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word学生 年级 五年级 授课时间 2014 10:30 教师 黄俊 课时 2 教学目标重点难点教学步骤Unit 5 Where is Ben?只言片语12 / 121. 的其中之一_2. 去游泳_3. 锻炼_4. 做作业_5. 读书_6. 踢足球_7. 打乒乓球_8. 演奏音乐_9. 玩电脑游戏_10. 画卡通_11. 做模型飞机_12. 唱得好_13. 画得好_14. 寻找_15. 想起_16. 想要做_17. 和谈话_18. 放学后_19. 晚饭后_20. 下班后_21. 在工作日_22. 在周末_23. 在操场_24. 在教室_25. 在书房_26. 在游泳池_27. 在图书馆_28. 在音乐室_29. 在体育馆_30. 在学校小店_说文解字Xiaoling:Where is Ben, Janet? Ms. White wants to talk with him.【添砖加瓦】1. 想要做什么1) I _ _ play football.2) I _ _ _ play football.3) I _ _ playing football.2. talk1) 谈话:She is _ _ a friend.2) 谈论:What are you _ _?Jiamin:Maybe he is at the swimming pool. Does Ben often go swimming?Xiaoling:Sometimes. But he never goes swimming on weekdays.【添砖加瓦】各种活动1) 去购物:_ _2) 去游泳:_ swimming3) 去溜冰:_ _4) 去滑雪:_ _5) 去钓鱼:_ _6) 去划船:_ _7) 去观光:_ _Janet:Sometimes he reads books at the library. I think you can find him there.【脱口而出】表达观点1) 认为是:_ _ Curly is handsome.2) 认为不是:_ _ _ Curly is handsome.3) 举双手赞成:_ _ _.4) 竖小指鄙视:_ _ _ _.【添砖加瓦】过程结果要分清1) 听:_! There is a girl singing outside.She is _ _ the music.2) 听到:Can u _ me?3) 看:_! Thats a beautiful car._ _ the blackboard, please.4) 看到:can you _ the plane in the sky?5) 寻找:Im _ _ my watch.6) 找到:I cant _ my watch.Mike:He isnt there today. I often play football after school in the playground. Sometimes Ben plays football with me.Xiaoling:OK. Let me go and look for him there.【添砖加瓦】play1) 打篮球play _2) 踢足球play football 3) 打羽毛球play _4) 打排球play _5) 打乒乓球play table tennis 6) 打网球play _7) 下棋play _8) 打牌play _9) 玩电脑游戏play puter games 10) 演奏音乐play music 【有章有法】with1) _:I often go to the park with my parents.2) _:What are you going to do with the money?3) _:The boy with glasses is my brother.今日说法:一般现在时和现在进展时时间标志一直通常经常有时不常从不每天每个星期天每天一次/两次/三次一、 一般现在时一何时用到一般现在时v 表示现在的状态和主语的特征。常见的表示状态的动词有:be, have, love, like, know, see, hear等。The teacher likes collecting coins.v 表示经常发生或习惯性的动作,常与频度副词连用。I go to school at 7 every morning.v 表示客观事实和普遍真理,以与谚语、格言等。The moon moves round the earth. The earth moves round the sun.Light travels faster than sound.The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.If you heat water, it turns into steam.If you heat ice, it melts.Time is money.Knowledge is power.二一般现在时的构成主语 + be动词 (am/ is/ are) + 其它主语 + 动词原形/ 动词三单 + 其它【扫清障碍】动词三单式一般情况help helps以s, x, ch, sh, o结尾guess guesses以辅音字母加y结尾study studies特殊变化have has三一般现在时的变化v 主语 + be (am/ is/ are) + 其它肯定句:I am from Shenzhen. (Beijing) 否认句:Im not from Shenzhen.一般疑问句:Are you from Shenzhen?肯定回答:Yes, I am.否认回答:No, Im not.对划线局部提问:Where are you from?改为选择疑问句:Are you from Shenzhen or Beijing?v 主语 + 动词原形 + 其它肯定句:The pupils read English every day. (Chinese) 否认句:The pupils dont read English every day.一般疑问句:Do the pupils read English every day?肯定回答:Yes, they do.否认回答:No, they dont.对划线局部提问:What do the pupils read every day?改为选择疑问句:Do the pupils read English or Chinese every day?v 主语(第三人称单数) + 动词三单式 + 其它肯定句:He plays the piano in the evening. (violin)否认句:He doesnt play the piano in the evening.一般疑问句:Does he read the piano in the evening?肯定回答:Yes, he does.否认回答:No, he doesnt.对划线局部提问:When does he play the piano?改为选择疑问句:Does he play the piano or the violin in the evening?二、 现在进展时时间标志现在.点了看!听!安静!(一) 何时用来现在进展时v 表示说话时此时此刻正在进展的动作。Peter is listening to the teacher.v 表示现阶段正在进展的动作,但说话时这一动作不一定正在进展。这种用法常与this week/ month/ year, these days, nowadays, today等连用。He is very busy, because he is writing a book these days.(二) 现在进展时的构成主语 + be动词 (am/ is/ are) + 动词ing形式 + 其它【扫清障碍】动词ing形式一般情况go going以不发音的字母e结尾take taking以元辅重读闭音节结尾get getting(三) 现在进展时的变化肯定句:They are having class now. (sleeping)否认句:They arent having class now?一般疑问句:Are they having class now?肯定回答:Yes, they are.否认回答:No, they arent.对划线局部提问:Whatare they doing now?改为选择疑问句:Are they having class or sleeping now?【牛刀小试】v 单项选择( ) 1. (2008大联盟) Toms mother usually _ to bed at 10:00. A. go B. goes C. went( ) 2. (2009大联盟) - What is she doing? - She _?A. has a cold B. will danceC. is dancingD. usually goes swimming( ) 3. (2009大联盟) My father _ a new car. He _ it very much.A. have, like B. has, likes C. has, like D. have, likes( ) 4. (2011小联盟) He often _ English after _ his homework on weekends. A. study, finish B. studied, finished C. studies, finishing D. studying, finishing( ) 5. (2013小联盟) Listen! Those young people upstairs _ madly again. Im really upset that. A. singing and dancing B. are singing and dancing C. were singing and dancing D. sang and danced( ) 6. (2014小联盟) - Is the letter to Grandma ready? - Not yet. Tom _ it.A. wroteB. is writingC. writesD. will write( ) 7. (2010暨大附中) Judy _ her homework now.A. is doingB. doesC. will do( ) 8. (2011暨大附中) Kelly often _ a walk with her grandparents after supper.A. takesB. is takingC. tookD. take( ) 9. (2012暨大附中) Im sorry. Mr. White cant see you now. He _ a meeting.A. hasB. has hadC. is havingD. will have( ) 10. (2010大联盟)- _ you chatting with Frank on the Internet? - No, _ arent.A. Do, we B. Are, they C. Is, I D. Are, we( ) 11. (2013大联盟) Listen! Who _ the piano?A. was play B. played C. will play D. is playing( ) 12. (2010暨大附中) _ your sister _ in Xinjiang?A. Does, worksB. Do, workC. Does, workD. Do, works( ) 13. (2007省实天河) Linda often _ her homework in the evening, but now she _ TV.A. does, watchesB. is doing, watchesC. does, is watchingD. is doing, is watching( ) 14. (2010省实天河) Look! Sams uncle _ under a big tree and _ a book.A. sits, readingB. is sitting, readsC. is sitting, readingB. sits, reads( ) 15. (2010省实天河) Tom _ his homework on Sundays.A. dontB. doesntC. dont doD. doesnt do( ) 16. (2010广外) My sister _ the waterlemon into several pieces now. A. cuts B. cuting C. is cutting D. is cuting ( ) 17. (2012天外) Listen! The girl _ a Russian song. She often _ it.A. sings, is singingB. sings, singsC. is singing, singsD. is singing, sing( ) 18. (2012侨外) Everybody in her class _ going for a piic instead of climbing the hills.A. enjoyB. enjoyingC. enjoysD. enjoyes( ) 19. (2008广外外校) Simon _ very tall.A. is B. are C. has( ) 20. (2008广外外校) John _ like football very much.A. dont B. doesnt C. hasnt( ) 21. (2010广外外校) - _ your mother an engineer? - No, she _ as a doctor.A. Does, work B. Is, works C. Are, working D. Is, work ( ) 22. (2012西关外国语) _ the old man always climb the Baiyun Hill?A. DoesB. DoC. Hasv 按动词的正确形式填空1. (2006大联盟) You cant see her now because she _ (have) a class in the classroom. 2. (2006大联盟) Li Hong often _ (carry) water for the old lady3. (2007大联盟) Look. The children _ (play) football.4. (2007大联盟) Tom _ (go) to plant trees every year.5. (2008/2011大联盟) Look! The baby panda _ (get) down from the tree.6. (2008大联盟) Toms mother _ (have) a nice handbag.7. (2008大联盟) The girl sometimes _ (have) lunch at home.8. (2008/2011大联盟) She _ (look) taller now.9. (2009大联盟) Its two oclock in the afternoon. We _ (have) an English class.10. (2010大联盟) The boy never _ (lie). Believe him!11. (2011大联盟) All of the students _ (wait) here now.12. (2012大联盟) Ann often _ (watch) TV at home.13. (2012大联盟) Be quiet please , the children _ (have) lesson in the classroom.14. (2013大联盟) My father usually _ (cook) at 5 oclock.15. (2011小联盟) Look! The boy _ in the river. Its very dangerous! (swim)16. (2007省实天河) The Greens _ (have) breakfast now.17. (2007省实天河) Kate _ (have) supper at 6:00 every day.18. (2007省实天河) Its five oclock. The students _ (play) basketball on the playground.19. (2007省实天河) Tom _ (study) English very hard.20. (2009省实天河) Look! Who _ (talk) in the classsroom?21. (2010省实天河) Some juice _ (be) in the bottle.22. (2011暨大附中) Look! The babies _ (play) with the toy cars.23. (2011暨大附中) Toms mother _ (have) a nice basket.24. (2012暨大附中) Now the students _ (collect) stationary for the children from Sichuan.25. (2009广外外校) Listen! Someone _ (shout) in the street.26. (2010广外外校) Look, Jerry _ (dance) on the stage.27. (2008大联盟) Joan _ (not swim) before breakfast every day.28. (2008大联盟) _ Joan usually _ (clean) her teeth before breakfast?29. (2012大联盟) _ your dad often _ (water) the flowers on weekdays.30. (2013大联盟) _ Helen like _ (swim) every day?31. (2007省实天河) _ she often _ (do) their homework after school?32. (2009大联盟) - Where _ he _ (live)? - He _ (live) in Nanjing.33. (2013小联盟) Look! They are _ (run) toward us.v 句型转换1. (2012大联盟) There are some English books in the bag. (改为否认句)There _ _ English books in the bag.2. (2013大联盟) He does some reading every day. (改为否认句)He _ _ _reading every day.3. (2013小联盟) His sister likes bananas very much. (改为否认句)His sister _ like bananas at _.4. (2010省实天河) Mary often does her homework in the evening. (改为否认句)Mary _ _ _ _ her homework in the evening.5. (2011暨大附中) She does morning exercises every morning. (改为否认句)She _ _ morning exercises every morning.6. (2012暨大附中) He has dinner at restaurant once a week. (改为否认句)He _ _ dinner at restaurant once a week.7. (2011广外外校) The boys play football after school every day. (改为否认句)The boys _ _ football after school every day.8. (2006大联盟) Jackie has lunch at schoo1. (改为一般疑问句)_ Jackie _ lunch at school?9. (2010省实天河) There is some jam in the bread. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ _ in the bread.10. (2011暨大附中) She likes swimming. (改为一般疑问句)_ she _ swimming.11. (2012暨大附中) The boy feels better today. (改为一般疑问句)_ the boy _ better today?12. (2010广外外校) There are some old bridges over the river. (改为一般疑问句)_ there _ old bridges over the river?13. (2010西关外国语) My father works in a toy factory. (改为一般疑问句)_边学边练一、 将如下短语翻译成英文1. 寻找_2. 在周末_3. 放学后_4. 做运动_5. 在书房_6. 在图书馆_7. 在体育馆_8. 在游泳池_9. 在工作日_10. 去看电影_11. 在大街上_12. 做家庭作业_二、 单项选择( ) 1. - Isyourphotointhedrawer?- _.A. Yes,Iam B. No, itisC. Yes, itisD. No, Imnot( ) 2. - _ Mr Black?- Hesin the gym.A. WhereB. WheresC. WherereD. Whereare( ) 3. - _underthetree?- No, theyarent.A. Whereare B. WhatisC. Arethey D. Isit( ) 4. - Whereareyourbrothers?- _.A. Heisathome B. HeisinhisroomC. Yes, theyareD. Idontknow( ) 5. - Whatsunderthedesk?- _.A. ItsafootballB. IcanseeasetofkeysC. TheyareredboxD. Theresacat( ) 6. _theseyourparents?A.AmB.Are C.is D.Is( ) 7. _Jim usually _ after school?Do, goes B.does, goesC.Do, goD.Does, go( ) 8. Anny is _ her ruler?look at B. looking for C. looks for D. looking( ) 9. _bookis_thefloor. A.An, onB. A, underC.The, underD.The, on( ) 10. - _ areyourfriends? - Theyare_the classroom. A.Where, onB.How, inC.Where, inD.Who, in( ) 11. _ I ask you questions, please stand up.A. While B. Where C. Who D. What三、 句型转换1. never, on, he, takes, weekdays, exercise. (连词成句)_2. Myhatisonthedresser.(变为一般疑问句并做否认回答)_3. Thenotebooksareonthefloor.(就划线局部提问)_4. WeareinBeijing. (就划线局部提问)_5. She usually play music after school. (改为否认句并作出肯定回答)_四、 从II中找出与I意思一样的选项I栏 II栏( ) 1. Wheres the girl? A. They are in the room.( ) 2. Whats this in English? B. Black.( ) 3. What colour is the bag? C. Yes, he is.( ) 4. Where are the women? D. Yes, its.( ) 5. Is Jacket in the classroom? E. No, he doesnt.( ) 6. Is this a puter game? F. Yes, there is.( ) 7. Whats your hobby? G. Yes, I can.( ) 8. Is there a TV on the table? H. Behind the door.( ) 9. Can you bring me your photos?I . My hobby is running.( ) 10. Does Jim often eat ice cream? J. Its a black bag.


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