The Problems and Suggestions in Expanding the Vocabulary for Students

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The Problems and Suggestions in Expanding the Vocabulary for Students扩大学生词汇量的问题以及建议内容摘要:在英语学习中,词汇扮演了一个极为重要的角色,拥有一个很大的词汇量在英语学习中的优势是很明显的。但是拥有一定的词汇量本身就是一个很大的问题。本文将重点分析学生在词汇学习方面存在的问题;并就此提出相应的对策。关键词:词汇 问题 建议 方法Outline1. Introduction2. Some Students Problems in Learning English3. Suggestions on English Vocabulary Learning3. 1 Extensive reading is the best way to acquire a larger vocabulary 3. 2 Learning new words and expressions from the context3. 3 Using the new words and expressions as much as possible 3. 4 Association is also an effective method to expand your vocabulary3. 5 Adjusting the learning approaches and learning attitude4. Conclusion1. IntroductionIt is well known that vocabulary plays a very important role in language learning because it is essential to learn a language , and English is no exception to it. Without vocabulary , there would be no sentence , no text and no language. Vocabulary is to the Chinese learners as building materials are to the architect. Therefore , it is necessary for our students to acquire a large vocabulary. Theoretically , the larger ones English vocabulary is , the more competent one will be in his language learning. Without a large English vocabulary ,no one can claim a good command of English. Yet in order to enlarge the vocabulary and overcome the inefficient approaches in learning process , the writer gives some suggestions in the following , hoping they will be helpful to our students in expanding their English vocabulary.2. Some Students Problems in Learning EnglishSome students complain that although they have learned English for many years , they are still incompetent in speaking , writing , listening and reading. They cannot read English books in the original. They have difficulties in reading English newspapers and magazines. And they fail the examinations , such as CET - Six and TEM Four or Eight. If they want to go abroad to pursue further education , they need to prepare for TOFEL , GRE or IELTS. Of course , lack of enough vocabulary is the main problem for their failure in the exams and their incompetence in using English. They worry excessively about their insufficient vocabulary. So memorizing English words seems to be the major activity among the students of English. Many of them put the accumulation of English vocabulary above everything else in the learning process. You can see our students buy numerous vocabulary books from the bookstore. They spend enormous amounts of time and energy in memorizing the inventory of vocabulary books ,even occasionally attempting to learn the dictionary by heart in order to expand their vocabulary. I dont think it a proper way to do so. Perhaps for a short period of time they might achieve a rapid growth of vocabulary , and for them the words are” easy come and easy go”. They can neither be long retained nor correctly used , because the methods they use to learn words are just straight translation or rote learning. There is no context about the new words , and they dont know how to use them correctly. Even if they know the word in such a way , it does not help to form in the mind wide associations with other words nor adds depths to the memory. That is why some of the students consider that the reward is very little. Some students have difficulties in communicating with other people. Sometimes they want to say something , but they cant express themselves. They appear awkwardly silent at times because they cant understand what others say. The major reason is their limited vocabulary , so if our students want to communicate with others well , to enlarge their vocabulary is extremely urgent. In writing the students always rack their brains to use the correct words. It is a pity that they have no clear idea about the use of words in the composition . Even though they memorize the words , they are not certain about the spelling. In that case , they dont know what they have written even when they finish writing a composition. The reason is that they dont master the English words well.In short , the problems mentioned above are caused by their in2sufficient vocabulary. What our students need to do is to expand their vocabulary. It is estimated that most of college students have vocabulary problems and they look for a shortcut to enlarge their vocabulary.3. Suggestions on English Vocabulary Learning3. 1 Extensive reading is the best way to acquire a larger vocabulary It is greatly helpful to read widely for English learners. We teachers should encourage our students to read as much as possible , and encourage them to have more English words input through extensive reading and take notes of well - written phrases , sentences or paragraphs while reading , and encourage them try to imitate and use them later. Only with more input stored in their mind , can they learn English well.3. 2 Learning new words and expressions from the contextIn English learning , I dont think it a proper way to spend much of the time memorizing the inventory in the vocabulary books. In fact , only some words at elementary level can be learned out of the context , while many other words at higher levels should be ac2quired within the context , so learning new words and expressions in the context is very important. Any time you learn something in the context , you understand it better , and remember it longer , especially at college stage. In the writers opinion that might be one of the rea2sons why some students who learn and memorize the inventory in the vocabulary books , feel that such a way turns out to be far less competent at using English than they had expected to. Therefore the students should be encouraged to read extensively and learn new words and expressions in the context. It is far from adequate to just cover the text books intensively , they should be guided to read English newspapers , English journals and simplified English novels , and other textbooks , such as New Concept English , Integrated Skills of English by Yu Shumei , and College English by Zhou Shuanfeng. While reading these textbooks , students are sure to find out that the vocabulary is easier to be memorized in the context.3. 3 Using the new words and expressions as much as possible It is a good way to write new sentences , make up stories by using as many new words as possible and read texts that contain those new words , and purposely use the words in conversation with native speakers. As to reading texts , the more words youre exposed , the larger vocabulary you will have , because most vocabulary words are learned from the context. While reading , our students should pay close attention to words they dont know. They should first try to figure out their meanings from the context , then look the words up in the dictionary and finally learn to use them. Our students should read and listen to challenging materials so that they will be exposed to many new words.3. 4 Association is also an effective method to expand your vocabularyNattingger once said : ”To know the meaning of a word becomes the task of knowing its associations with other words.” Memorizing and mastering lexical items in association with other words have proved to be effective. Take company for example. We can associate it with other words , such as accompany v.陪同 ,伴随 ; companion.同伴 ,共事者 ,伴侣 ; accompanied by 由 伴随 ; accompanied with附加 ; in the company of 在 的陪同下 ; keep company with与 交往 ,结伴 ; keep sb. company陪伴某人.Besides , motivation is also a very important factor to enrich our vocabulary. Only when our students have a strong desire to build up their vocabulary , can they make prominent progress.3. 5 Adjusting the learning approaches and learning attitudeEnglish learning in middle school is different from college English learning. The former is always examination - oriented and exercise - based and the students are motivated because they can know the progress in learning English. But at the college stage , the students are supposed to obtain some knowledge about English , includ2ing their vocabulary , sentences , structures and usages. Their abili2ties to listen , speak , read , write and translate are being trained and developed at college stage. What they desperately lack is the skills tousle the language they are learning. In the writers opinion , It is important for us teachers to teach our students “how to learn “instead of “what to learn” at this stage. The students purpose in learning English is the effective use of English in social communication and in their future careers. So the most important thing is that teachers should provide good guidance while students should adopt proper learning approaches and correct attitudes toward their English learning. 4. ConclusionVocabulary is of great importance , and it is like building materials to us English learners. In the efforts to expand our vocabulary ,we need to adopt proper ways and methods , such as extensive reading , learning new words and expressions in the context , and using new words and expressions as much as possible , association and motivation. In all kinds of other learning activities we need to provide chances to recall our knowledge of encountered words and chances to come across new ones. We teachers should not only guide our students in the right direction , but also do what we can to help our students to expand their vocabulary.References1. Nattinger. J . 1988 Some Current trends in VocabularyTeaching London : Longman Press2. Garner. M. 2003 Building a Better Vocabulary Cambridge :Cambridge University Press3. Ji Hongwei J 2004 A new Role For Vocabulary in college English Teaching ELT in China : Beijing Foreign Language Teaching And Research Press5


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