2021-2022年人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Unit 3 My weekend plan 单元测试卷完整版

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2021-2022年人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Unit 3 My weekend plan 单元测试卷完整版看图题根据图片,将单词或词组补充完整【1】t_ke a t _ _p【2】di_t_on_ry【3】vi_ _t gr_ _ dpar_ _ts【4】pl_ _bask_tb_ll【5】p_ _ tc_ _d【答案】【1】 a r i【2】 c i a【3】 s i a n e n【4】 a y e a【5】 o s a r【解析】略选择题根据中文意思,选择对应的单词或词组。【1】这个周末( )A.this Friday B.this weekend【2】明天上午( )A.tomorrow morning B.tomorrow afternoon【3】下个星期( )A.next month B.next week【4】下个暑假( )A.next summer vacation B.last summer vacation【5】在今晚( )A.tonight B.tomorrow evening【答案】【1】B【2】A【3】B【4】A【5】A【解析】略选择题找出每组中不同类的单词。【1】A.next B.week C.day D.year【2】A.morning B.afternoon C.garden D.evening【3】A.tonight B.together C.today D.tomorrow【4】A.aunt B.cousin C.cinema D.grandma【5】A.water B.flower C.tree D.grass【答案】【1】A【2】C【3】B【4】C【5】A【解析】略选择题What the boys going to do this weekend?( )A.am B.is C.are【答案】C【解析】略选择题 your brother going to swim this summer?( ) A.Are B.Is C.Will【答案】B【解析】略选择题We draw some pictures tonight.( )A.is going to B.are C.are going to【答案】C【解析】略选择题 you going to with her this evening?( ) Yes, I am.A.What; do B.Is; swimming C.Are; play【答案】C【解析】略选择题 Amy and Tom going to a new film?( ) A.Are; see B.Is; look C.Are; look at【答案】A【解析】略匹配题为下列对话选择正确的图片,将序号写在括号里A. B. C. D. E.【1】Whats the weather like tomorrow?(_)Its going to rain tomorrow.【2】What are you going to do this afternoon, Mike?(_)Im going to ride a bike.【3】What are you going to do?(_)Im going to read some stories.【4】What are you going to do?(_)Im going to draw some pictures.【5】Whats he going to do?(_)Hes going to do his homework.【答案】【1】E【2】D【3】A【4】C【5】B【解析】略翻译英汉互译【1】take a trip_【2】see a film_【3】tomorrow evening_【4】visit grandparents_【5】word book_【6】下周_【7】(儿童的)连环画册_【8】明天上午_【9】去超市_【10】在今晚_【答案】【1】去旅行【2】看电影【3】明天晚上【4】看望爷爷奶奶/外公外婆【5】单词书【6】next week【7】comic book【8】tomorrow morning【9】go to the supermarket【10】tonight【解析】略补全对话将对话内容补充完整【1】_ are you going to_ in the bookstore?-A_ _(连环画册).【2】_ are they going to_ on Sunday?-Plant_(树).【3】_ _ he going this afternoon?-He is going to the_(医院).【答案】【1】 What buy comic book【2】 What do trees【3】 Where is hospital【解析】略阅读理解阅读短文,根据短文内容判断对“T”错“F”Hi, Im Wu Yifan. We are going to have a busy weekend! On Saturday, my father is going to buy some newspapers(报纸). My mother is going to go shopping. Im going to visit my friend, Mike. On Sunday, my father is going to read a magazine(杂志). My mother is going to watch TV. Im going to the bookstore. Im going to buy some comic books. After that, we are going to the cinema.【1】Wu Yifans father is going to buy a dictionary on Saturday.(_)【2】Wu Yifans mother is going to go shopping on Sunday.(_)【3】Wu Yifan is going to visit Mike on Sunday.(_)【4】Wu Yifans mother is going to watch TV on Saturday.(_)【5】Wu Yifan is going to buy some comic books on Sunday.(_)【6】Wu Yifans family are going to have a busy weekend.(_)【7】Wu Yifans father is going to visit his grandpa on Sunday.(_)【8】Wu Yifan is going to see a fim with his family on Sunday.(_)【9】Wu Yifans mother is going to watch TV on Sunday.(_)【10】Wu Yifan is going to take a trip with his family on the weekend.(_)【答案】【1】F【2】F【3】F【4】F【5】T【6】T【7】F【8】T【9】T【10】F【解析】略第 5 页 共 5 页


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