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办公室管理部门推行课件1Total Productive MaintenanceOFFICE 办公室办公室办公室管理部门推行课件2 ProcessCertificationQCPCRoot Cause /CorrectiveActionSet-UpReductionStandardWorkMistakeProofingMarketFeedbackAnalysis6SQualityClinic ActivityTotal Productive Maintenance ACE Office Qualifying Level TPM办公室管理部门推行课件3 程序验证程序验证全面性生产全面性生产维护维护质量诊断程序质量诊断程序图表图表根本原因根本原因修正行动修正行动减少生产减少生产准备准备标准化标准化作业作业防误措施防误措施市场反馈市场反馈分析分析6S质量诊断质量诊断活动活动全面生产性维护 ACE 办公室合格水平 办公室管理部门推行课件4Total Productive Maintenance is an equipment management strategy that improves equipment efficiency.全面生产性维护是一种设备管理策略以提高设备效率。Or, in other words.Treating the equipment like it is your own!或者,换句话说.对待设备就象它是你自己的一样!TPM 全面生产性维护办公室管理部门推行课件5TPM Key Concept TPM的重要概念 Left neglected. Equipment Breaks Down 如果不重视设备很快就会坏TPMs focus is to prevent problems before equipment breaks.TPM 的焦点是要在设备出故障以前以前防止问题出现。In the past, maintenance focusedon fixing equipment after it broke.过去,维护工作总是集中在设备坏了以后对其进行修理。办公室管理部门推行课件6Total Productive Maintenance is a New Way of Working全面生产性维护是一种全新的工作方式全面生产性维护是一种全新的工作方式办公室管理部门推行课件7A failure is just thetip of the iceberg!Hidden Defects隐藏的问题隐藏的问题Failures故障故障Wear, play, slackness, leakage, dust, dirt, corrosion, deformation, adherence of raw materials,surface damage, cracking, overheating, vibration, noise, and other abnormalities.磨损、松驰、泄露、灰尘、污垢、腐蚀变磨损、松驰、泄露、灰尘、污垢、腐蚀变形、原材料粘黏、表面磨损、裂缝、过热形、原材料粘黏、表面磨损、裂缝、过热、震动、噪音及其它不正常现象。、震动、噪音及其它不正常现象。Tip of the Iceberg冰山的顶端办公室管理部门推行课件8ComponentFailure部件失灵Typical Causes of Equipment Breakdown典型的设备故障原因Failure to replace toner更换墨盒失败Paper jam卡纸I wonder whatsgoing to fail next?我想下面还会出什么我想下面还会出什么问题呢?问题呢?Dirt and contamination灰尘和污染Out of paper缺纸办公室管理部门推行课件9TPM Benefits TPM的益处 Reduced maintenance costs 减少维护费用 Breakdown maintenance is 10 times more costly than planned maintenance 故障维修费用是有计划进行维护费用的10倍以上 Enhanced safety 提高安全性 Find exposed wires, open belts, missing guards, loose hardware 发现暴露在外的电线、松开的安全带、缺少防护、松开的部件 Reduced waste 减少浪费 Prevents loss of lubricant, compressed air 防止润滑油、压缩空气的浪费 Improved quality 提高品质 Equipment more capable of holding tolerance 设备抗性增强 Less down time, longer life缩短停工时间,寿命更长办公室管理部门推行课件10TPM Qualifying Criteria (Business Process/Office)3 ACE Element Awareness Training for all employeeso Equipment assessment A,B & Co PM plan for 100% of category “A” equipmentWhats Aheado BRONZE TPM CRITERIAo Implement PM Plano Track downtime history for vital machineso Process Managemento Identify Key Processeso Identify Waste Elimination OpportunitiesQualifyingAwareness &Baseline办公室管理部门推行课件11TPM 合格标准 (商业程序/办公室)3 ACE 内容内容认知培训,针对所有员工认知培训,针对所有员工o A,B & C类类设备评估设备评估o 所所有有“A”类设备的类设备的PM计划计划前面前面是什么?是什么?o 铜铜牌牌TPM标准标准o 执执行行PM计划计划o 追追溯重要机器的停工历史记录溯重要机器的停工历史记录o 程序程序管理管理o 确定确定关键程序关键程序o 确定确定浪费消减方法浪费消减方法合格合格认认知知 &基基线线办公室管理部门推行课件12Sullair Safety Lockout Program Procedure寿力安全设备锁定计划程序Lockout Procedures:锁定程序:Actions necessary to lockout a power source of any machine to be repaired, serviced or set-up, where unexpected motion, or an electrical or other energy source, would cause personal injury or equipment damage.在任何机器的电源需要修理、维护或准备的地方都必须进行锁定,否则意外的动作或其它电源将会引起人身的伤害或设备的损坏。Lockout Tag:锁定标签办公室管理部门推行课件13NEVER ACCEPT LOCKOUTS KEYS FROM ANYONE.决不要从它人处接受锁定设备的钥匙。决不要从它人处接受锁定设备的钥匙。THE ASSOCIATE RESPONSIBLE FOR APPLYING THE LOCK OR TAG IS THE ONLY PERSON AUTHORIZED TO REMOVE THE LOCK OR TAG.唯唯有经授权负责运用锁或标签的人员可以拿掉该锁或标签。有经授权负责运用锁或标签的人员可以拿掉该锁或标签。Lockout/Tagout Review:锁定锁定/ /标识检查标识检查办公室管理部门推行课件14ACTION ITEM 1: Assess All Equipment活动活动内容内容1:评估所有设备:评估所有设备By “Equipment” we mean any machine that was a capital expense and has a depreciative value. Or any machine that is important to your cell.所谓“设备”是指任何花费了资金并会贬值的机器。或任何对你的部门重要的机器。We Categorize all Equipment based on how Unique and Critical it is to ensure we focus attention on the right equipment first. Pay special attention to bottleneck equipment.我们根据设备的独特性和重要性对所有设备进行分类,以确保我们的注意力首先放在正确的设备上。对瓶颈设备给予特殊的关注。办公室管理部门推行课件15?ACTION ITEM 1: Assess All Equipment(cont.) 活动活动内容内容1:评估所有设备:评估所有设备(待续)(待续) Critical equipment for which an alternate machine is not feasible, because:不能用其它设备替代的关键设备,因为: No alternate exists, or无替代设备,或 The alternate is usually unavailable due to utilization, or该替代设备通常正被使用而不能获得,或 It would be too costly/time consuming to transition to the alternate太贵/需花太多时间进行替换 Equipment for which it is relatively easy to find a replacement or alternate相对容易用其它设备替代的设备 Includes most off-the-shelf equipment包括最常用的设备 Typically cost $2,500费用低于$2,500 Standard spare parts (like drive motors) are available off-the-shelf可获得的常用标准备件(如驱动马达) All other equipment/machines所有其它设备/机器办公室管理部门推行课件16In addition to machine category, create a table listing all machines and additional categories, such as: 除了机器分类,还应作一表格列出所有机器和附加类别,如: Item description/ID number 物品物品描述描述/ID号号 Category 种类种类 Item Owner 物品物品主人主人Identify equipments title holder and a “local” owner if appropriate确定确定设备名义上的拥有者及一设备名义上的拥有者及一“本地本地”主人,如有必要的话主人,如有必要的话 Department managers signature 部门部门经理的签名经理的签名ACTION ITEM 1: Assess All Equipment(cont.) 活动活动内容内容1:评估所有设备:评估所有设备(待续)(待续)Department ManagerCategory A/B/C List A/B/C类类清单清单CopierEpson PrinterAir conditionerPersonal Comp.Personal Comp.Personal Comp.Personal Comp.BCACCCCUser NameUser NameUser NameUser NameUser NameUser NameUser NameCo. NameCo. NameCo. NameCo. Name Co. NameCo. NameCo. Name435653217e76544082318921802345 Item物品 ID# Category类型 Title Holder名义主人 Local Owner本地主人办公室管理部门推行课件17Example: Office Equipment Assessment WorksheetTotal Productive Maintenance, Office Equipment Assessment WorksheetNote:Evaluation for machine only. Not for networksEquipment nameDept.Equipment ID #Responsible IndividualProductivity1. How often is the equipment used each day? 80% or above5 50-80%3 50% or below22. Is there backup/alternate equipment available? No (one of a kind)5 Yes (another dept.)3 Yes (in dept)13. To what extent will a failure of this equipment affect other office processes? Stops entire dept. process5 . Do other processes run through this equipment? Slows other dept. processes4 Only affects this machine14. To what extent will a failure of this equipment affect on-time delivery? Decisively5 Somewhat2 Not Significantly1Quality5. How will the processes run on this equipment affect final quality of theDecisively5 finished product / service?Somewhat2Not significantly1Maintenance6. What is the average monthly cost of repairs to this equipment?$1000 or more5$0 - $10004Service Contract27. What is the average time it takes to repair this equipment?Over 3 hours5 (Help desk response, if applicable)1 - 3 hours40 - 1 hour2Safety, Environment, Housekeeping8. Do safety enhancements need to be applied? Does the equipment need a housekeeping schedule?Both answers are “yes”5One answer is “yes”3“A” Machine: 32-40none are yes0“B” Machine: 22-31Machine Category: Total Score:“C” Machine: 21 or less办公室管理部门推行课件18范例: 办公室设备评估 工作表全面生产性维护, 办公室设备评估工作表注意:仅用于机器评估。 不用于网络系统。设备名称部门设备ID #负责人员生产力1. 该设备第日使用有多频繁? 80% 或以上5 50-80%3 50% 或以下22. 有可用的后备/替代设备吗? 没有 (其中一种)5 是的 (另一部门)3 是的 (部门内)13. 该设备失灵会在多大范围内影响其它设备? 阻滞了整个部门的运行5 . 其它设备的运行经过该设备吗? 减慢了其它部门的运行4 只影响到这台机器14. 该设备的失灵会在多大范围内影响正在进行的发送? 很明显地5 有些2 不明显1品质5. 该设备的运行将怎样影响产品/服务的最终品质? 很明显5有些2不明显1维护6. 每月花在修理该设备上的平均费用有多少?$1000 或以上5$0 - $10004售后服务27. 平均花多少时间修理该设备?3小时以上5 (Help desk response, if applicable)1 - 3 小时40 - 1 小时2安全、环境和内务管理8. 需要增加安全性吗? 该设备需要内务管理进度表吗?答案都是“是” 5一个答案是“是”3“A” 类机器:32-40没有答案是“是”0“B” 类机器:22-31 机器机器类型类型: 总总分分:“C” 类机器:21 或更少办公室管理部门推行课件19 ACTION ITEM 2: PM Plan on 100% “A”活动活动内容内容2:针对所有:针对所有A类机器的类机器的PM计划计划 Operator PM defined for 100% of Category A machines. 为所有A类机器制定操作员PMqDetermine if there are any “A” machines in your areaq确定你的工作区域是否有A类机器qIf there are, there must be a PM plan:q如果有,应有一个PM计划:qIn-house 内部qOutside Contractor 外部合约人Rev: BRevision Date: 3/ 25/98Operator Preventive Maintenance Service CardMachine: Okuma LC-30, 4 Axis, BT # 3054Daily PM Tasks1. Check running sight.2. Check and fill Waylube: Vactra 2.3. Check tramp oil and scrounger. Empty tramp oil if required.4. Check and fill coolant: PML 9333.Weekly PM Tasks: Do Daily tasks and the following:1. Check and fill spindle lube: DTE 24.2. Check and fill air lubricator: DTE 24. (Shut off and drain air to fill)3. Check motor fan filter (Change if necessary): Cat. # 030058.4. Check and fill hydraulic tank: DTE 24.5. Check roll filter (Change if needed): Cat. # 027793.Monthly PM Tasks: Do all tasks on this sheet.1. Grease chuck fittings, 1 shot.2. Grease 1 fitting, 2 shots, both turrets.3. Clean air filter.4. Change air filter: Cat. # 021183.办公室管理部门推行课件20 ACTION ITEM 2:PM Schedule on 50% A&B(contd) 活动活动内容内容2:针对:针对50%A和和B类机器的类机器的PM进度表进度表(待续)(待续)Following is highly recommended to make Operator PM effective: 强烈强烈推荐推荐跟进以确保操作员PM的实施:Use a “Visible at-a-glance” system (Such as a color-coded PM Status board) within the work area to indicate the actual status of “Operator PM” tasks. 使用一眼就能看见的系统 (如使用颜色代码PM状态板) 在单元中表明“操作员PM”任务的实际状态Must be easy to understandNo book or folder to read必须容易理解无需翻书或文件夹AREA:_ - OPERATOR PM STATUS BOARDMonth:_Required PMsDateMachine NameBrass Tag #DailyWeeklyMonthly12345678910Daily = Task #1in PM LogsWeekly = Task #2 in PM Logs (to be done every Wednesday)Monthly = Task #3 in PM Logs (to be performed every 2nd Wednesday of the month)Machine Not Operated or PM Not RequiredEquipment Breakdown办公室管理部门推行课件21What is next?下一步是什么?Complete TPM training of your work group by March 7, 20012001年3月7日前你的工作组应完成TPM培训Before the end of February, look for a groupwiseannouncement of a “Drivers” Meeting to discussthe necessary resources and logistics for completingqualifying TPM activities在2月底以前,宣布召开“领导层”会议,讨论必要的资源和后勤以帮助完成取得合格资格的TPM活动办公室管理部门推行课件22We want a company that reveres people who design, build and maintain things that never break, rather than people who fix things that break. George DavidUTC Chairman and CEO我们希望公司尊敬那些设计、建造并维持不会坏我们希望公司尊敬那些设计、建造并维持不会坏的东西的人们,而不是那些修理会坏的东西的人们。的东西的人们,而不是那些修理会坏的东西的人们。 George DavidUTC Chairman and CEOSummary 小结办公室管理部门推行课件23Total Productive MaintenanceOFFICE 办公办公室室办公室管理部门推行课件


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