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八下(外研版)课堂检测题Module 7 Unit 3Cla ssNam eNumber一、翻译以下短语1 .soundcrazy 2.gosightseeing3.staywith a family closeto5.along way goodas7.beableto8.howlong9.1ast for a week lO.learnabout11 .outdoor skill二、用所给词的适当形式填空-Do you know how(get)good grades?-Of course. You must work hard at every subject.1. Its very cold today. Youd better(not take)off your coat.1.1 will return the book if I(finish)reading it.4. Tom as well as his family(fly)the kite in the playground now.5. Its a great way(make)friends with foreigners.三、单项选择()1.-Would you like to go to the concert with us tonight?-rd love to,I cant I have a lot of homework to do.A. and B.but D.or()2 Jenny, put on your coat,you will catch a cold.A. butB.and C.or I am a doctor.A. Both,andB.Either, norC.Neither, norD.Neither, and()4.1 4,000 yuan for my driving lessons last year.A. spent B.cost C.took D.paid()5.Project Hope provides school things the children in the poorcountryside.A. toB.forC.withD.of( )6.The girl her friend5s birthday party last Saturday evening.A.joined in B.took part in C.joined D.took part of( )7.Not only you but also I new here, so we dont know where thelibrary is.A. am C.are With the help of Mr Wang, Liu Ling has great progress inEnglish.A. done B. taken C.made D.picked()9.of us likes the film.A. Both B.A11 C.Some D.Neither四、完成句子1. Mike got up to arrive at the airport in time.Mike起得足够早,可以及时到达机场。2. Damings grandparents often after supper.Darning的祖父母经常晚饭后去散步。3. The maths problem is very difficult for me,I wont it这道数学题对我来说很难,但我不会放弃。4. -Why didnt you the basketball matchlast weekend?-Because I was ill that day.-你上周末为什么没有参加篮球比赛?一因为我那天生病了。5. We are looking forward to in Hangzhou for a coupleof days.我们盼望着在杭州浏览几天。五、短文填空Dear Editor,lama middle school student. Td like to tell you 1 about my friend, Wu Gang. A2 days ago, he told 3 that he was going to sop school. He said that he wanted to start 4 own business. I tried my best to get him to change his mind. However, I know5 is difficult for him to change his mind. He studies hard, 6 he doesnt do well in his studies. Now he is tired of studying. He plays computer games day and 7, I still think that he should finish his studies. The course(0is more important than the result. Now 8 are only 60 days left before the finalexamination. Im not sure 9 I can persuade()him to continue his studies or not .Could you give me some 10 ? I really need your help. Im looking forward to your reply.Best wishes.Sincerely,Yu Li1.


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