holiday. St Patrick is the Patron Saint of Ireland. It is curious that St. Georges Day (April 23rd) not a public holiday in England though St. George is the Patron Saint of England. However, the flag of St George (a red cross on a white background) or the Union Jack is flown on that day, particularly by churches of the Church of England.31. Public holidays have been called Bank Holidays in England since _.A. last centuryB. ancient timesC. the foundation of EnglandD. the start of banking business32. Boxing Day is a day _.A. which has something to do with sports such as boxingB. when employees are paidC. for giving an annual giftD. for holding a party33 一 What did the ladies use to do on Easter Monday? _.A. They wore new clothes and hats.B. They went to the seaside for their holidays.C. They used to go to church.D. They gave presents to each other.34. The August Bank Holiday is probably the most popular one of the year, partly because _.A. the weather often agrees with peopleB. the weather rarely changesC. the weather is suitable for people to travelD. it comes at a time when the pupils are not at school35. Holidays in Ireland _ in EnglandA. are just the same as thoseB. are entirely different from thoseC. are partly different from thoseD. are not celebrated参考答案:31.A32.C33.A34.D35.C35. Delivery must be effected within the time stated on the purchase order, otherwise the Buyer must atDelivery must be effected within the time stated on the purchase order, otherwise the Buyer must at its opinion cancel the order without cost to him, and charge the Seller for any loss incurred _ the latters failure to make such a delivery.Aas the result ofBas the resultCresult inDresult fromA36. The little girl was giggling _.A.with thousands of flowers were around herB.thousands of flowers aroundC.thousands of flowers being round herD.with thousands of flowers around her参考答案:D37. The old bookcase isn&39;t really _. Let&39;s throw it away. A) able to use B) caThe old bookcase isnt really _. Lets throw it away.A) able to useB) capable of many usesC) of much useD) of much usefulnessC“be of+名词”表示人或物的特征。use作名词,意为“使用(用途)”,不可数。38. I decided to go to the library as soon as I _.A.finished what I was doingB.finished what I didC.would finish what I was doingD.finish what I did参考答案:A39. If most of your students didn&39;t finish their homework, I&39;m sure that you _ angry.A.will getB.getC.should getD.would get参考答案:D40. 【C13】AbooksBshowsCauthorsDawards【C13】AbooksBshowsCauthorsDawards正确答案:B41. After _ in, they went to have some coffee. A. checking B. check c. toAfter _ in, they went to have some coffee.A. checkingB. checkc. to check参考答案A42. The light in the office is still onI forgot _ (turn)it offThe light in the office is still onI forgot _ (turn)it offto turn43. When you line up to wait for your turn in the United States, you should _ your frontWhen you line up to wait for your turn in the United States, you should _ your front neighbor.Astick toBlean onCkeep a certain distance fromDstay far away from正确答案:C44. We can assure you that all your orders will receive our immediate and careful attention.We can assure you that all your orders will receive our immediate and careful attention.我方保证对贵方所有订单予以及时、仔细的处理。45. If you want to change a double room, you will have to pay ( ) $25.A、eachB、moreC、otherD、another参考答案:D46. He did a lot of work that is benefit to the people.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A47. The doctor insisted on that his patient take it easy for three months.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A48. _ so many people in this country been out of work as today. A) More than ever before B)_ so many people in this country been out of work as today.A) More than ever beforeB) Never before haveC) There were neverD) There never beforeB当否定词never放在句首时,主谓进行倒装。49. On Saturday evenings guests are entertained in the garden, weather_.ApermitsBpermitOn Saturday evenings guests are entertained in the garden, weather_.Aperm


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