外研版七年级英语上册Module 4 unit1 We've got lots of apples.教案

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外研版七年级英语上册Module 4 unit1 We've got lots of apples.教案_第1页
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教学基本信息课题外研版新标准英语初中一年级上册Module 4Healthy foodUnit 1Weve got lots of apples.是否属于地方课程或校本课程是学科英语学段: 初中年级初一相关领域健康饮食教材书名: 英语 出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社 出版日期: 2012年7月指导思想与理论依据新课程标准提出学习任何语言都离不开听说。英语听说作为语言技能的重要组成部分,作为语言输入的主要环节之一,在英语教学中占有重要位置。发展学生的综合语言运用能力,激发学生的听说兴趣,培养学生的听说能力是主要教学目标之一。教学背景分析教学内容:本课为New Standard, book 1, Module 4, Unit1Ive got lots of apples. 本课内容涉及健康饮食的相关内容,包括健康饮食的理念及相关词汇,以“健康食品”作为主题不仅与学生的生活实际紧密相关,还可以增进他们对健康食品的了解,培养其健康的饮食习惯。学生情况:学生为普通中学平行班学生,英语程度较好。具备基本的听说技能,但需要更系统的训练。对本科课题有浓厚兴趣,但对于“健康食品”这一概念不是很清楚,渴望了解更多的知识。教学方式:Bottom-up approach 教学手段:多媒体网络技术技术准备:PAD 教学目标(内容框架)知识与技能To master the key vocabularies.candy, fruit,meat,vegetable,chocolate,lots of To get to know words about food and drink. To understand conversations on food and drink.To talk about shopping for food 过程与方法Bottom-up approach 情感、态度与价值观培养对中国饮食的感情,培养民族自豪感通过对比中西方早餐,学生进一步了解中西方饮食文化的差异 教学重点和难点教学重点:1. 掌握“ have got ”句型。 2. 在真实的语境中,熟练、准确地使用基本词汇和句式来描述健康食物和饮料。教学难点及突破途径: 1. 在创设的较为真实的语言环境中,大部分学生能正确流利地运用所学的单词和句型描述健康食物,但是部分基础较差的学生可能由于词汇量不够,在完成任务时不能熟练准确地使用目标语言。突破途径:课前组建兴趣小组,让学生留心自己早餐,积累必要词汇,做好课前的预习准备。课堂中引导学生自我归纳,为学生提供充分的句式支持。2. 班内存在一定差异,部分基础较差的学生在完成任务的过程中,需要同伴朋友的支持和协商,帮助他们放松、大胆地参与到课堂活动中。突破途径:考虑到不同层次学生的差异,采用伙伴交流和小组合作的学习方式,为学生提供了更多的练习空间,提高学生参与课堂的积极性。 教学流程示意图Objectives:1. At the end of the class, all the students will be able to talk about healthy food .2. At the end of the class, all the students will be able to describe healthy food and drinks.Lead-in: Ask Ss some questions of breakfast. .Explain what the healthy food is.breakfast .创设情境Pre-listening:1. Show Ss pictures of some different kinds of food and drink.2.Put the words of food and drink into groups .温故知新While-listening:1. Explain what Ss will hear and ask them to focus on the shopping list ,then play the recording .2. Ask Ss to listen to another dialogue and think about a question : Are they making a shopping list too ? How do they know ?初步感知理解语言语言输入Post-listening:1. Familiarize Ss with the dialogue ,especially the new structure and expressions.2. Ask Ss to work in pairs according to the information in the fridge.进一步感知和理解语言自主归纳Summary:Summarize important expressions of asking food and drinks. 语言输出归纳总结实践操作分享交流效果评价Speaking.Presentation. Assessment.Objectives:1. At the end of the class, all the students will be able to talk about healthy food .2. At the end of the class, all the students will be able to describe healthy food and drinks.教学过程(文字描述)本课定位为听说课型,设计的基本结构为创设情境温故知新初步感知和理解新语言进一步感知和理解新语言归纳总结机械操练语言真实交际活动拓展提高。Step 1 Lead-in:2mins.首先,学生回答两个问题Do you have breakfast every day? What do you often have? Some are healthy food, They are good for you. but some are not healthy food. They are bad for you. (设计思路说明:通过问问题,目的在于引出本节课的主题健康食物,帮助学生身临其境地感知新语言,激发学习兴趣,简单的问题设置,自然引入目标语言及本课话题。)Step 2 Pre-listening: 8mins.在语言学习中,大量的可理解性输入是有效输出的前提和保障,但是在输入之前需要对输入过程中,可能影响学生理解的词汇进行提前铺垫,所以老师安排了听前的语言准备环节,在激活学生头脑中已知词汇的同时,让学生通过直观的图片,感知新词汇,为听力任务提供了必要词汇方面的准备和帮助。Activity 1 Learn words of food and drinks :4mins 老师展示图片,学生充分开动脑筋,进行头脑风暴,小组讨论图片中食物的英文说法,比如:apples,chocolate,chicken .与此同时纠正学生发音,关注语音以及名称单复数的用法。 (设计思路说明:贴近学生生活的头脑风暴,可以激活学生头脑中已有的与本话题相关的背景知识,为下一环节的介词学习做好语言铺垫,教师还可以根据头脑风暴的反馈,灵活掌握词汇教学内容。)Activity 2 Put the words of food and drink into groups :4mins运用iPad将食物和饮料进行分类,学生只需用手指触碰屏幕拖动即可,很大程度上激发了学生对英语的学习热情,即在玩中学。“玩游戏”的同时学习食物的名称并进行归类。 (设计思路说明:掌握新词,并将词类进行分组,为之后听力任务搭建台阶。运用PAD将图片推送给学生。)vegetables drinksmeat candyfruit Step 3 While-listening: 20mins. Activity 1 Listen and check on the shopping list : 5mins.首先,学生听老师的提示:帮助Betty和她的妈妈完成一张购物清单。然后,学生拿出ipad,听对话check the food and drink they have got apples juicebeans milkbeef orangescarrots potatoeschicken teacoffee tomatoescola water(设计思路说明:通过听情景对话,帮助学生抓主要信息,排除干扰项。)Activity 2 Listen and answer questions : 5mins.学生回答两个问题 Are they making a shopping list too ? (Vote) Yes / NoHow do they know ?(Key words ) Lets go shopping . Lets get some .How about.?We have got . We havent got .Activity 2 Complete the table : 10mins.完成表格信息try to find out what they havent got They have got some.They havent got any .Food Drink (设计思路说明:帮助学生理解对话主要内容和细节,训练听力技巧。运用iPAD投票环节,客观清晰呈现学生的想法)Step 4 Post-listening: 10mins. Activity 1 Read the conversation: 2mins.学生打开书P21,分成两大组,分角色朗读课文,一半学生读Tony,一半学生读Tonys dad 。(设计思路说明:帮助学生进一步熟悉目标语言,并从语音上纠正学生可能出现的错误,为下一环节的输出做准备。)Activity 2 work in pairs ( new structures ): 8mins.为了让学生对语言输入有更直观的印象,老师用图片的方式,设定场景:周六你(Student A)和同学( Student B)准备参加万圣节party,你们正在准备食材。句型: A:Have we got any ? B: Yes, we have. We have got some. / No, we havent. We havent got any. .(设计思路说明:设定真实场景,巩固对话听力内容,运用所学句型进行输出练习。)(板书内容)M4 Healthy foodUnit1 Weve got lots of apples .Have we got any .?Yes,we have got some.No, we havent got any .教学过程(表格描述)教学阶段教师活动学生活动设置意图技术应用时间安排创设情境1 Ask Ss some questions of breakfast .2 Explain what the healthy food is , and then lead Ss to know what topic they will learn.1. Think and answer the questions as they like. Understand the meanings of “healthy”, “good for “ and “bad for”and then get the topic of the new lesson.激活学生兴趣,导入话题幻灯&IPAD2mins温故知新1. Show Ss pictures of some different kinds of food and drink.2. Correct their pronunciation of the words. 3. Ask Ss to put the words of food and drink into groups .1. Try to name the food and drink in English in pairs.2. Read the words together ( Pay attention to the pronunciation of each word )3. Try to label the food and drink in the pictures with the words .激发词库,呈现本课新单词关注语音以及名称单复数的用法掌握新词,并将词类进行分组,为之后听力任务搭建台阶幻灯&IPAD8mins初步感知理解语言1. Explain what Ss will hear and ask them to focus on the shopping list ,then play the recording .2. Ask Ss to listen to another dialogue and think about a question : Are they making a shopping list too ? How do they know ?Ask Ss to listen again and try to find out what they havent got .1. Listen to dialogue 1 and check the food and drink Betty and her mother have got. Then check the answers : They have got some .2. Listen to dialogue 2 and answer the question, find out the key words at the same time. Listen again and complete the table帮助学生抓主要信息帮助学生理解对话主要内容和细节,训练听力技巧幻灯&IPAD12mins进一步感知理解语言1. Familiarize Ss with the dialogue ,especially the new structure and expressions.2. Ask Ss to work in pairs according to the information in the fridge .And ask them to use the new structure “Have they got any.?”Read the dialogue after the recorder, then practice in pairs.Understand when and how to use the expressions .Work in pairs and make a shopping list using the new structure :Have we got any.? Lets go shopping .巩固对话听力内容运用所学句型进行输出练习幻灯&IPAD20mins归纳总结Invite Ss to sum up and then present the expressions on blackboard.Sum up important sentences of asking food and drinks.学生在自主归纳的过程中巩固目标语言,做好语言输出准备。幻灯&教具4mins实践操作Assign speaking activities.Invite Ss to present in class and make comments when necessary.Do pairwork and some pairs present in class.半控性练习贯穿于情境中,帮助学生再次复习和巩固语言学习内容。幻灯 &学案10mins分享交流Assign speaking activities. Invite Ss to present in class and make comments when necessary.Do groupwork and some groups present in class.开放性的语言活动,帮助学生在较为真实的语言环境中体验语言,内化新的语言知识。 效果评价Guide Ss to finish the assessment form.Finish the assessment form.小组互评,学生在认真聆听的过程中,学习他人长处,使评价过程成为学生认识自我、认识他人,完善自我的过程。学习效果评价设计评价方式评价方式:老师评价小组互评课后自我反思。老师通过每个教学活动了解学生知识掌握情况和学习效果,在学生展示的过程中及时肯定学生准确的语言,丰富的表达,纠正错误的表达。通过听取最后一项活动的小组汇报,老师可以了解学生的总体学习效果,给予整体评价。在最后的输出任务中,学生在听取其他小组发言的同时,填写小组评价表,开展小组互评,促使学生认真听取其他小组的展示,学习他人长处,是形成性评价的重要手段。为了便于考察,采用画星和记录最后星数的方法。为了让学生更好地反思自己的学习效果,课后让学生填写自我反思评价表,对学生课堂参与的态度和学习效果进行反思和形成性评价,使学生关注并反思自己的学习效果,找出自身的强势和薄弱环节,自主地调整自己今后的学习策略。评价量规小组互评表:Please fill in the chart while listening to other groups presentation.You can draw stars to show how you think they did.GroupsGroup 1Group 21. Attitude: Did they do the presentation actively? 2. How well did they ask food and drinks?If they gave:three different food - two different food-only one food -If he / she selected the best food and drinks at last-If he / she didnt 0)3. Could they use correct expressions of asking food and drinks?If they made: no mistake-13 mistakes-more than 3 mistakes-In all ( How many stars have they got)评价量规学生课后反思表:Please fill in the chart after class to show how well you think you did in the class.Name 1. Attitude: Did you take part in the class actively? Talked more and did the presentation actively -Talked less and listened more-Listened and waited for others-Didnt take part in class-02. How well did you ask food and drinks in the last activity?If you have mastered the expressions -If you cannot use the expressions fluently and have made a few mistakes -If you can only say something with the key words but not the full expressions-If you couldnt say anything about the topic-03. What have you or havent you learned in the class and what would you like to improve?(Chinese is acceptable)本教学设计与以往或其他教学设计相比的特点(300-500字数) 1.充分运用了在语境中呈现练习或活动的方法:本教学设计以学生为主体,在各个教学环节为学生创建了情境真实的语言活动,lead-in环节中设计早餐吃什么以及是否健康,快速有效地引入本课话题和目标语言;听前环节有二个活动:练习食物的英文说法并将食物进行分类,通过ipad激发学生学习的趣味性。环环相扣的教学环节让学生在情境中体验,在感知中发现语言的规律,在运用中自主总结归纳,在活动中巩固目标语言,并将英语的学习运用到实际生活中,不仅提高了学生参与课堂活动的积极性,还进一步地突出了语言的交际性和应用性。考虑到学生之间的差异,在个人独立学习的基础上,语言操练中安排了伙伴交流和小组合作,学生可以根据自己的能力水平选择角色,满足了不同层次学生的不同需求,让不同层次的学生都乐于参加,得到充分的提高,充分体现了以学生为主体,面向全体学生的理念,伙伴交流和小组合作的形式也为学生构建了自主学习的平台,让每一个学生都有开口说英语的机会。 2.注重教学环节间的逻辑性和严谨性:从大量的语言输入学生的自主归纳贴近生活的语言输出以及家庭作业的拓展提高,从围绕听力材料设置的控制性活动应用模拟地图的半控制性活动联系实际生活的开放性活动,本教学设计始终注重活动与活动之间,环节与环节之间的逻辑关系,力求每一步的铺垫细致,保证了教学目标的最终达成。由易到难的梯度设置,既符合语言学习的规律,又考虑到不同层次学生的需要,照顾了不同层次学生的差异,使学生在循序渐进的自主发现、学习的过程中轻松地掌握目标语言,在体验任务、感受情境学习的同时获得成功的乐趣。3.关注学情,充分开发并利用教学资源:充分开发教学资源,根据学生的实际水平能力,对教材的内容适当地进行了增减,对教材中的信息进行了加工调整,并拓展了学生未知的语言知识。充分利用学生资源,培养学生自主学习习惯,课前组建兴趣小组,让学生进行周边社区图的绘制,在自主学习的过程中积累课程所需要的词汇,课中学生在教师的引导下自主发现语言的规律,自主归纳总结语言结构,课后及时进行自我反思,不断调整学习策略。此外,教师自主地编写了部分听力输入材料和练习材料,并在课中利用多媒体(影像,图片,ipad,教具等)呈现知识,不仅让学生在自主学习的基础上,发现语言的规律,突出了学生为主体,教师为主导的教学模式,还可以突出外语教学的交互性,创造有助于自主学习的学习氛围。4.课堂评价方式具体,提高学生自我评估反思能力:首先,老师通过每个教学活动了解学生知识掌握情况,并通过最后一项活动的小组展示-准备万圣节的食材了解,运用本课句型和食物名称。学生需要开展小组互评,促进学生认真听取其他小组的展示,学习他人长处,是形成性评价的重要手段;最后,学生需要在课后填写自我反思评价表,对自己课堂参与的态度和学习效果进行反思和形成性评价,使学生学会关注并反思自己的学习效果,找出自身的强势和薄弱环节,不断调整习得过程。12 / 12


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