Unit3 topic1 CD 仁爱版英语八年级上册同步学案

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Unit3 topic1 CD 仁爱版英语八年级上册同步学案_第1页
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八上Unit3 Topic1 Section C Whats your hobby? 学案Name:_Section C1. It was popular for _ _(超过) five hundred years. 它受欢迎超过500多年了。2. People called it a _(友谊) book. 人们称它为友谊簿。3. They kept pictures, letters, pomes and other _(东西) they wanted to remember.他们保存图片、信件、诗歌和其他他们想记住的东西。4. Today people _(收集) many things in scrapbooks. 现在人们剪切簿中收集很多东西。5. Some people have _(有趣的) collections, like the worlds most _(愚蠢的) ideas or pictures of the worlds most _(丑的) dogs. 一些人有非常有趣的收集物,像世界上最愚蠢的主意或者世界上最丑的狗。6. Other people may collect stories about bad _(天气). 其他人可能收集一些关于坏天气的故事。“it is +形容词+(for sb) + to do sth”意为“做某事对于某人来说是.”; get started“开始”7. It is easy to _ _(开始). 开始是很容易的。/上手很容易。8. It is easy _ us to get started. 开始做对我们来说是很容易的。9. First, you should _(决定) what you want to collect. 首先,你应该决定你想要收集什么。10. _(开始) with just one idea. 仅从一个想法开始。11. Next, you will need a book with _(背景) paper, scissors and glue. 其次,你会需要一本带背景纸的书、剪刀和胶水。 need sth to do sth“需要某物做某事”12. You need the scissors _ (cut) out the pictures or stories. 你需要用剪刀把图片或故事剪掉。 stick.to.“把.粘贴到.”13. You need the glue _(粘贴) them to the background paper. 你需要用胶水把他们粘到背景纸上。14. You can be busy and collect many things or _(懒惰的) and collect few things.你可以很忙并收集很多东西,或者很懒并收集很少的东西。 share.with.“和.分享.”15. Itll be lots of fun to make your scrapbook and you can _ (分享) it with your friends.16.文章的最好题目是什么?_17. 他们过去在春天常干什么?_18. 他们过去常去旅行。_19. 夏天_ 秋天_/_ 冬天_ 自我介绍_参考答案1. more than2. friendly3. things4. collect5. interesting, stupid, ugly6. weather7. get started8. for9. decide10. Start11. background12. to cut13. to stick14. lazy15. share16. Whats the best title of the passage?17. What did they use to do in spring?18. They used to go traveling.19. summer, fall/autumn, winter, self-introductionSection D1. Pets are _(特殊的). 2. They may be _(日常的) pets like dogs or cats. 它们可能是像猫狗这样平常的宠物。3. Or they may be _(危险的) pets like snakes. 或者它们可能是像蛇这样危险的宠物。主人,物主n._ 安慰n.& v._提供,给予v._ provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb给某人提供某物4. All pets _(提供) their owners with love and comfort in their lives. 宠物都给主人的生活带来爱和安慰。5. All pets provide love and comfort _ their owners in their lives. 宠物都给主人的生活带来爱和安慰。6. He often provides us _ paper. = He often provides paper _ us. 他经常供给我们纸张。7. His color is _(淡的) pink. 他的颜色是淡粉色。8. He is very _(聪明的) and I keep him in the house. 他非常聪明并且我把它养在房间里。9. He enjoys _(eat) fruit and vegetables. 他喜欢吃水果和蔬菜。是否conj. _/_ 当句中有or not时只能用whether10. I dont know if/whether he will come. 我不知道他是否会回来。11. I dont know _(是否) he will come or not. 我不知道他是否会回来。12. And he doesnt _(介意) whether they are good or not. 并且他不介意它们是好还是坏。13. He always _(跟着) me, just like a little friend. 他总是跟着我,就像一个小朋友。14. He is very _(特别的) to me. 他对我来说很特别。15. 聪明的_ 愚蠢的,笨的_ 干净的_ 肮脏的_16. 漂亮的_ 丑陋的_ 友好的_ 不友好的_17. 勤奋的_ 懒惰的_参考答案1. special2. everyday3. dangerous owner, comfort provide4. provide5. for6. with = for7. light8. smart/clever9. eating if/whether11. whether12. mind13. follow14. special15. smart, stupid, clean, dirty16. beautiful, ugly, friendly, unfriendly17. hard-working, lazy5 / 5


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