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阅读理解填词1阅读理解填词Don and his 11-year-old son, Aron, love basketball. For Ar on s birthday last October, Don decided to take him to Cincinnati, more than two h 76 drive, for the first game of the World Series. They had no tickets but h 77 to buy a pair from scalpers(黄牛党).After arriving, they walked in the streets for two hours, carryinga sign thatsaid, “We need two tickets. ” There were a lot of scalpers, but the c 78 ticket was $175. They were about to leave whe n a man s 79 them. He took out two ticketsand gave them to the father.“ How much do you want? ” Don asked. “ No charge (收费).” Said the man. “E 80 the game.” Later, the man explained, I am w 81 for Joe, who hasn t missed a World Series in the past 16 years. But he is ill and can t watch the game this time. So he told me to give the twotickets away. He asked meto give the tickets to the r 82 people. A lot of people looked as if they might just take the tickets and sell them. Then I saw you. You seemed very disappo in ted and you make me t 83 of my dad whe n I was a child. I wan ted very much to go to aWbrld Series game with my father. But I n 84 did. ”How important it was to Joe and his son! Here is what Don said. It s themost memorable thing that has ever h 85 to us. My boy and I tur ned to each other30 times during the game and said.I can t believe this. We ll never forgetthat day. ”76.h77. h78.c79.s80.E81.w82.r 83.t84.n85.h76. hours 77. hoped78. cheapest79. saw80. Enjoy81. wait ing82. right83. think84. never85. happe ned2. 阅读填词A man one e had four sons. And they never stopped quarrelling(争吵)with one a81 . He was always telling them how mucheasier life would be if they worked together but they took absolutely non 82 of him. One day he decided to show them what he m 83 .He called all the sons together and put a bundle(扌捆)of sticks( 筷子)on the floor in front of them.Can you break that? he asked the y 84 son. T 85 the boy pressed and pulled with his arms, he could not bend(弯曲)the sticks. The father asked each son in t 86 to try to break the bun dle, but n 87 of them could do it .Then he untied(解军开)the rope(纟绳子)and spread the sticks.Now try aga in , he said . The boys broke the sticks easily in their han ds.Do you see wh at I m ean ? asked the father. if o 88 you stand togetherno one can hurt you. If you all d 89 the whole time and in sist on going yourseparate ways, the first en emy you meet will be able to destroy you.Un ited we sta nd; divided we f 90 .81. a82. n 83. m84. y 85. T_ 86. t87. n 88. o89. d 90. f81. ano ther 82. notice 83. mea nt84. you ngest 85. though86. turn 87. none 88. only 89. disagree 90. fall3. 阅读填词(共10分)I have lived in the countryside since I was a child. There were many k 76 of birds there whe n I was young. Every mornin g, lots of sparrows liked singing and j77 in the trees outside my win dow, whilethe swallows were busy flying outto f 78 food for their babies. Sometimes in the after noon,1 could even seeeagles f 79 in the sky.After twenty years, many of them cannot be seen now. I can seldom see the eagles o 80 the swallows. The n 81 of the sparrows is getting smaller.Only someof t 82 sing in the morning.Why do the birds leave here? First I think it is because the en vir onment isbecoming worse now. The birds can t find e 83 food for themselves and their babies. Second I think it is because people ofte nk 84them for food.Without the birds ar ound, we won t feel happy any more. So we must p 85 them. Why don t we do someth ing to help today?Key: 76. kin ds 77. Jumpi ng 78. Flyi ng 79.flyi ng 80. Or81. number 82. them 83. en ough 84. kill 85. protect4. 阅读理解填词(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)阅读短文,在气候空白处写各个单词的正确形式。单词的第一个字母已经给出。Welcome to the Active Leisure Center, boys and girls.Get b76with nothing to do duri ng the summer holidays? Come and checkout the Active Leisure Cen ter. We offer s_77for every one. The cen ter has awarm outdoor swim ming pool for those who want some fun. There s also an in door pool of national standard ( 国家标准 )for more s_78swimmers. Swimming lessons area79for all levels of swimmers. The cen ter has a sports hall where you canplay soccer, badm inton, basketball, and many other differe nt kinds of sports very c_80, only 15 yua n per hour. You can join sports groups or just b_81thehall for you and your friends to use. The Active Leisure Cen ter also has a fitn esscen ter for those who e82to be lighter and healthier. Here we have runningm_83, exercise bikes, free weights and jazz dance classes. Our fitnesse84will be happy to give you advice on health and they can offer you a good fitn essprogramme, too. It will best s85your n eeds surely.We are open from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. on weekends, and 8 a.m. to 8p.m. on weekends. Ifyou want to get more information about us, please call 325-7166 or visit ourwebsite at .76. bored 77. service 78. special79. available80. cheap81. book 82.eager83. machi nes84.experts85.satisfy5阅读理解填词Rece ntly, a restaura nt in Nin gbo, Zhejia ng prov ince has b71reallypopular. Wha rt is s72about it? The waitresses in the restaura nt arerobots!Lu Dike, o73 of the restaura nt,bought five robots to s74the customers( 顾客).Each robot costs about 60,000yuan, but using robots arem75cheaper than hiring( 雇佣)people. He h76that the robotscould bring more customers to his restaura nt.The robots can speak 40 short s77senten ces suchas “ Please enjoyyour m78. ” If some one is sta nding in front of it, it will say,“ I amsorry. I am busy w79now. ” Many people come to the restaura nt to takep80with these roborts.Keys: 71. become 72. secret 73. owner 74. serve 75. much76. hopes 77. simple 78. meal 79. wait ing 50. photos6.阅读填词(10 x 1.5 )Steve n Ho and Frank Wang wan ted to be heroes (英雄).I want people to read about us in the h_51_books, ” Steven said. “I wantto do something that will be remembered forever. ”“ Me, too, ” Frank said. “But what can we do? ”The two men thought about this for many w52_, then Steven said,Let sclimb the highest mountain in the world.Then we ll be remembered. ”“That s a good idea . ” Frank said, “ but how can we prove that we have climbed it? ”“We ll put a f lag on the top, ” Steven said. “Anyone f _54_ over the mountain in an airpla ne will see it.”Frank agreed that this was a good idea and the two men s_55_ off.They walked for three weeks to reach the bottom of the mountain, and the n they bega n to climb.The mountain was very steep ( 陡峭的)and they could climb only a few h_56_feet a day. At ni ght they slept in a small tent.It was very cold in the mountain and soon they were climbing a_57_ snow andice.But at last, after many days of hardship, they r_58the top.“ We ve made it , Stev en, ” Frank said. “ We ve fin ally climbed to the top ofthe highest mountain in the world. We ll be f_59_. All we have to do now is plant our flag in the ice.”“That s right, ” Steven said,“and then we can go home. ”He waited for Frank to pla nt the flag. When Frank did n_60, Steve n said,“Why aren t you planting the flag? ”“I haven t got it, ” Frank said. “ I thought you had it. ”Keys: 51, history 52. weeks 53. highest 54. flyi ng 55. set 56. hu ndred 57.across 58. reached 59. famous 60. Noth ing7阅读填词Max is a very clever boy. He is only three years old but he l76quickly .His mum teaches him many thin gs, and he r77all of them .One dayhis mother said to him, Max, there s a very importa nt teleph one nu mber.That is911. You must keep it in m78.If anything h79and you n eed help,this is the number to call.One morning, Max and his mother were at home. His motherwas ill so she took some m80. But it did not go dow n her throat and madeit difficult for her to breathe. When Max saw this, he p81 up the phone anddialed 911 right away.Hello. Mum is d82. Please help us, Max c83into the pho ne.“ Dont be afraid, little boy.Tell me your n ame and where you live, the woma n onthe other end of the l84 asked. Max told her about it and in ten m85a car came. It took Maxs mother to the hospital.76. l 77. r 78. m 79. h 80. m81. p 82. d 83. c 84.1 85. mKEYS: 76. lear ns 77. remembers 78. mind 79. happe ns 80. medic ine81. picked 82. dyi ng 83. cried 84. li ne 85. minu tes4


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