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Table of contents 目录1 Safety instructions 1-1 安全操作说明1.1 General 1-1 概论1.2 Safety valves 1-1 安全阀1.3 Hose lines 1-1 软管2 Safety precautions 2-1 安全预防2.1 General information 2-1 概论2.2 Depressurizing the pressure vessel 2-1 给压力容器减压2.2.1 Manual depressurization of plunger accumulator 2-2 活塞储能器的手动减压2.3 Depressurizing pipelines 2-2 给管道减压2.4 Measuring and venting hydraulic systems 2-3 测量和给液压系统排气2.4.1 General information 2-4 概论2.4.2 Preparing to vent the system 2-4 给系统排气的准备工作2.4.3 Venting process 2-4 排气步骤3 Maintenance instructions 3-1 维护说明3.1 General 3-1概论3.2 Cleaning the hydraulic system 3-1液压系统的清洁3.3 Flushing the hydraulic system 3-2 液压系统的冲洗 3.3.1 Flushing time 3-2 冲洗时间3.3.2 Flushing procedure 3-2 冲洗步骤3.3.2.1 Switch on the cooling and filter pump 3-2 打开冷却过滤泵3.3.2.2 Switch on the main drives 3-2 打开主驱动设备3.3.2.3 Flush the ring line 3-2 冲洗油缸管道3.3.2.4 Flush the blocks 3-4 冲洗集成阀块Flush the main cylinder blocks 3-4 冲洗主油缸块3.3.3 Install control valves 3-5 控制阀安装3.3.3.1 Storing control valves 3-5 控制阀的储存3.4 Hydraulic oil 3-6 液压油3.4.1 Hydraulic tank and filling 3-6 液压油箱和液压油的填充3.4.2 Oil change 3-6 液压油的更换3.4.3 Notes on the miscibility of hydraulic oils 3-7 关于液压油的黏度的说明3.5 Recharging with nitrogen 3-7填充 氮气3.6 Taking back into operation 3-9 1 Safety instructions 安全说明1.1 General 概论It is indispensible to have read and understood the “Safety” chapter.In addition, follow the safety instructions in the Maintenance chapterfor maintenance, servicing and repair work.In addition, follow the safety instructions in the Maintenance chapterfor maintenance, servicing and repair work.It is essential to comply with all safety regulations!认真阅读和理解安全说明在进行维修和维护工作时严格遵守安全操作说明1.2 Safety valves 安全阀Pressure limiting valves preventing excessive pressure buildup are installedon the oil sides. The pressure setting is locked by a lead seal andmust never be modified.限制过多的压力形成的压力控制阀被安装在阀体的油侧。 压力装置被铅密封锁定,注意这个设定的压力千万不能被改动 。Never modify the safety valve settings !千万不要更改安全阀装置Safety block of nitrogen bottles ,oil sided 液压油侧的 氮气瓶的安全阀块 1 manual release 手动减压2 accumulator safety valves 储能器的安全阀3 electrical release 自动减压 Refer to the “Certificates” chapter for the official acceptance certificate.Pressure limiting valves are safety-related parts. Never repair replaced pressure limiting valves yourself. Pressure limitingvalves must not be repaired by anyone other than the equipmentmanufacturer. 千万不要更换压力限制阀。 除设备供应商外任何人不能够修理和更换此阀。1.3 Hose lines 软油管The owner is responsible for ensuring that hose lines are replaced at suitableintervals, at least every 5 years, including the time of storage (max.2 years).Hose lines must be replaced even if there are no signs of defects whichcould affect their safety. 至少5年对软管更换一次(这个时间段包括最多的2年的储存时间)即使软油管没有明显的残缺在5年内必须更换一次。 2 Safety precautions 安全预防措施Depressurize the pipeline system and block the low-pressure tank beforecommencing maintenance or repair work on the hydraulic equipment.在给液压设备开始进行维护和修理工作前, 要给液压系统减压和堵塞低压油箱。 In addition, it is a requirement that the press must not be subject to anyweight loads and must be supported on mechanical stops.此外, 压机不受任何的重量负荷在压机停止时压机必须被支撑起来。Furthermore, all pumps must be switched off and prevented from restarting(see 2 Switching off for mechanical and electrical work in the“Maintenance electrical system” chapter).These precautions are also necessary when tightening pipelines in orderto seal leaks. 所有的油泵必须被关闭防止油泵重新启动。 在拧紧管道密封泄露时这些预防措施也是必要的。 2.2 Depressurizing the pressure vessel 给压力容器减压Switching off the electrical power supply causes the pressure relief valveson the pressure tank to be switched to the tank. This automaticallydepressurizes the pressure tank oil sided.Work must only be carried out on the device once the container has beendepressurised. Risk of explosion.在压力容器上进行工作前必须给压力容器减压否则有爆炸的危险。 The sign shown also points out this urgently required work.下面这个标志出示了这个紧急必须要做的工作(给压力容器减压) Measure the system before continuing work to check it isdepressurized!在继续进行工作之前要测量系统是否被减压,。2.2.1 Manual depressurization of plungeraccumulator 活塞储能器的手动减压Safety block of nitrogen bottles ,oil sided 液压油侧的 氮气瓶的安全阀块 1 manual release 手动减压2 accumulator safety valves 储能器的安全阀3 electrical release 自动减压Open the manual pressure relief valve slowly. 慢慢打开压力安全阀pressure vessels :压力容器1 nitrogen bottles 氮气瓶2 pressure gauge 压力表3 charging and testing unit 充气和检测装置Depressurize the system before continuing work if pressure is detected.The system can be depressurized as follows:在连续进行工作前给系统减压, 减压的方法如下: Turn the master switch off. This automatically depressurises thepressure vessels关闭主开关, 此时自动给压力容器减压 Operate the vent valve until the pressure is no longer present对排气阀进行操作直到压力不存在 Open the manually operated shut-off valves to the tank打开通向油箱的手动操作的关闭阀 Operate the valves to the tank using the emergency manual operatingsystem 用紧急手动操作系统操作通向油箱的阀门。 Also note that a static pressure (pressure column) may be present as theresults of containers being on a higher level. These pressures also haveto be relieved in order to prevent oil loss in the system.注意一个静态压力可能存在如果容器被放在一个很高的位置。 为防止系统的液压油损失这些压力也必须被排除。 Measure the system again before starting repair work to make sure it isstill depressurized.在开始维护工作之前测量系统确保系统已经被减压。 2.4 Measuring and venting hydraulic systems 液压系统的测量和排气Measure the system before starting repairwork to check itis depressurized在开始维护工作之前测量系统确保系统已经被减压。Keep all parts of your body away from the venting openings.The gas and fluid emerging from venting openingsis pressurized and may be hot. Danger of injuryand scalding.保持你的身体远离排气孔。 从排气孔流出的液体和气体已经被减压但可能温度很高,这些液体和气体会对人体造成烧伤。Secure the press before venting the system. If fitted,engage the ram locking device or, at the very least,prevent access to the press space. 在给系统排气前确保压机的安全 。 要启动压机框架锁定装置。 至少要防止进入压机空间的途径。 venting hydraulic systems 液压系统的排气1 cap 螺帽2 venting valve 排气阀2.4.1 General information 概论Any air caught in the system must be vented in order to ensure that thehydraulic system functions correctly. Venting points have been installedin the system in order to do this. These venting points are marked on thehydraulic diagram.为确保液压系统的正常工作,任何存在于液压系统中的气体必须被排除。 排气孔已经在液压系统中被安装。 这些排气空在液压图表中已经被表明。 2.4.2 Preparing to vent the system 给系统排气的装备工作The press must not be at maximum operating pressure when the completehydraulic system is vented. 在给液压系统排气时压机不能处在最大的工作压力状态。 A pressure of approximately 100 bar is quite adequate for venting thecomplete hydraulic system. 大约100 bar的压力对于完成液压系统排气已经足够了。 Perform the venting process at all venting and measuring points, particularlyon the working and retract cylinders (highest point on the piping oron the system).在所有的排气点和测量点进行排气工作, 特别在回程油缸上(在系统或管道的最高点)上工作时。 If a venting hose is used for venting, secure the free end of the hose tostop it from whirling. 如果一个排气软管被用来排气,保证排气管的任意一端扭曲旋转。 2.4.3 Venting process 给系统排气In order to perform the venting process, unscrew the cap from the ventingpoint and attach the supplied vent actuator to that point (turn throughapprox. two rotations but do not tighten it down under any circumstances).从排气点松开螺帽 。 把排气装置连接在排气点上 vent actuator 排气装置1 pipe section with nut for diverting emerging fluid 排除从液压系统流出的液体管道2 container 容器3 hydraulic line 液压管4 connection for venting valve 螺帽5 venting valve 排气阀6 vent actuator with knurled nut 带螺母的排气装置venting 排气1 venting valve 排气阀2 cover cap 螺帽3 hydraulic line 液压管Turn the pipe elbow and the venting hose so its opening is pointing awayfrom anyone or anything nearby. Attach a small container to the end ofthe vent actuator, but do not hold it there by hand.转动液压管肘和排气管使得排气孔远离任何人和附近的物体, 把一个小容器连接在排气装置的末端注意不要用手握着它。 venting valve 排气阀1 hose for diverting emerging fluid 排除从液压系统流出的液体软管2 support venting hose 排气软管的支架3 container 容器4 hydraulic line 液压管5 connection for venting valve 排气阀的接头6 cover cap 螺帽7 venting valve 排气阀8 knurled nut of venting hose 带螺母的排气管If there is very little space available, it is a good idea to use a ventinghose. Make sure the hose is not pointing towards people or objects in theimmediate vincinity.Never hold the end of the hose by hand. Always secure it well by mechanicalmeans.如果有很小的空间可利用, 可以使用一个排气管。保证软管不要朝着在它附近的任何人和物体。 千万不要用手握着排气管的末端。 要使用机械的方法来稳固它。Lead the end of the venting hose into a collecting vessel.Slowly turn the knurled nut on the venting valve clockwise by hand inorder to screw it onto the venting point until you can hear air escaping.Start unscrewing the knurled nut anti-clockwise as soon as hydraulic fluidbegins to emerge from the vent opening. This concludes the venting processat this venting point.Screw the cap back onto the venting point after completing the ventingprocess. 把排气管通到末端盛液体容器中。 用手慢慢的顺时针转动排气阀上的螺母(为了把它拧紧在排气点上)直到你能够听到有空气流通的声音,一旦有液压液体从排气孔流出开始逆时针松动螺母。此操作包括了在这个排气点上的排气过程。 Screw the cap back onto the venting point after completing the ventingprocess.在排气过程完成后, 把排气点上的螺帽拧上。 3 Maintenance instructions 液压系统的维护3.1 GeneralCheck the oil level in the tank, check the screw connections are tight andvent pipes at the highest point.检查液压油箱的油位。 检查螺纹接头是否上紧,排气管是否在最高位置。 Depressurize the plant before tightening screw connections.在上进螺纹接头前给系统减压Flush through the system with the standard flushing volume whenevermore than 10% of the tank volume is topped up or each time the oil ischanged.每次当加注的液压油量达到油箱油量的10%时或在更换液压油时要对系统进行冲洗。 Observe instructions regarding miscibility遵守液压油的黏度说明。 Your oil supplier or filter supplier can perform a precise analysis on youroil samples.液压油和过滤器的供应商能够对液压油的样品进行准确的分析。 Please observe our table of lubricants.遵守润滑的油量。 Replace hydraulic hose lines at the specified intervals or wheneverappropriate, even if there are no signs of damage which could impairsafety.在固定的时间更换液压油管(即使没有损坏的迹象)3.2 Cleaning the hydraulic system 液压系统的清洗The service life of components and reliability of the system depend to alarge extent on the purity of the hydraulic oil.系统部件的使用寿命和系统的稳定性在很大程度上取决与液压油的纯度。 The ingress of dirt in the oil circuit can often not be completely avoidedeven by exercising great care when installing hydraulic components andhydraulic system lines.在安装液压部件和液压系统管道时,细心的操作不能够完全避免液压油循环入口被污染和弄脏。 Consequently, flush the hydraulic system before taking it into operation.Any dirt in the tank can be removed via the cleaning openings. Ensureadequate ventilation when working in the oil tank.因此在进行设备运转前要清洗液压系统。 在油箱中的任何脏物可通过清洁口取除。 在油箱上工作时注意充足的排气。 The hydraulic system must always be cleaned before being filled withhydraulic oil.在安装液压油之前, 液压系统必须保持清洁。Use special solvents or cleaning agents for the purpose of cleaning.用特殊的溶液或清洗剂来给液压系统清洗。 Observe regulations concerning fire and potential health hazards. Alwaysclean thoroughly every time the hydraulic fluid is changed.遵守关于火灾和危险区的说明。 在每次更换液压油时彻底的清洗系统。 3.3 Flushing the hydraulic system 液压系统的冲洗 3.3.1 Flushing time 冲洗时间(All item numbers refer to the hydraulic diagram.)The flushing time should total approx. 48 hours.冲洗的时间总共应该是48小时。 The flushing time is primarily determined by the purity of the hydraulicfluid.冲洗的时间原则上根据液压油的纯度而定。 Max. admissible degree of impurity in systems equipped with control valves.Oil purity class 15/11 (ISO 4406)系统中配备了检测液压油的纯度的控制阀,液压油的纯度等级为15/11 (ISO 4406)Repeat flushing if the value fails to meet this requirement.如果数值不能够满足这个需求进行重新清洗。 3.3.3 Install control valves 控制阀的安装Install the control valves with due regard to cleanliness on complection ofthe flushing procedure. 在完成液压系统的冲洗后安装控制阀1 install the valve here after the flushing procedure 在在完成液压系统的冲洗后安装控制阀All pressure limiting valves must be set to the values states in the hydraulicdiagram.所有的压力限制阀必须设置为液压图表中的规定的状况。 Storing control valves 控制阀的储存Store in a dry and dust-free room which is free from corrosive substancesand vapors. When storing control valves for more than three months, fillthe valve housing with preservative oil and seal it.把控制阀储存在一个干燥无灰尘的房间,确保此房间无腐蚀物质和气体。 在控制阀储存3个多月后,给阀座加防腐油并密封。 Observe the manufacturers instructions!遵守生产商的说明。 3.4 Hydraulic oil 液压油 3.4.1 Hydraulic tank and filling 液压油箱和液压油的填充Fill the oil tank with oil up to the top inspection glass. 油箱的油位填加到油位检测玻璃的顶部。 hydraulic tank 液压油箱1 inspection glass 油位检测玻璃The pump switches off if the oil level falls below the minimum oil level.如果油位降到最底的油位值关闭油泵。 Oil is filled via the cooling and filtering pump. The filling fixture is identifiedby an information notice attached to it.液压油通过冷却过滤泵填加。填充的装置被帖在油泵上的信息通知出示。 When filling new hydraulic oil or when performing a complete oil change,use a 5 m ultrafine filter for filling. This is necessary to ensure faultlessfunction of the pump, the proportional hydraulics and the servohydraulics.为确保油泵、伺服液压的正常工作当加入新的液压油或进行油更换时用一个过滤芯非常细的过滤器。3.4.2 Oil change 液压油的更换For further information about the oil change procedure see point 14 Oilchange in the Maintenance general chapter.液压油的更换步骤的详细情况参见维护章节的14点液压油的更换3.4.3 Notes on the miscibility of hydraulic oils 注意液压油的黏度Do not mix hydraulic oils unless you have checked this is permissible.不要把几种液压油混合使用,除非检测后可以混合使用Refer to section 6 Hydraulic liquids and lubricants item6.4.1.1 Notes on the miscibility of hydraulic oils in the Maintenancegeneral chapter.3.5 Recharging with nitrogen 填充氮气The preload pressure on the gas side of the accumulator system must beset to a specific value to ensure that the accumulator system functionscorrectly. The pressure is set when the machine is taken into operation.储能器系统气侧的压力必须设定为具体的压力数值确保储能器系统功能的正确运行。 当设备进行运转时压力被设定。 pressure vessels :压力容器1 nitrogen bottles 氮气瓶2 pressure gauge 压力表3 charging and testing unit 充气和检测装置The preload pressure must be checked periodically with the machineswitched off. Top up with nitrogen if the fill pressure exceed the specifiedvalue. 储能器系统气侧的压力必须被周期性的检测(检测时关闭设备)如果填充的压力超过了设定的具体的压力数值要进行填充氮气。 Work with maximum 2 main pumps when compressing the nitrogen usingthe accumulator system in order to keep the thermal stress on the componentsinvolved to a minimum为了把相关的部件上的热压力保持到最小数值,当用储能器系统压缩氮气时最多只能够有2台主油泵进行工作。 shut off valve on gas side 在气侧的关闭阀1 position when charging with nitrogen-closed 当氮气填加关闭时关闭阀的位置shut off valve on gas side在气侧的关闭阀1 open setting for operation flow 打开关闭阀进行氮气填加。充气和检测装置1 pressure gauge 压力表2 charging and testing unit 充气和检测装置Recharge with nitrogen using the recharging device supplied.用充气装置来填充氮气


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