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译林英语4A Unit 5 Our new home单元5第3课时教学目标:1. 能理解Cartoon time 部分的意思,并能配合此部分内容进行表达;2. 能对照Ticking time的三个目标进行客观的自我评价;3. 能综合运用本单元学到的单词和句型谈论自己家中物品摆放的位置。4. 能初步把自己表达的内容在老师的帮助下写下来。教学重、难点:1.能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写本单元单词。2.能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型。3. 能理解Cartoon time 部分的意思,并能配合此部分内容进行表达。教学准备:1、教学挂图;2、实物图片;3、录音带、录音机。主备老师教学策略二次备课Step1 Free talk and revision1. T: Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello.T: How are you today? S: Fine, thanks.2. T: Do you like your home? S: Yes, I do. T: Do you have a nice bed? S: Yes, I do. T: How many rooms do you have? S: I have T: What room do you like? S: I like T: Where is your cap? S: Its T: Where are your dolls? How many ? S: They are I have six.T: Can your dolls dance? S: No, they cant.2. Practice in pairs. Ask and answer each other.Step2 Cartoon time1. Show the four pictures and think : What are they saying? Discuss in groups. 小组讨论,自主提问,猜猜他们在说什么? 2. 看看你猜的和他们说得一样吗?Watch the cartoon.T: Boys and girls, you did a good job. Look, who are they?S: They are Bobby and Sam.T: Yes. They met a bird. How is the bird? Whats wrong with it? Lets watch the cartoon. (播放动画)T: How is the bird? S: Its hungry.T: What would it like? S: A worm.3. Read and say ( 注意模仿Bobby和Sam的语气)T: Now please open your books and read this story. Its on your book, Page When you are reading, try to remember what they say (阅读Cartoon time部分,记一记每一幅图中的对话)学生阅读Cartoon time)T: Now close your books. (PPT逐图显示) Who can be Sam / Bobby/the bird?S1: How are you?S2: Im hungry. ( 指导痛苦、可怜的语气)S1: Would you like an orange? (指导安慰、同情的语气)S3: What about a hot dog? (指导安慰、同情的语气)S2: No! (指导痛苦、可怜的语气)S1/S3: What would you like? (指导和蔼、安慰的语气)S2: Id like that. (指导渴望的语气)S1/S3: Here you are. ( 指导高兴、愉悦的语气)Step3 Ticking time & Checkout time1. Ticking time (Self assessment)T: Boys and girls, I think you did a good job just now. But did you do a good job for the whole unit 5? Lets check it out.T: What can you talk about? S: I can talk about my home.T: What can you say?S: I can say where my things are.T: What do you know?S: I know the sound of the letter “k”.T: You can see the Chinese meaning here. So now its your ticking time.Please open your books and turn to Page 37 and tick it.T: Have you finished it? Who gets three stars? (部分学生举手)T: OK. Now can you talk about your home? (问几个学生,学生问问题)T: And the next one, who gets three stars?Well, let me check. (把东西放在某处) Wheres /Where are? (检验几个学生)T: And the third one, who gets three stars?Well, can you remember any words with the sound /k/? (检验几个学生)2. Checkout timeA. 先说说自己家的房间摆设T: How many bedrooms do you have?S: We have two bedrooms.T: Where is your bedroom?S: Its near the living room.T: Where is your bed?S: Its beside the window.Ask each other and act the dialogue.B. Show the picture on Page37.Look at the picture and describe.S: This is my home. We have a bathroom in our home. We have a sofa and a table in the living room. We have a fridge in the kitchen.Describe in groups. Act the dialogue.Step4 Task1.Talk about the things in the classroomThis is our classroom. We have in our classroom.2.先引导学生小组讨论并说一说。3.再指导学生写一写。在写句子时有拼写问题需要老师帮助的,请举手!(三个学生在黑板上写句子,并读出来展示)Homework: A 1. 读Cartoon time对话5遍;2. 如Ticking time没有达到3颗星的,有针对性地进行练习。B 1. 读Cartoon time对话5遍;2. 如Ticking time没有达到3颗星的,有针对性地进行练习。3. 和会说英语的家人或朋友谈一谈身边物品的位置,试试写下来(不会拼写的单词查字典)


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